Wish it was the good old F5 spam… the new process makes it really hard now :(
Click Frenzy Mayhem 2020: Tuesday May 19 2020 » All Comments
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What's the new process?
Also 7News:
“It’s not all about speed - up to one in five shoppers who have a crack will find themselves with Airpods for $2.”
Key word: up to
from 0 in 5 shoppers all the way to 1 in 5
May as well report how someone might win $1m in the lottery !
Disappointments at the ready!
In term of difficulty in getting an item, how does it compare to the EBay Click Frenzy for Apple Airpods or Nintendo Switches?
factoring in thee weather (a) in celcius and thee speed (b) of your intranets, plus how many donuts can be eaten in 1 day (c) is your answer of the factor (x).
Formula: x = √a + 2(b/c)
Me and my mates I tried really hard at this one year. I won an Apple watch but they never sent it and when I commented on the click frenzy facebook they banned me from the page lol. My friend also won a roomba but never got it. My other mates got beats and a switch though so not all bad.
did ya take formal action against them?
Yeah did some complaints with ACCC and consumer affairs but they all said they could cancel orders Because it was in the terms and conditions that they could cancel anytime for any reason.
can you still get Cashrewards on this?
Can you price match with OW also….:) :)
Looks like its another question and answer one. I preferred the fastest to click through ones personally.
Most people don’t spend their lives on bargain hunting websites like you do. This gives people who have other hobbies a chance to get something neat.
I work a full time job, I just enjoy jumping on during a lunch break or at night time to have a play.
Sounds like you don’t have to be glued to your phone/computer to be in for a chance to get one of the 99% off deals. I’ll give it a go this time if I see the pop-up.
What are the odds of there being any decent TV sales for click frenzy? Or is it more likely there'll be better deals during end of financial year sales?
Hm, let me get back to you in a few months with 100% correct odds.
Haha I thought people might know based off last years sales
Steps from the FAQ for the "Go Nuts" deals (https://faq.clickfrenzy.com.au/support/solutions/articles/43…):
- You must be logged into your Click Frenzy account during the event.
- Make sure you've accurately completed your address details in your account profile, as this is where your Go Nuts purchase will be shipped if you are successful!
- Logged in users will receive a pop up notification each time a Go Nuts deal goes live. This notification will include a question that you will need to answer within 30 minutes. The pop up will appear on your screen no matter what page you are on in the site.
- Answers will be ranked by accuracy first, speed second.
- If you are successful, you will be contacted via mobile from Click Frenzy with a unique discount code to complete your purchase at a 99% discount on the RRP!
- You must complete your purchase before the end of the Click Frenzy event!*
- For deals that are made live on Thursday the 21st of May you will have until 11.59pm Friday 22 May to complete your purchase.
Make sure you enable notifications from CF on your browser or else you'll never see the pop-up.
So does it mean a notification for a 99% discount offer could pop up at any point during the 53 hour period?
They generally set out the times during which the 99% discount offer will pop up.
Check all the emails you receive from Click Frenzy during the event! These will reveal the approximate time that the notification for each ‘Go Nuts’ deal will be sent!
If you are successful, you will be contacted via mobile
I wonder if this will take as long as the emails did last time…
Ugh. Can't believe I'm doing this again.Follow us on Instagram for hints and clues for the 99% off deals from Click Frenzy HQ during the event!
Bottom of yesterday's email and haven't got one since. Does that mean they aren't sending emails?
"1.You must be logged into your Click Frenzy account during the event."
Shame the login page doesn't work.
Any portable HDD's or washing machines on sale?
Few more Go Nuts deals reported by 7News
- Nespresso Lattissima Touch for $4
- UE Boom 3 Bluetooth Speaker for $1
- Samsung 65” 4K UHD TV for $17
- Nintendo Switch Lite for $3
I can't login - says pw is wrong. When I try to reset, it says user not found. When I try to create a new account it says email already in use. Any ideas?
Use another email address?
same - looks like a repeat of fail frenzy 2018
Same issue with 2 different email addresses, tried 2 browsers also.
Is there a limit of one item per household again this year? I can't find it on the website.
The limit of purchases for the entire duration of the Click Frenzy Go Nuts sale
(between 7pm AEDT May 19, 2020 and 11:59 AEDT May 21, 2020) is one item per
user, household and/or IP address. Once a text message has been received with the
unique discount code during the 53 hour period, the limit for that user/IP
address/household has been reached. Any purchases made in contravention of any
such applicable restrictions or conditions may be cancelled by Click Frenzy and any
monies refunded.Cheers - can you link the page that's from? Wanna see if there's anything else I missed
@Costanza: So basically only 1 item for 1 address in total but can u enter in multiple because u dont know if you will win.
But what happens if I win an Macbook but I dont want a macbook, id rather a switch :(. Yes, I dont like apple.
@Mintee: Honestly I don't even like Apple and will gladly trade a switch for a MacBook just to sell it and get a switch + something else lol.
You seem to think it'll be easy to get a prize lol.
There's going to be so many people wanting both the MacBook and the Switch.
is the code assosiated for that single item, or can you save the code for a different purchase?
that single item
LMAO the website is already on struggle street.
Shows up as "404 not found
Go to home page"
Yep - click on anything you either get 404, ‘loading’ forever or logged out. Rinse and repeat.
I can’t even log in
Yeah - it just logged me out with 1 min to go and now the login page has crashed.
Whats first?
nothing really worth looking at
Anyone think the CF website is crap? Keeps bugging out
Edit: Keep getting wrong username/password error even though I'm 99.99% sure it's correct. Tried resetting my password and I keep getting 'rate exceeded' error
I got the same thing even though it was auto-filled by Chrome
Same here. You can't even make a new account as well :/
Good to know not just me. I'm not going to bother anymore lol
Can't log in, keeps saying my login details are incorrect :/
i think everyone is experiencing the same thing
Yeah! The page refreshed and logged me out, now I cant log in
Yup, same here. I reset my password twice and tried with a different email address too.
I tried logging in with my Google account, but it's really unclear whether I'm logged in after that. The Join and Login buttons are still in the header when I log in with my Google account, but when I click on them it doesn't show the login/registration form anymore. Also, there doesn't seem to be an accounts settings page, where I can set my shipping address when I log in with my Google account.
Yeah seems like the website is already overloaded. I'm stuck on an email verification screen
Website logged me out :/
RIP website lol.
Is this the event where you have to click the pop up fast or do you have to answer questions?
It is the event where nobody can do anything as the website seems to never be able to handle the traffic - year in and year out.
Probably because there are thousands of bots running and refreshing at the same time causing high traffic. Also could be hackers trying to get the times and questions like last year.
Both - you need to answer correctly and then it will sort correct answers by quickest time.
Nowadays they are doing the questions, no more first to click gets it.
Do you know what kind of questions they are? Is it 'arrange these from largest to smallest' type to fool bots etc?
Check twitter. Last time a hacker released all the questions on there.
@eckers19: https://twitter.com/clickfrenzy?lang=en
not sure what link was used last time. Maybe it was on Click Frenzy. You can check back at the last event. I'll have a go at finding it in a few min.
@eckers19: Might not be last year event. But I remember, one of the questions being how many penguins on the beach or something like that. Maybe turtles idk.
@eckers19: No idea. They might just keep it a secret or leak it. But I think they are attempting seeing that the database is down.
Questions related to Click Frenzy usually, something like, 'how many retailers participated in Click Frenzy Mayhem 2018?' or 'How many retailers offer mobile phones on Click Frenzy?' etc. Often they are quite difficult or ambigious.
@eckers19: First item isn't until 8pm-9pm, come back just before then and fingers crossed logins are working. There is nothing to see/do right now anyway.
RIP - Incognito timer back up?
Can't log in… how many years do they need to have problems with their servers before they fix it?
37 years?
congrats you just won a special limited edition mask
Database down? That's so embarassing…
"Click Frenzy" now becomes "OzBargain F5 To See Comments Frenzy"
I think the site is running from a free hosting provided when you register a domain name. 100MB ram, and 10 requests/second type.
Well, this is off to a great start!
Wait… It hasn't even officially started!
Can some of you guys log out for a little bit so I can have a turn :(
Broken before it even officially starts, that's gotta be a new one!
It is same every year
Oh I don't doubt it haha. Easy way to keep the $25,000 of "Visa Gift Cards" just don't let anyone log in :D
I'm more annoyed about giving them a whole pile of personal information
On their instagram page it now says "Launching: 7pm Tuesday, May 19"
If u signed up suppose to have early access… As others have mentioned however noone can login keeps saying incorrect password.. and thats even if you get to the actual login page
Clearly they didn't select a big enough AWS rate limit.
You would think after years of this, they would pay for higher scalability.
Request URL: https://cognito-idp.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/
{__type: "TooManyRequestsException", message: "Rate exceeded"}My screen was showing a pink account picture instead of Join/Login, suggesting that I was perhaps logged in. But now it's back to join/Login
I got as far as going into the account screen and all my account details were blank.
'updated' them but couldn't click update and bam, they logged me out!
If I switch to a different browser I can get the log in page… but it doesn't accept my password
Is anyone having trouble actually logging in? After I log in, it seems to go back to exactly the same page with option to Join and Login haha
Same lol
Didn't this exact same thing happen last year? Website crashed cos everyone was trying to access it? Surprised that this is unexpected, of course the website would get smashed.
Can’t even log in just keep saying my password is incorrect
yup me too..
Me too
me too. cannot log in. says rate exceeded.
Cannot reset password.
Tried creating a new account and it is stuck on verify email.
Why did i fall for this again. Click farce.
Just got an email from them and it says the GHD mini styler for $3 goes live between 8-9pm and then a Google Nest hub will be up for grabs between 9-10pm
Didn’t even get any emails lol
Any news on timings of the 99%?
Any UE Megaboom 3 discounts to be had?
Same as others, can't login. With everyone at home you'd think they would've anticipated high demand for this year.
wot a disaster. Cant even log in, cant reset password (states limit exceeded on my first try), cant create a new account cuz it stuck while verifying email
Cant log in lol
Couldnt log in either.
Login page doesn’t load…
same for me. smh
Sigh…this was most disappointing.
Just like everyone else, I can't login because it says the password is incorrect.
Edit: finally managed to get in but where's the friggin deals?!?!
Are your details still there in account or everything blanked out?
All my details are there.
What did you do ? Just kept refreshing and it suddenly worked?
Haha…I clicked the submit button a sh*tload of times and managed to get in
Really cant even log in
Sure is mayhem.
Click Fail again!
working fine for me… no deals though
how do i downvote a forum post lol
Unable to login / reset password / create new account. #clickfail again. They're consistent year on year. Legend!
Deleting all site cookies made the login form show up but apparently my password is incorrect and resetting gives me 'Rate exceeded'. Tried again, no errors but the join/login button is still there after logging in??
This made me go to login page as well but now it says Incorrect password which I am sure is not
It is a real Mayhem that can't even login.
Wow I login finally and it tells me to join/login again… ??
Sites stuffed, can't even login
Check out the instagram for instruction on how to get the iPhone 11.
It would be great to get some communication from them on the expected time to fix…
Somehow it is now logged in. All I did was highlight the URL and hit enter and now it works
Logged in.. no popups yet
what the hell, it logged in and then two clicks in logged itself back out. GG.
I would pretty pissed if I was one of the brands on their feature page - imagine paying those morans who run clickfrenzy cash for a website that can't handle the increase that they promised them …
Finally logged in. Didn't do anything differently after many failed attempts. Nothing to see yet though.
GHD Mini Styler - $3 - 8pm - 9pm
Google Nest Hub - $3 - 9pm - 10pmFail frenzy, hope to see something shortly
I've tried re opting in for emails but it didn't work. My account says I get promotional emails. But still not getting anything.
Same here.
You all get whipped up in a 'frenzy', buy into this affiliate linking desperation crap then get disappointed. EVERY YEAR… Never changes.
you can contact them directly here:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]also their facebook page
instaI finally managed to log in. I basically entered in my login details and spammed 'enter', it eventually logged me in… I had to clear my history a couple of times though as it would refresh the page but not log me in properly.
… and it just logged me out…
Logging in and then seeing Login/Join is real offputting even though you are, logged in.
Have the hackers gotten in and stolen all our address info? I logged in this afternoon and it's all there. I tried to go back just now and it's all blank. Here we go again.
how often do the 99% deals run? hourly? daily? etc?/
Hourly. You can see the schedule from last year's event to get an idea. I won't paste it here to avoid confusion, but at the bottom of the description you can see them under Go Nuts Details/Updates:
GHD Mini Styler - $3 - 8pm - 9pm
Google Nest Hub - $3 - 9pm - 10pmJust got an email… there pretty shit tbh; wheres the iphones etc? Does this mean theres nothing else during those times?
Yes, they'll come in the next 50 hours.
do they launch things late in the night or will most things be tommorow?
Last year it was 8pm-9pm, 9pm-10pm, 10pm-11pm, then it started up again 6am-7am and went hourly all day night. See last year's schedule here at the bottom of the description. This year is going for an extra day so the prizes might go until Thursday as well.
That's not true.
GHD good for the missus or my sister-in-law.
Not sure what I'd do with the Google Nest though besides gift it to a family member or sell it
Got an email and this was what was in it
$3 GHD ministyler from 8pm-9pm
$4 Google Nest Hub from 9pm-10pmHow can you log in? When I click the login screen, it only shows the telstra logo.
Same here — it isn’t loading.
I clicked the Submit button nonstop as well as cleared my history.
i closed my google chrome and then went back in and it worked
Don't forget:
The limit of purchases for the entire duration of the Click Frenzy Go Nuts sale (between 7pm AEDT May 19, 2020and 11:59 AEDT May 21, 2020) is one item per user, household and/or IP address. Once a text message has been received with the unique discount code during the 53hour period, the limit for that user/IP address/household has been reached. Any purchases made in contravention of any such applicable restrictions or conditions may be cancelled by Click Frenzy and any monies refunded.
4.4 from here
So only try to buy the thing you really want?
pretty much. good luck :p
Kept refreshing the page, sometimes it logs me in, sometimes it logs me out. And still no pop up
I managed to get logged in… but under profile there were no details at all. So not sure what that means, am I logged in properly or not, who knows.
Hi all,
We are currently experiencing extremely high demand for the log in functionality and understand some people are unable to log in at this time. Rest assured we are working to fix this issue and you will be able to log in before the first 'Go Nuts' deal goes live. You can still shop all the other great Click Frenzy deals without being logged in right now! 😄I guess they never learn
There's people on their Instagram saying they've already won Airpods and the popup appeared in the first 10 minutes
Lol they probably hire someone to type that
Their usernames are both in the same format (they look like legit accounts though)
Edit: probably a bug. apparently this happened last time and it wasn't honoured.
From Click on Facebook
Click Frenzy Hi all,
We are currently experiencing extremely high demand for the log in functionality and understand some people are unable to log in at this time. Rest assured we are working to fix this issue and you will be able to log in before the first 'Go Nuts' deal goes live. You can still shop all the other great Click Frenzy deals without being logged in right now! 😄I spammed refresh and somehow that logged me in? Too scared to touch anything now though
I've logged in, saw my details, edited them and refreshed. It's ok atm….
Same here for me
Reminder if you're on chrome to allow popups in browser settings.
Spent all their money buying products for the Go Nuts deal, couldn't afford DB scaling in AWS
I’m in.
EDIT: Logged me back out again.
Happened to me to
I logged in and uploaded.
im in on safari but out on chrome
(edit) in chrome now also
(1) How do the 99% off Go Nuts Deals work? <—— Read this first if you are confused/new.
(2) Make sure you enable browser notifications from clickfrenzy.com.au. This will ensure you don't miss any Go Nuts notifications which are imperative to score a deal! To learn how to enable browser notifications on Chrome click here. To learn how to enable browser notifications on Safari click here.
(3) Upcoming prizes and timings are emailed, but the emails are often slow or non existent. We'll update the post at the bottom of the description with upcoming items, or you can check the latest comments. The first items are:
19/5 8pm-9pm GHD Mini Styler (RRP $280) $3
9pm-10pm Google Nest Hub (RRP $339) $3Assuming the login issues are sorted (still got 30 minutes or so at least).
Remember times are in AEST
when I try to turn on notifications on safari there is no option for the click frenzy website
Still not able to login
Finally In
It just logged me in then after a refresh.
What a dodgy website. Can't even login.
Finally got in.
Anyone else logged in, goto account, fill out details but no option to save even after ticking the we will send spam box?
It's a website error. The pre-filled in email is counting as 'not filled' and not letting you input. If you edit the HTML using the editor (F12) you can remove the 'readonly' from the email field and fill it out.
Or just wait until they fix it, amongst other website problems.
yeah literally now all details are there as normal. thanks.
Finally managed to login. Tried using Microsoft Edge browser instead of Chrome and I was able to login.
This is shite where are the BARGAINS
There aren't any, people get sucked into this stupid hype every year.
Says guy, three pages deep into comments about said sucked in people.
It's fantastic entertainment watching the desperation, no lie.
Logged in, now what lol
Logged and now logged out.
annnnnd logged out again
Didn’t make an account, not regretting it atm
Any seagulls get a chip ?
Logged out again.
Only thing I'm Clicking is the login button
Not getting any notifications…
if you get logged out, you need to clear browser cookies to re-login.
imma pass until they fix their broken websitePSA: Once you have logged in, if the 'signup / login' buttons are displayed, it does not necessarily mean you have been logged out.
I've had this happen a few times but after I refresh the page a couple of times it shows that I'm logged in.
I'm guessing the process used to validate / pull member info is being overwhelmed and not processing correctly.
There's something wrong with the site. Can't login via firefox in linux, says credentials are incorrect.
Via windows firefox it does work, but all my details are suddenly gone. When I try to update I can't save …
Seems like a big waste of time.Thanks for the update
Marketing strategy masquerading as a bargain
I love it
Very slow
Login working for now at least.
and now what? just sit in front of the computer and wait for the "pop up"?
Pretty much.
2018: I can't get a prize
2019: I can't get the question
2020: I can't even log inWow what's next year got in store for us?
2 hr waits :D
2021: We use your internet connections as our hosting provider with all the information we have obtained over the last 3 years :D
Anyone received a pop up yet?
I got one, but it was blank and closed within 5 seconds
Can this year get any worse
worst click frenzy to date?
Logged out. Not worth the time.
GHD Mini Styler
How many brands are taking part in this year's Mayhem event?6
way more than 6…..
~356 I would guess.
edit: 375 when I used my brain
No pop-up for me :(
I didn’t get the pop up?
does the popup take you to a survey link to fill out?
no popup
Nope, you plug in the answer (373) and your mobile number.
You may or may not get a text with a code and they'll sell your data to others.
I believe the correct answer is 375. (https://www.clickfrenzy.com.au/brands)
You missed 1. Fox and Roo, 2. LACD and 3. Zove Beauty
@annexe: Interesting. 1) and 2) weren't on the page when I did the copy across. Looks like just been added. Wonder how that affects the answer. 3) is already included.
Don't know didn't answer, has space for answer and my mobile below it with Submit below that.
I just counted them and got 362
It's logged me out again. Well I guess I may wait till this has been fixed. Last year it was annoying because some people got the notification at least 10-15 minutes before other people.
Still no pop up
same no pop up for me either
my eyes poping out grrrrrrrr
link to form?
form is not a separate link this year, it's pretty much "who doesn't get booted out of the site wins"
ohhhhhhh lordy
Anyone who gets the pop up can you please post the link here. I still haven't got it :(
logged me out and i missed it, now the page does nothing when i try and log in
No pop up for first item and was watching screen constantly for an hour :(
'Over 300' isn't the answer then….
"a fair few, cobba" is pretty accurate in my books
Mines logged in after disabling adblock
Im getting a popup saying
Too Many People are refreshing :( Please try again.Same.
I think this years click frenzy brand deals isn’t great..
While checking the worst was Volkswagen.. Fake advertising and when you click purchase it’s more than what you would pay at a dealer..
Google Nest Hub
How many brands on the 2020 Click Frenzy Mayhem event are offering Shopback cashback?Was waiting for that one but unfortunately no popup on my PC. :(
Only popup I get says too many people are refreshing.
same wanted this one. no pop up, whitelisted on ad blocker. oh well
Interesting got last one but not this one.
How can this even be answered without checking each brand?
These questions are so random
I think it's telling that this forum isn't on page 57 already. So far it all seems quite dull
No popups for either… Cool :)
Just got the popup question asking about what they did to support during the bushfires.found they did a 'people in need' category
Where does the pop up show on your screen? Do you have to scroll to find it or is it just an overlay on the page?
literally just overlays the page, takes up most of it.
I have disabled adblock and added clickfrenzy to the allowed notifications in settings of chrome.Cheers for the info. I still haven't gotten anything at all :/ Good luck mate!
No pop-ups for either here as well.. Was looking forward to sticking around through night shift for the next 12 hours but with nothing working I'm starting to think its a waste of time
is there a way to submit answers without the pop ups?
Or is the too many people refreshing pop up where the actual question will be?
Google Nest Hub
What is the name of the promotion that Click Frenzy ran in the 2020 Click Frenzy March Travel event to support bushfire affected towns?ANSWER:
[My guess] 'Places in need'
https://www.clickfrenzy.com.au/places-in-need-registrationGO NUTS DEAL ALERT
Google Nest Hub Max
[RRP: $339]
What is the name of the promotion that Click Frenzy ran in the 2020 Click Frenzy March Travel event to support bushfire affected towns?
Time left to answerThis came as a popup just now.
The answer is 'Places in Need'
where did this pop up?
I never submitted the answer as I clicked off it and it disappeared and then I got logged out and can't log back in.
That was in Edge. I never got it on Chrome, but I'm still logged in there.
Thanks for the screencap, I'm also using Edge because it's the only browser that I have without privacy extensions.
@Hybroid: Yeah, but I've learnt with CashBack to just use Edge to make sure no blockers are in place whatsoever. Thanks though!
After answering this can you click on the bell icon to the left of your profile?
@baller: I wasn't able to answer it and I can't log back in yet. I'm wondering if the bell icon has any functionality at all however.
A big fat nothing popping up for me too.
First one popped up (I didn't attempt because I didn't want it)
Second one didn't pop up :( the one I actually wanted.This seems like a lotto for anxiety
Im not getting any pop upsssss
Thought I would log back in to check - and no notifications, no bell icons (not sure if we're getting those this year). Also logged me out randomly.
Excuse my naivety but am I meant to keep refreshing the tab or will it pop up by itself?
It will pop up by itself, no refresh necessary, whether the pop up works or not is a different story though.
Thank you
didnt get any pop up for the second one
Not getting pop ups… I don't have any issues refreshing though.
just got the google pop up then
Just got logged out then
What is the name of the promotion that Click Frenzy ran in the 2020 Click Frenzy March Travel event to support bushfire affected towns?
Nest Hub max popup just came up at 21:55 sydney time with a 30 min countdown timer. Didn't fill it in so maybe you'll get it instead.
Just got the popup on chrome
Just got the Nest Hub Popup and managed to answer and submit - see how we go.
Props to the people who posted the answer.
Just got it aswell
Does anyone know what's happening for the next few hours?
Haven't got the email yet with the upcoming stuff, hopefully someone receives it.
Edit: see below
Pop up also came again here. The notification bell still doesn't have anything on it, I guess it has no function this year.
how are people getting pop-ups…
Just keep the homepage open on another window.
I have the website open on both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox - I've received one pop up each for both deals so far on each different browser, weirdly enough.
ive received none! darn it
I've got safari, edge, mozilla and chrome open…
10-11pm: Samsung 65" 4K UHD TV ($1695) $17
11-12am: Apple Watch Series 3 ($319) $3Now these are the meat and veg I've been waiting for. Fingers crossed, OzBargainers! Let's help each other out and clean up supply! :)
How do I get notified of these? Just Chrome notification or email?
Keep the main page of the website open and allow notifications. Adblockers don't seem to interfere at this point.
Via email. But it tends to be really slow going out so people post the times on the forum.
You've said email and the other guy said browser notification - which is it? For the crazy 99% off deals
@TwentyTwoCarats: Information of upcoming deals: e-mail
Participation to grab the deal: browser notification/pop up@TwentyTwoCarats: You get emails in advance telling you the approximate time of the questions. You get notifications on the website for when they actually release the question for you to fill out.
Can you get pop ups on IOS Safari?
Has anybody received a pop-up window on Safari on a Mac computer?
Probably not because no one owns apple products ;/
I tried to use safari but the page changed colour and froze on Mac. Tried Firefox for the full hour of an item and no pop up. Now trying Chrome for 10-11pm
I noticed for the first hour i used Safari I would always get an error saying too many people are trying to refresh I don't get that any more and I'm just letting it sit on the homepage let me know if you have any luck with chrome and I'll let you know if I get a pop up on Safari thanks
Will definitely let you know. Thanks
Got the popup around 9.50pm
Still no popup on Chrome
Does the pop up stay indefinitely on the screen? Or does it go away by itself? I'm wondering if I've just missed these other popups
Mine stayed.
Stays indefinitely, but if you click off it onto the webpage, it goes away. If you alt+tab or click to another window, it stays.
Mine stayed too, with a half hour countdown timer.
If anyone sees the next question for 10pm to 11pm can you please post it here.
Has anyone who answered the question received SMS?
What question if you don't mind me asking?
The google nest hub. :)
So far question being asked were (Gathered from the comments sections)
How many brands are taking part in this year's Mayhem event?
Answer: 375QUESTION:
How many brands on the 2020 Click Frenzy Mayhem event are offering Shopback cashback?
Answer: ?
What is the name of the promotion that Click Frenzy ran in the 2020 Click Frenzy March Travel event to support bushfire affected towns?
'Places in need'@annexe: Thanks. Those are really hard questions. Do we have to click on each to find the cashback offers ?
Answered Nest Hub question 25mins ago. No message. Assumed if I was going to get anything it would be later in the week?
What kind of question was it for Google Nest hub. Is it just one question about Google Nest hub?
Name the event they ran for Bushfire affected towns - Places in need
There'll be one unit available that tens of thousands have tried to obtain. Better chances winning the lottery.
Hi, I have allowed popup and notifications on Chrome for "https://www.clickfrenzy.com.au" . I haven't got any popups :-(
Anyone got popup on Chrome today? Also, no emails. Registered this evening and I am logged in to ClickFrenzy.Wow, these questions are actually rather hard.
Also, I haven't seen a single pop up.
Do they work on an iPhone?
Seems that the popups work for some and not others
okay thanks, hope I get to see one so that I know I’m doing the right thing. :)
Even my phone has no popup lmao
Mine popped up and I'm on my phone using Chrome…
does anyone know how many units per item they're offering for these go nuts deals?
no popup on chrome….
Wait has the TV popup happened? Ive got a laptop, phone and PC all waiting for a popup LOL
I haven’t gotten the TV yet.
Yeh you may as well log off now *whistles
Doesn't look like it.
I think people are still waiting for the Google Nest one to appear.I wasnt logged in during the nest time? isnt it TV time?
nvm I misread your comment
I'm pretty convinced their whole pop-up system is flawed. needless to say I won't be wasting any time tomorrow on this.
Pretty dodgy considering this whole thing seems to be super hyped up like did they not get enough money from all their sponsors to set the website up and to make sure this systems actually worked correctly. Even the instructions for notifications on Safari are completely out of date its like not one person inside this company could put an up-to-date relevant link on how to manage notifications and pop upsI wonder if we need to make sure stuff like ad-blocker is off? hmm; im so confused, is it a popup on screen or a notification?
No ad-blocker here and haven't seen anything
It’s a pop up in the centre.
To my knowledge it's not really even a pop-up window it's more like a pop out window with in the website. There is a screenshot posted above by a user if you scroll. I've definitely got the settings set correctly on Safari and I'm on a computer so it should work but I'm not getting anything. I don't believe they said anything about that but it's a possibility I just made sure I didn't have any weird settings and allowed notification requests n pop-ups are allowed on this website and there is no content blockers
Anyone gotten the pop up yet?
not me
Well theres only technically 18 mins left for this round?
Correct. Don’t know what’s going on?
@WoodYouLikeSomeCash: My bet is they only had one TV (if any) to give out so they decided to save themselves the hassle of sorting and just sent out a pop up to 10 ppl or something ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@songsong: Surely that person is an OzBargainer. I cant say ive ever seen anyone publicly announce they've won from this thing…. snif snif I smell potential for ACCC to get involved here…
Last round I got the pop up at 9:57
@nickio: Well I guess they would be more inclined to make the deals come later in the hour to get more clicks and attention
Sigh. Why did I sign up for this silly marketing flaw.
I better off sleep. Good night and good luck.10 mins until the rounds over…
Which brand has the most deals in this event and how many deals do they have? (Answer format: "BRAND NAME" - "NUMBER OF DEALS"
Samsung 65" 4K UHD TV
Which brand has the most deals in this event and how many deals do they have? (Answer format: "BRAND NAME" - "NUMBER OF DEALS"
Yep I just got the pop-up as well as soon as I refreshed. Good luck!
how are you getting all these pop-ups when everyone else is literally waiting for their first?
Have a go at refreshing or googling the site again. Legit popping up in all my browsers atm.
yep, got that same question too. anyone got an answer for this? lets all help our fellow ozbargainers out!!
I guessed Catch - 1973. The only marketplace type site I could think of that would have a shit ton of deals. Fingers crossed!
catch has 25 deals according to the site
mydeal is up in the 40s
damn gj, I wrote mydeal - 1739
I did Shein - 768
I think Catch is a good guess, but I only counted 25 deals?
Thank you
Look at the iconic bruh, 57032 products/deals
Which brand has the most deals in this event and how many deals do they have? (Answer format: "BRAND NAME" - "NUMBER OF DEALS"
Was browsing on mobile and got so confused by popup. Questions are so hard it's just like a lottery either way.
Anyone have answer?
this is totally random man, take your guess good luck lol
No idea. I said Webjet simply because it was the only brand I could think of. I might have had a chance if it was the LEAST number of deals, looks like 2 😜
In hindsight it would be a sponsor and one with lots of small items.
I answered mydeal.com.au with 59 deals, just a guess 😂
Mydeal is always a good yolo, they seem to push the most garbage* every single time
Good guess I think.
That was my thinking as well
I put the iconic 57032
Which brand has the most deals in this event and how many deals do they have? (Answer format: "BRAND NAME" - "NUMBER OF DEALS"
wtf anyone has an answer
My guess was SHEIN - 10000. LOL nope….
Shein is probably it. Ugh, never heard of it. They have 7707 results popping up under click frenzy sale.
This is probably it
EDIT: this isnt itI did Shein - 768
At the top of their site, click the CLICK FRENZY SALE banner. Instantly shows 7000+ "deals"
Look at the iconic, 57032 products or deals if each product counts as a deal
Finally got the popup. No way i'm winning
Mydeal.com.au has a lot
that was my answer too. mydeal -59
I avoided the website ones because is "Mydeal.com.au" a "brand"?
it shows up under "brands" so i assume they count it as one
I wrote 59 too but looking here https://www.clickfrenzy.com.au/search?page=1&query=mydeal.co… at the top says "Showing 60 deals for mydeal.co"
if you look at the last deal on that link, its from smooth sales. So i think its 59
Which brand has the most deals in this event and how many deals do they have? (Answer format: "BRAND NAME" - "NUMBER OF DEALS"
Finally got a popup here as well… as for the answer…
My deal has 59?
that was my guess but i think i fkn miscounted
Nope, I used the safari “find on this page” so should be accurate.
Got the pop up.
Got no idea what the answer is.
"What brand has the most deals? And how many deals does this brand have?"
Without working for Click Frenzy, how would anybody know this?
So I know there goal! Make the questions STUPID so no-one wins! Dodgy MOFO's
New Balance has 18 and is a brand
Well as a user suggested above it looks like they've definitely got these things set a role in at the end of the hour.
I didn't receive anythingAnyone gotten an SMS yet?
Not yet and I've answered 2 so far…
How long does it take to receive the voucher email if you are that lucky mf that got it right?
Probably after the promo period ends. I got a moisturiser set last time for $1, but didn't know until after and so kept trying to get all the better deals after that and had no chance as you could only win 1 prize…
This year one of the terms say that if you are selected, you have to make the purchase by the end of the click frenzy mayhem period
could be shoes brands, each pair of shoes on sale is a "deal" right
So if you get the pop-up and close it how do you get it back again to answer?
You have to presumably wait until it pops up again. Otherwise, SOL.
Waited all night to finally get a pop-up & then a question with an impossible answer…..FML
Still no pop up for me. This is exactly why I hate the new system. Is 25% off sitewide counted as one deal or is each product on that site counted as a deal?
How the hell are you meant to answer the question "What brand has the most deals? And how many deals does this brand have?"
The click frenzy website provides no way to find this out other than going into every single partner website and counting the deals… which is virtually impossible in the allocated 30 minute time limit.
This whole set up sounds incredibly fishy to me… Like liljohnny19 said… they're making the questions impossible to answer so they dont have to ship to anyone!
They generally ask questions where the answers are found in their communications or on their website, so in this instance, clicking on Brands, then whichever brand has the most "deals" listed under said brand would be the one they're looking for. Quite tough obviously but they want as many clicks as they can get so sending people hunting through each brand is their goal…
I mistook 'deals' as 'items' which are being sold by each brand. =(
Oh so did I! I guess they're making it intentionally harder, but the more clicks they get is the more they can justify it all I suppose!
I thought it meant a specific brand rather than a store that sells other brands and went with Under Armour - 20 deals
+1 Goodluck to us.
no popup
damnit, you're right
Thats the confusing part. Mydeals is listed in there which is a website
yeah, looking at it, its probably this. damn these loaded, general, vague questions.
I had the same idea as you and went to see how many ITEMS were in the frenzy sale under a particular store lmao
This still means they want you to click through every single brand?
I think you’re right, but geez that’s a lot of work.
How long did it take you?
Just for everyone's information, I kept both my browser open on my pc and safari on my iphone. The question popped up on the pc and about 15 seconds later popped up on my iphone.
Yep I didn't get any popups for the first 2 deals, but this time I got it on my mac (safari and chrome) and samsung phone (chrome not safari). I think it depends on how many people are trying to access it, and now it's later there is more chance of getting the pop ups…
I put Surfstitch - 10,000
Thats what it says for their brand
Even if I was right i was too slow loli think they had 10000 items however they only have 7 deals
yeah i was gonna go do Catch, but the word "deal" was too vague so im hoping they tricked everyone with the wording and im correct lol
Surfstitch has got 7
Just out of curiosity, has anyone received an SMS about the first two prizes yet?
Also would like to know this as well?
If I'd gotten a pop up, I would have sid My Deal, with 59 'deals' boxes displayed on the CF Brands page.
catch has 77 deals - not sure if this is the answer though
I'm silly and took a wild guess. I'm thinking the email told us the answer… look at the top… Anaconda is listed and has 1102 deals https://www.anacondastores.com/click-frenzy. Not sure if that's what they're hinting at or not.
I tried Anaconda! Wish me luck!
I am in desperate need of a new telly too!
Not a bad guess, but only 16 deals
no popups….. what browser is everyone using?
I know right? Multiple browsers open and still nothing
It only appeared for me right after I refreshed the page via the browser (not clicking on the Click Frenzy logo)
got the pop in firefox at first then in chrome
How do they choose who gets it? First come first served or random correct answers?
Pretty sure the FAQ's state the fastest and most correct answer will be sms'd a discount code for the prize.
Accuracy first followed by speed.
Correct answer and then sorted by speed
say if there are 5 TVs, so it should be the 5 fastest people who submit the correct answer
Okay, i thought there was 1 TV only lol
I can't see there being more than 1, let alone 5
yea, just an example.
If there is only 1 TV, then it will be the first person who submitted the correct answer.
I see… sweet FA chance then…
No problem is there's no definition on what a Deal constitutes. Catch has loads but some a repeats. Some stores have multiple 'deal' panels but they're all of the same sale?
Whos good at website scraping….. Surely the next questions are hidden somewhere there at least we can get a head start if its this stupid
I think someone web scrapped the whole site last year, found out the questions and exactly when they went live lol
Nah, looks like everything is via some js. I found some interesting stuff in it though.
CreateUserPopupAnswers(\n $input: CreateUserPopupAnswersInput!\n $condition: ModelUserPopupAnswersConditionInput\n ) {\n createUserPopupAnswers(input: $input, condition: $condition) {\n id\n popupId\n username\n firstName\n lastName\n email\n mobile\n addressline1\n addressline2\n suburb\n state\n postcode\n product\n question\n answer\n answeredAt\n }\n }\n"}
,popupQuestion:l.question,popupTime:l.finish,handleSubmit:this.handleSubmit,answerSubmitted:s,mobile:Object(H.awsToPhone)(p)})),u&&d&&c.createElement(mn.a,{centered:!0,visible:u&&d&&!t&&n,className:"cfa-popup__modal cfa-popup__modal—".concat(a," cfa-popup__modal—noAddress"),okText:"Edit Profile Now",onOk:this.handleNoAddressOk,onCancel:this.handleNoAddressCancel,okButtonProps:{size:"large"},cancelButtonProps:{size:"large"}},c.createElement("h1",null,c.createElement(H.DictionaryValue,{token:"popup.noaddress.title"})),c.createElement("p",null,c.createElement(H.DictionaryValue,{token:"popup.noaddress.content"}))))}}]),t}(c.Component),Object(G.a)
Im impressed; but thats all gibberish to me :P
Here's a novel question: I had multiple tabs open, all of which had the popup appear. I submitted the wrong answer, immediately realised my mistake and thought it was all over. BUT I had two other tabs with the popup still available, so I submitted a second, different answer on those. The question is, did I just beat the system or am I screwed?
probably screwed if they somehow saw multiple entries from the same user?
you overestimate how much they care
This new popup system seems super buggy. Last night I didn't get any popups for the first 2 items. Then with the final one I got the popup - closed it so that I could check the brand pages, and then couldn't access the popup again (the old notification icon means nothing). It seems each year they change something that makes it less stable.
Last Click Frenzy I received a gift card for flights I believe it was. Came in the mail about 2 weeks later and expired within less then 2 week… essentially got ripped off… wonder if they are doing gift cards again this time round.
I got that one too, $100 travel online voucher.
I was able to use it towards a 1 night stay at Crown for a wedding we had coming up.
Turned up at Crown on the day and they had booked us in for 4 nights (and it was all paid for!)
Had our 4 night staycation and never heard a thing from them, except to ask for a review :D :D :D
I think I figured it out, click search type # and then click on the brand dropdown, it lists all brands with a number next to it
Best way to do it is to use “find on this page” and type in “go to deal” for each store.
w153m4n's method > your method > my method
I opened all the brands in separate tabs and then looked for the one with the shortest vertical scroll bar :(lol same!
I used this method to find mydeal at 59. it was already posted by the time I went to comment
Says Catch only has 3 for me
This searches anything with the search term for example if you write “catch” you get 77 results when in fact they had way less. I believe mydeal was the right answer
Shaver Shop has 21 deals, can anyone find anything more than that?
My deal.
should be mydeal with 59 deals, unless if there's anything higher?
Is mydeal.com.au and catch.com.au classified as brands? since they're websites?
Yea My Deal has like 59. Dammnit.
i am curious how many tv they're offering?
Dunno, the terms and conditions page doesn’t work.
EDIT: Working now.
EDIT 2: Looks like they don’t say: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/8734948/redir
Does anyone know if they say anywhere how many of each Go Nuts items are available?
They never state the exact quantity of each item.
Maybe because if people knew how many they might not bother because its such a low amount?
Probably 2 since nuts come in 2
unpopular opinion: click frenzy needs data to prove to retailers that they get so many clicks on their website, hence the go nuts competition
Regarding the TV, I went the extra mile and opened all 59 deals on tabs and found out that 6 of them were duplicates so put 53. Some had different pictures with the same links though so I probably overanalysed it. Story of my life!
Didnt you answer the question wrong? Correct way would be counting deals in each tab of the 59 brands from the brand page, and seeing which one has the most.
I put "samsung - 100" xD obviously I read the question wrong but it was my first pop up and I didn't know the questions where specifically about their site FAIL.. try again in the next hour for the watch i guess
Everyone's scrambling to get the next deal but have the previous deals even been honoured? Any text messages to prove it?
I think they've historically been slow on these things. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't send any until tomorrow at least.
Don't people get disqualified if they win multiple coupon codes? How can we avoid disqualification while maximising participation at the same time?
It's cute you still think there's more than a lottery's chance of winning anything. Take it easy.
No idea. They don't really communicate that AFAIK. Same question is asked every event. It's ridiculous.
If anyone gets the 11pm - 12am question could you please post it here?
yes babe they will, just be patient
First time I have asked for 11pm-12am item not everyone will have read previous posts and is just a reminder for people who might not have thought to post the question.
FYI the mods also usually put it in the info at the top of the page when we all find out what is next :)
I thought they were meant to give hints on their social media sites but they've been quiet
Yeah that's right. The Click Frenzy email that was sent a couple days ago stated:
Follow us on Instagram for hints and clues for the 99% off deals from Click Frenzy HQ during the event.
But, as you state, their Instagram page hasn't even posted since the 99% off deals started, let alone given any clues.
I guess they were busy/distracted trying to get things working, perhaps they'll start doing it tomorrow.
I reckon the next question will be about previous click frenzy deals. Eg. how many total click frenzy events have there been. Or what was the most clicked brand last time. Anyone got any good suggestions of where we can find this info/facts that might be useful?
Is there any hope for getting the tv pop up if we haven't received it? I want bed.
Even if you do it will be too late since everyone would’ve answered by now.
Okay thank you. Night night!
No problem, have a good sleep. :)
What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the 'Fashion' category?
Thank You!
next question is What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the 'Fashion' category
totally clueless
Is it a model or an IG thot?
What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the 'Fashion' category?
I think the model on the fashion category is Irina Shayk?
Really hope I don't get this one right, I want the biggiesThanks! Didn't see anyone I know haha
I copied you, she was Cristiano Ronaldo's partner. But how did you guess this? I don't think it's her…
If you click the "Fashion" category at the top, some model comes up under the featured deal for Bras N Things, I did a google search for top fashion models and she seemed to look similar to the girl in the photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irina_Shayk
Yeah I based it on the featured deal for BnT too. Some people went to the full page for Fashion section and picked a model from there…
Are you talking about the model in orange in the SHEIN banner?
is it the target lady?
who the hell would know these answer
What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the 'Fashion' category?
Go back to the old click frenzy the banner
What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the 'Fashion' category?
Rita Ora - Thomas Sabo store
Just got the pop up and put in your answer. Here's hoping.
Kate moss might be the answer
Technically she isn't a model though?
but shes also modelling for the brand so?
That's the jewellery category.. I knee jerk reacted to this and submitted :(
jewellery is literally fashion
Kendall Jenner at the top yellow background?
These questions are cooked. But yeah i saw Rita ora.
Is that it for tonight?
Should be it for tonight, haven't got the email but usually they stop at 11pm or midnight then resume at about 6am.
Gotcha, Thanks :)
how y'all getting the questions when I didn't even receive any popups on two devices….
Someones going to wonder why the heck my browsing history is filled with 'guess models' 'country road models'
of course we all get the popup for the random fashion question
my one is the Shein model
I swear Rita Ora was one of the answers in the previous click frenzy too lmao
I put Kate Moss on Zadig & Voltaire
who is it for bras n things
Steph Claire Smith is the one on the 'featured deal' im guessing the pun plays into it
what browser is everyone using?
I have it open on both chrome and microsoft edge, however they weren't popping up as they should have for the watch, I refreshed when I noticed someone posted the comment with the question here and it worked in triggering the pop up for both browsers.
Answer is almost certainly Kate Moss
Yep. I stuffed up
damn it, another pop-up came as it was going from one page to another. RIP.
Wait so is the time measured from when you press answer on your own popup or whoevers getting popups first from the website and answering ?
I believe it's measured on when the answers are submitted, when the popup appeared shouldn't come into it.
That would make more sense, otherwise people could just not push the pop up until they have the answer.
Next Question: How many black pixels are there on the Dyson Brand icon? /s lol
This is a joke!
Amy Louise?
wrong comment
Maybe Steve Holt-znagel is the answer
The Model Name is Simone Holtznagel. All you had to do was check bras n things instagram and they tagged her with that exact picture
Theres also Kate Moss…
Geez I accidentally clicked something and now the pop up is gone.
Try refreshing the page maybe?
Yeah I've done that twice, clicking from Slack into the browser and it closes the pop up. It came back once but not for a while, basically the chance is gone.
Apple Watch 3 - Q: What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the Fashion category?
No idea.
The Model Name is Simone Holtznagel. All you had to do was check bras n things instagram and they tagged her with that exact picture
How far did u scroll down thru their insta page
they also follow her instagram account i am 100% sure that the model is her. Good thing i submitted mine waiting for the apple watch now LOL
i scrolled through at least 500 posts and did not see shit. either i am blind or i got played good
why am i not getting any pop ups at all? none of the deals have popped up so far?
all ad blockers paused…
I've only received one, none of the others have come up
hmm, okay just want to make sure its more an issue with the website than it is something we're doing wrong? like some sort of setting thats not turned on/incompatible browser, adblocker or something.
If anyone has any input as to what it could be pls yell out
Come on! Really? No idea. I'm just a nerd.
The Cosette model is Renee Murden. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bNcgbH4uL/
However, these questions need to be more specific as to which brand they are talking about to which model they want us to identify. But this was my slow guess.
does 131k followers count as famous?
No idea. That's why they need to be more specific with their questions.
If this is for bras n things then its wrong the model for that fashion brand is Simone Holtznagel. To verify i also checked if bras n things follow her on instagram and found out that they do. She featured on australia's top model (biggest modelling show in aus) and has over 100k followers and appears on google search
What is the name of the famous model who features on a deal in the 'Fashion' categoryGot this question
rita ora — thomas sabo
They’ve made it easy for me to ignore the whole thing by not even providing false hope I could win.
The only people who could answer the questions are Click Frenzy employees.
I got the last popup but not this one and im pretty sure its Rita Ora
Rita ora is a famous person (singing) who's modelling - Kate moss is the worlds most famous model. I'm pretty certain its one of these two and not the other "lesser" know peeps.
is it over for tonight?
Should be it for tonight, haven't got the email but usually they stop at 11pm or midnight then resume at about 6am.
When do they contact you if you were successful? Anyone have any idea?
Last time it started just before midnight, but mostly the next day. However that was by e-mail, not sms.
Restarts at 6:00am no more pop ups
ok thanks
just saw on FB that iPhone 11 is 10-11pm tomorrow. OP pls add to post :)
Anyone received another email yet?
Nothing yet.
This new popup system seems super buggy. Last night I didn't get any popups for the first 2 items. Then with the final one I got the popup - closed it so that I could check the brand pages, and then couldn't access the popup again (the old notification icon means nothing). It seems each year they change something that makes it less stable.
Keep an eye out as the below 99% off deals will be dropping shortly!Microsoft Surface Go 128Gb ($839)
Deal goes live
Between 8-9am (AEST)Anastasia Beverly Hills Makeup Kit ($150)
Deal goes live
Between 11-12pm (AEST)Lego Roller Coaster Set ($499)
Deal goes live
Between 2-3pm (AEST)UE Boom 3 Bluetooth Speaker ($149)
Deal goes live
Between 5-6pm (AEST)Look forward to more questions only Click Frenzy employees could answer.
I miss the deals where you just had to click the banner the fastest, got a couple of items that way, haven't got an item in 2 years now :(
The popup just isn't working sadly.
It will appear between now and 9am.
Before you click the popup should you check here for the question/answers? Or try click/answer as soon as you see the popup?
First one
I have it open in two browsers and whichever one doesn't get the popup first I will use to look for the answer…
Damn that makes sense - i thought it was a universal race - so last night i clicked as quickly as possible but then stalled a lil bit answering. I guess it makes sense to wait for a consensus answer so the time from clickign popup to answering is super quick.
how do they decide winners? is it just right answers then pick one at random?
accuracy first, speed second.
@ngengerous: cheers. do you need to be at a certain section of the site, like other years, or just on the website?
@tabboo: But people were getting popups dispersed throughout the hour. And the popup has an "are you ready to answer button?" that then starts a timer. So i believe its individually timed from that moment and therefore you dont need to rush into the popup.
@Bigredkeg: I still think it is fastest overall to respond.
I don't believe they have the technical ability to go "well we sent the pop up to this person at this time, but sent it to someone else at this other time, so technically the 2nd person answered it faster than the first person as of the time they got it".
I think it's much more likely that they sent the pop up to everyone at the same time and their systems are so crap it's just lagged for people for when they get it (or if they get it)…
@Bigredkeg: Also looking bak at the popup screenshot someone posted earlier it already had the timer before you hit answer now, so won't the timer start as soon as you get the popup, not when you hit answer?
Look apart from the lottery, there are no actual good bargains to be had. This is all just hyped up free marketing and maybe chance for stores to catch those unsavvy buyers thinking they're getting bargain.
I didn't get any pop ups last night 🤔😭
yeah it's so weird, how is everyone getting a pop up. my friend and i had nothing the whole night
Have you enabled pop ups or allowed notifications? Seems silly but some people aren't realising they need to do that.
Missed the first half hour! Has the pop up come up for anyone yet?
Not me
Not for me, though I didn't get any last night either…
nothing yet :( i suspect it will happen in the last 15 minutes of the hour like my experience last night.
What were the questions like last night?
Scroll up for a taste, but things like 'who is the model on our front page', 'what store has the most deals on our site', things like that
Today im expecting "what are the first two words three lines down under the harris scarfe deals page"
Logged out like last night - and no way to log back in.
Had similar issue, tried to reset password, got no such email known. Recreated account (same email, old password) verified and now can log in. Looks like it disappeared in their system yesterday.
What are the chances some people already know the question and answers because they're family and friends of Click Frenzy staff?
T&C might have something about people associated with staff aren't eligible to enter
Im sure there would be, but as with most of these things who really polices it.
The questions are ones only Click Frenzy staff would know.
Where did the Pop up appear last night?
In the centre of the page.
Anyone get the Surface popup?
Have two browsers open with notifications on, still not getting popups. Adblockers disabled, etc.
ETA. Got the pop-up on Chrome.
5 min to go and still nothing. I guess i'm still not seeing pop ups
Nothing here yet either.
Dont panic yet. Panic when you see question here and everyone giving their opinion of answer
Still no pop ups for me. Maybe because I'm not on the Telstra network …
How many participating brands start with the letters: C - L - I - C - K ?
Yep just got it. I just guess a number.
I counted 74, but haven't got the pop-up EDIT: Got the pop-up after clicking on another section
LOL i counted c twice.
Or is it 0? Does it say C-L-I-C or K? Dunno, but this competition and deal stuff is crap, pure crap
Give me OzBargain and TightArse deals instead, way better.
I counted 74
wtf… i'm still not seeing anything
on any of my browsers74 if you include 1 C, or 92 if you do c twice?
107 if you count the C twice
Is is 74?
Honestly this question isn't as dumb as the previous ones
That's the one.
Depends if you have to count brands of "C" twice.
FTS.. are they sleeping on the job?
Hasn't even shown up for me yet??
Got the first two popups last night before logging off but didn't get that one just then even though im logged in. Terrible website.
refreshing the page has been necessary for me
I still haven’t got an sms…
Does anyone know how long it usually takes to get the message if they were successful?
I have refreshed the page
multiple times, have it open on both Mobile and Browser pop up's enabled. Ridiculous…The popup just came for me 4 minutes after everyone else here. Had to refresh.
Mine came up and said 27 minutes to answer, so 3 minutes late. I didn't have to refresh, but I closed my 2nd click frenzy tab and it popped up not long after… could be a coincidence
Likewise, when the pop-up came up it was already down to 27 minutes for me, pretty shoddy system.
These questions are as dumb as last year. I'll bet they wnated it answered it like 33-20-12-33-9 or some other ridiculous way. Not that I even got a pop up to have a crack. This new system was supposed to be fairer. It's excluding more people than the old system. I liked it way better when it was first in best dressed.
Na the old system was a rort, people were able to use scripts to find the item URL before it was even released to everyone else.
It was still less of a rort than this. I managed to get an item in 2018 (in the legit way). Never had any success with this new system. Obviously I'm a sucker for punishment seeing I'm still trying :)
I mean it's Click Frenzy, always a farce but personally I prefer the randomness of this new system, feels more even to have these stupid cryptic questions with buggy popups than who can click the fastest with the fastest ping, especially when the real tech savy people were locating the items before the listing.
@donkcat: I dont think the first answer first win should be necessary. Should be first 100 correct answers randomly selected imo. This timing thing just does not work well especially when people are getting pop ups much later for some reason.
@Altf4z: Yeah good point, many ways to make it fairer, it's laughable they don't list how many items are up for grabs.
Only just got the pop-up, can't imagine I'm going to win since it's based on speed.
Personally I liked the old format better, fastest checkout wins. But oh well, free stuff is free stuff.
Wait… you guys are getting pop-ups?
Still haven't gotten the notification, everything allowed.
Also just to add a spanner to the mix, when the popup came up for me - C actually had 32 see here and then the second time I counted C had 33 (which is what you see on the website now). It appears Charles + Lee came up only now (but not at the time I searched).
Amazing. Did you count the C twice ?
The number of brands are changing/have been changed. This is stupid.
Work productivity is going down hill..
I'd rather work for my guaranteed paycheck than a pipe dream of a 99% discount
Signing out of click frenzy. Goodluck everyone!
Can definitely understand this.
Only thing i wanted was the surface go so my click frenzy day is over.
Too right, although at this stage i think i want it more for the bragging rights years to come rather than the product lol.
Did anyone get the SMS yet?
There is an (invisible for users) error occurring when I try to enable notifications:
"{"error":{"code":"messaging/authentication-error","message":"An error occurred when trying to authenticate to the FCM servers. Make sure the credential used to authenticate this SDK has the proper permissions. See https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup for setup instructions."}}"
Which means even if you've allowed notifications in the browser, it doesn't mean they'll actually work.. Classic click frenzy.
If they didn't want the extra C counted, shouldn't it be how many unique brands…
Maybe just too lazy to include extra words. In Click Frenzy tradition, make the questions as vague as possible.
still no popup for me here :/
going down every year. no good deals.
Who is going for the make-up set?
For anyone needing to know whats coming up;
Why they don't just put this on their website/social media is beyond me, surely you want the traffic onto the website its the whole purpose of this tedious little game they play every year.
Don't forget they also need our emails to sell!
Need that makeup popup - is that how it works> Just wait?
Still no popup
Me neither
Still none here.
Mark Twain
Did you get the popup? Or do you just know the question?
Got the pop up with about 29min left
For the Anastasia Beverly Hills Makeup Kit - popped for me around 11:19
Question: Which famous American writer did we quote in the caption of our first ever Instagram post?What's the question?
Has anyone received an SMS for an item from todays go nuts deals?
Don't think anyone has received anything for yesterday's yet
I think on their Instagram, someone mentioned they got the SMS
still have not got one pop up from yet from any deals
I haven't had any pop-ups yet today, despite having the 11pm one work last night. I have tried different browsers and disabling ad blockers, any other tips?
same here
Same. Although I got the popup this morning after refreshing 8 or so mins after people on ozbargain were already typing the answer lol.
For anyone getting popup notifications at the right time (without having to refresh) what browser are you using? I've tried chrome, firefox, chrome on mobile.
Im on Chrome, seem to be a 2minute delay.
Do you scroll or just leave your browser as is?
Just left it as is. Click around every few minutes
chrome on mobile for this latest one, chrome on desktop seems delayed. Edge on desktop also worked me last night but not this morning, so weird.
I still haven't got the pop-up.
have not gotten a pop up for any of the deals yet
turn off ad block/popup block, allow notifications, disable antivirus for website
working fine for me on chrome and firefoxDid hasn’t worded for me
Oh no what a shame I missed it. Yawn. What do you mean it's still going? Wake me up in a few hours and tell me it's over so I can repeat what I just said please.
Fool me one year, shame on you. Fool me 6 or 7 years, shame on me.
Agree. Wasted my time last year. Trying lotto this year, better chances and better use of my time.
I feel like I will have a better chance watching Ozbargain notifications then the Click Frenzy site haha.
Once again, no notification or popup
I've only ever got the one pop up. It was that Apple Watch
Seems pretty inconsistent, I got the popup for the 8-9 deal, then using the same browser and settings didn't get the 11-12 popup
Not sure if anyone else is a big LEGO fan but this is an extremely impressive offer on one of those types of sets that never has a significant sale. Fingers crossed
Probably the only one I'm hanging around for to be honest, would be nice but end of the day I'll count myself lucky if I even get the popup
After the lego too :)
What a massive fail this year
Anyone receive any SMS's yet?
We're headed to one of our participating retailers stores in Melbourne on INSTAGRAM LIVE. The brand name is the answer!
For Lego Roller Coaster SetWe're headed to one of our participating retailers stores in Melbourne on INSTAGRAM LIVE. The brand name is the answer!
I don't have Instagram. I'm not that interesting.
Can they walk any faster
They're running now.
This is getting funny now
They're at Hawthorn East if that's any help. I think going up Auburn Rd
I'm guessing Volkswagen haha
Nice guess!
Great guess :)
Imagine he/she tripped over… would sum up Click Frenzy perfectly.
Or if an angry customer from last night 'accidentally' sticks their leg out as they past by
I was so slow to answer that lol. I thought for sure that by "one of our favourite retailers" it wouldn't be a mainstream car retailer, more like a local shop or something.
lol that was creative - cool effort
So did anyone luckily guess VW before he got there?
Yeah I saw the pharmacy at the junction then Google Maps it hahaha
I saw the Hawthorn sign at the pharmacy but didn't think to check google maps, I was expecting some sort of clothing retail shop. Great work!
Yes, just took a guess and typed in VW when the live stream started. I know the area well =)
It was Volkswagen
Now I just have to hope the 2500 people watching on Instagram spelled it Volkswagon instead of Volkswagen like I almost did :D
Spell check fixed up my incorrect spelling
Soz i spelt it right :)
I put the complete name Bayford Volkswagen Camberwell but who knows what they are after…
my vote goes to you as they did say name of retailer! not name of brand. well done.
They did say "The brand name is the answer" though.
Dammit I spelt it wrong 🤦🏼♀️
I guessed Telstra the second it came ip
No pop up this time for me
No popup for me either!
I put Petbarn because i saw it on google maps. Got my mum to put in Volkswagen
wonder if they'll have a new car for $100 lol
I tried to be smart and put Tennis Only. Then face palmed when they turned right on Burwood Hwy…
I submits my answer after the IG finish but i cant remember if i add a "s" in Volkswagen…
Not even bothering this time, seems like there's too much RNG regarding pop-ups
Super frustrating that there's no way to enter if you don't get the pop ups. I got a couple last night and tried for the Lego but no dice.
No one's winning anything anyway. This is just a marketing ploy to A) get your details to sell on to advertisers and B) get more click-throughs on the affiliate links on their website. Basically 99% of the gleam.io 'competitions' crap.
But no wants to believe that, so go ahead I suppose.
Who woulda guessed a website called Click Frenzy that gives you questions that sends you clicking through their links giving them more hits are doing…just that!
Just so people know it's 0.1% worth it, I won something on this a year ago so it's not all rubbish, but I do understand the frustration.
I've personally won $1500-2000 of different prizes in value from these events over the years. Is my email and postage address worth that much? I'm OK with the trade.
I know its rocket science but people would earn more doing their normal jobs lol .
I won a surface go last year
I won a LG 4K TV back in 2017 November event and then won an iPad Mini in Mayhem 2018. its definitely possible to win.
I've only recieved 2 popups and they have both been late, what a shame :(
How long does the SMS take to come through if successful?
Any word on what is coming after 6pm?
Also wondering this and where they will post the schedule for tomorrow or if they will email it?
Just got an SMS saying I won the 99% deal for the first deal last night - the GHD Mini Styler! Honestly no idea how I managed to get this one! Thanks everyone and good luck!!
Good effort! How quick did you get the popup/answer ?
Honestly I don't think I even answered quickly. Would have been a couple of minutes in. Noting that I actually think the number of brands on the ClickFrenzy brands page was actually changing over the time period? After I submitted my answer I counted again and actually counted 5-10 more brands than what I had submitted.
Nice work!!! Make sure you put the code in to buy it now as there's a time limit. Congrats!
Just got an SMS saying I won the 99% off Google Nest Hub, from last night!
Congrats mate!
What was the answer you put in?
'Places in Need'
What day does the next Click Frenzy event start? (Answer format: dd/mm/yyyy)
Dont know the answer tho lol
No, I'm sure there's a travel event in August. Just can't find the date…
@smogg: Last year was Tuesday Aug 20 2019
It's always on Tuesday so I guess 18 August 2020 is most likely.
18/08/2020 - Just a guess though
@hamza23: It is 18/08/2020. Source: https://globalmarketplace.com.au/
"Click Frenzy – Mayhem, held on the second Tuesday in May
Click Frenzy – Travel, held on the third Tuesday in August"@dazzsser: They might not be doing a Travel sale this year given nobody's travelling internationally…
Went with 17/11/2020 thanks to CartoonPizza - finger's crossed!
Should have trusted you haha! Nice one!
Word-for-word matches this page on the website:
19/05/2020 isn't exactly next, but it may have been at the time of writing the questionI just guessed 20 August, but bit of bs that the info isn't anywhere on their website or socials.
Ah I just saw if you scroll down its at the bottom of the FAQ… damn
I guessed 1st September 2020 I swear i saw that somewhere
But just realised i didnt format it as they requested dd.mm.yyyy
yes its 01/09/2020
thanks guys fingers crossed
Oh no… I entered Sep 1.. didn't see they were after dd/mm/yyyy
The Sale That Stops A Nation starts at 7pm AEDT on the Second Tuesday of November, one week after the Race That Stops The Nation, The Melbourne Cup. Shop at work, on the couch, in bed, on the beach, up a tree, or in Africa. Click Frenzy will be everywhere you are – no lines, no traffic, no dramas.
ANSWER: 10/11/2020
CF email this morning actually states that Click Frenzy Go Wild is on 17/11/20 which is the third Tuesday of November :D
never got any of the emails… :(
Just read that on the fine print. The pop up was gone on my tablet but still on my phone so answered there.
Where's this from?
I saved it a day before it all started. I think theyve removed it from their site now, not too sure.
if you change the time on your computer to any time after this event, it will show the countdown to the next event
Nice find, that might be the one.
The next 2020 Click Frenzy event will be the Travel Spring sale on September 1.
I'm surprised there are no "Go Nuts" deals between now and 10pm considering it's prime time for most households
Could this be the last one?
They will probably send out an email around 5.55pm with the deals from 6pm-10pm. They still haven't done the laptop.
I beleive they will do more tomorrow
If that's it for tonight then they should really move the iphone earlier.
The iPhone 11 is tonight same time as TV yesterday
Their Twitter has another answer again. Do they know the answers themselves?
looks like they didnt update it from… last year? 12/11 isnt even a tuesday
Anyone got an SMS for the TV yet?
Still waiting on my end
PlayStation 4
Console ($409)
Deal goes live
Between 7-8pm (AEST)Sodastream Source
Element ($149)
Deal goes live
Between 8-9pm (AEST)Evening Rush
7-8pm PS4 (RRP $409) $4
8-9pm Sodastream Source Element (RRP $149) $1
9-10pm Razer E Prime Air Electric Scooter (RRP $699) $7
10-11pm Iphone 11 64GB (RRP $1,199) $12Is there a delay in receiving the confirmation SMS or did I miss out on those that I've answered?
Not sure about the SMS, but the latest winners that I can find are the Nest Hub
So is it a risk entering multiple frenzies or ?
Well a win is a win really… but you can't win twice so first item you win is the only one you can buy at the discount of 99%.
So depends if you want to try win anything or go for certain items risking winning nothingCan I use multiple emails to try? or is it based on name/address that you enter?
PS4 question - How many images of computers can be seen on the 'Electrical & Home Office' category page?
I got 16
Uh, I got 30
i said 2
Could be as it stated "homepage" and if includes monitors. Still very non specific question.
12? Maybe 11? The Lenovo laptop makes it tough, is it a reflection!? Wait theres more, hahaha good times!
How many images of computers can be seen on the 'Electrical & Home Office' category page?
Answered 29, the image of computer: how broad the term is… laptops included?
I counted 36 but I extended all the pages to show all deals (including the banner image at the top)
I counted 37. Not sure
On recount I counted 37 too including the banner :P
I got 29, including laptops
I counted 35. Monitors are not computers I thought.
Agreed. Neither are mobiles. Anyhow, we'll see soon enough!
I didn't get a popup
Got the others this afternoon, now nothing too haha oh fun!
I counted 9? I only listed those under the category headings (not more deals). I wasnt sure what category page was.
I got 30
I counted 40. Don’t forget to click view more below.
Sounds right. I rushed and entered 37 but went and counted back again only to find 40
is this including monitors?
I counted 29…. included desktops but not monitors only.
Who knows!?What a stupid, non-specific question.
It is changing but I guess its 30
38 including anker and eufycounted 40 on the second timeit is changing and I think it is different for all
When exactly do the text messages get sent?
29 full set desktops and laptops. Separate pictures of monitors, desktop cpus and keyboards shouldnt be counted
I counted 31 including cpu
Anyone actually got the ps4? Is it live now?
yeah got the notif
Still haven't got the notification and have two different accounts on two different internet browsers.
so is it random pop up? YOu just stay on the site and hope for pop up?
It's not asking for how many computers it's asking for how many images of computers. So some have a pc tower and a laptop in the one image…. Tricky one
Whoever at clickfrenzy came up with the how many "computer" in the page is a mong
Got the message for the TV! Makes this worth it now :)
what did you type as the answer?
mydeals.com.au - 59
How quick did you get your answer in?
Wow congrats! Mega jealous. Did you get the answer in real quick?
I remember the timer being at 26 minutes when I sent the answer. That being said, I only remember seeing the timer begin at 27 minutes, not 30, and I swear I saw it pop up so I don't think it was sitting there for a few minutes
That was Mydeals.com.au with 59?
Yep! Wrote it exactly as 'mydeals.com.au - 59' if that helps (was following the formatting the question suggested)
Is it MyDeal or MyDeals? I had the answer 'MyDeal.com.au - 59' within about a minute or two of getting the pop up too. No SMS here. Congrats anyway!
Got the TV too :)
Just want to do a check in- whether anyone has actually got a CODE (not the popup) from any of the go nuts deals?
If you look above someone won a TV - it's messaged to their number
Mate, its stopped me from drinking sweet fizzy drinks which have been my downfall!
Bakerboo (the comment directly above yours) said they just got the message for the TV.
Which two brands are the partners for this Click Frenzy Mayhem event? Just received the pop upAnswer: Telstra and Good360
Easy question but to be honest not worth replying as you are only allowed one prize per their T&C - who wants a sodastream? Haha
But if you won it but then don’t make the purchase can you still be in the running for other promos?
From what I gather if they text you a code you're done - they won't issue another code (to your IP/household/number etc)
Telstra and Good360
Q: Which two brands are the partners for this Click Frenzy Mayhem event?
Answer: Telstra and Good360
Which 2 brands are the partners of click frenzy
Telstra and Good360Do the text messages have an expiry date?
Yes, you have to purchase before the click frenzy finishes
what one did you win?
An expiry date is mentioned in the SMS. "you have until 11.59pm 21.05 to complete your purchase" I assume the online store closes after the event.
What did you win? :O
they probs end the validation of the discount code cause the codes are 1 time use
I won the UE Boom! Just got the text.
What was your answer?
LOL just got unsuccessful email for TV :(((((
Just received an email saying that I was unsuccessful for the Samsung TV deal.
Haven’t got one yet 🤞
At least they're sending out emails. Sucks sitting there for hours trying to land other deals when you're not even sure if you're going to be eligible.
Just wondering, does anyone know whether winners are selected based on how quick someone responds, as soon as the pop up appears and then subsequently provide a quick, correct answer, or can you let some time elapse from the 30 minute count down, but still answer quickly upon clicking the respond button.
I just got the popup for the soda stream for some reason.
at least you got it
Same here but when i tried to type in it went away.
Surely couldn't have gotten it anyway because people got it ages ago. It was meant to be 8-9pm
Rejection on surface go email.
I have tried to be as fast as possible for PS4 let's see i typed 30 as answer. 😂😂
im not getting any emails strangely
Did you opt in on the click frenzy account?
Me neither? — I opted in to emails.
Did you put 74 or 107?
For surface i put 74 and got rejected. Who the hell count same thing 2 time. 😅
Same number as me but didn't receive rejection email…. so i guess its on its way haha
73 or 74. When I did the count for C it showed up as an even number, but if you refreshed it, it showed up with an extra item. So buggy!
is it me or is the next one (razer scooter) not popping up?
It can be any time between 9pm and 10pm, it can be 9:59pm
ohh right didnt know, thanks
Scooter question:
How many boots are featured on the 'Women's Footwear' category?Do you think it’s only 2 “Featured” in the banner?
Scooter Question?
How many boots are featured on the 'Women's Footwear' category?I answered 36?
I went 40. Do they mean pairs of boots or individual or what, who knows ???
Yeah it's hard to know if they are being clever with the wording or if they just didn't word it clearly and actually mean to say pairs of boots.
37 for me47 recounti had the same hopefully its right
How many boots are featured on the 'Women's Footwear' category?
I had 48 lol
How many boots in the Women Footwear Category?
Counted, 20
Did you count a pair as two boots?
Damn I counted pairs
I got 47, not sure if some were boots or shoes?
I got 47 too - counting individual boots
I just read this comment. They didn't say how many picture of boots are there but "featured" and if counting the one on the top banner there would be either 4 or 51 all together.
"exc3113nce 7 min ago
Side spanner - what if they meant featured as in shown on the banner?"
I also counted 47, fingers crossed.
I got 46
Counted 53….Anyone else?
If you counted the reflection I would have gotten 53 as well. I went with 51
Yes I went with reflection as well.
Another very ambiguous question. I went 14. I figured they would be strict on what they classify as boots. And they might only count one per image.
So I guessed low. But yeah, could be anything pending on how you interpret the question.
I counted 51
If they're talking about deals for boots then a quick ctrl+f 'boot' shows 12 results….except my dumbass blanked out in the rush and counted ALL the shoe deals instead :)
counted 47, may have counted some random things as boots
Yeah no idea i just did 20
Side spanner - what if they meant featured as in shown on the banner?
I said 59 I think as I counted individual boots.
I got 51
I just used randoms ppls one that you guys said and hoped for the best
like are ugg boots considered boots or wedges aswell
Didn't get the pop up??? Weird i have received every other
I searched for Women's Boots and 27 came up. Does the code get sent instantly?
No mate. May be by tomorrow afternoon. I am now getting unsuccessful emails for yesterdays deals.
So many different answers due to different interpretation of 'boot'. Their questions are just unnecessarily confusing.
Couldn't they have just asked something along the lines of 'How many individual pieces of footwear are displayed on the 'Women's Footwear' category?'.
Then you can be angry at yourself for being slow rather than confused and angry at them for poorly worded questions.
I guessed 41.
Haha. I asked my wife - she counted exactly 50.
I counted 50 as well, went back after and counted 51
- 1
- 2
Here we go, prep that F5 spam!