-Award winning SynchroGUIDE sequential warning lamp taper guide technology
-Proven to improve driver recognition of the merging taper
-Intelligent wireless technology - no wires
-Always ready for simple quick deployment -
activates as soon as it’s dropped on the cone
-Emergency services and utilities favourite
-Deploy in any order - no master or slave
-Can be used with the 6V High Performance Air
Alkaline battery
Flashing Beacon Light for Traffic Cone (Cone Not Included) $11 + Delivery (Save $308) @ Seton

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People who paid $319 got Con
nedSo 319 is probably the price for government and councils? I guess it goes to show where our tax money went.
Been waiting for this! Sweet
These were free when I was a kid.
Ahh yes, bigger and heavier tho :)
My first ones still had a wick!
How did they flash?
@Russ: They didn't. They just had an oil reservoir to keep them lit for hours. They look just like these ones - https://www.ebay.co.uk/b/Road-Lamp/4128/bn_55211799
@banana365: Ah, okay. I thought they might use the heat from the flame to somehow block the light, sort of like angel chimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_chimes
Nice find
So they automatically flash in a smooth sequence in one direction no matter which order you set up the lights? That sounds pretty cool.
- The cone is not included
- the standard price is $10.30 + GST, see page 334 of their own catalogue
$10.30 looks to be for the non-Synchro ones
It does appear to be just the light, no cone
No cone included.
These businesses must hate OzBargain. We all jump on, buying them then refunding when we realise no cones attached.Pretty ridiculous RRP.
I think whoever set this site up has been punching too many cones.no master or slave
What about a whip ?
Cone Not Included
Waits patiently for 4:20pm…
Great to alert someone to update their VLC player!
no master or slave
slavessubordinates tell me it’s now “primary and secondary”Looks pretty cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjodMAs0Xdo
And okay, not $300 each, but other people seem to think £59.95 is reasonable (non syncro is £11)
No cone? Looks like I'll be flogging one then.
Can these be used on bicycle helmet as safety light?
anyone's halloween costume sorted?
If anyone is looking for cones, I know a guy.
Check Inbox
I really want to buy a few but I have no use for it….
just need a cone deal for my flashing cone light now
Isn't VLC player free?
This is pretty horrible
save $308 - wtf