Usually $2.75 at Colesworth. Assorted flavours are on sale. Buy responsibly and support your local IGA.
Note: $2.15 in NT. May not be available to all IGA's. Check your local catalogue to be safe.
Usually $2.75 at Colesworth. Assorted flavours are on sale. Buy responsibly and support your local IGA.
Note: $2.15 in NT. May not be available to all IGA's. Check your local catalogue to be safe.
terimah kasi
Terima kasih, not terimah kasi :p
termia kasi :(
Indomieee, seleraaahhhkuuu
Not sure if IGA retarded.
In catalogue:
Pepsi, Solo, Schweppes.
24x 375ml varieties.
$14.50 save $9.25
Wat 🤔📟
Under the "Multiple pricing" clause of the ACL, could you argue that they should give it to you for half-price?
You could argue it, but they're not going to give it to you.
They would also most likely have an apology notice hanging in-store for it. This is part of them satisfying legal guidelines for errors in advertising material.
Local orientals have been selling them at 90c.
Good deal.
Internal or export version? I've found that the internal version has a really small flavour sachets.. the export versions are where it's at..
Yep, gotta look for the export version!
they come in different flavours. so must be the local ones - non-export quality.
I remember these things were 30c. Anyway, ever since going to the costco upsized versions, I can't go back to normal size.
They've been under attack lately. Have had a monopoly for way too long and was getting too greedy and expensive. I remember when they used to sell a box for $7.50 and then they just kept pushing up the price even though our exchange rate was/is very favourable. It's good now there are alternatives from Woolies made in Malaysia 5 for $1.10 and Coles 5 for $1.50 from Singapore which is very nice. I'd say about time too.
If those two become too popular probably the prices will probably go up, however, I don't see getting anywhere near Indomie and Indomie will need to make theirs more affordable or they'll lose market share big time.
Yeah, they used to be under 30c each packet when you buy a box (30-something pcs) from the Asian grocery.
You cant even get it 30c no more in indonesia.
Those alternatives (supermarket's home brand) from other countries are less delicious compared with the real original mi goreng. I have tried them before. If I want mi goreng, I'll just stick to the original mi goreng from Indofood company. They have factories in Malaysia too, not just Indonesia.
The Coles and Woolies definitely are just as nice if you add the missing Ibu Jari chilli. Or if you take out the chilli out from Indomie will definitely taste blander and IMO Indonesian Indomie is too expensive at $2.50 for a packet of 5 when you can grab the Korean Shin Ramnyun @ 100 grams per packet regularly for $3 for a packet of 5.
Are these any better than the packets they sell at Aldi?
these are the best, imo.
i've tried Aldi's and Woolie's "mi goreng" and they have nothing on Indomie
I'd say Indomie is the OG when it comes to instant Mi Goreng
Because IT IS the OG. The rest are imitators
Interesting. I'll have to give them a try. But should buy the export version at an Asian food shop?
it usually works out cheaper, yeah.
but try the 5 pack first to see if you like it before committing to a box of 40. (i'm pretty sure you will like it, but you never know lol)
It should be the same, just different quantity of the packaging. I've never seen the local Indonesian edition here in VIC, u can only find the "export" version. But I never notice any differences anyway, taste the same.
@tonydav: which supermarkets?
Coles/Woolies/IGA have the Export version, whereas your local oriental shops have the non-Export version. You can check the labels.
No, I have tried them before. Just stick to the original mi goreng from Indofood company (either made in Indonesia or Malaysia). They have factory in Malaysia too.
Are they cheaper than buying a box of them from Asian groceries?
$14 for a box of 40
So $2 cheaper buying a box of 40 than buying 8 packs of 5 individual packets since 8 x $2 5-packs = $16 vs $14 for a box of 40.
Quick maths.
$16 > $14
Just checked. Tong li nearby selling for $16.99
Farmer Jacks in WA usually has a 5 pack for $1.99. sometimes it drops to $1.79
Not sure if it's just me but they don't taste as good anymore. I just had two packets for lunch, they tasted too waxy and lack of flavour. I can't put my finger on what's missing.
I've noticed that the mi goreng that I buy from western supermarkets like Costco/Woolies/Coles/IGA tastes different and worse than the ones the Asian stores import.
Yeah the export version sucks, the grey imports are the best by far. Not sure what the commenters above are smoking when they mention the export version is better.
i like the mi goreng satay but they are produced for export only.
I find there are two types of Indomie goreng being sold at supermarkets. The ones produced in Malaysia, or sometimes Thailand and Indonesia. They're all the Indofood brand, but the one from Indonesia taste better imo
dont buy the export version.
I notice the only difference between Indonesian Indo Mie and the rest, they pack a packet of chilli that gives you the extra kick. But you can buy this yourself from the asian grocery store under the label Ibu Jari for around $2.50 a bottle which still works out a lot cheaper than paying an extra $1 for a packet of 5 each time (compare to Coles) and IMO Coles one is really good. And the bonus is you can use as much or as little as you prefer.
am i the only one who cuts off and saves those little packets? :p
sometimes i feel like adding that chilli, sometimes i don't
too bad there isn't some sort of trade-in scheme or i'd be richhhhhhh
I really wish they sold like buckets or jars of the separate ingredients already.. I really hate all the wasted packaging and all that.
I just want a 10kg tub of each ingredient and there is probably a way to better store the noodle cakes.
That should last me a year maybe and be better for the environment.
I'm sure people could reuse the tubs also or just maybe have a trade in system to get more for cheaper.
Honestly would love to see this happen in my lifetime because sometimes you just want more of that bumbu powder or palm oil or whatever.
Love mi goreng.
you know what'll happen, right? people will just start snorting the bumbu and there'll be outrage from the Karens. (like they're doing right now, negging comments because they have no sense of humour :D
Thanks man. Bought 8. Cheaper compared 1 box 21 dollars
Is there anywhere to buy the Jumbo versions? I think Costco might have them, but anywhere else?
If you live in Melbourne, you can go to these "Indonesian" groceries:
Grand Laguna
Laguna QV
They might have jumbo and Indonesian versions.
Thanks for the reply, but Sydneysider, and don’t feel like the 14 day quarantine to visit Melb at the moment :(
There's Indonesian grocery stores along Anzac Parade in Kingsford. Otherwise, I'm sure an Asian grocery store in the city or Thai Kee IGA would sell Jumbo size packs individually
The ALDI ones are Less than two bucks, and just as unhealthy
Like getting some anyway when you CBF, but own stock good, Shin Ramen thumps it though
Thanks OP.
Just 1 pack of original and 1 pack of 'satay' flavour, just to see what's it like.
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