• expired

Telstra Bigpond Cable - 200GB & Home Line Rental for $78 Per Month (24 Months)


Announced here:

"So until 15 December, we’re dropping the price on one of our most popular cable broadband offers. Now, for just $78 per month for 24 months (min cost $1,872 plus usage), new bundle customers in Sydney and Melbourne BigPond® Cable areas can enjoy the Telstra Complete Home Saver 200GB Cable Bundle."

"If the monthly usage allowance is reached, the speed slows to 256kbps, that’s all."

If you are in the Melbourne Metro area this is up to 100Mbps
Other areas 'up to 30Mbps'

Uploads counted.
Usual 'free unmetered bigpond content' and TV channels.

So the key points on this deal:

Elite Cable speeds (or free upgrade to Ultimate Cable if you’re in a Melbourne Ultimate Cable area and you don’t already have BigPond Cable broadband)

No on-peak/ off-peak restrictions

No additional usage charges to reduce those hidden surprises – speeds are simply slowed.

A bonus 30 day access to Telstra Plus on the phone to make sure you are getting the most out of your package – included value of $29.95

Ongoing 24/7 technical support online and on the phone so you can get help when you need it most, even if it is at 2am in the morning! You can also get help via Twitter and Facebook, even in the wee hours.

No line rental charges on your home phone.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Smart move by Telstra. Lock in those cable customers on 24 month contracts and then get paid when they switch them to the NBN ;-)

    • +2

      The NBN is going to take some time….

      "On average it is expected to take 12 months from the start of the fibre network rollout in a given area until individuals are able to receive high-speed broadband over the NBN."



      For Melbourne the city centre is mentioned (to begin FROM July 2012) but then there is all the other suburbs.

      • It will be a very long time before the main cities of Australia get the NBN. The government would rather roll out in areas where they wish to improve telecommunications in hopes it will raise the economy of that region.

        Tasmania for example; overall it costs the Australian government 3% of the GDP to maintain it. Essentially, it costs more to keep Tasmania than it is economically beneficial to the country. I guess the only good thing they have there is decent beer.

        • 1 pallet of Tasminia beers for 1 year internet supply please.

        • +1

          Cascade = owned by Fosters = to be aquired by SABMiller (UK)
          Boags = owned Lion Nathan Ltd, a Trans-Tasman subsidiary company of Kirin (Japan)

          "Tasmanian" beer indeed.

  • +8

    Just find the OZB has changed the NEW LOOK! WOW!

      • +10

        You're a bit slow today, jv. Slow on your courtesy.

        • +11

          C'mon man, you're using up all my downvotes for the day.

  • +1

    still too expensive for me… my internet costs $40 a month and the phone $20… don't see why i'd pay $20 more just to move to cable…

    • +5

      Cable is up to 100mbit
      ADSL2+ is up to 24mbit

      I can see the benefits.

      • +2

        "Cable is up to 100mbit"

        Perhaps if you were the only one in your street using it…

        Cable bandwidth is shared

        • Well of course. I sync at around 34mbit, so I'm fairly happy.

        • +2

          i sync at about 21mbit on my ADSL2+ so i can't justify the extra $20 per month… if they did additional bundle deals for including a Telstra mobile, i'd be more likely to consider it…

        • That's right, different concept but my speed is still shared :)

          PS: still no familiar with forum new changes, now my replay goes above instead of below.

        • -2

          Unfortunately ADSL too! :)

          nope, your phone wires go all the way to the exchange, they aren't shared…

          the more people that join cable in your street, the worse your speeds will be…

        • +6
        • those speed tests are rigged though, i used to get around 80-90 down and around .8-.9 up on optus, yet the page for the speed test would hardly load it was that congested! ie you'd be waiting for each section of the page to load, cause you couldnt get data fast enough, however the speedtest ran like you had a fast network connection.

          optus definatly playing around somehow…

      • True…
        All your phone cables go the exchange into a MUX (DSLAM) and they'd have a uplink into ISPs network. Obviously this link is shared.

    • +1

      Depends on what area you're in.
      I'm happy to pay an additional $18 per month for 100Mbps (Melbourne)
      as well as the unmetered TV channels (music, news, afl etc)

    • I suppose if you're in 100Mbps zone it might be worth it.
      If I hadn't stupidly locked myself into Internode, I'd be tempted.

  • +1

    Sydney and Melbourne only :(

    • Id have signed up if it was Adelaide.
      Oh well their loss.

      • im in SA, called them and they told me i could get this but my max speed is 30Mbps :(
        is it worth $20+ to upgrade from naked to this?

  • +2

    Good deal if you get 100Mbps in Melbourne and would be cheaper than current NBN pricing if it was available - http://www.internode.on.net/residential/fibre_to_the_home/nb…

    NBN's upload speeds are a lot better of course.

  • I am on this deal on a staff plan and its $66 so this is a bargain if you are in an area that has cable!

  • I'll wait they drop price even more :)

  • +1

    How much are they charging without the home line? The home line seems pointless if you are using cable…

  • I've gotten used to my large 350gb Internode quota… are there any bigger Telstra plans?

    Although I suspect these quota increases have had a detrimental impact on network performance. Peak times now show signs of stress on the Internode network.

    • There is a 500GB Plan

      • Is that weekly ? Seriously 200Gb a month… That's 2 days of data as far as I'm concerned.
        Why anyone would bother with something like this is beyond me.

        • +5

          Too much pr0n is harmful. Your right arm will be double the size of your left when you grow up.

        • +1

          you use 200GB in 2 days…?

          What can you possibly be doing that is not illegal or porno!?

  • +1

    no upgrade for existing customer which sucks, where as tpg and others you can just upgrade!

    • +1

      Did you try calling Telstra and to ask?

      • Yeah I'm on the same plan @ $90/m.

        If anyone has success changing, post!

        But it's pretty clear on the bottom that it's only for new customers. I guess it's worth a shot!

        • It says 'Offer available in Sydney and Melbourne BigPond® Cable areas to new customers and customers with a 13-digit account number.'

          So if you have a 13 digit number you can get it

      • Telstra restarts the 24 month contract whenever you "change" plans. Hence why I'll be sticking with my $88/month ultimate cable bundle after the contract ends until I can get an NBN connection

  • damn my area is no go

  • hmm this is an extremly great time to swap… i just got a letter from optus letting me opt out of my line for free as they are upping the prices, i wanted to swap to telstra anyway as the optus network just seems conjested!

  • Damn it!
    I am in the 100mbps area, but I can't get it because I live in a Unit. Damn it!

  • I currently have a Telstra home phone, so if I join this, the existing home phone will be bundled, right?

  • where to check the areas where BigPond Ultimate cable is available?

  • +1

    assuming you're not in the 100mbps area - is this not better for $8 dollars more? https://www.optus.com.au/shop/broadband/home/500broadbandpla…

    500gb (250/250), $30 call included.

    • +5

      The Optus cable network is highly congested. Speeds are ridiculously slow at times, with even totally random disconnections. The most problems arise when attempting to access websites based overseas (which includes quite a few parts of YouTube I was told).

      • -1

        When I was in an area to get Optus cable I was, at "peak" times, easily getting 2-3Mbps downloads on a regular basis at worst.

        The Optus deals are MUCH better value.

        • +4

          I think Optus is a bit of hit and miss sometimes.

      • Slow at times means slow between 6pm and 6am.

    • optus are now charging there calls in larger blocks, cant remember if they moved from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

    • -2

      Edit: still perhaps worth mentioning for poor suckers stuck on Telstra, but more appropriate for the forum than here? It really isn't anything close to a bargain.

      • -8

        I don't have a choice as telstra is the only supplier in my area and already being a customer means I can't swap to get a better price

        • +1

          So you neg because you can't get it?

        • Well you can always ring up & ask for them to give it to you.
          At worst you've wasted 10mins.

      • +4


        Optus is slow, drops out consistently and they throttle torrents twice as much as Telstra.

    • +10

      My brother has Optus, we have Telstra.

      He's always complaining of high pings/latency while gaming.

      Over here at Telstra I have no such problems.

      Gotta pay abit more for quality mate.

      • +4

        Yeah Optus is so damn slow most of the time.

  • +1

    This offer is only available to new bundle customers in the Sydney and Melbourne BigPond Cable areas.


    • other states may able to get it but max speed is 30Mbps, just give them a call and ask if cable available in your area.

  • +1

    Awesome deal. We currently pay $70 for 50+50GB on iinet's naked home 1 (average speeds of around 4mbps), so for $8 more we can get cable & an extra unrestricted 100GB, bargain! :)

  • -7

    Sounds like a crap deal. I have unlimited adsl2 and line rental for $60 a month already.

    • Who are you with? AAPT? TPG?

    • +1

      There is no such thing as 'unlimited'.
      You're constrained by available bandwidth and a funny little nuisance called 'time'.

      • no u can get uncapped unlimited, with some ISP's

      • +1

        Yep, there is most certainly unlimited plans out there.

  • Anything to do with internet is a GOOD DEAL for me.

    I live in Little Bay and stuck with Pivit. They laid the optic fibres and no other company (including ADSL) will provide internet/phone service.

    I pay $105/month for 40Gb on-peak and 40Gb off-peak with 50 free calls.

    Sad heh?

    • that sounds bad……but at least it is optic fibers.

  • -1

    Funny how Telstra conveniently left this out

    "No additional usage charges for use in Australia, speed slowed to 64kbps once allowance reached, or to 256kbps if your usage allowance is 100GB or more. "

    I am on the existing bundle of $88/200GB

    • Wait…so if your quota is 200gb and you've eaten up 100gb, your speeds will slow down?

    • +4

      I think you're reading this wrong lol.

      It doesn't mean "Once you hit 100GB you will be throttled to 256kb and then once you hit your actual allowance it will be throttled to 64kb"

      It means: If your plan is 100GB or more you get throttled to 256kb once you hit your respective usage limit (instead of 64kb)

      • Right. Thought so lol. Well I can live with 3-4 blurays per month. Can't stand constant dropouts from tpg

  • I live 3km (as the crow flies) away from the exchange and currently have Optus Cable.

    Used to be great, but now it's starting to grate on me (three dropouts today!)

    If only I lived closer then I could have decent ADSL(2+) speeds, but I'm actually considering this deal.

  • is there a cable network map for sydney?

  • The deal is supposed to be limited to Sydney and Melbourne customers. However, give them a call and see what they can do.

    I'm not in either city but the consultant was able to apply a "special" $10 discount for me to match the offer pricing :-)

    • Good work, I was just wondering if they would do this.

    • +1

      yup confirmed this but you wont get 100Mbps, max 30Mbps & currently we have pension discount on our phone line and they and it not apply to this deal :(

      • Thanks for info.

      • 100 Mbps is only available in limited areas of Melbourne.

  • For you guys who already are with Telstra Cable. What speeds are you getting? I know this will vastly differ from place to plcae but i just want to get a rough idea.

    2.5km away from the exchange plus TPG's horrendous customer support/drop outs. I'm desperate to change my connection.

    • +2

      92.1Mbps download
      2.4Mbps upload
      11ms ping
      (via speedtest.net using a 'Melbourne' server on 22/3/2011)

      • my optus cable in brizzy (50gb peak +70gb $50pm)

        11.8mbps dl
        0.49mbps ul
        17ms ping

        (brizzy server)

        national grade C+

        Absolute crap!!

  • Hmmm I am an existing bundle customer since June 2011 - when they bought these new bundles out.

    I have 500gb of goodness.

    If they release a similar deal at the 500gb level, I hope they allow "existing" customers to re-contract into it.

    Would be pretty disappointed if I was in the 200gb deal paying $120 or whatever and they didn't let me jump into this deal…

    • just give them a call and ask when the time comes

  • On the topic of cable, if I can't get telstra cable in my area, is it possible to still get optus?

    • +1

      The only way to know is to call Optus and tell them your location.

  • +1

    Telstra will soon become a NBN retailer just the same as Dodo or Internode. They must now do something to win customers.

  • +1

    Uploads counted.

    Darn! :(
    Only good for leechers but no good for community sharing spirit!

    • Thats what seedboxes are for.

    • Whats the upload speed with the on the elite and ultimate plans?

  • 200GB is no where near enough with the speed that cable gives you. Trust me I'm downloading all the time. I'm sticking to my 1tb with iinet (I'm in an area that's only serviced by Telstra) but still..imho 200GB is too little in 2011. I like that line rental is included though. Sucks that for my 1tb I pay around $160/month for it

    • Not everyone has your download habits though

      • Correction, Not everyone breaks the law as much as you though.

        • My movies/tv show collection is well over 30tb now. Something to be proud of.

  • -7

    rip-off - much better deals around - check whirlpool.net.au for plans.

    • +1

      Thanks for the wonderful insight and your willingness to post a better deal!

  • nice price, would take it up but re-contracting will restart my 24 months and I want NBN loving.

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