A new offer for anyone looking to move to Superloop… this time:
$15 off for 6 months only available for NBN 25/5 Unlimited Plan, NBN 100/20 Unlimited Plan, and NBN 100/40 Unlimited Plan.
$20 off for 6 months only available for NBN 50/20 Unlimited Plan, NBN 250/25 Unlimited plan, and NBN 1000/50 3TB data plan.
Must be a new customer. Use appropriate coupon code above.
Pricing added to the title for the snowflake neggers - difficult to cram in now merged.
T&Cs: https://www.superloop.com/documents/legal/SuperloopHBB_Whist…
T&C's: https://www.superloop.com/documents/legal/SuperloopHBB_Whist…
Mod 12/11: New code SLCXMAS20 available appears to give the same prices, the coupon should automatically apply, please report if any issues or it stops working.
For those like me that want speed but don't download huge quantities of data, the Whistleout15FOR6 code also applies to the 500GB plan making it $70/month for 100/40.