Again another Facebook voucher -
Buy any Twisted Delight and get a white or wholemeal block loaf free!
I've attached the voucher direct so need for Facebook.
Again another Facebook voucher -
Buy any Twisted Delight and get a white or wholemeal block loaf free!
I've attached the voucher direct so need for Facebook.
$5.90 at some bakeries.
At my local Bakers the Twisted Delight is $5.50.
My mum loves these. Gives me an excuse to email her with an attachment.
facepalm That sounds so wrong…
"My mum loves these. Gives me an excuse to email her with an attachment."
- lol what?
"Son, why don't you write? Even if it's to send me a voucher?"
You guys just better hope I don't tell her about some of these comments.
This will help me save some dough!
it's a bit of a twisted deal though… make sure you don't get rolled
I'm too baked to understand those two puns
I think that'll be the yeast of my worries.
This thread is starting to go stale…
I think you all knead to take a break.
Does it need to be printed? Because printing the voucher would cost like $1…
Only if you use one of those expensive inkjet printers. At least print in B+W, I have never had my mono laser vouchers turned down.
I get a couple free loaf every week, since one of the member of my church is the owner of a BD. Good nicely deliciously bread.
How much is the twisted delight? I think the Traditional Block Loaf is $3.70 (thats what st33p said in the last deal).