This range of yoghurt is currently 40% off, making it cheaper per 100g than even Woolworths brand yoghurt.
Varieties are natural, French Vanilla, blueberry, and Luscious Berries.
This range of yoghurt is currently 40% off, making it cheaper per 100g than even Woolworths brand yoghurt.
Varieties are natural, French Vanilla, blueberry, and Luscious Berries.
You're "associated" so you should know.
in your dreams kid
It just means lots of sugar but no specific flavour added
Greek Yoghurt is what you want if you want closer to "natural"
What about Turkish organic yogurt? - even more natural because the origin/name is from Near East ;)
The ozbargainer in me could not resist the deal so I bought it.
It is not good at all. It is based on dry milk powder and lots of sugar. Only 2% fat in the creamy one.
Unhealthy, not tasty.
I got the Luscious Berries flavour and was pretty happy! It's lower in calories than most yoghurt which is the most important part for me right now but obviously to each their own :) I found it creamy enough for a fruity, well priced yoghurt to go with lunch.
I guess the point is that they use very cheap ingredients. It is not fair to compare it to Jalna natural yoghurt, for example. It is funny how such different products can be named the same ("yoghurt").
How do you know they use cheap ingredients?
There is no sugar in the ingredients in the above linked (creamy natural) variety.
The image shows 7.4G sugar per 100G…
it’s definitely on the high side for “natural yoghurt” but below 14G of “low fat”
The aldi version of it (brand yoguri) is my go-to and always $5 for 900g
They always try to compensate low fat with lots of sugar to try and imporve the taste. Gustibus et coloribus non disputandum but to me it tastes terrible.
I don't remember this phrase from my schoolboy Latin but I think the English idiom is something like each to his own in matters of taste.
if its based on milk powder aldi has one with no added sugar + added bacteria for $3 everyday price
Vaalia contains the special combination of 3 probiotics including LGG and BB-12.
LGG probiotic can help strengthen your immune system.*
BB-12 probiotic and dietary fibre for digestive support.*incl. L. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus GG).
Which other Yoghurts have the above probiotics?
I really like the taste of this Vaalia natural yoghurt and would eat more of it if the sugar content was less than 5%. I also really liked the taste of a low fat Jalna natural yoghurt which I haven't seen anywhere for quite some time, so I assume it's been discontinued. I see Jalna full fat and Jalna fat free natural yoghurts, and have even tried blending them, but that doesn't work for me.
The berries flavour will always have sugar, as it has fruit. Also the lactose for lactobacillus cultures to grow. In fairness, some people do eat yoghurt thinking it's good for them. Some yoghurts are shockers. This still has some added sugar. Prefer this over Stevia and the other 'natural' sweeteners though. At the end of the day almost everything ends up as a type of sugar anyway. Enjoy it and burn it off.
take my vote for the price comparison
‘natural’ what des that mean exactly?
poisons can be natural.
foling the unwary into thinking is organic.
decent deal but theorganic 5am is $5 till wed at ww ( 5.40 at the pseudo ww stores.