Found this while looking for a PS4. The Cheapest brand new PS4 I've seen 'available' right now.
Hope this helps someone!
Found this while looking for a PS4. The Cheapest brand new PS4 I've seen 'available' right now.
Hope this helps someone!
OP mentioned in the title, preorder is coming soon though
When is PS4 price this high and with shortage? I only know Switch price jumped because I was looking for one, now I am going to save for PS5
Where can you preorder it in Australia? There is still no pricing or release date announced officially.
Only an expression of interest page for some retailers.
Stupid me sold my PS4 Pro for $320 during the stupid Covid19 outbreak. :(
It's okay, You're still handsome :)
wait for PS5. It has BC.
BC doesn't deserve such an acronym out-of-context.
We have no idea how good their BC will be yet.
I love blue cheese.
I thought he was talking about Blue Case.
*for some PS4 titles
But I'm horny for Sony nooow
Wait!! I have a spare PS4 1tb, how much is it worth it ?
depend on who you sell it to, to me I'll give you $50, best I can do, I am taking all the risk here ;)
Based on eBay/gumtree you could probably sell it for somewhere between 250-300.
Geez, guess nobody watched pawn stars.
@worldpc: I didn't downvote you lol.
I've noticed Ozbargain has very little sense of humour overall.
I also meant to reply to the original comment lol.
Can't believe how expensive it is. The PS4 Pro should be this price.
Yeah I got a ps4 classic with 3 games back in 2014 for this money… you'd be nuts to buy current gen with ps5 about here.
I’m also confused by the price. I never knew they still had this much value on them
Only times PS4 Pro was lower than aud$400 was on prime day 2018-2019 and last Black Friday. Today RRP is around $549.
I picked up my PS4 Pro for $369 when it was on sale. Can't believe anyone would be selling a standard one for this price when we're around six months from the PS5.
I can’t believe anyone would buy it…….
LOl i guess someone did… by the downvote….
I traded my stand alone ps4 pro console last week through CEX for $470 cash
Maybe they sold some games as well? Or maybe the price has dropped.
Price dropped in the last week.
I sold two at the higher price in the last month. They bought a discounted (different colour controller) PS4 slim 500gb from me for $352 cash 10 days ago.
I received $456 a month ago. But now EB games has stock of PS4 pro so the price they are paying of course is lower. Until 10 days ago they were still paying $470 cash.
Not here there isn't well in my part of Queensland or any where near it within hundreds of kilometers there's nothing no stock of the PS4 Pro at EB Games. Any where from Cairns all the way down until you get to Nambour which is a bit north of Brisbane, no stock. So there's a severe lack of PS4 Pro consoles in Queensland at least. Normal PS4 consoles aren't that much different when it comes to stock either.
Who would buy a PS4 now for that amount :/
This is $349 at bigw
If they had it in stock.
I got this for $250 when it first came out. Good times :)
To echo others, I assumed this were about $250 to buy now a days….
Mind boggles people would pay this much non pro version.
Paid $199 delivered for this from Gamesmen last year during Black Friday. There is no way you should be paying $250+ now!
Target have it as well for $349. Blame the price hike on Sony trying to capitalise and increase profit on the back of covid -19. Pathetic. Excuse, apparently the price until the hike was promotional. Lol
Its not just gaming that has gone up. Across the board most IT prices have increase. It's most likely due lack of production, stock and high demand. Not just Covid-19 greed. Now is not the time to buy. If you can wait. They also may be winding down production and gearing up for next gen system release.
I would say that they already had wound down production of the PS4 and had moved to PS5 production. For example i hadn't seen the PS4 Pro in stock much at all in some time. What you get to the retailers would be the last of the PS4 stock which was made and there wouldn't be much of that left. There's probably been no more PS4 consoles being made right at the moment. It would be all PS5 production right now.
Good price! But it's about time for new one.
Word is on Amazon AU that PS5 won't be released until late 2020. So you've got a bit of a wait.
Can someone check if this still works? Just had a chat with eBay support and they said this code doesn't apply to this item. They'll forward it to the marketing team and fix it if it's a mistake.
It isn’t available though? It’s pre order?