• expired

Umart Milton QLD Flood Dammaged Goods Sale


"Umart is having a Flood Damaged Goods Sale.
It's happening at 2 Kilroe St, Milton
this Friday 4th, Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th of November!!

Stock includes CPU's, RAM, Hard Disks, Notebook's, along with a few other goodies.

All prices are extremely reduced for quick sale, so get in quick to grab yourself an absolute bargain!!"

I guess you would have to turn up and see the condition of these products…

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closed Comments

  • Ghaaaa pass

  • Sensitive electronics + flood damage sounds like an extraordinarily bad idea. I guess some things are packaged in sealed bags so may be ok

  • Most of the stuff would be ok if packed in anti static bags wouldn't it?

    • In particular all OEM hard-drives come in a sealed anti-static bag

      • +2

        Anti-static bags are not waterproof. Harddrive protective housings are not as well

      • Sealed by a piece of tape. Yeah, that's waterproof.

        • ^god i love people like you :P no homo

  • Should this be in the forums???? No specific deal here.

  • +6

    Ok, so I'm concerned - 10+ months after the floods they still have stinky flood gear?! Also in technology times when 6 mins after something is released it's old - 10 months of wait is a loooong time for some gear. Good luck!

  • good chance for cheap harddrives!

  • +1

    Corrosion is the real danger so cases and and psu's even if they didn't get wet they would be exposed to much higher levels of moisture. Ram & CPU's should be ok, because the contacts are gold plated

  • probably no warranty?

    • probably no warranty from umart themselves. Depending on what it is you'll probably get manufacturer warranty.

    • +1

      since it's probably claimed on umart's insurance already, it's dead stock, like a written off car.
      no warranty no nothing, and they shouldn't be selling it either

  • I wouldn't get flood damaged goods especially when it comes to electronics. Most likely no warranty and old technology.

  • no details on price, condition or warranty, especially since its flood damaged stuff

  • +1

    I think they took a while to have a flood damage sale because of their insurance claim - probably only just got paid out by the insurance company for the stuff that was written off during the floods.
    In saying that, I think that during the floods they might have saved quite abit of stock but wrote if off anyways for insurance purposes. It's highly likely they did this.
    So you might be lucky to get brand new undamaged stock as well as damaged ones :)

    • Can you sell written off things?

      • you can, but you'd have to pay back the insurance company the gains you get
        do you think they'll do that?

  • This is more like advertising than a deal. I buy a lot of my stuff from Umart and find them to be pretty good to deal with, but I can't see a deal here. Would love to know what they are selling - in detail so that i could plan a trip.

  • +2

    Don't expect anybody but umart to give you a warranty here. Intel (or whoever) sure as heck isn't going to repair something with signs of water damage.

    From memory, last time umart tried this they stated that they only offered 30 day warranty (guessing.. do the research yourself!). Be sure to ask about warranty before buying. Heck, I'd want it in writing. Which I'm sure they won't be happy to do.

    This whole thing just reeks of a bad idea to me.

    • +1

      Agreed. I can't see them inundated with shoppers without a preview of what's on offer. :-)

      • Great. Now we can expect a flood of silly puns.

  • +10

    Not worth it guys. I was a contractor there for a bit as they wanted gear fixed. 90% of it is dead and full of rust. Everything has just been hosed off.

    All HDDs have a top breather hole and are still full of water. Also you wont be able to test it on site.

    All LCDs and other gear have been clean on the outside to make them look nice. But as soon as you crack them open or turn the on they are full of dirty mud. Especially the Projectors.

    When I wanted to buy gear they were taking 10-20% there stock price. That was a joke as the item was dripping with water.

    Just warning you all guys not to get ropped into this


    • +1

      Thanks mate - as long as you are not a MSY rep, I belive you :D :D

    • +1

      I didn't realize the anti-static bags had breather holes, thanks for the info.

      • +1

        The hard drives have breather holes.. Not the bags.

        And some suppliers do use sealed static bags, Hitachi for instance.

        Aside from that, not a good idea….

  • Certainly not. They are just as bad.

  • Not worth the travel going to get flooded items.

  • Link about the flooding if anyone is interested


  • CPU and RAM will run faster when dipped in water…. NO deal

  • a) This belongs in the forums
    b) Buying flood-damaged goods is a bad idea.

  • This is so wrong. Claimed on insurance and now being sold.

    Theres no guarantee they will still work too.

  • No insurance was claimed, They weren't covered. not for rising rivers.

    • Because while most of the world thinks rising rivers = flood, insurance companies say otherwise.

      • Reading legally binding contracts is HARD apparently.

        With all the horror stories about insurance, I'm surprised that people still sign up for insurance policies without looking for loopholes that the insurer likely has there to screw them with should the policy holder ever need to make a claim.

        The only contracts I -don't- read are EULAs, and that's because the only parts that could possibly screw me are unenforceable in court.

      • +1

        You're never going to get flood insurance in Milton, especially where UMart are. Someone takes a leak under the rail bridge there and the road's under water.

  • -1

    Umart Milton, where hardware becomes software. :)

  • +1

    they update their post.
    Stock is Sold "AS-IS", NO warranty or return is provided for these items.

    Still going to scope it out.

    • Same - it's basically on the way home, might be worth it just for entertainment value.

  • ** i have opened a topic in general forum about umart flood sale **

    ==> http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/56420

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