Xbox Series X Console is now live, go quick doubt it will be available long
Series S (Listing is up but not yet made available)
Weird its working for me
link works for me too
Even by app or chrome doesn't go. If I search I can see it but same error
Doesn't seem to work on mobile, will need to force desktop view in a browser and search for the item and it'll work.
RRP police incoming.
Got it boom
Quick now post it on ebay, lol
Done. Happy?
What to do with the silly EB late 2020 order is the question now
Call them and cancel. They will appreciate it.
Gone already?
Still there
Gone in less than 5 mins lol
Same, ordered just before from EB games but it's post launch 2020 and this ones saying Arriving Nov 12 - Nov 13 if there's any truth to that idk.
Where did you see the ETA on your order?
Yeh, I might cancel my EB Games one, see how things play out.
Just in orders on amazon it says that.
@[Deactivated]: Ask amazon support, they may be able to say if you did or not.
My PS5 order on amazon says "delivery date pending" as i didn't order till later in the day for that.
Let’s goooooo!
Anndddd gonee..
Got it !!! Thanks OP!
5 mins, oof
Got one, was hoping to do the EB games trade in but I guess Gumtree will have to do 👌🏻
Eb games have more preorder.
Yeah with a new TBA release date of who (profanity) knows. Not keen to play that game.
You will be able to flip your x for minimum 300 bucks easy
I try to order at EB @8am, heavily hammed, spent 10 minute to add my credit card, still no go, then out of stock.
Same for me, eventually came up with you have tried too many times to add card information, then it was gone
Sorry everyone looks like its out, tried to post as quick as I could to help all you out. Hope everyone managed to grab one
I think posting it here was the cause of selling out so quickly
its back! got one
Holy hot hell that was fast
The meaning 'you snooze you loose" has been taken to another level this last couple of days.
So if you already have gamepass, you'll be able to play a lot of series x games on your PC anyway, until a series x comes in stock?
Yeah and even on xbox itself, no game is exclusive to series x for “two years” according to Microsoft.
No MS published game. Third party titles have no such guarantee.
Oh snap
That first word should have been “on”
Yep got one. That went hella fast
They go in and out of stock.
Sony gang rise up
Bethesda gang rise up.
Notice the target pre order didn’t make it ozb
Target have already sold out, I was still keeping on eye on their webpage but ended up finding this link via google:
Yeah they went live at 3.30pm and sold out in 5 minutes. They also emailed and canceled some after the orders closed.
Crazy, it is even worse than PS5 preorders. I wonder if there is less stock or more demand.
Sony’s was a disorganised cluster truck with no real advanced warning, so that probably slowed people down. MS having a set date and time for most retailers, advertised a week or two in advance, would have driven a lot of people to respective stores all at 8AM.
No doubt the PS selling out probably added demand for the Xbox too for people looking to grab something for Xmas.
While I say the Sony launch was a bit of a cluster, for people that are tracking deals or gaming sites it probably worked in their favour as they wouldn’t have had to compete with people that don’t keep their ears close to the ground.
I got one about three minutes after it went live, then the next time I looked it was sold out. Keep F5ing, though, it looks like they're coming and going.
I don't understand i waited all day for Amazon i was there within 10 seconds and it was gone lol.
Same mate same. I mean i didn't really need it I got the Ps5 launch and no exclusives coming to launch for xbox but have always got both generations lol
Ebgames got more pre orders for December shipment
Yep get on it.
Thanks bro
Went there instead to trade in me bad boys ps4 pro and cyber punk Xbox X
Hi mate, just wonder what will be the value for your ps4 pro when trade in?
Well in other threads they are saying the trade will be stacked with your EB level and the trade in will be honoured until Jan 2021
PS4 pro is 340ish then stacked with your EB games level.
@agalea101: I got told my PS4 Pro trade in value is $260 by EB Games $300 if I were buying a PS5. But I want the SX.
Any $30 the same as PS5?
Nah was nothing special due to Microsoft only supplying a low amount of stock
Why do people keep up voting expired deals?
Why not not show OP there deal even if it was short lived was appreciated?
nO dEaL, ThIs Is ThE rEgUlAr PrIcE!
Have any of the xbox series x controllers or accessories shown up on Amazon yet?
Thank you :D
White one is up too. I cbf linking from my mobile ha ha ha
What is the justification for allowing these RRP prices to be listed as bargains?
Doesn't state anywhere in the posting guidelines that a deal can't be RRP.
Edit: If a posted deal has helped people out, i always think they're for the better personally.
Totally! I wouldn't have got a ps5 preorder if it wasn't for the posts on OzB. It's a deal in my mind, and many other people I'd guess. It'd be an interesting site poll
Agree, I have started to change my tune and see the value in having them in the main posts as deals, particularly when you have the bots at work trying to scoop up all the available stock.
What is the justification for allowing these RRP prices to be listed as bargains?
ad revenue from page clicks justifies all
Would you rather OzBargain be a paid service? Or how about they get no revenue at all and get rid of OzBargain all together.
Haha, paid service? The cost of the site upkeep is negligible while the advertisement and affiliate revenues generated are truly staggering. People make a living just posting deals here. This site is a veritable gold mine that digs itself. It was estimated ozbargain was worth over $50 million some years ago and it's exploded since then.
@[Deactivated]: You completely dodged my question by throwing completely made up numbers at me. You think people make a living purely from posting deals on OzB? You're delusional. They might make a revenue stream doing it, but they're not paying all their bills purely through OzB.
they're not paying all their bills purely through OzB.
If the revenue distribution model was fair they'd be paying bills and buying yachts.
@[Deactivated]: “ People make a living just posting deals here”
retailer makes money/moves stock, ozbargain makes money, posters make nothing & get abused if post is not up to standards lol
@RogueWolf: You're definitely buying your next holiday home thanks to the many great deals you post rogue! Don't deny it!
@Frayin: Frayin all due respect my friend, but you seem to be overlooking your own speculative supposition that ozbargain be in such dire straights, the perilous nature of their predicament necessitates the posting of RRP deals simply to facilitate their very survival. Otherwise they might need charge for this wondrous public service they provide so charitably! Which is as every bit as entertaining as it is misguided :)
@[Deactivated]: I never speculated they were in dire straights. Accusing me of supposition is a bit rich, you literally threw made up numbers at me to strengthen your made up statement.
If you honestly think OzBargain facilitates their "survival" off RRP deals being posted, you're more delusional than i thought.
Deals that yield bargains perform a lot better than most RRP deals. The recent console deals are the exception, not the rule. These are highly anticipated consumer goods.
You're coming across extremely dumb. Scratch that, I'm coming across as extremely dumb for continuing to engage.
@Frayin: I take it this means you're not going to qualify your statement that without RRP deals OzBargain's ad revenue would cease and the site would need to become a paid service?
Surprised Series S sold out so fast
I wonder how many of them Amazon got. Either the demand is crazy or thet got only small number of stocks.
@Mistredo: Amazon have created the listing but it hasn't gone on sale yet. Expect it to be available any minute.
Watching Amazon all day only to miss it this late.
Tell me about it. I am refreshing Amazon the whole day, take a small break to eat something, and this happens.
LOL, me too, I'll never eat again.
EB still has stock for December delivery. I got one about 15 minutes ago.
Preorderd from EB just then, seems like EB has been scattering their preorders today. I tried preordering from them earlier today but the website was laggy af and i ended up missing out but now it seems to be back up :D
Yeah EB have been super frustrating today. Hopefully everyone can get one before the end of the year at least with this drip of a process.
They are peeing people off by doing it like this though, like I was right there at 8am and the website pooped itself, and now they are just dropping shipments left right and centre.
Though it does say December delivery/collect.
Link doesn't work