In less than 24 hours, a new FY starts. Is the COVID-19 affecting your generosity? How much are you donating before midnight tonight?
How Much Are You Donating?

Poll Options
- 210$0, COVID-19 affected me financially
- 45$2-$100
- 52$101-$500
- 63$501-up
- 1
- 2
The people upvoting your comment are the option votes
The government donates on your behalf with your taxes, even to causes you may disagree with such as the clinton foundation, or 'humanitarian aid' to corrupt indonesian politicians.
Ah, yes, good idea. Best to give more money to good government:
So next time they can act on the decades worth of advice experts in all the intelligence and health agencies, or perhaps some of their more experienced campaign advisors (those with an understanding of risk) can prepare for the
secondthird multi-billion dollar SARS epidemic, at least by some simple things like buying a couple of million dollars worth of masks, and doing some basic procedural preparation to ensure effective co-ordination with states, councils, hospitals, testing labs and so on.It's time we gave more to Gov, so they can protect us. If we don't, they'll be forced to sell more farms and mines to the Chinese, and barely have enough to fatten the Banks, Murdoch, overseas defence contractors…
Good government is definitely an oxymoron. I'm not sure if you think I am in favor of paying more taxes. I'm finding your sarcasm is making it hard to actually determine your stance on the issue.
@Tonyh87: Probably makes several of us.
Giving more to gov doesn't have to include increasing tax, it might just be asking for less in return.
Like 90B for the Banks at the beginning of the crisis, or 40B on submarines, 30B on DoD, 20B for newspapers (80% for Murdoch?) and the list goes on…
They could have bought boxes of masks for everyone, for far less than 1/100th of the money they are spending on tax cuts for multinational corporations, or giving taxpayers money to retired investors claiming tax returns without having any taxable income, 24x7 surveillance, and the list goes on.
Expecting that much less would be giving more to gov and protecting us better.
However, it is clearly far less risky and more effective if we donated to charity in the first place. The existing tax-machine only seems to work properly when hiding and re-purposing funds for the benefit of a few.
So my stance is donate, nothing else you pay will make an ounce of difference!
You forgot to mention these…
Late last year the PNG government was widely criticised for its decision to spend millions of dollars importing 40 brand new Maseratis Quattroporte sedans and three Bentley Flying Spurs to ferry international delegates around Port Moresby for the conference. Opposition MPs called for strikes in protest at the spending, which they alleged was “blatant fraud”.
Australia this year announced an extra $16m in aid to address the polio outbreak and assist PNG’s vaccination program.
“40 Maseratis for Apec and yet they cannot fix bridges that provide access to vital services in rural areas,” said Madan resident Cornelius Kalupio on social media.…
Corruption is a HUGE part of the reason why these countries can't get ahead.
They say Foreign Aid is poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries…
Good on you for spending in the local economy. But if you're receiving goods or services in return, it's not a donation…
True in the ATO's definition, but just as important as a donation potentially. If he's paying double the price for a can of tomatoes grown and packed here, it's as good as a donation for that sector (although not directly covid19 related)
And did you vote Labor and Liberal at the last election to keep privatised electricity which has "severely damaged" the economy as Rodney Sims puts it?
Getting rid of privatised electricity and ports should be at the forefront of anyone who lives in reality and wants the economy to run efficiently and thereby prosper. At the moment the idiots who believe in privatisation theory appear to be completely brainwashed and incapable of addressing reality where the economy is being severely damaged by it.
Which is remarkable given they are the ones losing their own money to this absurd (profanity).
How much cheaper would it be if it wasn't privatised? Let's say it was 50%, would that save the economy???
No cheaper. Look at wa.
@machej: I believe he's saying it's no cheaper.
WA has a state owned grid, our power prices are nowhere near as cheap as the eastern states and our grid costs our economy shitloads. Diji1 just bangs on about this on every post because they live in a dreamland
Diji1 forgot to add vote Greens.
Because the government runs utilities better. What a joke.
It is true that since privatisation prices of electricity in most places have increased dramatically is it not?
A lot of people will reconsider donating to charities now & in the future after what happened with the Australian bushfires. Or has that already been forgotten?
Maybe smaller charities will benefit instead of larger corp charities.
This is a very good point. Unfortunately, the charity industry has become just that over the last 30 years or so … an industry.
I wish we could get some reliable statistics across the industry and get some more transparency on costs. I'm aware of some very well known charities that have an enormous cost base via staff and premises costs, marketing spend, "operating costs" etc. that all need to be paid for before any money finds itself in the hands of those the benefactors are actually attempting to help.
Even "well run" charities have cost bases that can eat up a third to a half of all revenue … let alone the train wrecks that can be flat out distributing 10% of income to the actual cause.
Most, if not all major charities are very transparent with their costs. A cost base isn't a waste. It's used to make sure the money they do have is spent efficiently and actually achieve outcomes.
Not a lot of people understand this unfortunately.
If you want to get the best bang for your donated buck $, see
What happened to the australian bushfires?
They eventually got put out
Of course the fire eventually got put out, but I was thinking about the donations…. I'm guessing the donations didn't exactly go to the cause….?
@Zachary: That comedian bird started a post that raised over 50M, I didn't hear what happened afterwards but what I gathered was that when people donated via the generic xxx donation page at xxx charity, that charity couldn't spend all the money easily within the laws, and last I heard there was some legislative changes being made so that the money could be distributed most effectively. I don't know what's happened since that
@Jackson: 50 million….and none of it went the cause? Well…..maybe I should start up own donation business……tell that its for the covid pandemic and then keep all the donations to myself! Muahahahahaha
@Zachary: The FB $50M+ fundraiser was actually for RFS, and not the 10-20 things the organiser claimed. As expected, the money got paid directly to RFS, and there are laws in place on what they can spend money on. Giving money away to various other entities is not one of them.
tl;dr the entire world got emotionally manipulated and scammed, and NSW RFS got a free $50M that the gov doesn't have to fork over now.
As for the rest, there was a bunch of stories about a couple large charity organisations who didn't give out a cent even at the time the fires were put out. Where this money went, no one knows.
Generosity and donating on the night of EOFY don't sound right regardless of COVID effects
I've got a charity bike ride coming up in October if people want to donate to me now for this EOFY :P OR alternatively….I have a charity bike ride coming up in October if people want to donate for next financial year!
Endure for a cure? :P
No seats allowed
$0, charities mostly just waste the money.
Or raise $50 million dollars that then cannot be passed on to the people that actually need it most.
charities are more efficient than the government.
If you want to get the best bang for your donated buck $, see
$0, because i'm selfish.
Christian Orthodox friends around 5-10% of income.
Muslim friends 2.5% of wealth + extra Charity.
Why is this negged?
Certain cultures and people can't stand religion.
But that's how much alms my Muslim and christian friends give.
My donations are in the tens of thousands because it's a religious duty.
My donations are in the tens of thousands because it's a religious duty.
I don't give tens of thousands but some people I know just straight deduct 10%-15% of their salary and give it away. They don't even consider this as their money to begin with and they live on 85% to 90% of their salary and their lifestyle is adjusted to suit. I don't do this, but I think it is a really good thing which is why I was surprised with the neg votes.
@TheBilly: The money is going to some of the richest organisations in the world which have been accused of harbouring criminals.
@whooah1979: Most of the people I am talking about would do things like… Buy groceries for the struggling pensioner next door, buy a single mother some equipmemt for the kids… There are other examples as well, but those are the two specific ones that I know of.
Likewise it is not given to the church or a multinational. They literally treat it like its not their money and go direct to end user, its not a tax thing and quite admirable.
@whooah1979: Like the church
The pope lives like a king and there are people in country's who are starving
If I had my way the church would be paying tax's
@Mosher: Why should the church be obligated to solve the worlds problems and you spared? How much money have you given to starving children?
I give 10% to my church and other charities. My church has a 3 day working pastor, basically gets nothing, and the church costs are also low, so we donate our excess to local charities. Jesus commands us to give, as so we give
@lew380: Seeing how a lot of wars are started by religious fanatics I think they should be held accountable
@Mosher: What about all the wars started by the militant atheists? When are you gonna pay up? Or do you not practice what you preach? I recall the "league of militant atheists" who rounded up thousands of religious folks and sent them to the gulags, among other atrocities. That was only a few decades ago, I don't have reinterpret history from a few thousand years ago…
some of the richest organisations in the world which have been accused of harbouring criminals.
And child molesters and terrorists.
@brendanm: Taxes are for your own welfare, roads, services for yourself. Charity to yourself is not charity
I'm pretty sure the churches already have enough money. Although, I suppose it costs a fair bit to keep those alter boys quiet.
I'm pretty sure the churches already have enough money
The Islamic donation known as zakat doesn't go to mosques, it goes to charities and poor people. If the mosque does accept it, they don't keep it for themselves.
Christianity has too many denominations so hard to know what they do with it, but my Christian friends give to charity and not the church.
Call me cynical but i severely doubt Muslims do this, or at least do it properly (yes, a broad based assertion).
Think of the Gulf States and their royal families. The house of Saud (Saudi Arabia) for example is reputed to have a net worth of $1.4 trillion USD, so 2.5% is $35 billion USD. That alone could make a huge dent in world hunger let alone pooling all of the royal families together.
Call me cynical but i severely doubt Muslims do this
You'd be wrong, because if you don't do Zakat then you break a pillar of Islam.
Zakat is the biggest form of transfer of wealth to the poor in the world. You'd be surprised at how many millions of dollars Islamic Relief AU, Human Appeal AU, the biggest mosques in Australia and MAA have raised this year from Zakat.Think of the Gulf States and their royal families.
Most muslims are not Arab and are certainly not Saudi, Qatari, Jordanian, Emirati or any of the other Royal families. Royal families in the middle-east are also a terrible representation of Islam and most muslims (90%? probably) do not follow their school of Islam.
I usually donate somewhere around $100 per year. This year I've donated $400 to various issues. I would like to donate more, but I also need to be mindful of my own expenses.
I've donated clothes if that counts. Have to be careful as some bins are privately operated for profit.
Most charity shops are run for profit of landlords and employees.
I know someone who volunteered at the salvo's in smithfeild S.A and he told mt the woman who ran the place and her daughter would go through the donations and take what they wanted and put it in their car boot
So the good stuff never saw the self's
That's why I would never donate to them
he told mt the woman who ran the place and her daughter would go through the donations and take what they wanted and put it in their car boot
Wouldn't surprise me. If you confront them they would make some excuse maybe their pay is too low and it is the little bit of perks they get back. My opinion has always been, if you are going to complain about your job it is either take a job you do like or get the skills for the job you do like. Unfortunately it is usually the idea of having a job that people dislike.
I'm going to donate a big fat zero.
Not changing how much I donate usually to various organisations on a month by month basis.
Yes, I am that person that gets sucked in by people at shopping centres, however I also know enough about aid charities to know which ones have high admin costs and where it goes, and I only stay with them for 2 years which is enough to usually cover the cost of obtaining my donation and have an impact. Also I can afford to, but its usually only 2-3 charities at a time.
This year I also donated to a few Indigenous Health Service charities.
Those people at shopping centres get a large amount of what you donate, the rest is wasted on advertising, travel, middle management, and the ceo.
Also, aid charities are a "give a man a fish" solution, which is moronic.
That sounds a bit fishy.
I mean those are very general statements. A lot are like that but there are some good ones. The bigger ones like World Vision yes, I stay clear of them at any cost. There are a few where at least 75% of your donation goes towards actual programs.
What programs are these? Ones where they just hand things out?
You know why we don't feed animals at the park? They get used to being given things, and stop doing things for themselves.
@brendanm: No, programs where these charities actually administer medical assistance and other relevant aid…so that people don't die or live with chronic illnesses. Medecins Sans Frontieres is a good example.
The biggest issue I have with some of these programs is more around the culture of some of these organisations where workers are often found to sexually abuse and exploit locals in the area they're working in and general white saviour complex related issues, but the alternative is that people die from poverty and malnutrition.
Your comparison of people in actual need to animals at the park is a bit offensive to be honest.
@kanmen: So what happens when those organisations leave? The people will still die of malnutrition/illness, as the root problems haven't been addressed.
It's only offensive if you seek to be offended, it's the same as "give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he can feed himself for a lifetime". All any of these organisations do is give a fish, and the same problems repeat over and over. It does make the people who donate feel a bit better about themselves though. We even see this in this thread, there are poll options, but people like to detail exactly what they give, to get those +1s.
@brendanm: These are 100% important questions to ask, I'm not disagreeing with that. Long term these models of aid are not sustainable. I don't have the knowledge or capacity to address these issues or solve them, but I'm not wanting to ignore them completely as a result of that. If my donation helps in the short-term then that's fine with me. I'd rather donate money than participate in some form of voluntourism or go into these areas with some saviour complex
It's probably more akin to seeing an animal dying in the park and doing something to help it survive, even if it's giving money to help it survive for a little while longer.
There are of course lots of charities that aim to address long-term issues in lifting people out of poverty and ill-health by giving people training to get employment or knowledge etc.
There are economists that have put a dollar figure on how much it would take to lift people out of poverty traps, from memory it's not a lot considering the GDP's of Developed Nations, but until we reach that level of investment the poverty cycle/traps will continue. In the meantime, I'm happy to do what I can do and not turn a blind eye.
@brendanm: Your points are well founded, 2 questions:
Do you support the micro-loan charity structure ?
Do you support welfare in Australia?
@cruiseronroad: I have no problems with micro loans, they help people get started in something they can own. It's their idea, their execution, and the success is theirs.
I have no choice but to support welfare in Australia. I have no problem with people who are between jobs getting help, or the disabled etc. I don't like that serial bludgers rort the system.
@kanmen: What brendanm says is harsh but true. I did follow a charitable organisation whose ethos I found interesting - never under any circumstance were we allowed to directly intervene professionally.
That includes scenarios involving immediate death.
They do have a point - if there is a sense that someone can come to the rescue, they will never truly be independent.
@[Deactivated]: That's really interesting. I'd be interested to know how that works. Would you mind sharing what that organisation is?
I'm not sure I agree with the premise though. I mean, are we truly independent? If we're looking at it in this sense, these organisations are moreso taking the place of governments in providing basic human necessities such as healthcare, nutrition, sanitation etc.
We're lucky because we have governments that provide free/subsidised healthcare for all (if not most) and have the frameworks in place for us to access nutritional food and water and sanitation. These aren't necessarily things that I could provide for myself if I didn't have access to it by legislative and regulatory frameworks that provide the resources for it. The charity aspect of civil society exists to fill the gap where governments haven't managed to get across to address basic human needs.
To this effect what we're talking about is governments and nations as a whole being reliant on external funding when they aren't capable of it themselves, which I agree is not sustainable. Unfortunately this means that individuals are the ones that suffer. Basically people who have been unlucky enough to be born in the wrong country in unfortunate circumstances where societal structures can't provide them with the basics to live.
@kanmen: We are there in the capacity as trainers.
I cannot remember the name but it was fairly generic sounding. It was arranged by my mentor yonkers ago.
We paid our own way - airfares, food and accomodation. We brought expired stock and outdated equipment over and we even spent money on building training tents. Sometimes, we have useful items to give, sometimes not.
We would liase with local professionals. At best, they had some basic idea of medicine. Sometimes, all we had were villagers with basic education.
One thing was always a constant, theres not enough of us for us to provide any meaningful long term care and we eventually leave.
There is no such thing as sharing everything with everyone. We do what we can and what we are willing to do. The idea that we can all have excellent living standards is utopian. I would love it too but thats like loving the idea of infinite money.
The idea that if we shared enough we can fix anything is narcissistic. It will ultimately lead to great disappointments. (One of my mentors attempted suicide as a result.)
Hence why I loved the ethos of aforementioned group.
$0. With my health stuff I can only work part time, as a result I make less money than someone on jobseeker.
Lol, maybe I should start e-begging and then put the money towards a new hunting “tool”, I’m sure that would bring smiles to those that like to “donation shame”…
I donate approx. $50-100 a year, just to causes I support. However, I agree with a lot of earlier posts that charities don't pass on most of the money :(
Cash $0 last year.
Pro-bono work, low five figures.
Im happy to TAKE donations, struggle street fyi
These guys are going to need a receipt from their donations to be able to claim it lols
Have ABN and receipt book, help me help you!
Lean on me,
When youre not strong,
We donate a bit here and there, and occasionally buy something that's "in aid of ___ charity" (POP vinyl firefighter, beanies for cancer, etc) but not as much as I'd like to. Not sure if it counts, but we're leaving almost half of our estate to charity when we die - that might go towards some good karma points, but hopefully not for a while. ;)
Not tonight but donated $100 to the good friday appeal. Had a stint at the children's hospital when I was a baby - wouldn't be here without them
One a year we sit as a family of 4 and nominate 1 charity each for monthly deductions. That way we dont have to feel guilty of saying no when approached by other charities. Our nominations this year include Medicine San Frontier, Birdlife, Red Cross and Salvation Army.
We also volunteer time to charitable/non profits.
Do tips count?
(Otherwise, it's $0 for me)
How ever much I owe the tax man this year. I'm happy the majority of my tax goes to the vulnerable elderly.
100%! I am a young person but always put elderly #1 on my preference list for donations.
Honestly i dont trust charities anymore there has been too many dodgy charities for me to hit the point where i wont give money
I am willing to donate my time and my skills but money i have learnt to refuse any financial commitment becuz im shit of all the con-artist out there
There are organizations that look into charities and see how effective they are. See
It is best to use your skill to earn money and donate via organizations like that.
Find local charities, run by volunteers that you know, and donate to them. Donating to "shopping centre pandas charities" or other BS will result in about 98% of your money going to admin fees
Couldn't find a poll option for: whatever 100,000,000 points on the Folding@Home COVID project equates to in electricity.
Can you choose to pay more tax or donate to the government?
I donate every year to organisations which are in line with my values, so medical research, scholarships, Beyond Blue, CFS, Australian Cultural Fund and Creative Partnerships, Australia Institute, MSF. When my children were involved in sporting clubs, I'd give there. I donate for particular campaigns during the year, and then the rest at the end of the financial year.
It's facile to say you won't donate because of lack of transparency. It's not hard to check an organisation's operating costs to ensure that the bulk of the money goes where it's needed.
I've been donating 10gb of data every month, I am with optus.
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Is there an option for $0, I'm a scrooge?