Tekon » user profile

Member Since | 24/10/2019 |
Last Seen | 2 hours 13 min |
Location | Melbourne |
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Cheers guys

Been through this with a family member. [Being Summoned to The Magistrates Court for Car Crash](https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/534780)…

Tekon replied to
SydStrand on My Son Was Not Successful in the Selective Entry Exam - What Can We Learn from This?

I know your comment is in reference to NSW system, but the exact same system is used in Victoria. Theoretically if you are Rank 1 at your…

Tekon commented on Time to Flex! What Deal You Most Proud of?
In 2019 there was an offer by JBHIFI for a $500 Gift Card if you signed up for a Tesla Sim-only plan for 24 months. Except they made this…

If that is the definition of 'immediate suspension' you've been running with, you'd still be wrong. You'll notice none of the drivers in…

I feel like you’re either deliberately missing this or are on a phone and haven’t noticed the fourth column.…

^ not difficult

Above 25kmh is an immediate suspension in Victoria. 3 months. I’ve wondered about this ‘presumption of innocence’ thing with traffic…

Oh yep didn’t think of that one. Have to be a brave person to risk changing a speeding fine to a tampering with evidence offence though!

It was my dog’s girlfriend

This was the other thought my pessimistic side had. For example on Blackvue dashcams the speed reading is contained within a rectangular…

Tekon commented on ‘Cops Pulled Me over for Going 132 in a 110’
*Please note this is NOT my own post or situation. Posted here to prompt discussion* Full post available here -…

Tekon posted a forum topic ‘Cops Pulled Me over for Going 132 in a 110’
*Please note this is NOT my own post or situation. Posted here to prompt discussion* “Cops pulled me over for going 132 in a 110 However,…

Am likewise disappointed

I can appreciate there’s some nuance to the usage of technology while driving, especially given some newer cars essentially having an XL…


Yeah looks like it. The fact that a mobile phone detection camera is needed in a 100kmh zone is mildly terrifying…

Tekon posted a forum topic What Is This Portable Speed Camera-Like Structure on The Freeway?
Spotted [this odd looking portable device](https://streamja.com/RJAZ1) on the Ballarat Freeway in Victoria the other day. Haven't seen it…

It mentioned no ID numbers were leaked.

Interestingly, I only just received a notification of being involved in this. Maybe they've discovered a new bath of impacted people?

Tekon replied to
Vater Woods on A Constant, Quiet "Tapping" Noise Is Driving Me Insane, Please Help!

Do you suppose the fridge remained on after they 'Shut power off at the mains switch board'?

Tekon commented on Failed VicRoads Driving Test for Being Overly Cautious to NOT Hit Pedestrians on The Road!
Vicroads examiners can be very inconsistent with how they apply rules. In desperation to get a booking early I decided to book it 2 hours…

Flippy Square is a maybe. I'll pass on the Svalbardi lest I lose touch with the common man.

Tekon commented on What Shiny Thing Have You Bought Recently?
Copper ball Very shiny, very mesmerising.

Informative, never knew that. Cheers!

I've wondered this too. How do you know the GPS is more accurate?

Tekon replied to
pharkurnell on Victoria Considering Different Speed Limits, and Drug Impairment Measures

Not sure why you get the urge to hyperbolise everything. Truck-free left lanes are already a feature in some places. Expansion of this…

Maybe you can instead suggest an unlimited speed far right lane next :P

Tekon replied to
pharkurnell on Victoria Considering Different Speed Limits, and Drug Impairment Measures

Seems like an exaggeration on speed differences between vehicles. This is Victoria after all! Thinking 10kmh difference maximum honestly.…

That is a fair concern