• expired

50% off Vodafone Prepaid Mobile Broadband Modems

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50% OFF Vodafone Prepaid Mobile Broadband Modems - Online Only

  • Pocket WiFi 2 – normal price $79 – offer price $39.50
  • Starter USB Modem – normal price $49 – offer price $24.50

Both modems come with a huge 5GB data (3GB + bonus 2GB) as long as you activate before 1/11/11. Data expires after 30 days.


To receive 50% off:

  1. Add either product to cart
  2. Enter promo code: OZBARGAIN

Offer ends 30/09/2011

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • -4


  • +5

    So technically its 50% off mobile broadband MODEMS, not mobile broadband [data].

  • +1

    good price

  • +1

    Good deal still!

  • Thanks stumo - updated the offer copy.

    • +1

      No worries. Was kind of hoping you'd make it 50% off data though lol, since I already got your myfi2 thing from DSE for $40 last month.

  • 3 tried to swing me over to vodaphone today to buy the pocket wifi 2. so glad i hesitated!

  • +13

    Good to see a Voda rep on Ozb ; )

  • +1

    I got the Vodafone Pocket Wifi 2 last month in Dick Smith during last month's promotion at Dick Smith. http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/51136 with 3GB data.

    Must say that I am pleasantly surprised at the broadband service. I have not once gotten disconnected, unless I chose to. Speeds are reasonable too.

    Compared with Optus which was timing out every 3-4 mins, Vodafone mobile broadband service is actually pretty good. Hope this will continue for a while.

  • any comments on Pocket WiFi 2? unlockable? reliable? etc..?

    • I bought one from DSE 2 weeks ago and it is very good with Vodafone download speed. Unlocked it (paid $15) and works perfectly with Telstra SIM.

      Unlock info, please refer to comments from: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/51136

  • +2

    Good to see a Vodafone rep here finally. About time. :)

  • +1

    Good on Vodafone… +ve from me.

  • what is the speed of the usb modem(K3771) 21mbps or less?

  • you you use "THREE" sim in there???

    • i want to know too, saves me plugging in and pulling out my current modem whenever I need to be connected …

  • -6

    Vodafone still provide the worst service in Australia.

  • I wouldnt say vodafone is the worst. They are all good and bad as each other.
    It depends where you live. I get download speed where I live.

    • Yes but that could imply you have a 52kbps download speed. Unless you were meant to say GOOD download speed in which case, you are right. It's all about location & congestion.

  • -1

    Hmm, but my Nexus S can already do all that. Except vodafone is still blocking wifi tethering….

    • +1

      I have a Nexus S with voda and I can WiFi tether

  • +8

    Why do people insist on posting crap about Vodafone? Anyone looking at this deal can clearly see it's with Vodafone. They can make up their own mind than by the posts from the sheep jumping on the Vodafone bashing bandwagon.

  • what i can see voda had lost alot customer so they are now very active with deals promos etc etc to get money back.
    well, i would say the service is ok, but the infrastructure is BAD. only buy if you are in CBD area, folks.

  • anyone notice moneybackco on this deal is $84??

    • known to moneybackco-ers since last year or the year before that. Quite a few times, the cookies don't work properly so really MBC gets commission but you don't get the money

      • I used them twice for DEll and it reflected in my account in 2 days. Though it will take 2-4 months when I actually get the amount.
        As few users have stated, try using IE. They track cookies and might have problems in FF or chrome.

  • Thanks for the post.
    Good deal, tried to get it from the DSE @Seven Hills but they said it is an online offer only. Have just ordered it online, review has been good on this gadget.

  • Is this NOT the Huawei E585? It looks identical, but I thought my pocketwifi didn't support 850Mhz

    • There's two versions. You probably have just the Pocket Wifi, not the Pocket Wifi 2. And yes, they are identical lol

  • Awesome thanks just ordered Pocket Wifi :)

  • Download speed according to whirlpool is 7.2mbps

    • Whoops…didn't mean to pos vote that comment…damn you myTab : (

    • @zsa82 Cool Story Bro

      • thanks dude, but it's true. thief came in from backdoor.. taken everything :(

        • Goddamn! They come at what's yours from behind, take what they want and leave you crying in your breeches.

    • You dont need the code. Your 3 SIM will work in the vodafone modem right away. They are the same network now

      • Hi Hank

        my 3 sim does not work on my phone that locked to voda somehow

  • When doing credit card processing, it is always shows "There seems to be a mistake with the details you have entered. Please check them and try again."

    I tried million times……………………

  • Would i be able to get this unlocked(pocket wifi 2). and then purchase a telstra sim?
    would this be able to use that new 850 or whatever it is speed?

  • http://www.vodafone.com.au/personal/aboutvodafone/network/in…

    Use the above link to find out coverage in your area.

    In my particular area (Chapel Hill 10km from CBD of Brisbane), I can only get on the 2g network.

    I'm waiting on tower upgrades coming June 2012

    New 2G G900 Installation
    New 3G U2100 Installation
    New 3G U850 Installation

    I can get gprs / and very occassionally edge.

    48 kilobits per second GPRS speed = 6 kilobytes per second = 360 kilobytes per minute = 20.59 megabytes per hour
    = 494 megabytes per day.

    It would take on my 2g speeds 10 solid days of downloading to hit the 5 gigabyte quota!


  • is it possible for this to be unlocked for free? e.g. using dc-unlocker or a different kind of software available

  • +2

    good work voda rep. please bring us more great deals!

  • I just bought one for $79 like 2 days ago. Possible for me to return it and get this instead?

  • Was in Singapore where all iPhone plans came standard with 12GB of data (AU$30/mth lowest plan).

    Waiting for the day data prices drop! 5GB can hardly be classified as 'huge'.

    But half-price modems are always nice.

  • thanks, just bought one.

  • Well this is going to suck. I don't have enough points for ID. :/

  • So just to confirm there's no contract terms with this?

  • Possible to change delivery address?

  • +2

    Glad you guys liked the deal - and thanks to those who purchased

    Will be bringing you some other great deals in the coming weeks and months

    Let me know what sort of offers you're looking for

    • Hppe this doesn't mean that the expiry date above is wrong. Seems kinda a final post. :)

      • Nope - don't panic - will be running til the end of the month :)

    • +1

      online deal for the INQ cloud?

      • i see what you're doing ;)

    • Offers we're looking for?

      Well, a recently expired but popular deal here was the Samsung Galaxy S 2 where on a 24 month $45 infinite plan it had $0 handset repayments and first month free. Something to beat that would be nice? Comments from that deal suggested maybe another month free or extra data for ozbargainers would go down well.

      On a personal note such a deal would be perfectly timed for me - I need to sign up to 3 unlimited plans this month and still deciding on carrier/handset combinations - was quite keen on the SGS2 deal but it's over.

      • VodafoneOnline rep, are you listening?

        You're obviously reading this thread based on your responses below. As you may have noticed on another vodafone deal posted here today (where we are being offered 4 months off 24 month contracts plus half of the $100 referral fee, as well as 4 months of 1.5gb data with modem for free) that we are obviously after deals similar to the ones I mention above. Now how is it we are able to get those deals through referrals but not direct from you guys?

        If you guys were to offer deals like those direct as exclusives to ozbargainers I'm sure you would drum up a mountain of business and new customers in no time!

        • Thanks for the feedback.

          The deal posted yesterday wasn't a known or official offer. We currently have 6 months 1/2 price on 12 month mobile broadband $29 and $29 plans

          We will be looking into future OzBargain exclusive offerings such as this 50% off Prepaid Mobile Broadband Modems.

      • You'll be pleased to know the Galaxy S II $0 on $45 Infinite (24 month) offer is back but only for a limited time. (NB This doesn't/didn't include the first month free).

  • +1

    How long do you take to process an order? My order status stuck on "order being processed" since monday and no email confirmation received.

    • +1

      Should be 3 - 5 days. If you can send me your order number I'll ensure it's progressing correctly.

      • Can't contact you privately via the personal contact form. Do you have an alternate means I can send you the order details? email?

        edit: Just got the email confirmation. All good =)

        • +1

          Try again - have enabled contact messaging

      • msg sent =)

      • i order pocket wifi on 17th sep
        order no. VF100181640
        plz connect me asap

  • how is this compared to the teltra next g elite? and is it unlocked?

  • It's really annoying to contact Vodafail for just checking my online prepaid order.

    Stayed on the phone for more than 30mins and I still unable to speak to the right person to check my order.

    All they was doing just told me you had reached the postpaid department, transferred to prepaid department and I've got told you on prepaid voice and when I finally reached prepaid broadband service and I've got told we can't check you order and put me back to the postpaid service etc…

    In the last 30mins I'm pretty much just stayed on phone and spoken to so many people that unable to help me to track my order.

    Come on, I don't know why da hell it's so hard to check my order for me???


    • Drop me a direct message with your order number and I can ask one of the support team to look into it

      • Done and received a replied. Still waiting.


      • After first replied, then there was no more reply!!!

        Very sh!t customer Service!!!!

        • yea i rang checking the status of my order also. Vodaphone cmon guys, get your customer service in order!

        • Fine this end. Took 2 days before they shipped and it arrived at my place. I now have one. It looks like a giant suppository.

  • Got my pocket wifi modem delivered to me about an hour ago so all good here :)

  • I may have stumbled across a way to unlock these. If anyone is willing, send me your IMEI and I'll send you back an unlock code to try.

  • Double charged and just had my call dumped after the better part of 1hr and 22mins on hold.

    Poop. Sad panda.

    • still dont have mine >:(

      • What they won with the discount they are losing with their service. :/

      • Please send me your order number and i will ask the support teams to investigate

        • ordered it on the 12th vodafone :P


        • whats the story vodafone?

      • haha i ordered on the 12th too…. what a joke they are, I spent 2 hours on the phone in total and they promised they would send it this Monday, still havent recieved anything, not even an email. Today after another 30 mins they want me to cancel the order and redo it… prob wont be eligable for the discount anymore anyway…. disgusting.

    • Sorry you were on hold so long - message me your order number and I will have someone contact you tomorrow

      • I have called 4 times in the last week, each time, I have had to wait for approximately an hour before getting ANYWHERE because my call is constantly transferred and I am constantly having to repeat the same long story over and over.

        On the 12th of September I placed an online order (Order Number: VF100177013) for a prepaid broadband modem. After not receiving anything for a week I phone Vodafone on to be told to wait another 7 days. I waited another week, called again, this time I was told there was a problem, but no one could tell me what the problem was. After an hour on the phone being passed from department to department (and having to repeat my problem over and over) I finally encountered a very helpful customer service representative who identified what the problem was. The reason the order has been stuck and not mailed out, is there was a mismatch of my name and the name on the credit card. My full name is Jehangir Mehta and I shorten it to Jehan Mehta which is what I put on the order. Your system seems to think these names are two different people and hence the order has not been sent. After all this (some 40 mins into the conversation) I was then passed onto another department, this time I believe it was credit who ASSURED Me in no uncertain terms that they would fix the error and send it on the Monday of this week. Of course it is now Thursday and I have received nothing, not even a confirmation email of it being sent. When I called again today, again wasting another 1 hour on the phone, I have indeed found out that the order has not been sent. Apparently the gentlemen who in no uncertain terms promised that it would be delivered today, lied. I specifically asked him as I was quite irate after waiting so long that ‘are you 100% sure that this is solved and I the order will be shipped on Monday’ and his reply was ‘definitely’.

        Now, on top of all the handballing of the problem from department to department, the thing that infuriates me the most is vodafone has still not delivered on their promise.

        Now I called AGAIN this afternoon and was told to just cancel my order and replace it. This is unacceptable, I have already been billed for it. If you are billing me for the product you should send it to me!!!! Furthermore if I cancel it now I probably cant use that code anymore.

        This is beyond a joke, if this was a contract or some kind of post-paid plan, I could understand all the drama but this is a simple straight forward Prepaid transaction. The whole point of placing a prepaid order online was the convenience, however, in all the time spent chasing this modem (which I ordered 3 weeks ago and was hoping to use by now!) down, talking your customer service representatives and trying to get some sort of a straight answer from the company - I could have gone to the shops, bought the prepaid modem and come home, SEVERAL times over. This is beyond ridiculous. What adds insult to injury is I HAVE ALREADY BEEEN BILLED FOR THIS ON THE 12th of SEPTEMBER. I don’t understand how you could bill my credit card and keep it in limbo for 3 weeks and then lie to me by saying it would be sent Monday.

        I have never experienced such a low quality of customer service and I am really quite disgusted at the way my problem has been handled.

        • +1

          If you could send me a direct message with your email address, i will have your order investigated tomorrow and contact you directly with an update.

    • File a dispute/chargeback with your credit card provider ASAP. The investigation takes about 30 to 45 days. I got stung by Voda too. Their call center is hopeless. I've lodged a formal complaint last week and was promised a response within 2 business days. I am still waiting for that response and my money. TIO here I come.

      • I'll give the rep a chance. If nothing happens down that alley I'll do a CC dispute/chargeback request.

        • I am quite content with Voda overall but there are moments where it behaves like a spoilt brat that needs a good ass whipping for it to not to go astray. If you spare the rod (TIO), you spoil the child.

          Voda can have a head start but if nothing happens, be ready to crack that whip :-p

        • It was a thrilling ride. Many turns and spills but eventually I got my refund. I came to being within 24 hrs of disputing the charge but the rep here managed to push the right buttons internally to make it happen.

          All in all, it took too long (over a month), required an "in" (the rep here) and much patience on my part.

          From my experience there is no falseness to any report here and in other threads about Voda's internal support. It is heavily and woefully broken.

          Now all that's left is to see if they manage to get a useful network going. That, too, is less than satisfactory. :(

          Hope everyone else who has managed to acquire an issue with Voda gets a speedy and satisfactory resolution.

          Oh and many thanks to the rep here without whom I'm sure this would've gone to either a disputed transaction, the TIO or both because the rest of Voda that I've had the displeasure to deal with appears to be nowhere near organised enough to be able to pull something off in a competant manner. Hopefully there are enough competant people there to be able to get their company to left their game as a whole.

  • After 14 days of waiting, I finally received my modem today.

    Here's my feedback with Vodafail. Call center was hopeless, I rang up 1300 number and put up with customer service, told me to check my status of prepaid wifi modem, transferred my call to PP voice dep, then transferred PP broadband. Oh well, I thought this going to be the corrected dep and right people to speak with, but ended put me back to customer service line!!!

    I've been on the phone for more than hour but still unable to speak to right person to check my order!!!

    I had repeated this annoying tracing few times over phone but still no luck. I emailed rep at here to find out what's going on and after few attempts, I finally got response saying there was some errors on voda system. And needs to push hard to get my modem today.

    I'm already up to stage to prepare call my bank and get that transaction knock back, and I had also lodged complaint via TIO 2 days for all the hassles. Since I had received my modem, therefore the complaint will be case close sooner or later.

    As other ppl mentioned, you've won the discount feedback, but ended up pissing off more customers!!! If there have a clear information from started, mention there will be some delay, that's acceptable. But not played silent and waited for complaints and start working.

    After this incident, I would seriously considering signing up any voda products in future!!!

  • Yo I have the exact same person as the problem above. This is so disgusting!!! I have actually never been a voda customer and this whole experience has really turned me off. I thought this would just be a simple transaction and I would get it in the mail a few days later.

    I put my order in on the 12th of September. Long story short, I never recieved it and after waiting and HOUR on Friday a customer service representitive acknowledged there was a problem with auhtenticating my details and he assured me 100% this would be fixed and the modem would be mailed out this Monday (3 and a half weeks after I purchased it). Of course it is now thursday, I havent recieved anything, not even a confirmation email and after again talking to voda for an hour they now want me to cancel the order.

    This is so disgusting. The best bit is they billed me on the 12th.

  • Doesn't deliver on product, despite billing for you straight away and you just cannot get a straight answer from the customer service team.

    Worst customer service. Ever.

  • Well this was a nightmare I must say. Now at Day 21 and just found out after 3 hangups and 2 you have been transferred to the wrong department that the item has been returned to Vodafone due to them not responding to an email about confirming the address. It would have been easier to go into the store and pay the extra $5.
    Probably only cost $100s in lost man hours !!

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