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Free Upgrade to NBN 25/5 Plan for Existing Users on Their Base Plan and New Users @ MATE


It looks like Mate NBN is slowly auto-upgrading all their 'Good Mates 12/1' NBN plan users to the 'Great Mates 25/5' NBN plan for the same monthly price of $59. It means an upgrade from 10mbps download speed to 19mbps in typical busy period as per their website.

My account has already been moved recently and the speed increase is real. Couldn't be happier with a $59 plan :). Worth checking for the scheduled upgrade date for your account if you're curious. Looking at their website, I assume that it would be happening to all their 12/1 NBN accounts eventually.

Definitely worth a shout as people need more bang for the buck in these difficult times and internet is one of the most essential services at the moment.

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closed Comments

  • Can we call 12/1 NBN?

    • +3

      Technically slower than ADSL2+ for some.

      • And 3x faster than my ADSL2+.

      • -1

        I agree w/ Both of you.

        (Although we had to PrePay f 1 year,
        to get it, NBN-50 costs $ 59.99/mon)

        I want to know when April's lower
        NBN prices are to kick-in…?


        We'll be LOSING Up-speed
        (so, costs to providers DROPS)

        When does all the "pass-thru"
        begin to reduce NBN pricing?

    • +2

      Technically, yes. Speed of internet doesn't define the type of the connection.

  • I playing Wow when they announced the NBN. I was so excited. That was about 10 years ago. Still waiting. (Happy with my current cable connection. Upload is useless though.)

    • +1

      this has been my problem, particularly working from home now (graphic designer and exhibition designers in the household).
      I am due for NBN in a month, just preordered on Aussie for a 50/20 connection, compared to my 100/5 cable. hopefully it will work nicely for us, if we are still working from home then…

    • Up-speeds should have gotten worse recently
      or will, soon, maybe… but the trade-off was to be:

      • Lower monthly cost to users

      Eg: From a recent sidebar ad:

      MyRepublic: NBN 100/20 <=Not 40: $ 89/mon (BYO)

  • +4

    25/5 plan for $59 seems expensive. You can get 50/20 Mbps at this price, if you are willing to switch every 6 months.

    • if you are willing to switch every 6 months.

      That's a key though; not many people want to do it. Having spent a couple of years with TPG earlier, the customer service and simplicity of Mate NBN (e.g. no extra fees for anything) has been a fresh breeze. Tangerine is another good player in the comparable market.

      • +1

        That's a key though; not many people want to do it

        Churning between RSP’s on the NBN is literally one of the easiest things that you can do in life. It’s one of the few things that NBN got right compared to the pain it was with churning between providers on ADSL.

        • +1

          If you are with TPG, you have to give them notice 30 days in advance

          • @trienchieu12: That doesn’t have anything to do with NBN though, that’s just an archaic policy from TPG.

            Even more reason not to waste your time with TPG then.

        • Depends on the type and the building. I lived in high rise building and it was fttp (yes 1 fibre to each apartment, total 200+ apartments in one building) and switching was seamless within hours.

          Totally opposite when I moved to the unit with complicated layout and addresses, yes the building(s) has two addresses (in the corner) and it has building A, B and so forth. And it was fttn so to switch they need to do something on the "mdf".

          In current situation, when you heavily rely on the internet due to working from home, and some limited physical attendance due to social distancing of every company comply with, you dont want to mess up with saving $10/m. Not worth it.

          • @countmein:

            Totally opposite when I moved to the unit with complicated layout and addresses, yes the building(s) has two addresses (in the corner) and it has building A, B and so forth. And it was fttn so to switch they need to do something on the "mdf".

            That would be very much an outliner case. When you enter in your different addresses on something like ABB’s POI checker does it show the same LOC ID? Or does only one of them show one? RSP’s will only accept the one address that’s registered with NBN anyway. Only the initial connection may need something to do with jumpering the line from the NBN side to your side of the MDF.

            After that, it will literally never need to be touched again as your line would never be physically disconnected from the Node, unlike with ADSL where your line could be physically disconnected due to a shortage of ports at the exchange, changing from a Telstra DSLAM to a 3rd party’s or the RIM/Tophat. When my line was changed over from ADSL to NBN the tech did all the work at the Node, the physical line running to my MDF then to my house didn’t changed (why Telstra decided to put in an MDF for a 4 townhouse development I’ll never know, but was a good excuse for them to shift the responsibility over to us from the MDF).

            In current situation, when you heavily rely on the internet due to working from home, and some limited physical attendance due to social distancing of every company comply with, you dont want to mess up with saving $10/m. Not worth it.

            I’ve churned 4 times now since getting NBN, and every time it had simply been a software change of the port on NBN’s side between RSP’s. Only the initial connection to the NBN network needs a tech to actually cut over your line to the Node, every other time it’s a remote change. The old connection drops, the new connection comes online a few minutes later.

    • Could you link to some plans that are 50/20 for around $60 please? Thank you :)

      • Search my friend and act fast


        Expiring tomorrow. Although you can pick a future date for connection. I used similar deal in last month (Feb) for connection on mid of April. My 6 months will start from mid of april.

        For your reference: My aussie broadband billing date is 15th of the month. Asked Superloop for connection on 13th and called Aussie to cancel from 16th. Easy.

    • +1

      I didn't know that 25/nn was still a thing

      At that price, it shouldn't be, IMO

  • Something nice to know for existing users I suppose, but ludicrous that they were even still offering a 12/1 connection.
    And as mentioned above 25mbps for $59/month is hardly a bargain

  • -2

    So while others are attempting to moderate bandwidth usage (Netflix, Amazon, etc.) this company is encouraging additional use/speed?

  • $55 a month with belong for a 50/20 connection capped at 36… I've been on this since January and happy with it.

    • Is 36 the best evening speed? (hence capped)
      What's the upload speed like?

  • +3

    I just upgraded to 100/20 for $79 and can’t fault it. Mate is the best!

    • -1

      Does it include unlimited
      VoIP phone calls in AU…?

      • +1

        for $10 extra

      • No voip at all. If you want all unlimited it's $88. Tbh I would rather put towards a mobile (currently I have belong, but later on I can pay and extra $10 for 5gb and unlimited calls still on Mate)

    • +2

      I upgrade from 50/20 to 100/20 about 2 weeks ago. Surprisingly, I got 83/38 speed.

      • Yes same here. Tonight I’m getting 90/36, I’m very impressed. I will move my mobile over I think as you can get $10 off, so 5gb a month comes to $10 a month or 15gb comes to $15 a month.

        • Yes, a great deal. I've signed up the $25 plan, Telstra network and unlimited international calls.

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