Tekon » user profile

Member Since 24/10/2019
Last Seen 2 hours 13 min
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

Been through this with a family member. [Being Summoned to The Magistrates Court for Car Crash](https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/534780)…
05/11/2023 - 21:26
I know your comment is in reference to NSW system, but the exact same system is used in Victoria. Theoretically if you are Rank 1 at your…
11/09/2023 - 22:44
In 2019 there was an offer by JBHIFI for a $500 Gift Card if you signed up for a Tesla Sim-only plan for 24 months. Except they made this…
23/07/2023 - 19:25
If that is the definition of 'immediate suspension' you've been running with, you'd still be wrong. You'll notice none of the drivers in…
24/02/2023 - 10:43
I feel like you’re either deliberately missing this or are on a phone and haven’t noticed the fourth column.…
22/02/2023 - 23:21
^ not difficult
21/02/2023 - 09:35
Above 25kmh is an immediate suspension in Victoria. 3 months. I’ve wondered about this ‘presumption of innocence’ thing with traffic…
20/02/2023 - 15:26
Oh yep didn’t think of that one. Have to be a brave person to risk changing a speeding fine to a tampering with evidence offence though!
19/02/2023 - 10:14
It was my dog’s girlfriend
19/02/2023 - 10:02
This was the other thought my pessimistic side had. For example on Blackvue dashcams the speed reading is contained within a rectangular…
19/02/2023 - 10:01
*Please note this is NOT my own post or situation. Posted here to prompt discussion* Full post available here -…
19/02/2023 - 09:21
*Please note this is NOT my own post or situation. Posted here to prompt discussion* “Cops pulled me over for going 132 in a 110 However,…
19/02/2023 - 09:20
Am likewise disappointed
21/01/2023 - 02:08
I can appreciate there’s some nuance to the usage of technology while driving, especially given some newer cars essentially having an XL…
01/01/2023 - 14:48
Yeah looks like it. The fact that a mobile phone detection camera is needed in a 100kmh zone is mildly terrifying…
01/01/2023 - 01:42
Spotted [this odd looking portable device](https://streamja.com/RJAZ1) on the Ballarat Freeway in Victoria the other day. Haven't seen it…
31/12/2022 - 19:37
It mentioned no ID numbers were leaked.
28/09/2022 - 18:57
Interestingly, I only just received a notification of being involved in this. Maybe they've discovered a new bath of impacted people?
27/09/2022 - 22:05
Do you suppose the fridge remained on after they 'Shut power off at the mains switch board'?
10/08/2022 - 14:09
Vicroads examiners can be very inconsistent with how they apply rules. In desperation to get a booking early I decided to book it 2 hours…
08/02/2022 - 17:33
Flippy Square is a maybe. I'll pass on the Svalbardi lest I lose touch with the common man.
10/05/2021 - 16:36
Copper ball Very shiny, very mesmerising.
10/05/2021 - 12:00
Informative, never knew that. Cheers!
01/04/2021 - 21:35
I've wondered this too. How do you know the GPS is more accurate?
01/04/2021 - 20:22
Not sure why you get the urge to hyperbolise everything. Truck-free left lanes are already a feature in some places. Expansion of this…
31/03/2021 - 16:03
Maybe you can instead suggest an unlimited speed far right lane next :P
31/03/2021 - 14:39
Seems like an exaggeration on speed differences between vehicles. This is Victoria after all! Thinking 10kmh difference maximum honestly.…
31/03/2021 - 14:23
That is a fair concern
27/03/2021 - 20:34