Saw this on EB Games Facebook page.
Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing New Horizons Special Edition Console $469 ($50 deposit) 1 per customer, limited stock
Note: Animal Crossing: New Horizons (game itself) is NOT included.
Saw this on EB Games Facebook page.
Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing New Horizons Special Edition Console $469 ($50 deposit) 1 per customer, limited stock
Note: Animal Crossing: New Horizons (game itself) is NOT included.
Thanks! It's my first posting I forgot to mention that.
Sounds exactly like the kind of extortionist stunt Tom Nook would pull. How very on-brand.
Yep, but it does stop people paying over $1000 on ebay
People paying $1k for these on ebay are most likely not members of ozb…
Of course but that doesn't mean ozb members aren't going to be interested in it at normal price.
It'll at least retain more value than regular switches so the price difference can be justified
@FireRunner: Seeing people advertising the XBox One X Cyberpunk Bundle for $700 ($429 on the MS web site but sold out)…
@Buy2Much: I kick myself for not buying one at 8am that day. Would've replaced my Xbox one S nicely.
With extra wrapping :)
You also get the AC Switch as your free switch on your AC Island if you buy the AC version :P
You don't even need buy it. All you need to do is connect the AC joy cons to your console to unlock it.
You can also get it from the Nook Terminal store
The Switch has really held its price. I purchased mine not long after release in April 2017 for $410 delivered. Three years later and the price remains the same
You could sell yours for $500+ to the right person. Look up 'unpatched switch' on ebay.
I purchased mine in July 2017 with Mario Kart for $448. Sold $500 by itself
Going to buy a new one tonight since my pre-order date on ebay got extended.
Oh wow! I just looked up some info about the "unpatched switch" and it seems mine is "unpatched"
Sitting on a gold mine
Please find me another one IN STOCK or AVAILABLE TO ORDER under $600
Correct, but it is still not a BARGAIN.
yeah me too.. show me a AC Edition switch for less than RRP and we can agree its not a deal
Disagree, a bargain isn't defined by its "discount"
THIS ABS IS A DEAL. People derive transaction utility from deals on ozbargain, which is the value of the deal. This is calculated by the expected or just price of the product less the price paid for the product. In this case, people think that the just price for the product is higher than the RRP and they can gain transaction utility. I see no problem then this is being posted as a deal as you cannot get stock anywhere else despite the fact they wanted to pay more than the RRP and can derive utility from buying the product. Thanks for posting OP!
Thanks op my granddaughter has been wanting this one and has been negging me to get one that costs $800+ on ebay
Thats nice to hear! She will be delighted :)
Tell your grand daughter to get a job and buy it herself :P
What if she’s a child?
I've been working in my parents bakery since I was 6.
You PorkHunt.
Id work in a bakery at 6 for free donuts.
@PorkHunt: It was like this for almost all of human history. Until recently… Children living and working with responsible adults/peers would be great compared to emotionally stunting long term daycare. Calling it child labour, as if it's a horrible thing to work with your dad or mum is obnoxiously stupid.
@Valowick: And you imagining "working with mum and dad" consists of doing a few hours of light work after school or something.
Reality for most cultures where putting your children to work is the norm is waking your 5 year old child up at 3 in the morning, walking 1-2 hours in the dark to their parents farm, spending 3 hours hard labour, then walking back home for another hour and a half, then walking to school another hour, walking home from school and likely returning home in the dark to eat what may possibly be there only meal for the day.
You are just another first worlder who cant think of the realities faced by billions of other people around the world in vastly different circumstances.
@lordezekiel: What I responded to was someone calling working in a bakery with their family, being subjected to child labour. Do you think it's fair to compare third world poverty stricken child labour in the rice fields, to working with your dad in a bakery?
Besides eating one meal a day isn't a bad thing. I eat only one meal a day (in the evening) for health reasons and the standard used to be 1 or 2 meals a day until very recently. And you call me ignorant?
Wow geez. These selling for 1k+ on eBay o.O. What people will pay for for looks
its also the ONLY way to get the Joycons in these colours
if they sold the Joycon's separately then the resale market would be no where near as profitable
Actually no, the joy cons were sold separately too but because of covid they were sold out.
I stand corrected but i am almost certain Australia did not get a Joycon only option.
and a quick search online finds people complaining about them not being released here
people with money can do whatever they want i guess
Thanks OP!
On Tuesday someone in my area sold one of these consoles, sealed for $750 on marketplace. Now the buyer is exploding on Facebook claiming they were robbed as it is now available for RRP.. hilarious!
please link us, i will have the popcorn ready.
Unfortunately the post was removed from Facebook, but I encapsulated it perfectly.. After seeking advice from other users, (with most telling him "sucks to be you" and "haha enjoy your Special Switch") he then went on to list it online for $800 ONO HAHA
This is great - I love that even the wriststraps are coloured as well. Just a word of warning about Animal Crossing - it utterly consumed me for the first month or so but once the progression is done there really isn't much to do. I have no creativity and little interest in devoting hours to making my island look amazing so waiting for the months to tick over until new bugs/fish are available is really the only reason I open it now. YMMV of course!
I have little patience & have grown to hate the game after about 200hrs. Most of that was spent time travelling to collect stuff & get decent turnip prices to make my toddler happy. Still further than I got with death standing.
I beg to differ. You are very patient for putting in 200 hours lol
So your word of warning is that you spent basically every free moment for an entire month enthralled with your new game… is that supposed to be a negative? lol
Sounds like a damn good use of $70 to me… especially considering you coudld easily sell the game for the same money you paid and have had that month of pure gaming joy for free.
Gotta make your snowboy every day
I am still putting in hours every day… my god i do not know if i should be admitting that at my age
Just pre-ordered one. I cant seem to select a store pickup though? Am i missing something here?
Online order / delivery only.
Online/delivery only by the looks
Guess it's not an AC edition then.
Definitely not
Who asked?
Thanks OP! Bought one for myself as a late birthday present lol.
Nice! Got one for my partner, she will be STOKED
eBay has just been flooded with new listings for $999 with release date as of 10 July.
That's crazy. Who on earth is paying $1000 for a switch?
one who hoards formula milks.
Such a nice colour scheme.
Do you guys think this will be a good investment to resell maybe a month later? Selling on ebay for $1000+ rn.
not 1000 but you can easily to resell it for 100 more
Yeah people will pay $1000 there is one on there at the moment. $860 10 bids and 4 days to go.
Do you guys think this will be a good investment to resell maybe a month later? Selling on ebay for $1000+ rn.
If you like being an utter ahole, yes.
Ripping off some kid that wants one, good morals mate.
If 'some kid' has $1000 to spend on a switch then they're in a much better financial situation then me lol.
agreed. If they can afford to throw away $500 then I'm sure they're not losing any sleep over someone scalping. Sadly.
@peppet: $469 is a lot different to $999, almost double if my math is correct.
Its not the kid im sad for, its the grandparent aka
@[Deactivated]: I hadn't thought of that. All the parents and grandparents just wanting to make their kids happy being forced to spend that much money.
It shits me knowing I'm competing for good deals against brodens like this. I obviously understand supply and demand and all that but as an avid hater of ticket scalpers this is just as bad.
Those who have a go get a go? It's the Aussie way
got an out of stock messaage
Aaaaaaand it’s gone.
Surprised to see these for sale again, I thought they were only a limited single run sort of thing.
Agreed but was rumoured a while ago that they would be getting a restock due to some listing on a site somewhere. This is probably it I imagine though. Nintendo aren’t a fan of restocking stuff, just look at Amiibos
Hopefully they will keep pumping them out so broaden doesn't win.
I agree
Although this wasn't the cheapest deal they will definitely hold their value better when compared to the regular editions.
And a bunch just showed up for $900 on eBay
Just some advice the price won't hold after a ton of these are released lol
The price has held ever since it was originally released, and as this is likely the actual last of their one and only production run, i would contend they will actually increase in value even further.
Still says available on the page for me. Didn't want to enter my payment details though.
yep back in stock it seems
Just bought one now (11.39am) so looks like there is still some stock
Told wife and she purchased instantly… seems like budget limit doesn’t apply to treasurer….
She'll reallocate expenditure to compensate, most likely your expenditure lol
I thought I missed it at 11:26 but I refused to believe it and kept refreshing the page. I managed to snag it 😁 Ty op ily
You're welcome :) luckily they put it back in stock!
Seems to be back in stock
Can no longer put in a pre-order.
I tried just now and it still works for me
Tried again and it works now. Thanks
Anyone having trouble with payment? My cousin has been trying to check out since the restock. But always getting something went wrong when she's trying to pay?
I wish could use EB cards for another 8% put no choice but CC but all is fine with checkout .
Bought one to give to missus even she's not into playing consoles. As a return, finger crossed she does the ps5 pre-ordering for me.
Note: Animal Crossing: New Horizons (game itself) is NOT included.