• out of stock

[PC, Steam] Sid Meier’s Civilization VI $4.07, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Anthology $12.16 (OOS) @ Fanatical


In order to establish and lead a civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age – players will need to wage war, conduct diplomacy, advance your culture, and go head-to-head with history’s greatest leaders as you attempt to build the greatest civilization the world has ever known.
Advancing from its predecessor, Civilization VI cities now physically expand across the map, active research in technology and culture unlocks new potential, and opposing leaders will pursue their own agendas based on their historical traits – as you race for one of five ways to achieve victory in the game.

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Anthology — expires 2025-2-24 2:59am (OOS)

  • Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
  • Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion
  • Civilization VI: Gathering Storm expansion
  • Civilization VI – Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Civilization VI – Vikings Scenario Pack
  • Civilization VI – Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Civilization VI – Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Civilization VI – Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Civilization VI – Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack
  • Civilization VI - New Frontier Pass

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  • +2

    Pretty close to the ATL for the Anthology collection, the previous one looks like a random 16 hour long sale. Pretty good price to finally jump into the complete and all-inclusive package for Civ 6 if you haven't already.

  • +5

    Not convinced by Civ VI's mechanics. You should wait a decade before the game matures better with DLCs.
    Going back to play Civ IV.

    • +1

      Its wild that Civ is one of the only game franchises where that is just the status quo.

      Civ V was still a mainstay until all the expansions landed and the price came down.

    • +3

      Preferences, but Civ 6 > Civ 4.
      The notion of your workers just planting railroads on every damn city square is a cliche as old as Sid Meier himself. That and the money cottages lol. Every city looks the same.

      With 6, roads appear on paths travelled by traders, a bit closer resemblance to real world where roads are paths often travelled by pioneers, traders, migrants. Other game mechanics in C6 are also better overall.

      • +1

        Give Civ 4 another 10 years to mature. Plus it has the awesome Colonization pack. Just need to fix the custom houses.

      • Yeah why play Civ4 instead of Alpha Centauri?

    • +1

      Do you mean Civ VII?

      • No

        • +5

          So you think Civ VI, a game released nine years ago, needs another 10 years of development before it's worth playing?

          • +3

            @AustriaBargain: Yes, Civ 3 is almost there after almost three decades

            • +1

              @CptnObvious: Are you talking about modding or something? Surely they're not actually still releasing new official content for 3/4/5 (and maybe 6) at this point?

              • @MHLoppy: Sid Meier has transcended to Godhood, ensuring his games remain rich with content for eternity. Honour him with nightly prayers to keep his tether strong and his creations abundant.

          • @AustriaBargain: It's a joke about how Civilization games barely change on the surface, that literally any Civilization base game can be its own DLC for a previous game.

  • +2

    Waiting for USA Golden Age DLC

  • +2

    WTF anthology went from 65% left to sold out in the time it took for me to checkout :(

    • According to the listings, Platinum is the same thing minus New Frontier Pass but it's slightly cheaper as a result. NFP is one of the relatively expensive DLCs, but it also has mixed reviews (partly because of how expensive it is).

      • +1

        Platinum is also sold out :(

        • Damn, it wasn't 9 minutes ago!

  • +2

    Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI Anthology - Sorry, this product is temporarily unavailable.

  • +1

    Great thing about Civ series is that the game data are easily modded, can give your civilization any boost you think it should have.

  • +2

    I've heard these games can but a bit addicting, especially with the 'one more turn' mentality. Is it true?

    • +1

      Oh absolutely.

    • Addictive.
      And yeah, this game wrecks your free time. One more turn late game and its suddenly 2am

  • I bought Anthology the other day, from same site. Didn't realize it was ATL.

  • Sold out, both of em

  • +1

    How can it be sold out when it is digital?

    • +1

      probably sold out at that price (maybe certain quantity at that price only)

  • I think price for older games on digital store front should be no more than $10 - $15. Publishers have truly recovered cost and maximised profit that increasing volume of sales will expand the customer base for a sequel.

  • Might have to try this again. Played it near launch and it just didn't feel right compared to 5. Looks like a tonne of dlc since then.

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