• expired

Amazon AU: up to 10% Cashback for All Categories Including 5% For Video Games @ ShopBack


Cashback on every category including video games! Stack this with the $3 bonus (min spend $10).

Note - items added to cart before clicking through from ShopBack are not eligible for Cashback.


Can I use a gift card to pay?
Yes (provided you are buying eligible items). Amazon credit (eg. Promotional Credit) on the other hand will not make you eligible. Refer to Notes under the T&Cs here(shopback.com.au).

Can I buy multiple items in the one transaction to add up to the $10 minimum spend?

Can I buy items from multiple sellers?
Yes if it’s within one transaction (same cart). Do ensure you empty your cart first, then only add everything to your cart after clicking through ShopBack.

Can I buy items from Amazon US/UK etc?
Yes if the transaction is completed via Amazon AU.

Can I pre-order?
Yes if the item is shipped within 60 days of purchase.

Jewellery 10.00%
Amazon Devices (Includes Echo, Fire TV & Tablet, Kindle, Ring Smart Security, Eero Mesh Wi-Fi) 10.00%
Shoes, Handbags, Wallets, Sunglasses & Accessories 10.00%
Apparel 10.00%
Baby (Includes Strollers, Car Seats, Car Seats, Safety Equipment) 7.50%
Health, Household Products & Personal Care (Includes Electronic Personal Care, Laundry, Supplement, Cleaning Supplies) 7.50%
Home Entertaiment (Includes TVs, Projectors, Sound Bars, Home Theatre Systems, Amplifiers) 7.50%
Kitchen & Dining 7.50%
Mobile Phones & Wearable Tech (Includes Smartwatches, Fitness Trackers, Dashcams, Tablets, Navigation) 7.50%
Physical Books 7.50%
Automotive (Includes Car Care, Tools & equipments, Oil & Fluids, Motorbike Accessories) 7.50%
Beauty (Includes Haircare & Hair Styling, Makeup, Fragrances, Manicures)
Home (Includes Bed Bath, Decor, Storage & Organisation, Heaters, Fans, Vacuum Cleaners, Mattresses, Furniture) 7.50%
Home Improvement ( Includes Kitchen & Bath, Electrical, Smart Lights, Fans, Hardware ) 7.50%
Pet Food & Supplies 7.50%
Lawn & Gardening 7.50%
Luggage & Backpacks 7.50%
Premium Beauty 7.50%
Hardware Tools 7.50%
Sports & Outdoors 7.50%
Watches 7.50%
Office Products 7.50%
Alcohol (Includes Wine, Beer & Spirits, Pre-Mixed Drinks) 7.50%
Camera, Camera Bags, Binoculars 5.00%
Electronics (Includes Bluetooth Speakers, Headphones, Speakers) 5.00%
Pantry Food & Drinks 5.00%
Toys (Includes Baby Toys)5.00%
Musical Instruments 5.00%
Computers (Includes Desktops, Laptops, Computer Bags, Monitors, Accessories, Storage, Network) 5.00%
Video Games 5.00%
DVD & Blu-Ray 5.00%
Physical Music (Includes CDs, Records, Cassette Tapes) 5.00%

Referral Links

Referral: random (3575)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU
Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • Would this work on pre order games?

    • don't see why not?

      • Cool thanks. Will get Spiderman and demon souls 😎

    • +1

      yes, if the release day is within 60 days

    • I noticed on the Amazon app (Android) for pre orders, they removed the preorder add to cart button. It's just preorder now which goes straight to the payment part without adding to cart. I think this might void the tracking for shopback… The only way around it I found was to add to wishlist, and then from wishlist when you click preorder, it adds it to your cart. Hopefully this works for the tracking.

  • will this work for CP2077 ?

    • +10

      The reply directly above yours from lawbee says:

      yes, if the release day is within 60 days.

      So that counts CP2077 way out. You'd need to order sometime in May or June 2021 or 2022 for CP2077 to be within 2 months of releasing.

  • +7

    hope cashrewards matches soon

  • wow,do not know what else to say

  • +4

    YES! just re-preordered hyrule warriors to get CB

  • +1

    Computers… Oml.

  • +1

    Prime day purchase still show up as calculating. This guys seems have trouble with promotional cash back % bump

    • it's been almost 1 month, normally that calculating means "will be rejected" . better talk to them now.

  • +3

    Cancelled order, order again.

    • +1


      • +1

        Just be aware the algorithm doesn't miss it and no need to guess what Amazon may do .

        • Cancelled and reordered and ShopBack tracked it as $0..😕

  • 5% cashback of a Quest 2 too?

  • +1

    finally got electronics included.

    • +1

      Yes, this is what I'm looking at. 5% though.
      EDIT: I've just had a look on Cashrewards and they currently have 4% on electronics for Amazon Au. (For those who prefer Cashrewards?)

  • From when to when?

  • Is a product shipped and sold by Amazon UK via Amazon AU eligible for cashback?

  • How long is this for?

    • There is an expiry date listed above for this deal. It's midnight AEDT, so just less than 24 hours.

      • Ok cool. Thanks

  • Must resist ordering 6 packs of Tim tams cashback and bonus $3….

  • +1

    Shopback becoming popular again.

    • +6

      Memories shorten each and every time a few $$$ are flashed in front of our faces - they know us too well.

  • Is there a cap to the cashback, or is this simply boosting the standard cashback?

  • Does cashback work if paid with gift card?

    • +1

      I’m surprised….in the notes section of shopback:
      “Cashback is only payable on order value (excluding taxes, shipping and packaging costs) and is valid on orders paid with gift cards (not orders with Amazon credit)”

  • Does it have to be shipped and sold by Amazon AU(/US/UK), or do any vendors work?

    Also, are multiple purchases during the promotion period okay?

    • yep amazon us and uk is appealing if it works

  • All good if it's working. I still have 6 Amazon transactions with the status Enquire which should have been confirmed a while ago. Lately there's so many errors, it seems the cashback looks like a lottery!

  • Do PC parts from UK track?

  • Is this permanent or just for click frenzy?

  • Does anyone know if electronics include PS4 DualShock? Thanks.

  • +1

    Ring Fit becomes $99 after CB… not bad!!

  • Made a purchase last night still not tracked…

  • +4

    Decent cashback, looks like they are trying to rebuild their base after this debacle ShopBack Data Breach

  • and i just bought a new phone on the evening of 08 November :(

  • Do the new Ryzen CPUs come under computer? The only parts thats confusing is the (Includes Desktops, Laptops, Computer Bags, Monitors, Accessories, Storage, Network) , are these just examples or the only things included under this category?

  • +1

    Hmmm use this or wait for Black Friday?

  • +1

    Anyone wants to drop me/pm me their referral code? I haven't used shopback before and looking to buy something before this ends.

    • nevermind, I found out how to get the referral link :)

  • +2

    All of my Cashback reports have come back as $0 in the email and “Calculating” in the app. This a problem? (All video games die for release in the next few days).

    • +1

      I just got the same email with $0 cashback for the books I bought, which were meant to be 7.50% cashback.

      • +1

        Same: I also just received $0 cashback for item that is meant to be 7.5% (Home Improvement).
        If no 7.5% then I need to cancel as can get it cheaper (& quicker) direct from supplier compared to Amazon shipping. Have email their helpdesk. Hopefully they will reply before being shipped.

        LATE EDIT: Email to [email protected] bounced back saying not a valid email! Anyone know a Valid email for them?

    • +1

      Same issue for pre-order for a Friday release game.

      Email is $0 and app says calculating so I’ve forwarded it on to their help team.

      • What email address did you forward to? [email protected] (noted on the bottom of the notification email) bounced back for me.

        • +1

          Yep sent to that and it worked with an auto reply

          • @Jdh: Thanks for confirming. I spotted my error, when copying I incl a fullstop at the end and the reason for Bounce Back. [email protected] worked.

            • @Borg: UPDATE: They were quick to reply and sorted issue out and now shows correct amount.

    • yeah same here, bought something from the 'Electronics' category which was in stock and should be 5.00% cb. The $3 challenge in "Challenges & Rewards" shows the status as completed and reward pending.

    • Same here.

    • Same

    • Update: the amounts have been updated in my app.

  • I've not had to check SB often but have had to double check recently, too many errors lately, I too am receiving 0% cash back.

  • +1

    $0.00 cashback?

  • +1

    I just got a $0.00 from buying baby formula? But on my husbands account, nappies tracked both the Amazon purchase and the bonus..

  • Also getting several $0 cashback from supposedly valid categories (video games, books and pantry)

  • More a FYI: I suspect a Shopback issue which they are in the middle of sorting. If you received an email saying $0 Cashback perhaps check tomorrow in your account. I emailed them and was sorted very quickly.
    Perhaps email if no change showing in your account by tomorrow?

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