Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Special Edition Console
Check your local store as there may be a limited supply of pre-orders (thanks jezza10).
Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Special Edition Console
Check your local store as there may be a limited supply of pre-orders (thanks jezza10).
you're welcome :)
aaand gone
what's with all the neg? Wasn't serious, didn't even get one lol
People hate brodens
Preorder now
hurry..!!! LOL :)
Oh! I get it! OOSBargin, I thought this was OzInstock for Switch.
Get it now before some (profanity) tried to resell it for $1,000 🙄
More has already started appearing on eBay as of this morning.
Prices already dropping to the $700 for these resellers
Thanks Bunnii/OP, the wife will be v.happy (me as well!)
you're welcome fam..!! :)
I like the colours but I don't play Animal Crossing, should i get it?
I mean if you like the look of it who cares if you play Animal Crossing, you dont have to sign a contract obligating you to play Animal Crossing just to buy one.
Man it should really come with Animal Crossing!
When they released it the first time, did it come with animal crossing? I remember seeing it on Amazon but not sure if it included it or not
dont think it was
no it never came with the game
I believe the UK version came with the game pre-loaded. My niece in Malaysia got one of those last weekend.
Agree. Like how the sega master system had Alex the kidd built in, they should have done this for this console.
Yeah kind of strange it doesn't.
More recently from MS and Sony:
* Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Edition Xbox One X comes with the game.
* Last of Us II Limited Edition PS4 Pro comes with the game.
Shnagged. Thanks
Ordered!Not sure what Amazon has planned but at least I got it secured.
So the wife stole my Switch to play Animal crossing, if I get her this one, can she copy her save game stuff over to it or have I lost my switch for good?
No, at the moment.
Wait. What? God damn….. Is this a common Switch thing or just ACNH???
(I don't own a Switch, but in Xbox land I haven't seen a game not do cloud saves…)
From what I've read just from last night. It's limited to Animal Crossing only. Most other games like Zelda, Mario and Octpath traveller I believe come with cloud saves out of the box.
Sadly no.
not yet anyways.
and when they do let you.. you will need Nintendo Online sub to do it
At this stage no. Nintendo is living in early PS3 era. ACNH is a console level save so you can't do a profile backup. After copping lots of flak for this & their pathetic attempt at multiplayer, they did update ACNH save file couple patches ago to prepare it for cloud backup. Hasn't happened at this point & who knows if it will. Been over 2yrs since they temporarily removed the store reviews for fixing some issues.
Just swap the tablet screen over with this she won’t notice it 🤞
Hey that's a great idea. Sorry I don't know much about the Switch. Mostly a PC gamer.
Is the only thing that is different about this console the controllers and the caddy? Like the actual Switch itself is the same as my red and blue controller one?
The tablet screen is the same. I was just kidding because your wife will ask what’s going on with my saved files unless she doesn’t mind to start over again.
@wtfnodeal: Nooooo she does not want to start over. If it's as simple as that. Can I just copy my profile and saved games over to the new tablet screen, which essentially looks lie same yes? she will just want the controllers and caddy. Is it really that simple?
OOFT get on this RIGHT NOW. Easy money even if you don't use it.
I find it odd Nintendo don't include the game with it.
Why would they? They know people will buy their products regardless of lack of value.
Same story with my Pokemon 3DS, gone are the days of the special edition consoles meaning anything.
Keep getting order cancelled some reason
It will be OOS soon, stock levels show "STOCK RUNNING OUT" atm. Be quick!
pays to check ozbargain at :30 am lol!
feels bad for those who went to bed 🤣
LOL :(
Feels good to snag one for $300 a couple years ago. Now it's a bargain to pay RRP. What a time to be alive
Not for an ACNH one you didn't :P
Reading further into this. The hype is over the Special Edition not the switch itself. Crazy how some people are trying to flip this for $1000 on eBay just because it's a SE
@brandogs: Nintendo were the own worst enemy with this console tbh.
They grossly underestimated how many people wanted this edition (mainly for the Joycons which were not sold separately in countries outside of Japan and Korea)
Then COVID-19 happened and the S**t hit the fan for them in regards to demand overall.
I feel if they had of sold the joycons separately a lot of this drama would of been avoided
@jimbobaus: Yeah you're right. Special editions for Nintendo consoles seem to be highly sort after for collectors and the joycon colours are unique too. Covid has had a huge impact on the standard switch. So this coming out with the switch still in high demand just adds to the craziness.
Good work OP!
Thanks OP, used gift cards from the recent phone deal.
Thanks, gunna buy this to upgrade my year 1 switch to the model with a better battery, this should hold value much better also considering they go for $1000+ on ebay/
Your year 1 switch might be worth more than you think. Google unpatched switches if you ever feel like doing something or to find out if you have a valuable switch.
Dont think its acrually year 1, it falls into "possibly" patched.
I am genuinely surprised it isn't sold out by now. I guess people are sleeping on this deal…
it won't let me 'Proceed to Payment'? :(
nvm, let me go through after i logged out. thanks OP!
Oh god it's begun come on your all thinking it a phone without b28 and everyone cries and tablet with only 4 GB ram and the tears start flying then there this piece of junk and it's flying out the door at retail wtf
You clearly aren't the demographic for Nintendo games, maybe stop trying to put other people down because you dont share the same interests as them?
No no it's not that I love Mario and Pokemon but this rubbish hardware that people pay retail for on a bargain website baffles me
@BiG BoY: The point is that this SE sells for much more than RRP when there is no avaliale stock to buy at retail, I bought my OG Switch for $315, going to sell it for $368, $101 for a new warranty, much better battery life and much higher resell value if I ever want to ditch the switch, that is a bargain for me, thats why I gave it a positive vote.
The Switch is a good console, not everything needs to be RTX 2080ti level of performance for me to enjoy it.
I bet you're one of those people that take the whole "PC master race" meme seriously.
Just like any other gaming platform. It has exclusive games. That’s why you and many others have such strong feelings towards whatever gaming platform they choose to love or hate. Me personally, I play games on most platforms so I can enjoy what each has to offer.
As to why people are going crazy for this edition, some really like the game the design is based on, or they really like the bright coloured dock which is only available to this edition of the switch.
Let's not be negative. Nintendo is family friendly and has a lot of unique games compared to Playstation and Xbox. To each their own, right?
"SeRiOuS qUeStIoN" but preceded by being a touche for the whole sentence. That's not how you ask questions, small boy.
Thanks OP, missed the past three deals, finally got one. I think target will have some stock shortly.
I literally signed up to say THANK YOU OP! I missed out on all the EB and gamesmen deals earlier today and then I was at work for the dicksmith/kogan ones!! Thank you!!
awwwwwwww… you're welcome fam ..!! LOL :)
Thanks OP, got one. Woke up suddenly at 12:30am and thought I would check Ozbargain. Now I know why :)
lol 🤣
Thanks OP, much appreciated. Got one just in time
Had no intention of buying a Switch today.
Bought one, thanks OP
i had no intention of buying one either… we some how got 2
My partner and I had the same idea .. but at different times of the day.
(we have tried to cancel one, if we don't end up cancelling it we will sell it at sticker price on forums here or gift it ii think)
Lol I also had no intention of buying a Switch today. I also bought one, thanks OP
I don't need it but I want it. I can't decide if I should, but I bought it anyway.
you'd be silly not to buy. Sell it for $700+ if you don't use it
I bought one and I don’t know why
same lol
Haha !! 😁
PS: I got 5% off with giftcards via Suncorp Rewards. With express shipping comes to $455.04
I guess you missed the 8% deal
it expired at midnight
Didn't know about the 8% deal :( was it through Suncorp Rewards as well?
Whoever got this with 8 percent off did really well
Yeah they had 8% on Suncorp from Monday until Thursday (finished at 11.55pm Thursday)
We were buying a microwave and thats why i was using Suncorp this week, i had no email nothing. They just increased the % and i clicked on it and it was like Ends 11.55pm Thursday June 18th AEST
5% is still decent!
You did well regardless :)
@jimbobaus: Yea it's odd that there's no emails when they randomly increase the savings.
Looking at when OP posted this, it seemed to be after midnight so it's alright. At least I got one on a slight discount…
Last chance almost sold out
Same… Still can't believe I have just got myself another switch…
so now i basically own 3 switches. :P
lol why?
can i have one? LOL 🤣
1 from way back that has atmosphere installed and runs homebrew
1 from the eb games deal this arvo, i've been wanting a new red box version with extended batt life
1 because my gf found out and wants one too coz she's a big on AC.
I'm pretty sure i can at least sell one of em to cover my costs…
we have 4
I have the Neon one
Partner uses a Lite
and we today ordered 2 of these ones
We did not realise the other was doing it
(me EB Games, Partner: Gamesmen)
the irony of it all is that i needed a ps4 instead to play LoU2 but couldnt pull the trigger on 1 for 2 whole weeks - and out of the blue, I sank $900+ on 2 switches and have literally nothing that i want to play on it right this moment.
While tempting I can't afford to be out of pocket that kind of money while I try sell my old one.
If you miss out, don't stress. Switches shortages are slowly starting recover. It's also not a limited edition, at least in Japan. Nintendo has another switch in the pipeline so should be pumped out til at least then.…
thanks got one