• expired

TPG Fibre To The Building 3 Months Free (Available to TPG FTTB Locations Only) @ TPG Internet


Already an existing customer but called yesterday and they applied this voucher to my account anyway. Saved $180 in total
worth it
And honestly TPG works better than the top Vodafone $95 joke plan I used before. Though service isn't so good.
Not FTTN sorry, if you are still using vodafone you can also call them and tell them you are going to leave then they will either offer you a 5% off for 6 months or 1 month free for one time to keep your business.

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Referrer gets $100, up to $1000 a month.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    The brochure says it's for TPG's private FTTB rollout, can you confirm they applied it to your TPG NBN plan?

    • -1

      Yes thats what that representative told me. Only took 2 min or less.

      • +2

        I'm on FTTN, I'll contact them via live chat and see what they say.

      • +6

        "Code FTTBFREE3 is not applicable for NBN service"

        • -5

          Right my fault, didnt read carefully

      • Thanks for the heads up! Can you upload an image of the back of the voucher? T&c? 🙏

      • -1

        Unless you happen to live in a TPG FttB serviced building (apartment block) which is their own network and completely independent of the NBN, then this offer is useless. TPG serviced buildings are all but a handfull. Glad I don't live in a TPG network building as the builders decided NBN FttP was a better choice and now getting 1000/50 speeds. This isn't possible with TPG FttB buildings.

        • now getting 1000/50 speeds

          The 1% speaking. Majority of connections in Australia are 50Mbps.

          No shortage of vanity in this country when you could have simply said: with NBN there is more choices of speeds up to 1Gbps.

        • -1

          FTTB and FTTP are pretty much the same, the only difference is that FTTP means fibre up to your apartment but many buildings that have FTTB have can support FTTP because the cabling to the apartments is often Ethernet.

          TPG FTTB is much much more stable and with more consistent speeds than anything on NBN. I just wish they would offer higher speed now because the setups can take it.

  • Where would you apply this voucher?

    • -1

      I called their sales line

      • +13

        What did you say?

        "Enter Voucher Code"?

        Replied: Accepted.


        • +14

          Knowing TPG they probably didn't say "Accepted" because it's not on their support flowchart :P

          • +4

            @bdl: Sir yes Sir thank you Sir.

            • @Turd: Does anyone else dislike being called 'sir' (or madam … actually no-one has called me that)?

              I just want people to be polite (friendly would be nice), I don't want the Downtown Abbey experience.

              • +1

                @syme321: I think the use of "Sirs" is to them a respectful away to address people. In most countries.

      • called their sales line but apprently this is only for new customers

        • ya obviously, those that called in to their lame first support CS, and got the credit may have done well.

  • Couldn't find where to apply the voucher in the NBN signup process on their website.

    • +2

      This deal is not for the NBN.

  • Does the free 3 months work for FTTN?

    • Nope, this deal is for TPG FTTB & not for the NBN.

  • why is the minimum charge - $189.94?

    • 3 Months + $10 delivery of the TPLink VDSL Modem.

      This is for TPG FTTB (Non NBN Product)

      • $129.95 for the modem + $59.99 for first month

        • Do you have more details? of this $129.95 modem.

          • +2

            @Turd: Actually it's probably the same as with their 'No Lock-In' NBN plan.

            First month: $59.99
            Setup fee: $99.95
            Prepayment: $20
            Equipment delivery fee: $10

            Minimum Charge: $189.94

          • $59.99 for first month

          Is there an ISP that doesn't make you pay first month up front?

  • -1

    Online chat redirected me to call their customer service line.

  • +7

    This is for TPG FTTB (Non NBN Product)

    Nothing to do with NBN

    • @ Turd
      "This is for TPG FTTB (Non NBN Product)

      Nothing to do with NBN"

      You're going to have to place this response after every alternate post before the penny drops and they finally get it.

      I'll help ;)

      "This is for TPG FTTB (Non NBN Product)

      Nothing to do with NBN"

      You have to laugh :)

  • -1

    i am with Vodafone NBN will try my luck since they merged already.

    • +2

      Do you have TPG's FTTB product available at your address? This is not for NBN connections.

  • What did you say when you call them?

  • +8

    In my experience TPG's private fibre is way better than NBN's fibre.

    I can have stable 90mbps speed in the evening and much cheaper than nbn plan with same speed.

    • +7

      100% TPG FTTB is better than NBN's Network

      Only good thing about NBN is higher speeds of ~109/38 (Variable) or 250/20 1000/50

      TPG FTTB max supports 100/40, but usually around 95/35 due to limitations of your buildings copper wire to the DSLAM of the VDSL.

      • NBN wasn't available at the time I moved in, so I signed a long-term contract with TPG. 2 months later nbn came in and TPG started a 3 months free offer to compete🤦🏻‍♂️

      • +1

        how is that better than NBN FTTB?

        if your having congestion issues on FibreToTheBuilding its your RSP and/or private building infrastructure

        • +1

          TPG FTTB (Own Network) doesnt have to compete with CVC issues and capacity issues of NBN and other RSPs.

          • @Turd: TPG is well known for not purchasing enough CVCs (expensive) so I can see how that may make the price better.

            Ive been ABB/SL (no congestion) for 3 years now swapping between codes for discounts. Averaging out about $75 a month for 100/40 at minimum datacaps.

            • @abuch47: We are taking entirely different things here.

              This whole post is for TPG Private FTTB (Non NBN) there is no CVC in this.

              TPG NBN yes there is CVC.

              • +1

                @Turd: I know refer to original comment

                • +1

                  @abuch47: Ah sorry Yeah I think on NBN FTTB sync speeds can be higher eg:

                  FTTB With Aussie Broadband: https://www.speedtest.net/result/9753662667.png
                  And with NBN50: https://www.speedtest.net/result/9752417092.png
                  Over prioritised obviously thus speeds higher.

                  Guess it all depends on your RSP and how good they provide CVC to you

                  • @Turd: yep TPG still quoting NBN100 at 80mbps but not sure if overprovisioning is everywhere yet.

                    I think ill will try MR 250/20 for $109 as I have had the best and worst NBN experience with them before.

                    • +2

                      @abuch47: Dont think it's fully provisioned yet - https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/948l02m9
                      I know some NBN25's are 27/4 but the one I have access to is still 24/4

                      I think 250/20 is a downgrade, due to the 20Mbps upload speed ewwww.

                      • @Turd: make sure you close out the session and reset router.

                        yeah i dont need upload was dissapointed when i had to move from cable to fttp

                        • @abuch47: Huh? FttP is the cream of the crop, you can't beat having fibre all the way into your home.
                          Perhaps you meant FttB?

                          • +1

                            @[Deactivated]: Not everyone can get FTTP.

                            • +1

                              @Turd: Who said they could? Not me. I was responding to someone else about an unrelated issue.

                              • @[Deactivated]: many attest to the following

                                on coaxial cable since 2011 I had 115/2.5 all day everyday for $60.

                                when decommissioned for nbn (and yes i was one of the lucky ones) I had to take a 20mbps drop for more money per month.5 years later the release of higher speed plans at consumer prices.

                                I will never not be disappointed in MTM, we would have quite possibly had 10gbps by now with the efficiencies of proper infrastructure..

                                • @abuch47: No disgreement there 👍

            • @abuch47: TPG is well known for being the fastest provide of NBN, beating other providers such as Aussie several times on indie ACCC tests

      • I have TPG FTTB at 140/20. It's handy having someone from TPG working in the building.

        • +1

          How much do you pay a month for that?

          New building?

          • @Turd: I'm on the $60 100/40 plan but VDSL speed to the building has been uncapped - it's not a new building.

            • +1

              @cainen: Lucky you!. Hope the person who works at TPG doesnt get in trouble for modifying the network.

              What modem do you use?

              • @Turd: DSL-AC68U. A TPG tech had to come around a few months ago and noticed I was syncing a lot faster than normal. Didn't seem to care!

                • +1

                  @cainen: Ah that's nice. I'd wish mine could connect faster. I know it can! lol

                  Oh well. Not like I need to archive the internet anymore.

          • +1

            @Turd: No brand new build installs TPG FttB as there isn't any copper wiring in the building to use for VDSL, it's for buildings that have copper phone wiring. New apartment buildings always go with NBN Fibre to the Premises, which can provide 1gigabit speeds.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: TPG FTTB Uses the building's copper, so does NBN FTTB.

              Yes New building mostly now use NBN FTTP.

              • +1

                @Turd: Yep, aware NBN use copper for FttB (VDSL) also, my point is all new builds (new apartment blocks) install NBN FttP during construction.

        • I'm on TPG fttb and can sync 100-110mbs, wondering how fast it would get if uncapped.
          Does TPG plan to increase the speed on Fttb? Would love to see gigabit connection.

          • @ValouSydney: TPG is using VDSL2 Profile 17a. Max speed is 100 down / 50 up.
            I am not sure about TPG VDSL equipment but all modems they are supplying can't go higher than Profile 17a.
            Max theoretical limit for VDSL2 Profile 35b is 300 down / 100 up but it looks like even that can't be achieved in real life.
            There is no way to push 1 Gbs speed via Cat 3 cable used for phone lines.

            • @SickDmith: They will probably do G.fast next

              • @Moo Deng: G.fast is different to VDSL2 profiles.

                Next step up from 17a is 30a or 30b.

                Don't think TPG will go route of NBN G.fast

  • Will it work with new users who want to change internet service provider? On FTTC

    • +2


    • +1

      Definitely not. Only applies to apartment blocks with TPG VDSL pre installed. Which you'd definitely know of when moving in.

  • +1

    I called customer service, they said this offer is not available in my area. Also this is only for FTTB not FTTN.

    • -2

      Live chat said the same to me.

      • +1

        So why negged?

        • +2

          i feel some of the Ozbargain community has been a bit precious as of late. I feel unexplained negging is becoming the norm.
          But yeah, completely agree

          • @Drakesy: Sorry guys, my bad, did not mean to neg, if an admin can remove it would appreciate it.

            • +2

              @bogzy: It was more in response as to why your comment was getting negged, i don't see anything wrong with it.

      • Not worth a neg - I'm currently talking to customer service, on TPG FTTB, and they are applying (hopefully) as I type.

        • +2

          What did you say? You saw a ozbargain post with the code for FTTBFREE3?

          • +1

            @Turd: I said I received a leaflet that says Superfast internet 59.99 a month with 3 months free.

            They approved it over the phone, easiest $180 I've saved on Ozb.

            Thanks OP!!

            • +1

              @Wickadz: lol even though you're on TPG FTTB (own network) already?

              • @Turd: I'm an existing customer (as of a month ago) TPG FTTB for the same plan, yes, they approved it over the phone.

                My plan is not locked in, so if I wanted to I could just cancel and sign up again with the code.

                • +1

                  @Wickadz: True true, Ive been with them for 3 years but hate speaking to them over the phone.

                  • @Turd: 5 minute phone call for a few hundred bucks - easy choice :)

                    • @Wickadz: Im thinking of calling them once the Government introduces the Broadband Tax onto us. So we'll save more! lol

                      Jan 1st 2021.

                      • @Turd: Yeah by then promo might be over.

                        • @nightelves: Promo is long running, they send the leaflet to all units in a building once they activate TPG's own FTTB product.

        • An indian in india answered my phone call and said I needed to send him my ID to proceed…Is it normal or just me?

  • +2

    Are you able to provide a photo of the back T's & C's? :)

  • +2

    Just called customer service - I'm currently on their NBN FTTB 50 plan, and they applied it for me! I'll be saving $210, thank you so much OP.

    • +5

      Someone's gonna get in trouble for this.

      • +1

        To me it makes sense that people already on the FTTB plans would be eligible - there's no lock in contract, after all.

        • +5

          You are mistaken.

          This is for TPG FTTB (TPG's Own Network) nothing to do with TPG NBN FTTB.

          • @Turd: Ah, you're right - well, fingers crossed that I actually get the text to confirm that it's been applied.

    • I just got a call, it wasn't applied in the end

  • -3


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