blackwalnut68 » user profile

Member Since | 08/10/2018 |
Last Seen | 21/03/2025 |
Recent Activities

blackwalnut68 commented on [PS5, Pre Order] Marvel's Spider-Man 2 $49 (Was $125) with Trade-in of 2 Selected Games @ EB Games
Is there an up to date games list floating around any where?

blackwalnut68 commented on Kogan Prepaid Mobile 90 Days 120GB (40GB Per 30 Days) $16 Delivered @ Kogan (New Customers Only)
You can port/transfer your current phone number to this plan yeah?

blackwalnut68 replied to
WookieMonster on 20x Flybuys Points with Purchase of Apple Gift Cards (Excluding $20 Cards, Max 45000 Points Per Account) @ Coles (In-Store Only)

Thanks for the help. Long as I can use it for the education discount I'm happy. Hope they through in AirPods or something for jan.

blackwalnut68 commented on 20x Flybuys Points with Purchase of Apple Gift Cards (Excluding $20 Cards, Max 45000 Points Per Account) @ Coles (In-Store Only)
Will these gift cards be eligible to use buying a new Macbook M1 Pro using the education discount (and potentially the back to school deal)?

blackwalnut68 replied to
netsurfer on [eBay Plus] 500GB Samsung 980 M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD $75.65 Delivered @ Futu Online eBay

Thanks for the info. It’s good that it adds on because for the PS4 you had no choice but to completely replace the harddrive if you…

blackwalnut68 commented on [eBay Plus] 500GB Samsung 980 M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD $75.65 Delivered @ Futu Online eBay
This might be a dumb question but does the PS5 ssd expansion slot add the storage on top of the already 500-600gb that comes in the…

blackwalnut68 replied to
gotyourback on Amazon AU: 15% Cashback on All Categories ($20 Cap Per Transaction, 4-5PM AEST) @ ShopBack

What is the maximum date range for pre orders?

blackwalnut68 commented on Amazon AU: 15% Cashback on All Categories ($20 Cap Per Transaction, 4-5PM AEST) @ ShopBack
Does this work for preorders e.g. Battlefield 2042?

Has anyone managed to 'hack' the site and find the questions? I know last year it was quite easy to do using inspect element on chrome but…

blackwalnut68 commented on [PS5, Pre Order] Miles Morales $79, Sackboy $89 Delivered @ Amazon AU or + Delivery @ Big W
Are there any retailers with click and collect or will Big W have stock of games on release day? These prices are great but worried about…

blackwalnut68 replied to
OzBingo on Free PlayStation Camera Adapter to Connect PS VR to PS5 (PS VR Serial Number Required) @ Sony

Think everyone has same problem. Maybe just have to wait a bit and keep checking throughout the day

blackwalnut68 replied to
Thunder-Wombat on [Pre Order] PlayStation 5 $749 (OOS), Digital Edition $599 @ Big W ($50 Deposit Reservation) & Target (OOS)

Great thanks. Hope my order comes through

blackwalnut68 commented on [Pre Order] PlayStation 5 $749 (OOS), Digital Edition $599 @ Big W ($50 Deposit Reservation) & Target (OOS)
Does anyone have experience with Target click and collect for pre orders? I have an order at Amazon but also ordered through Target because…

blackwalnut68 replied to
gaz3342 on [PS4] Wolfenstein: Alt History Collection $54.38 (Was $135.95)/Assassin's Creed Triple Pack $37.95 (Was $114.95) - PS Store

Just fyi. Origins and Odyssey are completely different to the other games in this pack. They heavily emphasise RPG elements and huge open…

So essentially I buy lets say 24 months total of brazilian live gold codes, then the upgrade to gamepass is $1 so I’d get 2 years of…

You purchase Brazilian Xbox Gold codes from CDKeys and then upgrade to Ultimate Game Pass with the $1 deal, but I'm not sure if I can do…

blackwalnut68 posted a forum topic Question about Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
So I just purchased one month of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1, but now I've discovered that theres a method wherein you purchase Xbox…

They’d probably be able to filter that out

Hate questions like the bbq one. It should be 14 but who knows

Any hint for the switch?

Could you give us a hint for the Nintendo Switch?

I just guessed 20 August, but bit of bs that the info isn't anywhere on their website or socials. Ah I just saw if you scroll down its at…

Also wondering this and where they will post the schedule for tomorrow or if they will email it?

blackwalnut68 replied to
SuBw00FeR on US, UK, Japan, Korea, China Parcel Forwarding Service - AU $14 Free Shipping Trial @ Buyandship Australia

Fair enough, maybe i’ll try shipitto

blackwalnut68 replied to
SuBw00FeR on US, UK, Japan, Korea, China Parcel Forwarding Service - AU $14 Free Shipping Trial @ Buyandship Australia

Why is ShopMate garbo? I used it once for shoes and it was a bit pricey but it worked great for me. Also bit nice having Aus Post handle…

blackwalnut68 commented on Amazon AU Flash Sale - 20% Cashback (5pm - 6pm AEDT) - Capped at $50 @ Shopback
Just nabbed a PS4 Pro for $299. Cheers

blackwalnut68 replied to
JKat on Earn $10 USD in Crypto Currency (BAT) by Watching Some Short Videos and Installing Brave Browser @ Coinbase

Is coinbase reliable/legitimate? Sending them photo id has me a bit weary though I know thats standard for bitcoin. Again not doing any big…

blackwalnut68 commented on Earn $10 USD in Crypto Currency (BAT) by Watching Some Short Videos and Installing Brave Browser @ Coinbase
How is coinbase for small purchases? Like $30 USD worth? I dont plan on investing anything, just need a bit

Thank you!

blackwalnut68 posted a forum topic Looking for a Way to Get The NFL Gamepass for Cheaper via VPN
So last NBA season I was able to get the league pass for really cheap through a VPN initially, then it worked fine on multiple devices…