This was posted 4 years 8 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Calls to 1300/1800, 1GB of Data, $0 Per Month ($10 Account Fee + $10 Shipping) @ Zero Mobile


Zero Mobile will launch on Friday offering a $0 per month mobile plan.

It’s the first time a plan has been offered for free in Australia.

The Melbourne-based telecommunications company will use the Telstra network, providing extensive coverage across Australia.

On the free mobile base plan, users will get 1GB of data, free incoming calls and SMS, free voicemail and free calls to 1800 and 1300 numbers.

Outgoing calls and SMS will be pay as you go.

The catch

Similar to Spotify, Zero Mobile will feed advertising to mobile users on the free plans.

“On the free plan, we send out deals on our mobile app and that is how we make our money,” Mohammed said.

The ads will be targetted based on the user’s location.

Zero mobile users can upgrade their plans to include unlimited local calls and local SMS for $8.

They can also upgrade the amount of data - up to 40G for $38.

One Time Fees
Account Credit for $0 PAYG Plan only $10
SIM Card, Shipping & Handling (Payable upfront) $10

Total Minimum Charge to access $0 subscription with PAYG Calls & SMS; or $20
Total Minimum Charge to access $0 subscription with “Unlimited Call & SMS” $10

Came across this deal on 7news

Related Stores

ZERO Mobile AU
ZERO Mobile AU

closed Comments

  • +7

    The catch
    Similar to Spotify, Zero Mobile will feed advertising to mobile users on the free plans.

    “On the free plan, we send out deals on our mobile app and that is how we make our money,” Mohammed said.

    The ads will be targetted based on the user’s location.

    This is still a Pay as You Go plan. "Outgoing calls and SMS will be pay as you go."

    • +6

      so if we dont install the app, will the sim work?

      • +12

        I'm actually more concerned about the privacy implications. Geo-targeting of ads requires collection of coarse location (cell location data) and linking it to your phone number which is then sold to 3rd party. Prolly not a huge deal to 95% of people though.

        I also get enough spam calls from bots wanting to take my payment details for ghost Fedex deliveries so I don't I'd ever want to sell my number for advertising purposes.

        • +11

          what if the app is blocked from accessing data (location, audio, contacts etc)

          (just thinking of getting the sim for a free uber eats meal lol)

        • Collecting personal data can be
          lucratice to the collector.

          If it's like other Telstra front
          services, you'll have to turn Off
          WiFi to check data usage.

          It'd be a shame if one Forgot
          ro switch data (+ ad's back On)

        • Some seem more concerned that
          an Au-based Start-up was Black-
          Listed B4 return'g to AU.

          On Silicon Valley, lotsa Start-
          ups fail. Why different here?

        • +4

          you can download a fakegps app on Android and set your location to mongolia

          • +2

            @FeZZa21: Individual apps can exclude "fake location" automatically or refuse to run if it's on.

    • So, maybe keep Mobile Data
      Switched OFF…

      Until you want to make a FREE call
      via app "Zello PTT Walkie Talkie"

      • ;~)
      • Also, FREE surrogate SMS's can be
        provided by Twitter's Direct Messages.

  • +28

    PayG + Ads? WHY?

    Plenty of companies have PayG. They (rightfully) do not advertise it as free. I would call this misleading advertising.. the 1gb may allow them to work around this I suppose, but it's rubbish and irresponsible.

    • I'm inclined to agree with you. My comment below is along the same lines (didn't see your comment when I wrote it)

    • +1

      What other companies have PAYG plans with zero monthly fee? Amaysim used to offer it but seems to have stopped a while ago.

      • +4

        Aldimobile on the Telstra network does PAYG which you can put $15 minimum & it lasts a year. I think + $5 for SIM
        Great for when you go overseas and want to park your number

        • Zero charges $20 "for life"

          AldiMob. seems to cost $15 / year
          (after cheaper SIM purchase)

      • What monthly fee does Amaysim PAYG charge?

        • Looks like a yearly fee of $10, since the credit expires in 365 days.

          • @cynix: How much for SIM & to establish it?


            There are Loans w/ Negative rates of Interest…

            • Next, we might expect some1 to offer a Mobile-plan [like Zero's], that pays you to keep it alive, eg, that gets paid by advertisers & / or revenues from peddling your personal data. ;~)
      • Amaysim As You Go = $10 per year to remain active but with no advertising. So in week 52 make some calls, order a pizza, read email etc to use some data and have your account set to auto reload the next $10 for year 2 from Paypal.

        • So it provides $10 of credit?

          • @UrMumsOnlyFan: I haven't got that far yet but yes that's my understanding. That if you set it to debit Paypal then calls, SMS, and data reduces the $10 credit until it hits $0. Then they auto charge your Paypal another $10.

            Note too you get a free $10 credit for each person you refer. So if you refer one person per year maybe you don't have to pay anything. If that's correct then there must be a way to capitalise on that using the other Amaysim deals that appear on here.

          • @UrMumsOnlyFan: Actually I think I remember reading they top up your credit by $10 when your credit drops to $2 or $3. So I guess you must then have $12 or $13 credit. But yes the $10 recharge becomes usable credit.

            And obviously if you don't use any credit for 12 months regardless of how much you have you lose the lot. Then you get charged a new $10. On day 366 I guess. There's a couple of settings in the account you can change to do with when they debit you.

  • +9

    $1 per 60 second block PAYG call rates. If you make 5 calls a month, just go with Catch Connect or Kogan Mobile and get heaps of data thrown in as well.

  • +5

    Is it fair to call this "free"?

    It's PAYG and you don't really want to be making calls given the call rates charged. Doesn't make a lot sense to me. Good if you never make calls but those ads could be annoying. And if you upgrade for $8/month it doesn't clarify if you still get targeted with ads, so I assume you do.

    If I was getting a phone plan for someone elderly, young or vulnerable I would steer away from this. The ads feel like bait for the demographic(s) they are targeting.

    • +6

      It is free, but you're what's being sold.

      • +2

        I was rewording my post as you replied. I was going to say (as someone below pointed out) this could be great for a non-phone device just to utilise the 1GB free data. For phones, I wouldn't bother.

        • +2

          I needed a low data sim to use for a 4G modem dedicated to allowing a solar inverter to send data to the manufacturers servers (property doesn't have permanent internet). I went with a TPG $1 per month sim which has 50Mb of data, hoping that is enough. It's on the Vodafone network.

          This deal would be great, but sounds like it wouldn't work as it's not a phone.

          • @wfdTamar: Are Free or $1 / month wait 4 it:

            • "Dial-Up" plans still a thing?
        • +2

          Except they probably have a way to check if you're receiving ads. And if not they probably 'invite you to leave'.

          • @[Deactivated]: Probably right. This SIM serves little purpose then. If I were buying a cheap sim for someone I'd go elsewhere and not subject them to spam to save a few bucks.

            • +1


              • Elderly (living alone),
              • Homeless folks,
              • etc.

              …may find a Zero plan works for them.

              Hiding an Emergency phone in a vehicle, in case you need one after -forgetting- to take along their mobile phone.


              • How much is charged for calls to 000 or 012…?
          • @[Deactivated]: A TIO complaint could be a costly response from any1, who got bounced out, maybe large enough to be a disincentive to bouncing folks out.

            • +2

              @IVI: LOL maybe. It never stopped the guy that owned Exetel though. He used to do things like advertise xGB downloads then kick you off if you used 'too much' and his 'too much' changed like the wind.

  • I thought the deal part of this is the 1gb a month?

  • -5

    Mohammed has a phone company?

    • Why Not?

  • +7

    So if I'm reading this right, it's $0 a month for a SIM that can receive calls and SMS's? Neat, that'll expand my IoT device capabilities.

    • It needs to be a phone, and it has to run their app.

      • You can put an unregistered sim card into a phone and still receive calls and texts. You just can't call or text out. You can call 000

        • What provider allows this?

          • @realfancyman: Any SIM card should work

            • +1

              @koplik8: Well the phone number is not assigned until activation for Vodafone and Optus, and Telstra only allows incoming SMS before activation, calls get a number disconnected message

          • @realfancyman: Yeah I don't know what he's referring to. You need to register/activate every SIM I know of to first get the phone number that other people can call you on. And all SIMs eventually expire if you don't use/add credit every 0-12 months depending on each provider's t&cs. You used to or still can get a number for a few months I think with $2 Telstra SIMs from the supermarket which are or were free to receive by mail. But if that is still possible even those expire if you don't pay something in. There's Amaysim As You Go plan for $10 per year to keep active. And Aldi SIMs someone mentioned above. Amaysim makes the most sense for this kind of use. There's no ad app, $10 per year, and set it to deduct automatically from your Paypal in case you do need to make calls or use data in an emergency. And when you want to cancel that you can just turn off auto billing on the Paypal site.

  • +5

    It seems suitable to be used in my Navigator. 1GB is enough for a month.

    • I was going to do the same thing in my ATOTO S8, but looks like you may need a compatible smartphone.

      • So that means we have to install their software otherwise no network access

  • Privacy! Privacy!

  • +2

    $8/month for 1GB and unlimited national calls/SMS isn't bad right?
    That sounds good enough for elderly parents for example. Just set a data cut off on their phone to not go over 1GB of mobile data to avoid the $10/GB excess fee.

    • +1

      You can get same on Amaysim for $10 per month (28 days) without having to worry about the ads / location tracking.

      • But…this is ozbargain. $2 is $2

  • +41

    Zero have been operating in Singapore for a little bit however in March:

    Today Online

    SINGAPORE — Zero Mobile, an Australia-based firm that provided virtual telco services here, has been suspended with immediate effect due to failures to address outstanding billing issues, Singapore’s telco regulator said on Thursday (March 12).

    The company and its directors have also been blacklisted, said the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) in a statement.

  • Will it be ideal for using in some applications where only data is required?
    Like my SMS controlled Gate opening switch?
    Or some IoT devices which does not require voice calls?

    • Conditions:…

      You need a compatible smartphone to use our service. Our service will
      work with most Android or Apple iOS smartphones. You are advised to
      check and ensure that you have a compatible smartphone before you
      apply for our service.

      • Well… I think I will leave them alone….

    • IoT devices that don't use much data can use any expired or unactivated sim card.

  • +10

    Their Privacy policy:

    Disclosing Personal Information
    We may disclose personal information as reasonably required:

    To contractors and suppliers who supply or support us in:
    *To conduct market research, sales and marketing
    *To conduct direct marketing – see Direct Marketing for details
    *For identity and fraud checks
    *For service management
    *For service provisioning
    *For installation, maintenance and repairs
    *To respond to help desk and support enquiries
    *For support and complaint management
    *For communications and mailing
    *For billing, debt recovery and credit management

    *To manage our corporate strategy
    *For legal and regulatory advice and compliance
    *For accounting and financial planning
    *For risk management
    *For providing goods and services that we use to operate our business and provide products and support to you
    *To your authorised representative/s and people who pay for your services
    *If you ask us to do so
    *To our referrers, agents, resellers, retailers and other members of our corporate group
    *To our business partners and wholesale suppliers
    *To organisations that provide credit or finance to us
    *To persons who invest in or acquire all or part of our business or company, or are considering doing so

    Some of these parties may be based overseas outside Australia.

    Direct Marketing
    As a Freemium Service Provider, we may use and disclose personal information to directly market to you products offered by us, our referrers, agents, advertisers and members of our corporate group, and our business partners, where we think the offers will be of interest to you, using:
    *Electronic messaging
    *Social media
    *Targeted web content
    *In-app mobile messaging
    *Other direct marketing channels

    Direct marketing may continue even if you are no longer our customer until you opt-out or unsubscribe from our service.

  • -1

    Pretty good deal to park your number long term I guess, there is a $20 upfront fee for sim card though.

    • +2

      But your parked number is now also in the hands of one or several marketing companies. That's the big tradeoff though, for the convenience of being able to park your number for longer than 365 days.

      • +2

        Agree, this is not worth it. There is no free product. Nothing to say how many ads you'll be targeted with. How long will they keep your number? Will you still be bombarded after you leave?

        Welp just saw the comment above. It continues even after you port out lol. Even if you unsubscribe, there will be unscrupulous 3rd party that will continue to sell your info. Tracking whats been done would be extremely difficult

    • +2

      Parked a number with Amaysim in free deal over a month back. No ads.

      Got free calls etc & 1GB for 28d, then accepts calls & SMS for a year. PAYG for outgoing calls if needed. Can extend @$10/yr or port to another free Deal.

    • +3

      Park with Aldimobile for $5 first year, then Amaysim $10, then back to Aldi $5… - that's $20 for three years of number parking

      • If you add $5 before expiry then aldi rollsover the credit and you get 10 aud credit. I have done it

        • +2

          I thought, $5 for Aldi sim, then it's $15 minimum recharge after that for PAYG.

          How to recharge $5 instead of $15 to park number for another 365 days? Thanks.

  • Good for some remote sensors, etc?
    1GB of data per month is plenty for even camera data etc.

    • No, see above. You must run their smartphone app.

      hmmm… maybe you could tether to a cheap Android? But don't expect it to be reliable.

      • Cool, my car head unit run Android.

      • I don't think that's exactly the case. The T&Cs say you must have an iPhone or android to "join our service, track their usage, manage their account and get access to support using the Zero AU’s Mobile App."

        Once you've joined the service I don't see anything requiring you to continue to use the app so you could simply activate the sim in an supported phone then put the sim into anything you like.

        Not sure this is worth spending $20 on as I doubt their company will be around in a year which will make it better to just buy an ALDI sim.

        • They will probably monitor if ads are reaching the app on the phone containing the SIM. If = 0 they probably kick you off.

  • +4

    TPG have a $1/m Sim plan with 50mb of data and PAYG. I've been on it with a spare phone for years.

  • +3

    Right out of the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service, a free sim for all!!!
    I wonder that if that Kingsman movie evil plan with the free sims is somewhat related to this and 5G, lol.

  • so basically the first month is $20 for 1GB (not that anything would be on 1300 calls for long and 1800 has always been free) second month is $10 for 1GB. This is very standard for 1GB charged when you go over your data limit and your telco slap on a fee

    nothing special here

    • I believe the account fee is a once off as well, so $0 for second month

  • Is this only for "emergency services, first responders and defence force members."?

  • Might be useful on an old phone and paired with a car tracker which uses a bit of data to send out the car's GPS location.

    • why would anyone be using a car tracker?

      • +1

        to track their car

        • does it need to be charged put on a power source?

          • @jes: Good thing the car has a 12V power source.

      • +1

        Ask ScoMo. That's probably next on the agenda.

  • If it's free then how is it "billed" every 28 days? Also after their banning in Singapore I'm negging this. You can't bill something that is free. Dodgy as heck.

    From their website:

    $0 mobile subscription with 1GB of data
    Need more, get more!
    Billed every 28 days, cancel anytime.

    See CIS and terms for more detail.

  • +1

    Nothing comes free.

    • +1

      Occasionally you get sim card deals on Ozbargain where you actually make money.

  • +1

    The call costs $1 pm billed pm and SMS at 25c is huge
    If someone makes a few calls a month, then they are better off with plenty of other low cost plans.

    Its a catchy signup gimmick but aside from 1gb free there isnt much about this offer thats compelling.

    Otherwise its interesting what it might be able to do for an IoT device. Doesnt seem to be a requirememt to actually have an app installed

    • ^this

      Could be great for IoT devices that use less than 1gb per month. Terrible deal for anything else

  • +1

    The twitter account linked on their website has been suspended for violating the Twitter Rules?

    Are we positive this is not a sham?

    • The a/c name is @GoZeroAU

      Where does it say it's Zero Mobile's Twitter a/c?

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