Get your first AWS Certification and Learn the AWS Fundamentals.
4.4 rating from (1,095 ratings)
21,189 students
Get your first AWS Certification and Learn the AWS Fundamentals.
4.4 rating from (1,095 ratings)
21,189 students
sorry the link doesnt work
Has been edited.
Note that there seems to be a 2020 version, so I'm assuming the 2019 one has gone free.
What's the point if you don't get a certificate
You will get Udemy certification for completion of the course
I believe you need to appear for AWS exam to get a certificate.
You can learn how to use the AWS platform and can hopefully apply the knowledge in your work or projects 😉
$130 AUD for the certification exam from AWS.
How do you pay 130 AUD for the exam? I just booked a few weeks ago and it was 220 AUD (inc GST).
This is lvl1 (Foundational) costing 100usd, lvl2 (Associate) exams are 150usd.
This is free anyway through AWS? no deal normal price?
Udemy isn't aws. A different instructor made videos for udemy.
I have been looking into this for the last week so any resources like this will be great. Yes this isn't AWS and you still need to do the exam but from what I have read outside of Amazon you would need other study materials. Coming from 0 cloud background like myself. I will take what I can get before trying the exam. Hopefully my future is an Architect
When are you going to become an Architect?
Genuine question… Just curios how long it might take to get from zero to a hero to an architect.
I studied for the Solutions Architect exam just using ACloudGuru course and TutorialDojo Udemy exam questions. Passed the exam first go. Took me about two months to get there but I was only studying on weekends.
That sound impressive.
But did you start from 0 or had previous experience?
Like Lars said, it's doable in a few months. One tip: once you start learning, push through and do the exam as soon as you can - don't take an extended break like I did.
AWS (and their exams) change rapidly and they frequently add new services. If you wait too long, they update the exam and you will need to learn additional stuff. Next ACSA exam revamp will happen in July 2020.
Similar to what lars06 said below. I hope to get it over 1 year though. Sort of stuck in a role at the moment. Been reading on Reddit about the Google Architect/ Developer being completed in 3 months, but that was full time study.
I would only be able to do weekends. Still thinking about what it is I want to achieve, I don't want to code or anything, just put businesses on the cloud and know what I am talking about.
So for now will do a Cloud Practioner cert, ITIL, and VMware associate digital transformation. Before I build on this. But given current comittments I am about a year away from considering something other than those. I'd say I can get these 3 by end of the year around work.
These were free on youtube (probably still are), I used them to pass the exam in jan.
Was this (just these videos) enough to pass the exam?
There were 1-2 questions not covered but otherwise should be able to easily with just these videos. One of the questions was what is rekognition. Lucky for me I already knew.
same, did the exam last month. pls note that it teaches you enough to pass, not the whole subject.
Does aws offer free/discounted exam voucher?
After you pay and pass then first ever exam
Training is free from AWS itself don't need this
not everyone likes AWS materials.
PSA - When you signup to a Udemy course, the instructor may receive access to your personal details incl. your name, location, email, phone if provided.
Ask yourself if it's worth giving out these details - if it's not, either don't use the service or create your own anon account.
Jokes on them, even I don't remember the personal details I've provided to Udemy.
Practice exams and course content preparation is already free through official channels IMO this is just a marketing attempt by Udemy using AWS as advertising.
I don't know what AWS is, but I do know that I need to enrol.
AWS American Welding Society
AWS Advanced Warning System
AWS Automatic Weather Station
AWS Amazon Web Services
You'll be an expert in one of those.
I recommend if you do this cert/training to do the extra 30% and go for the Solution Architect Associate as well. Its a relatively small amount of additional work for the extra cert.
Do you do the solution architect associate?
What materials did you use? Time taken etc
I did Cloud Prac. and SAA both using A Cloud Guru, both took about 12 hours of study, but there was a lot of content in the SSA which was already covered in the CP content and exam.
I also did a couple of the AWS online training content, which was also good.
Sound quality is pretty bad
Hrmm are certs really still a thing in IT?
I work with both aws and azure and things are constantly changing does anyone get any benefit from these ??
Yeah HR still love certs because they reduce the risk of hiring someone.
I personally use them so when people search on linkedin my name comes up more often
Fix your title