Hey Guys,
Just noticed on eBay that the Lg Optimus one is currently $139 with free shipping from UNIQUE MOBILES. Actually cheaper from buying direct from the unique mobiles website. Currently Running Android 2.2, but pretty sure 2.3 is available. VERY CHEAP
LG Optimus One $139 Free Shipping - eBay Unique Mobiles

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INQ Cloud is pretty much the same specs for $89.00 online, prices are pretty good right now, this deal is OK but not great.
With all these cheap android phones on the market I no longer need to go on a contract to get a good phone its great!!!
Great phone. I've been using it for 11 months and really happy with it. At this price - it's a give away.
How is the touchscreen for this? I am planning to buy this one. I hope its not very slow to respond?? Any issues?
Also HTC wildfire v/s Optimus?Mom has a Wildfire, screen has about the same responsiveness. CPU is on the low end, or so I've heard. But I've not noticed much lag at all, and I'm told the older CPU might be one of the reasons for the great battery use — about 2 days on low use but always on. I've heard the Wildfire is a bit more fragile; I've already dropped my Optimus One twice, both unavoidably (knocked out of my hands) but I'm also clumsy by nature. First time it just bounced, second time the battery popped out. Still running good so far! Great for me. XD
I was also tossing up between the two when I got my optimus one. I primarily based my decision on the specs of both the phones, and LG had 512mb RAM vs Wildfire's 384mb, and LG has 600mhz processor over 528mhz that HTC has. The only thing I could see that was better was the camera, but I wasn't as concerned since the overall performance outweighted a single feature. Plus, gingerbread is available on Optimus One which GREATLY improves the camera. (Although my phone is rooted, overclocked, and using custom ROM)
imho, the touchscreen is good and responsive. I actually like that it's not overly responsive so you don't get unwanted result if just accidently very slightly touch it. And no, it's not slow at all.
It's also better than HTC Wildfire as has better screen resolution.
It also has GPS that works without using your mobile data.
Camera works really good and makes very good pics if there is enough light. In dark conditions it makes poor quality pics. But it's an issue with many cameras.jennkei, CodeXD and Bob19, Thanks guys, your feedback is much appreciated.
Indeed a very good phone, it just does the job.
my mum likes the look of my iphone but i think its a bit tecky for her. suggestions for something not to complex but with a big touch screen for her? would this be a good buy?
All touchscreens are too techie for people who never used them, it's like when the first time you drive a car.
This phone is just good, it got some crap junk software installed by LG but you just don't use it.
I use this phone for calls, sms, taking photos (much better quality if compared to Nokia e71) and some gaming.
Basically this phone does the job, as long as you don't drop it on the floor.
Also I always keep internet, wireless, bluetooth switched off unless I need it in order to register and login Google (you only need once) or download something from the market.Is their a way to get rid of junk software/apps without rooting your phone?
I wouldn't touch it unless you're 100% sure what you do, I tried to switch it off but the phone just restarted itself.
I don't think it's techie at all. Mom has a Wildfire and she likes that she can poke at it and play Bejeweled on it. XD The default Android system is not too hard to use — you can set it up so the layout for her is simpler.
And big touch screen? Of course — this is a touch screen phone after all. ^^
I got one of these for my 68 yr old Mum and she is slowly getting the hang of it.
Its had no lag, is solid enough and does what she needs it to do ie calls messaging and a few apps for footy scores, facebook(yes, wierd) scrabble etc.
I rooted it and took off the crap no problem as well.
There's no officially available Android 2.3 update available for these yet. They can also be a bit tricky to root, if you want to go down that path. All in all quite a good phone for the price, however. Up to two days of battery life isn't unusual and they're fairly solidly put together. Plays most of the popular video and audio formats and comes with a good selection of apps. A little laggy at random times, but what do you expect from a 600 CPU?
No problems at all, you just need the right utilities then you install all programs you want.
Just update to 2.3.3, big speed improvement over 2.2. Double the speed in quadbenchmark running stock at 600mhz. My score is 822.
Great find!
ABN is on the member's ME page.
Not really THAT good a deal. I guess $10 or so off is reasonable discount, but it's a pretty low-spec kind of device.