This was posted 13 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 3 Limited Edition (PC) $48.80USD from Greenman Gaming

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

I worked out a way to get Battlefield 3 Limited Edition on Greenman Gaming bypassing the region lock. This version comes with the 4 free Battlefield 2 maps and weapons.

1) Go to this proxy here
2) In the proxy type in the URL section, this will take you to the UK site
3) Navigate the store, find Battlefield 3 and add to cart
4) Apply the voucher GMG10-PERCE-NTOFF (making it $48.80)
5) You can't actually checkout and purchase through the proxy, so navigate back to normally (without a proxy) and Battlefield 3 will be sitting there in your cart.
6) Purchase and enjoy, key comes instantly

Edit: According to the comments section apparently just going to without doing all the above works as-well, i haven't tried it myself.

The game requires Origin (Basically like Steam for EA games)

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closed Comments

  • +7

    If you don't mind getting a russian version and using a language fixer you can get it for $40 here……

    EDIT: Who negged me? Keyword: "If you don't mind"…

    • Did they send you the EU or RU version when you ordered the RU version? I've heard some people order and pay for RU but get EU! :)

      • I paid for RU before any mention of EU, so I requested a change to EU and it works well in English

      • +1

        It doesn't matter. Either way it'll end up being in English and the instructions to change the language to eng are fool proof :)

        Edit: I got the Russia version. Works fine in Origin. This is the real deal! p.s Origin servers are so awesome, I was getting 3.2MB/s this morning.

    • +1

      Ozbargainers don't like CJS.

      Personally, for me, what they lack in being organised, they make up for in efficient communication.

      I just got my key from them today and have pre-loaded through Origin :D

      • there's a reason, their support is terrible and they never answered my emails.

    • Brilliant, a bit of a muck around process though, but it finally worked.
      Got mine for $31.66 AUD

      Good stuff

  • How can I get it to allow me to use my Store Credit?

    I got to a point where I was going to pay $1 from paypal. But there was an error.

    • Here i made a picture for you.

      Make sure your not trying to purchase though the proxy as it won't let you use credit.

      • Yeah I tried doing that. No dice. :(

        Did you get it to work?


    Bit cheaper from a few places here using the same trick

    At least that's what I did

    • So you bought this and it worked OK?

      • I bought my BF3.LE from CJS for $41 and it's working
        see my comment here:

      • No I purchased from cdkeyshere

        • I've bought from CJS and I got an invalid key. I noted Origin just updated, hope it didn't block these keys for some reason. Have emailed support but am not hopeful. My key even had a ';' in it!!! Thinking of just buying a physical locally to save all this BS hassle…, I just want to play.

        • +1

          reply to domcc1:
          your key is fine, enter the digits BEFORE the semi-colon. the second code AFTER the semi-colon is for the karkand pack. you redeem that as a separate code.

  • EDIT - found it :)

  • Mines coming up at $30.58. Winning?

    • are you sure its not pounds? If not then you are winning.

      • Haven't made the purchase. On the basket it said $30.58. In the input billing, it went to pounds. Seems a bit bugged. Either way, it's $30.58 or $46ish so it's a good deal.

    • Mine just showed the same thing down the bottom, looks like a bug with the site where it should be pounds.

  • I'm getting this error at the moment.

    "Sorry, due to changes in our shop this basket has become invalid since you started shopping. Please try your purchase again."

    • Try again, or maybe you took 15minutes to do the purchase? (there is a time limit)

      • Just fixed it, not sure what the problem was. Thanks for the deal. :)

  • the game isn't region locked? so i could buy, download and play today?

    • No region locks!

      • are there aus servers atm?

        • I don't think BF3 is released until the Thursday. You can pre-load the game at the moment though, however.

        • +3

          If you don't mind being a bit naughty, you can use the Platinum HideIP program to mask your IP to a Korean one, or even US now, and bypass the release date checker, so you can play from today. There are quite a few Aussie servers up which are all full of players.

        • +1

          Aus/Nz/Oceania servers are up!
          You need to bypass the date check using VPN in order to install game after it preloads. I can confirm that SP and MP are working, from the russian BF3LE key I got from CJS.

  • Had troubles also. While using the proxy just added game to basket, then clicked continue shopping.(Didnt click accept)

    Load the website without proxy goto basket now click accept. Worked this way for me!

  • Has anyone managed to pay for the game using store credit?

    Please PM me if you can give me the steps.

  • +2

    i bought bf3 limted edition from amazon at $48.96AUD yesterday. i preloaded overnight and activated it today over a proxy.. once activated, disable proxy and play. its awesome fun

    • Amazon send the key via email?

      • yep. i use my australian credit card, i picked out a real address using google maps and within a couple of hours - i had a key.

  • +1

    Had to signin to greenman via both proxy and without, but worked perfectly.
    A non-RU cdkey site copy for the same price as a RU cdkey site copy :D


    • Actually there's an $8.80 difference, being an Ozb'er that $8.80 can go along way. xD

    • Agreed. Stupid me bought a RU key from CJS and got an invalid key. Hopefully I'll get a refund, just bought from Greenman instead, all downloading fine so far.


    NON RUSSIAN cd key, limited edition is $40
    you can use the code FBFANBGCKFH5711 for an extra $2 off, so in total $38

    • That is out of stock and will be delivered on the 28th…

      • it is indeed!
        well, it was a good deal while it lasted. i managed to pick up a copy, codes get delivered 27th (if you already purchased)
        i think they put a deadline on the preorders, to ensure everyone who did preorder it received their code on time. however i thought there was still a day or so to buy it.

        if anyone wants to wait one day after the game comes out, its still a better deal than most. i suspect it will be likely that the first day will be spend downloading the game anyway, unfortunately.

  • Got my LE from CdKeysHere (Got SPECCAT kit, dog tags, weapons kit + back to karkland) for $41 :D
    However, because their preorder stage is now over, you dont get the back to karkland dlc

  • So can anyone post a link to a legit cd key site that is still selling some bf3 keys, it seems as tho they are all being taken off or running out :(

  • I got Battlefield 3 Limited RU for AUD$37.24.…

    Use coupon code "GKISCOOL"

  • I got mine from cdkeyshere using

    Pay a bit more, guy has great service.

  • I looked around a bit, ordered from one, had a payment issue, ended up just using amazon DL, $50.99US with a US address (easy to get one from borderlinx or comgateway)

    • but no limited edition for download?

      • Was still available last night unless they've sold out, yeah just had a look, sold out at moment.

  • schweet! thanks for the proxy tip (doesn't work with BBC iPlayer though, just tried it).. I now have a key for Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3 :) (umm $72.72 total, from memory). I was also going to get Bulletstorm and Alice: Madness Returns, but they're both cheaper on the US Steam store and the Valve Holiday sale is only a month away.. I'm positive they'll be 50% off or more during that sale (Alice was only recently 50% off).

    guess I need to install EA's Origin now and start downloading (and cancel my pre-order at JB Hifi tomorrow).

  • Hell yeah, got a Limited Edition version of BF3 on close to release date at $30 less than the retail?

    Cannot complain!

    Not only that, but got the game 2 days early and can even play multiplayer.

    Follow these steps and you can activate and play BF3, took me like, 2 minutes.…

  • +13

    I wouldnt bother with using a proxy with greenmangaming just start by going into add it to your basket then login. Voila all good.

    • +1

      thanks, works :D

    • +1

      Worked for me too! Thanks

    • +1

      thumbs up, worked for me too. saved all the proxy crap

    • -1

      Use this method so you can spend your store credit. I got the game for Free! I made $55 in referral sales from Dead Island!

    • Excellent, Just HAVE to do it. =D

    • Have just done this - works great. CJS CD Key key I ordered did not work, I have requested a refund.

  • I keep getting a timeout error at the checkout after confirming payment. Has this worked for anyone else?

    EDIT: Oh. Well that sucks for me then.

  • Worked for me. Thanks OP.

  • I just tried to get this deal and my credit card has been charged yet in my GMG account it says I have no games or keys. Does the email with my game key take a while to arrive?

    • I haven't bought BF3 on GMG yet, but if it's anything like when I bought Deus Ex: HR there, you'll get a key right after you bought the game.

      EDIT: Try here:

      • My "Keys" page says:

        Here are all your games which require keys, with your keys listed beneath each one.

        You don't own any games requiring keys.


        • +1

          Oh dear. :(

          Looks like you'll have to contact GMG… at least it looks like you have already.

        • Update: Refund was given immediately and purchased again with no problems. GMG are great, their support was fantastic. Thanks for support filedafar and dklicious!

    • Well I just purchased like 5 minutes ago, after paypal payment through my credit card, it redirected me to a GMG page with a cd-key showing. and its my account. So you should receive it soon. Hopefully.

      • Rather than showing me a page that had my key on it it said an error had occurred, yet I'd been charged anyways. I had a look through my account and no info on BF3 was given, and I didn't get any confirmation emails either. Did it say "Preorder" for you? I've filed a support ticket…

        • Update: Refund was given immediately and purchased again with no problems.

  • -1

    The proxy stuff didn't work for me..however i just went straight to and ordered through that without a proxy which went through without a problem. Anyone else having trouble with the proxy try just going to the site itself.

    Edit: Repeat damn it was too busy playing the game on friends comp.

  • -2

    If you access greenmangaming and use my referer URL, then you should will get a $2.00 credit for your next purchase. No one mentioned this to me, I just bought it and could have got $2 and given someone else $2 too.

    Lets share the love?

    Steps to get it for $48.80 and get $2 credit on your next purchase:

    1: Go to
    2: You are redirected to:
    3: Register a new account or Login to your existing account by clicking on "LOGIN / REGISTER" (when registering your email address you register with must match your paypal email address otherwise it wont let you pay by paypal)
    4: Go to the BF3 page:…
    5: Select BUY and enter the code: GMG10-PERCE-NTOFF
    6: Tick the terms and conditions box and then pay by paypal
    7: Once you finish the paypal payment (login, select confirm etc), you are redirected back to and your KEY is given to you straight away on that page.

    Now your account should be credited with $2 to spend on your next purchase, as will mine = sharing the love baby! :)

    • +1

      Just registered to tell you guys, (see UPDATE below).

      Ordered for myself through Green Man Games this afternoon perfectly. Unfortunately, couldn't get a second key through them (cannot get two keys of the same game, could not create a new account using the same PayPal account, and it wouldn't accept my credit card).

      So, in order to get a key for my son, tried these guys. Have heard absolutely nothing back and support is non-existant. The good news is that it's PayPal so it should be easy enough to get my money back (worst case), but it's frustrating to say the least.

      Take care.

      UPDATE: Well, once their support went online, was able to get the key without problems. Seems like they've got growing pains. The key works fine even if the image is slightly low-res.

      Apologies for the noise, but I wanted to get in quick to help out any OzBargainers since I've saved so much thanks to the good people here. Party on, Wayne!

  • Meh, you can get it for $40 here -…

    Or $40 here russian version -…

    Maybe if you droped it to 41.99 that'd be a good deal. Otherwise NO.

    • Warning! I bought a RU from CJS and it didn't work. Hopefully I'll get a refund, have bought this one instead. Cheap piece of mind for an extra $8 and no Russian jiggery that may become invalid in the future.

      • CJS keys work! Thanks to the people who posted about them!
        I can confirm the CJS keys work. I got the keys 10mins after paying. Preloaded from Origin @ 1MB/s. Bypassed release date by activating using russian/usa VPN. Am playing MP with Aus/Nz servers right now :)

        to Domcc1::
        You entered the wrong key! (I replied above, but will repeat here).
        CJS gives 2 keys for BF3:LE - in this format: "xxx-xxx-xxx ; xxx-xxx"

        Game key = digits before semi-colon
        Karkand pack = digits after semi-colon.

        redeem the codes separately!

  • Hey guys, just wanting to know, for people who've purchased game from overseas and are already playing, were you able to download the dlc?

    Thanks :)

  • +1

    Tried again today by going to and placing it through there, no errors and installing Origin now.


  • I have just tried to buy it from GMG but they won't allow difference email address if I buy it from paypal. I changed the email address but cannot receive the verify email.

    How can I ask it to re-send?

    • same thing happened to me… if you didnt get any receipt email from paypal and the game is not in ur account yet then you didnt buy it.

      After you sign in to paypal and press continue you should be taken back to the GMG site to confirm the purchase first so if that didnt happen to you then your first attempt didnt go through.

      So just change your GMG acc email to be the same as your paypal and then do it again.

      • "So just change your GMG acc email to be the same as your paypal and then do it again."

        I need verification email before I can use paypal.

        The problem is their site said this "Your settings have been changed. If you changed your e-mail address then we have sent you an e-mail with instructions to verify it."

        Without the email to verify it GMG reject me from using paypal.

        Just purchased it with credit card instead but now I cannot see my key in the game page.

        What's going on?

        Who said support is very fast?

        • Did you get it sorted?

  • Why cant i find battlefield 3 on green man gaming website? Some send me over a link?

    • update, don't worry.. did a google search and found it instead.. couldn't seem to find it through browsing the website

      • I wasn't able to find it initially either, even after doing a search for "Battlefield 3" on their own site but they had a seperate BF3 BUY NOW button on the top right corner of their homepage.

  • Because on UK site only

  • was this version suppose to give you the PWP? saw it on the installer info but not on their website..

  • +1

    Bought the limited edition from Greenmangaming for $48.80 after promo code. Didn't have an issue purchasing the game.

    Had a slight issue with the game key not showing up on my account game page but this was a known issue to them apparently, so they solved the issue in a few hours. Their customer support was outstanding. I definitely recommend GMG.

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