This was posted 4 years 5 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off All Tefal Cookware @ Spotlight (Instore, Free C&C in Selected VIC Stores or + Delivery)


Ends this Sunday. Not sure why no one has posted it.
C&C only available in VIC

Spotlight is the only store that stock Tefal made in France non stick saucepan other than Amazon
the ones in TGG/BigW/Myer are made in China, a big NO

Tefal plays marketing tricks when it comes to where the pan is made
If you see the French flag on the package, that's great
Otherwise, when it tells you nothing, no flags no words at all, it's always made in China, second grade product
you may want to check the bottom of the pan
it shows made in France if it is

An example of bargain: this made in France 4 Piece Saucepan Set is cheaper than Amazon…

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Spotlight Australia

closed Comments

  • Cheers,
    Been after a new ingenio set for ages!

  • Dang, no titanium series :(

  • +3

    Time to go through out all my Tefals that I bought at Coles.
    Thanks I learned something today.

    • you may want to check the bottom of your pans
      it show made in france if it is

    • I've had a couple of Tefals go bad over the years and tossed them. I didn't know about this difference, but the only Tefal left that is still going strong is a France one, go figure (just checked lol).

      • +2

        I don't think it makes a difference. I've been through a couple of Made In France frying pans.

    • What about made in Finland? Any thoughts on the quality of those?

  • +1

    No stainless booo

  • Can anyone recommend a good wok for Cantonese stir fry dishes which can produce "wok air"?

    Is there any tefel fry pans that are good for steaks?


    • +7

      definitely not a non stick pan
      non stick is only suitable for 200-220C
      too weak for a Cantonese cook
      the non stick coating is harmful to human body under the use of excessive heat

      • ahhh thanks, that's great to know

        What are non stick pan good for then?

        • +1

          Cooking at lower heat generally. With the exception of stir fry, many foods should be cooked with medium heat.

          For stir fry you generally use a cast iron wok (high thermal mass) if you're trying to be as authentic as possible. That said, it's very hard to get good wok hei at home anyway, as without a commercial setup it is hard to get the wok hot enough.

          Alternatively you could use non stick, small batches, medium heat etc, if you're just after a "good enough" result.

        • Eggs (fried, scrambled, omelettes etc.), fish, pancakes, crepes. Bacon and sausages are ok. They are not good at browning raw meat.

      • +1

        Wrong information.

        Non-stick pans are not proven to be harmful to humans.
        PFOA, yes it is a carcogen, but so is alcohol, smoke, red meat, bbq food, even the air you breathe.

        Teflon, there is no proof that its harmful, and even then the amount in pans are minimal.
        break down after 300C


        • +2

          Food contact with Teflon is fine, eating Teflon is bad, thus if it's flaking off you have to get rid of the pan.

        • +1

          Cooking with teflon at high heat does however damage the coating and its non stick properties. Damaging cookware in Chinese culture is an unforgivable sin.

        • Thank you.
          These are the same wowsers who wear a mask while driving alone in their car or riding their bike in the fresh air.

        • They use Teflon for some surgical implants, it's non reactive …. If you eat it you poop it out … can't digest it ….

    • Think you might be after wok hei. Unless this is somehow Michael Jordan related.

      • +1

        Yes I am, I just translated into english. The "hei" means air in English

    • +12

      Should ask uncle Roger

    • +2

      You can’t really get wok hei in most western home kitchens. Even the “wok burners” on virtually all gas cooktops don’t get hot enough. If you’re serious about getting wok hei, one solution I highly recommend is a separate outdoor wok burner that hooks up to a gas bottle. I have one of these and it’s awesome.

      If that’s too full on for you, get a flat bottom carbon steel wok and cook on the hottest burner you have in small batches. You can still make decent Asian stir fries, but you’ll only get a tiny hint of wok hei.

      • so its not possible to get wok hei even if on a gas stove at home??

        • No Imo, the stove is not strong enough
          You will need something like this

        • +1

          I’ve seen videos on YouTube where a blowtorch is used to apply a direct flame to the top of the wok. The whole video (the whole channel, really) is very informative, but the key part starts at 8 minutes. That trick would definitely help, although I’ve never tried it myself.

          But yeah, other than that, you’re not getting much wok hei at home. Only if your gas stove is extremely powerful, like a restaurant stove or the absolute best consumer stoves.

          • @Franckel: oh wow that pretty awesome. I didn't know wok hei is generated by tossing the food over the flame, I thought it came from the wok itself haha.

            Thanks for sharing, btw do you know what type of wok is that on video?

            • @Homr: I don’t. Nearly all of my woks have been unbranded, bought in person at an Asian store. They are much cheaper and I can inspect the wok and find what I’m looking for.

              And yes, wok hei is generated by oil and bits of food burning and vaporising. With a wok burner, food is tossed over the high flame, which instantly ignites the oil. Normal gas burners aren’t hot enough and their flame isn’t tall enough for this to consistently occur.

  • Is there any distinct difference on the product, or only the package? And what are the differences, do you have a source?

    • Please refer to my above comment

      • +1

        What makes the french made ones better? If they are the same product, the manufacturing process should be the same

        • They don't make the same product. Different product lines

          • @AsukaST: What does this mean?
            If I want a particular product are you saying I don't get to choose the country of manufacture? In which case, I don't understand the point of this post.

    • Probably not. All non sticks need do be replaced overtime. Expensive non sticks just cost more money to replace. They all become damaged and people have a bad habits of continuing to use them in poor states

      • My tefal warped after a few months, now the bottom doesn't sit flush on the stove top.

        • They are fans of heat and unfortunately prone to warping. I still use them for eggs and delicate meats but stick to stainless steel for most of my cooking.

  • I've bought from myers and david jones many times. they are made in france….

    • non stick saucepan?

  • +5

    Also try the coupon SPAUPDATE at checkout and you may get $10 off.

    • Thanks! Save me $10!

      • Fantastic!

  • +1

    Made in France doesn’t mean it is better. Don’t buy Peugeot (sorry, maybe it is a bit off topic)

    • +4

      The salt and pepper mills are great (Peugeot)

      • Agreed- just can't find them!

        • +1

          You can find them in DJs …

    • +1

      Peugeot make great salt and pepper mills, and their cars are excellent quality, beautiful to look at and drive. So why should I not buy them?

  • The description for Elegance and Cook N Clean say "Made in China"?

  • -1

    Tefal as toxic as Teflon ?

    • Question needs more words.
      Tefal brand is not toxic.
      Teflon should not be eaten.

      • Are you my shawdow ? Or Dupon paid troll ?

        • Again. What on earth are you trying to say?!

          • @bmerigan: You dont know who/what Dupont is ? Forever chemical ? PFAS, PFOA, PFAA, PFOS and others 100's derivatives names that I dont have time to list

            • @frewer: Oh Dupont - the chemical company that invented Teflon. ok. I was confused by shawdow Dupon.
              Still don't know what point you're trying to make though.

              • @bmerigan: To spread awareness of Forever chemical/PFAS, PFOA, PFAA, PFOS

  • +1

    Sorry but the only Tefal's worth buying are the Gourmet range or better… Those Spotlight ones are all the cheap ones that scratch easy and warp as soon as they heat up..:

    The best ones are the naked chef ones but they rarely go on sale..

    This is a much better buy:…

  • Ours was bought from Big W - I just checked then and it was made in France.

    • Did you pay the same prices as this or less?
      I'm struggling to see the difference between Elegance and Evidence.

    • Ya big w used to stock a small range of made in france saucepan, not anymore now

      The only one available on their website is oos in VIC

    • Yes my Big W and Woolworths pans have made in France, and my pan arrived yesterday from this Spotlight deal and it doesnt have made in France.

  • +1

    $13 delivery to NSW. Even the made in France ones are pretty cheap looking… somehow I doubt they are much better quality given their price.

    I've bought Tefal fry pans from Amazon that are sub-100 and they are pretty much throwaways after a year or two…

  • Not only does Myer/big w/everyone stock Tefal that is made in France, but it regularly goes on sale for 50% off! Almost once a month at Myer.

    This isn’t a deal.

  • Not happy about paying $12 postage in Melb for 2 pans but I need these fry pans so I wasn’t going to let that stop me

  • Got my tefals from myer couple of months ago, and they're from france.
    perhaps it depends on the serial???

    btw, which japanese idol is your dp???

  • Returned so Many Jamie Oliver pans, Tefal non stick..

    Get hard anodised at least, stainless steel probably the best health wise

  • Tefal pan I bought yesterday for element cooking (not induction) is bowed in the middle and is not flat, so it doesn't touch the element properly. It has the French flag on it, and got it from Woolworths. Taking it back tomorrow.

  • +1

    Get the following when going into Food Preparation " No products match your preferences, please try widening your selection options"

  • I think you will find any that have 'Jamie Oliver' on the branding/packaging are the more craptacular Made in China variety and should be avoided.

  • I bought a tefel 24cm fry pan from coles last week for $20.
    it has a big made in France on the bottom.

    I dont usually use non stick but I need one to cook pancakes. the stainless steel pans killed the pancakes

  • Thanks to the OP and @Maxx Power for inspiring me to pick up some non-stick frypans. Acquired 3:

    Tefal Sensation Red Aluminium 32cm Frypan $29.95 (was $79.95)…
    Almost worthy of a dedicated deal listing.

    Baccarat iD3 Hard Anodised 16cm Frypan $19.99 (was $79.99)…
    I actually picked it up from House for $19.99…

    Tefal Gourmet Anodised 26cm Frypan $35.95…

    I was intending to get the Anodised 26cm from Harris Scarfe ($39.97) as I prefer this size over the 30cm one from Amazon ($43.64) that @Maxx Power posted. I was also going to also pick up the ID3 16cm because it's such a bargain. The Anodised 26cm wasn't in stock at my local store however I did find that Sensation 32cm so picked that up, for the occasional use of a large pan it's fine and as a good of a bargain as they come. I then went to Robins KItchen - they didn't have the ID3 16cm in stock and the larger sizes weren't as much of a bargain as the 16cm, nor that attractive compared to the Anodised. Fortunately House had the ID3 in stock. Ordered the Anodised 26cm when I arrived home which will be sent from a store across town.

    Don't forget your cash-backs.

    • Did you guy these things from their respective links or did you buy it from Spotlight?

      • In store at retrospective links with exception to TGG which was online.

  • My 2 Jamie Oliver Tefal frying pans both have now wonky handles after 1 year of use. Can’t tighten them either and Myer washed their hands off responsibility.
    And my name isn’t even Shakin’ Stevens…

  • Ordered 2 on the day this was posted for click and collect. Both cancelled and refunded by spotlight.

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