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Free Calls to 1300/1800, 1GB of Data, $0 Per Month ($10 Account Fee + $10 Shipping) @ Zero Mobile


Zero Mobile will launch on Friday offering a $0 per month mobile plan.

It’s the first time a plan has been offered for free in Australia.

The Melbourne-based telecommunications company will use the Telstra network, providing extensive coverage across Australia.

On the free mobile base plan, users will get 1GB of data, free incoming calls and SMS, free voicemail and free calls to 1800 and 1300 numbers.

Outgoing calls and SMS will be pay as you go.

The catch

Similar to Spotify, Zero Mobile will feed advertising to mobile users on the free plans.

“On the free plan, we send out deals on our mobile app and that is how we make our money,” Mohammed said.

The ads will be targetted based on the user’s location.

Zero mobile users can upgrade their plans to include unlimited local calls and local SMS for $8.

They can also upgrade the amount of data - up to 40G for $38.

One Time Fees
Account Credit for $0 PAYG Plan only $10
SIM Card, Shipping & Handling (Payable upfront) $10

Total Minimum Charge to access $0 subscription with PAYG Calls & SMS; or $20
Total Minimum Charge to access $0 subscription with “Unlimited Call & SMS” $10

Came across this deal on 7news

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ZERO Mobile AU
ZERO Mobile AU

closed Comments

  • +1

    Avoid this with a ten foot pole.

  • +1

    So basically instead of the phone capabilities and connectivity being the product/service, YOU become the product.

    • Are you New to Modern Online Business Models?

      Google, FB, etc. have been selling your data,
      OR access to your Eyes+Ears, for yonks…

  • +1

    What's the movie where everyone gets a free sim card from some evil Elon Musk figure?

    • +4

      Kingsman: The Secret Service, sim cards are from Valentine (Samuel Jackson) :)

      • +1

        That's right! This sounds like an evil movie plot. Honestly nothing would surprise in 2020!

  • +6

    So (as per privacy policy) they provide all your contact info to telemarketers. Why would anyone sign up to a service whereby they're receiving marketing phone calls/texts all day? I understand how Facebook and Instagram work… but you have to be within their app to receive marketing. You're not constantly on-call.

    I put my dad onto a $9.99 per month (no contract) OVO Kids plan
    2GB data, Unlimited SMS, 500 mins of calls on the Optus 4G network

    Better still… if you're paying for PAYG why not opt for a traditional prepaid long-expiry plan.

    • +1

      this. it sounds dodgy as..

  • +2

    34 up votes, but only 2 of those people have commented??? That doesn't make any human sense.

    Also the idea of paying $10 admin fee & $10 postage sounds like the old TPG plans. It'll end in tears. I wonder how painless porting away will be? Or are they another Hotel California provider like our friends at circle.life

    • Good deal for those with only $20 and one smartphone.

      • +1

        Ok, 3 people now. Still looks as dodgy as it can be based on the information above. Definitely no deal.

  • +4

    So basically we pay $20 ($10 Account Fee + $10 Shipping) to be tracked and sent spam? That's a no from me, Simon.

  • +3

    Not really free with the pay as you go charges, one-off charges, and their blacklisted history in the Singapore market does not make this a good deal at all.

  • +3

    This reminds me of a quote from instagram " Lamborghini never advertises on TV because they know their audience doesn't waste time watching TV" . Similarly, what is the point of advertising on a platform where all the customers are not ready to pay $10 a month for a decent mobile plan, why will they buy aything from telemarketers if they can't pay $10 for a mobile plan?

  • +4

    All of the privacy and ads related arguments aside, looking at the Critical Information Summary lists a standard 2 min national call priced at $2. For a typical sim card, this cost is normally 20-30c. Will only take a 5 or so calls before it would have been a better choice to go with a different budget provider.

    When you factor in the initial $20 cost of purchasing the sim, its hard to understand the use case where the ZeroSim actually benefits the consumer.

    Also the 1GB free data + required app is a clever trap. I believe the intention is that the app forces the user to connect to the data network, making it easy for the user to unwittingly go over the 1GB limit, thus getting charged an extra $10 for the 2nd GB of data, banking on the fact that most users are not tech savvy enough to know there is a setting to impose a data limit on their sim.

  • -1

    for a minute i thought this will be good to get a Kayo trial account.

    Then I thought, oh that will be useless as there is nothing in Kayo

    Then I thought, oh wait, things are going to be played without audience, so maybe some sports will be shown in Kayo

    Then I saw the $20 initial charge and it's like not worth it….

    I think for the $20 initial charge you can get other sims with better value

  • Hope this gives competition to boost and we get $150 plan for $120 😀

  • Zero mobile users can upgrade their plans to include unlimited local calls and local SMS for $8.

    What's the point in advertising an upgrade that zero people can take up?

  • Not even worth, just grab the $10 amaysim plan, better than having your info sold to telemarketers

  • If you get something for free, you are the product being sold … :)

  • Yeah, no deal. Not a good sign if they are banned in Singapore & this ain't worth becoming a telemarketers dream.

  • +1

    sounds like prepaid but is a credit check done?
    ""In order to maintain continuity of your service, you will be
    billed $10 automatically when your available Account Credit drops
    to $0. ""
    would have been good to give to a child and get them to give you a miss call but you cant trust kids they will use sms and make calls to their friends or by mistake. cant see them making a profit very fast. sounds a bit like savvytel. was with them for while and never paid to top up and lost number after they went broke. i think ill pass.

    ref"" From firefighters to first-jobbers
    We have a deal to make life easier.
    Simply use your partner approved email or promo code when registering. "" Ok maybe there might be a way to avoid paying $20 upfront? If so where do job seekers and ex ADF members etc get their promo code?

  • Ok, it says free voicemail.

    I cannot find out exactly what it means by this…
    Is it free voicemail deposits or free voicemail retrievals, or both?

    Without 100% saying, you cannot assume these things….

  • Sounds like a good plan for seniors. Bought my dad a 40gb 365 plan and he's only used 3gb.thr 1gb data should be enough to cover what's app and that's all he needs

    • +1

      You want to sell your parents details to marketers!? That sounds like a terrible way for them to lose hundreds of dollars to high pressure salespeople just to “save” a couple of dollars a month…

  • Company sounds pretty average on treating customers the right way.

  • "It’s the first time a plan has been offered for free in Australia."

    FALSE: https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1499969

    • Oh and while technically not 'free' Amaysim's As You Go plan is effectively $10 per year to keep active without the advertising.

  • I need a plan with more (non PAYG) Text and/or calls, not data required for 365 days !!!

  • +4

    It’s the first time a plan has been offered for free in Australia

    No, it's not… Vodafone had a "NoPlan" plan back in ~2001, $0 monthly fee, post-paid, but all calls/text/data were PAYG - the difference though was that it was free 20min calls Vodafone-to-Vodafone - and definitely no ads/selling of information. We set the whole family up on Vodafone plans and we had free calls between us.

    Additionally, you could also buy 400MB data for $4 a month - it was a couple of years later, but still excellent value if you could use wifi for most data needs.

    Will never go Vodafone again though - as we'd been a long-time customer, they agreed to waive an additional data cost of ~$150 when one of our family members accidentally switched off wifi. VF said they had to switch the plan to a new one but it would be automatically be switched back for the next billing cycle (all over the phone btw). Never happened… Support phone calls couldn't find the recorded conversation… even asked how could a plan be switched without authorisation if that was the case… nothing.

    Incidentally, switching to an optus network reseller showed a vast improvement in internet speeds and network availability - so maybe I should thank them?

  • Not worth it, considering I'll have stupid Indian telemarketers who constantly try to sell me electricity plans when I tell them I'm on an embedded network and then accuse me of lying when they can't find the meter number and hang up on me.

  • … And the website is down already

  • Pay $20 to get spammed? Sure.

  • it sounds scammy, anyone know if this is a business model used overseas? i remember a few dialup companies used to offer free dialup in return for popup ads

  • $10 Account Fee + $10 Shipping

    Why would you even bother?

  • Anyone actually bought it

    • I bought just waiting till they send sim,
      I used my .edu mail that they say to use for discounts however on signing up nothing about a discount came up?
      I'll just bring it up with them when I'm a customer I guess

      • We're you able to provide something other than a driver's licence?

        • I think there was passport and maybe others but not 100%. But what for drivers they actually take a photo aswel lol

          • @LionelHutzz: Lionel do you mind to share us your experience

            • @jes: I would if they sent me the damn sim lol. maybe I should contact, I just couldn't really be stuffed contacting but now it's a bit annoying

  • So you can hold a number forever for $20?

  • Any feedback from those that have joined. How's the advertising work

  • We'd all love too know feedback on this deal and company,.. do share your thoughts and pains lol

    • I signed up a few weeks ago. It's ideal for my use case (I have a small phone that I take with me when I'm running for occasional calls and emergency use).
      I had problems activating the SIM but their support were extremely helpful (just initial teething problems I think).

      I haven't received any marketing so far. It looks like they've updated details on their web page to assure people that they won't be receiving calls from telemarketers.
      It sounds like any advertising/marketing would be from them directly and would be pretty non intrusive.

      Based on my experience so far I'd recommend them.

      • might try them on my next port over,.. do post your thoughts on your next billing cycle, whoops $0 billing cycle lolz 👍

        • One downside I forgot to mention is that they still don't have their app ready so as far as I know, there's no way to find out your current data or call usage.
          They claim this will be ready in August. I'll feel much more comfortable making calls and using data once I can actually keep track!

  • I get a better deal with belong 30 day plan not 28 days

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