• expired

VODAFONE Pocket Wi-Fi 2 - Now $35.50 (50% off) Free Delivery

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Basically it's $4 cheaper from previous deal: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/52748

The original price has come down to $71, so 50% off that = $35.50

The "OZBARGAIN" 50% off promo code still works. Otherwise, try "WHISTLEOUT"

Go to the last one in the website, which is the prepaid.

Same data inclusion:
5GB data (3GB + bonus 2GB) as long as you activate before 1/11/11. Data expires after 30 days.

edit: forgot to mention free delivery too :)

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closed Comments

  • if i already have a sim card for the usb wireless thingo can i take that sim card out and use in the pocket wifi?

    • makes sense to me, unless it's locked

    • +5

      It's locked to vodafone network. And i've read somewhere you may use 3 sim card too since they are using same network (haven't tried it myself).

      To use other network's simcard, need to unlock it first. Here's info for unlocking from comments on previous deals:


      basically email this guy [email protected] and pay $15 to unlock.

      Other way to unlock is using dc-unlocker (need to buy credit for 11 euro or something like that)

      I'm yet to find a way to unlock mine for free. If anyone knows please share :)

      • No, a 3 sim will not work in a vodafone modem, they are separate networks, they are just under the same ownership.

        The ES585 is able to be unlocked free, although it is dependant on the modem version. http://m0nkeycheese.blogspot.com/2011/04/australian-huawei-e…

        • +1

          I'm pretty confident that you're wrong about that.

          The Pocket Wi-Fi 2 I got a month ago had some message printed on the box suggesting that SIMs from both networks would work.

        • -1

          My Three SIM worked in my locked Vodafone HTC handset. No other Sim would work, just Three and Vodafone, so they do seem to be compatible.

        • nope thats becuase HTC's are soft locked on the VF network. OP is correct.

        • I just tried my 3 sim, and it works

  • can this be unlocked free?

    • No, I asked about that- they said that because it's hardware locked, then a fee applies.

    • Yes, I unlocked one of these myself a while ago.
      It was a bit of a convoluted process but worked.

      do some googling, should be there somewhere

  • Damnit!

    I just got it for $39 from the other deal. :(

    • lol!!
      me tooo :p

  • Grabbed one hoping to unlock it and use it in europe on my next year

  • It is Terms and Conditions in the Vodafone. I think It is not unlock

    1 Unlocking fee applies. Check for PocketWiFi compatibility with the devices you intend to use it WiFi enabled devices at any one time. Bonus 2GB data included ends with before you buy. Device can operate with a maximum of 5 compatible 31/10/2011 (unless extended). You must activate your service between 01/09/2011 and 31/10/2011 to receive the bonus data, regardless of time of purchase.
    2 Included data is for use in Australia on Vodafone's network only and expires after 30 days unless you recharge in that time (Recharge is permissible on outstanding balances below 15GB.). Usage is calculated in per MB increments. For the Pocket WiFi 1, broadband speeds are available in Vodafone's 3G Mobile Broadband (MBB) Standard Coverage area & in Vodafone's 3G MBB Regional Coverage area (though speeds will be slower in the 3G MBB Regional Coverage area). Actual speed achieved varies depending on factors such as device capabilities, location & network congestion.
    **Modem offer ends 31/10/2011 (Unless Extended). Applies to customers who purchase a full priced Prepaid modem from the Vodafone online store. 10% off is the price displayed on the shop at time of purchase. Offer does not apply to recharges and can not be used in conjunction with any other offer or previously discounted modem and not redeemable for cash. Limit of 4 Prepaid modems can be purchased in one transaction.
    See www.vodafone.com.au/coverage for details. Unlocking fee applies.
    Important Note: If you are under 18 you should obtain the consent of a parent or responsible adult prior to using the Internet.
    Vodafone Pty Limited ABN 76 062 954 554.

  • Great deal. Been looking for one of these. Hopefully it will work with my Hello Mobile sim card being they use the Voda network.

    Are pings/speeds affected with the Pocket WiFi in comparison to a USB modem?

  • Nice price might get one. Thinking of getting an iPad for uni, this way I could just get the wifi model and save a few hundred and pull this out when I need 3G :)

  • waiting for a cheap reliable unlock for this

    • +16

      Can't you type telstra like a normal person?

      • +4

        He thinks they charge exorbitant prices, despite the fact that they have by far the best network and are hamstrung by USO.

        • +2

          But they do charge exorbitant rate$, so what if they are the best network. I mean sure charge extra for the better phone service( not too much though) but they also charge extra for the phone just because it contains optimised telstra crapware

        • Yes, they do charge higher rates. As for the phones, they go to market later with Telstra than they do with other carriers so they can develop custom firmware and extensively test them. Whilst it's probably not necessary to do it as much as they do, it means when people have problems they can actually help unlike some of the other telco's. Plus when you consider they have millions of consumer and business devices connected to their networks, I think they are entitled to try and increase the degree of control they have over the devices they provide.

          Personally I am with 3 and I hate them with a passion, just waiting for my contract to expire.

  • What's the difference between Pocket Wifi 1 and Pocket Wifi 2?

    • 2,has 850mhz

    • +2

      Tried that method. It works on the Pocket Wifi v1 whereas this one is the v2, so it doesnt work

      This model is Huawei e585u-82.

      When I google it, I filter results from the last 1-2 weeks only because even dc-unlocker has only been able to unlock it since last week.

      oh well, eventually there will be a way to unlock for free, we'll just have to wait.

    • Will NOT work using this method - don't waste your time trying. As already mentioned, it will only work for wifi 1.

      I can vouch for the reliability of the OO7 email address method though. $15 is a huge improvement on the $75 that voda wants for unlocking.

      you needs to manually added new Tel$tra settings to get it running.

      Yes, you do.

    • My bad, didn't realise it's the version 2.

      Has anyone who received the unlock code try to find it in the file? The location of the unlock code in the file could possibly still be there just relocated.

  • does anyone know what's the warranty like?

    • +2

      It's $35.50, what do you want out of it?

      If it doesn't work, manufacturer warranty or not, you have statutory warranty to rely upon.

  • Can use the data 5Gb and sell the modem in ebay….fantastic!!!

    • +6

      Good luck using all 5 GB on their network.

  • Sweet. Many thanks jinroh - just what I was after - with perfect timing!

  • +1

    Just purchased another of these. Fantastic devices and a perfect Christmas present! Got mine unlocked for $15 from Agent [email protected] I believe no free technique exists yet, and DC unlocker requires a program and credits. Too much hassle! I paid the $15 and got the code in less than a day. $50.50 for an unlocked pocketwifi is SWEET.

    Also, the code "HALFOFF" also works. Cheers all

  • I know from a previous attempt to recharge online a now long dead prepaid account that vodafone don' t accept non-NAB issued visa debit cards. Can somebody save me going through to the checkout phase and tell me whether that has changed - or whether they accept paypal? Oh, and is anybody as taken aback as I am by stipulations regarding previous address details etc. etc.??

  • -1

    Just to let people know. These are the most returned wireless USB device returned due to lack of reception and faulty hubs. Might be bad batch, but it is the most frequently brought back.

    • I was about to get one until I saw your post, care to put a link to a site so we ozbargainers can have a look see and read to decide?


    • Where does it say this?

    • I bought an unlocked version off Ebay, and the reception on Voda is actually better than the normal USB modem. The display is great to show how much signal strength, data transferred etc. I took mine overseas but didn't end up needing it. Now debating whether to keep it or not as I also have a Telstra NextG wireless hub (the one they sell for $99 or so now).

    • I think it was a problem with the network rather than the device. Which is why, at these prices, best to get it unlocked and use it on Telstra. Works wonders.

  • Why Does Vodafone website still showing $71?

    • You have to use the promo code.

  • thanx 4 that cainen, sorry but i'm a newby.

  • bought one


  • I also bought one. Thanx all.

  • +1

    is this "[email protected]" reliable to unlock? any suggestion?

    • Yup, got 2 sets unlocked by him. Took less than a day to get the code.

    • -1

      Don't waste your money. goto Vodafone.com.au/unlocking. enter your imei and get unlock code for free.

      • +1

        It is not free. Just tried for my pocket wifi 2, it's $75.

      • +1

        Same here - not free. A few seem to be fluking it, but for the vast majority it is not working.

    • is this "[email protected]" reliable to unlock? any suggestion?

      Worked for me - unlock site at voda wouldn't give it to me for free, so I figured it was worth a try. Had the code in a day.


      BUT I've had a couple of decidedly dodgy emails (scams) sent to the address that I created for the purpose of getting the code - one within a couple of days of receiving my code. It could be a coincidence, but the cynic in me is not so sure.

      • I didn't get any of those dodgy emails :) phew!

  • anyone know why the unlock page is showing grey and can not type anything?

    • You need to put a non-voda sim into it.

  • -5

    Anyone need a unlocking code for this device, email me your IMEI number to '[email protected]". I will reply you with the unlocking code. it will only cost you $10.

    hurry…. hurry….

    • -1

      Anyone need a unlocking code for this device, email me your IMEI number to '[email protected]" and I will go to the Vodafone website and do something you can actually do yourself. I will reply you with the unlocking code. it will only cost you $10 instead of free. What a bargain!

      hurry…. hurry….(before you all find out)

      • Anyone need a unlocking code for this device, email me your IMEI number to '[email protected]". I will reply you with the unlocking code. it will only cost you $10.

        hurry…. hurry….

        Registered today to offer this fantastic opportunity, with a hotmail address? Don't think so!

  • I also got a unlock code in http://vodafone.com.au/unlock page for free.

    My step was to active sim card on the vodafone site and go to vodafone unlock page into IMEI number..
    As a result, I've got a unlock 10 digit code.

    • Yeah same……shame on the couple of opportunists in the thread trying to make $$$ - OzBargain spirit totally lacking…..

  • would it be possible to check my order VF100202400
    constantly receiving a "We are unable to track your order at this time. Please try again or contact Customer Care on 1300 650 410"

  • anyone having problems with their order?
    my order status hasn't changed to processed or shipped, been a few days now.
    but money has been taken out of my account.

  • Crap, anyone else getting this error message on the unlock page from Voda?

    "Handset Unlock - Handset IMEI Not Found

    The handset serial number you entered was not found on the system. Please check that you have entered the number correctly. "

    • Did you register your sim?

    • I heard that sometimes it takes a few weeks for the IMEI to be registered in Vodas system. Maybe give it some time?

  • Just received a confirmation email from Vodafone.

    Your Order is Completed
    Order number: VF10020XXXX

    Hi 00000000,
    The equipment you ordered from Vodafone has been dispatched and is being delivered by courier to your nominated address. Please ensure that you have an approved form of photo ID on you such as your Australian Passport, current Driver’s Licence or a Proof of Age card, to accept your delivery.

    Looks like mine is on its way… Yay!

  • SIM not registered yet, but got the free unlock code from the voda site - Telstra sim in & working fine.

  • Just got mine delivered yesterday. Went to the Vodafone site. Put my IMEI in. Got the code. Optus sim working fine now

  • Thanks! Though I decided to buy their USB modem for $22 instead.
    It's basically 5 gigs of tablet data for $22!

  • Got this one as well ordered monday and received on Thursday and now it's free unlock using the vodafone website…

    Very happy with this as it supports umts 850, 900 and 2100 which means all providers including telstra,optus,etc

  • i cant get past the payment page yesterday tried many times. called up and they couldnt get past the payment stage either . is the code still valid? can one go into a vodafone store and quot e the code to and pay?

    • the vodafail website seems to be working again. i just ordered successfully after trying many times since friday.

      • Today I got the same problem with amex cc but master cc was fined.
        crazy vodafail!

  • I ordered mine on 5th Oct - 2 weeks later it's still showing as 'Order Being processed'.

    I've tried multiple calls to Vodafail call centre and have went round and round for hours with no one being able to tell me why it hasn't been sent yet.
    I then tried going into one of the local shops and came out an hour later with still no answer to where my order was. The guy I spoke with said he would call me later with an update, however he didn't.

    Any ideas what I can do now?

  • Ordered on the 4th October 2011

    This was from the Vodafone tracking page

    12/Oct/2011 On its way
    08/Oct/2011 Order being processed

    apparently its on its way, still have not received it. Will call vodaphone about this matter tomorrow. countless others are stuck in the same situation.

    To those who wish to purchase this I would really reconsider. I'd save the hassle and not deal with vodaphone at all. dicksmiths had the same offer though you had to pay $7 for shipping wish i saw it sooner.

  • Ordered on 12/Oct/2011 and haven't got it. Called customer service yesterday. After waiting for a long time, I was transferred from one department to another for 4 or 5 times. At the end, no one could tell me what's happening to my order. The online tracking page shows Order being processed. Why so long??? It's supposed to be delivered in 1 or 2 days.


    • That's basically the same response as I've had.
      I've also tried 2 visits to a store and came out after approx 1hr each time no further forward!

  • To Dana66 and Hobbes,

    Calling and visiting Vodafone won't do you much good because there's too many people doing the same and the reps don't have the resources to help you.

    Trust me, I've been thru that many a times.

    I always have success writing to them: http://vodafone.custhelp.com/app/ask/kw/complaints/r_id/166

    Try to be nice (I know you will be frustrated), state what date you placed the order, the order number, the reps will have more time to look for your order then and reply to you with an outcome.

    Good luck!

  • ill be complaining if i don't get it by oct 31 otherwise ill miss the 5gb

  • @ savememoney. Yesterday 24/10, i did what you suggested, still no response from Vodafone.

  • @ savememoney. It worked, thanks heaps. Here is their response:


    Thank you for your response.

    I have manually ordered your Pocket Wifi device and data sim card today.
    You should hopefully receive by Friday, but it may be early next week.

    It will be delivered by Australian Air Express (Ph: 13 12 13)

    If there is no-one home to accept delivery, a calling card will be left, and the parcel will be taken to your nearest Post Office

    I do apologise that this has been such a poor experience for you.

    If I can provide any further assistance, please let me know

    With thanks

    Correspondence Team

    • @ andraa2,

      No problem, I am glad I was able to help.

  • Im currently waiting for my order, if the usb arrive after 31/10/11 do we still eligible for bonus 2Gb as they stuff us up!?

  • Where you guys track your orders?
    The link below didn't seem to work.

      • thanks!

        can't see much info.

        When will my order arrive?
        1-2 days standard delivery (except for Tasmania)

        We are unable to advise you of your order status at this time, please try again later.

        • WEll i don't think the details on the orderstatus is accurate.

          I have received mine but the status is still being processed … lol

  • the tracking of order status didnt accept my order number. anyway i got my modem the other day finally. do you need to activate before oct 31st to get the bonus 2gb or will i still get the 2gb bonus if i activate on the last day oct 31st? how does vodafone charge per session is it better then the 10mb optus charges?

  • I tried to unlock the modem today, unfortunately it came up with this:

    Our records show that to unlock your handset a fee is applicable.
    Unlock fees for IMEI: 35730**********

    Service Fee:$50.00
    New Phone:$50.00
    Online discount*:$25.00 -

    Then it asks for a credit payment.

    Is anyone else getting the same?

    • yes i got the same no free unlock for me. maybe i should have tried to unlock it before i registered the sim. anyway is there any other way to unlock the pocket wifi 2 for free as i want to use my free 500mb from telstra $2 sim asap?

      • Hey coolsteps,

        I did try to unlock it BEFORE I registered the SIM, however the unlock page came up with the messge the device (or to be precise, the IMEI#) is not valid, meaning that the SIM must be registered first.

        Maybe one of the Ozbargainers can tell us which way they went?

        • I have not registered the SIM, yet when using Vodafone's unlock website shows a charge with $25 online discount. It seems some random WiFi modems were able to be unlocked for free.

          How is the SIM is related to the IMEI?

        • I unlocked the device before activating the sim. Actually just activated the sim today in order to get 5gb of data

        • savememoney, did you able to unlock your or their site find your imei?
          just got my 2nd one and got this same problem.
          so still stuck with 2 locked :(

    • +1

      Service Fee:$50.00
      New Phone:$50.00
      Online discount*:$25.00 -

      I got the same as you and received it early Nov.
      Ordered 2 but only received 1, still waiting for 1 more.

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