This was posted 4 years 11 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 3 Month Trial of WWE Network (New / Non-Active Subscribers)


Free 3 month trial of WWE Network (usually 1 month) - only valid if you're not currently subscribed or have a non-active subscription.

Fill out the form in the link with a phony name, email addess and phone number -
for the email address I suggest using a disposable email service such as Guerrilla Mail.
for the phone number, input any 10 digit number - don't start the number with 1 or end it with 0.

You'll be emailed a unique link which will activate the trial.

Note: after doing this myself I can see in the account page there is no where it states when your current subscription expires - if you cancel it then I get a message saying my current subscription will expire on Apr 21. From doing some quick research you need to wait until the 1st day of the 3rd month. If you cancel in an earlier month, they just go until the end of that month.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Any Ad breaks?

  • thanks OP
    wrestlemania sorted (if it goes ahead that is)

    • Have you not heard, its going to be held in 2 different nights, zero audience and apparently taped.

      • +6

        Each wrestler in a different ring.

  • +2

    Wrestlers will be >1.5m apart at all times…

    • +8

      Their punches never actually land anyway so it's ok

      • +5

        Do people still think they're supposed to?

    • +1

      Actually because Vince chooses who wrestles or wins or not, I'm guessing all he has to do is choose only uninfected wrestlers to perform. It's like a ballet performance and Vince writes the libretto in advance, then the wrestlers just perform it as written. If one of them gets the virus then they just aren't written in at all.

  • Any phone number with those stipulations doesn't work. Guess it's just trial and error to see what does work.

  • +2

    This smells like a good deal.

  • +1

    Spewing. I signed up 3 days ago.

    Was also charged $10.99(USD) instead of the advertised $9.99(USD) but that's another issue.

    • Bad time to be shopping in American dollars.

    • $9.99 USD is ex-sales tax; which Australian residents are charged 10% (GST). American companies don't have to advertise the sales tax in the price.

      I've been a customer since the Network's launch. It was $9.99 USD charged until the Aust government started taxing digital services in 2017.

      • I faked my address somewhere in Delaware, so i shouldn't have been charged tax.

        • How did you pay? Australian PayPal or credit card? Pretty sure that's how it's triggered.

  • +1

    Use the following US number - 9415542800 & it will work.

    • +2

      Try Jenny 867-5309

  • -2

    Not much point subscribing at the moment because the shows are now being shot at their Performance Center, there is no crowd attendance (due to of course the Covid-19), the atmosphere just seem dead

    • +1

      Recent shows aren't actually on the network atm. Have a wait a month due to tv contracts.

      But you still get access to previous weekly shows, and every PPV/Network Special Event

    • +1

      Don't see why you're getting downvoted. The shows are now noticeably getting worse.

      AEW had a much better show with no crowd

      • But AEW also ran the increased risk of putting the unused wrestlers around the ring. WWE can't afford such risks with WrestleMania 2 weeks away.

        I enjoy both companies, but I definitely think WWE are doing a more safe/well-managed approach.

        • I'd say both companies' talents have been secluded to everyone but each other meaning the risk of spreading disease is equal within both companies regardless of which internal talent was around the ring

  • +2

    Would love this for UFC. Currently on the kayo 3 months free. Glad it's free, I would never pay for it. Full of ads and not much of a UFC library

  • +3

    Just watched Hulk Hogan vs Andrea the Giant when Ted Debiase paid to have someone get plastic surgery to look like a ref and then Andrea got the pin on the Hulkster when clearly it should of been a 1 count.
    The hulkster was a real showman in the day. His pre and post match interviews were as good as the matches.

    • when clearly it should of been a 1 count

      Did you even go to school bro?

      • What are you talking about?

        • You should of figured it out by now

      • -1

        You left out a comma before "bro", bro.

    • Hulk was never known as a great in-ring worker. It was just his loud personality. Hulking-up may as well have single-handedly killed kayfabe

  • +3

    Tempted to get it to watch a good portion of the attitude era while on leave….

  • Suck it!

  • +3

    It's still real to me damn it!

  • willl this work for australia

    • -1

      Only if you smeelllllll, what the Rock…

      Is cooking…

    • anyone apart from lordra

  • +1

    If you sign up yet PayPal, cancel your PayPal automatic payment agreement straight away just in case.

    • So I can cancel the PayPal subscription today without it cancelling the WWE trial?

      • +1

        It will show an active subscription on WWE so at the end of three months it will then trigger some sort of 'no payment method provided' thing as you cancelled the auto on Paypal.

  • +1

    Stone cold interview with Bret looks cool

    Like to hear about the double turn.

    It was 20 years in January since the first live wwf ppv.

    My God that was amazing. No more bootleg tapes or getting live updates on irc.

    The fact we got taz's debut was even better.
    Great show all around. I highly suggest people check it out

    • +1

      Rumble 2000. One of the best

  • +7

    Watch AEW instead… After seeing both attempt to put on a show without a crowd, AEW did a much, much better job than WWE. Hell, smackdown and raw mainly just showed footage from their last PPV and did pointless interviews.

  • +5

    Yeah AEW killed it last Dynamite, Cody addressed the Coronavirus’ situation perfectly at the start of show. MJF and Shawn Spears drinking and gambling on the matches was funny as f#ck and somehow helped get the show over, being there was no live audience.

    Vince McMahon has lost his magic in wrestling game; I think the Monday night wars with WCW and with TNA (short period of time when it was good) gave him severe paranoia.

    He’s not letting good in-ring talent get over anymore or if they break threw and do, he just throws them back into mid-card or takes them off air for months on end whilst he pushes stupid story lines such as the Rusev and Bobby Ashley cuckold bit and he just keeps pushing the same old annoying wrestlers such as Seth Rollins continuously in the main-card.

    WWE just need to let HHH do Vince’s job and let Paul Heyman have proper creative control not just say he does in their story lines. Vince needs to be only focusing on the XFL and how to keep it afloat during the season cancellation from the Coronavirus’, he was actually doing a good job this time around with the XFL.

  • +1

    even if I end up with only 1 month instead of 3 months, if it costs me nothing then I won't complain.

    • That is just normal though. Every new subscriber gets their first month free.

      • but on one account, I wasn't new.

  • How much bandwidth does it use? I am on satelite :(

    I download all the usual RAW, Smackdown, (we are) NXT & PPV anyway & Stone Cold Interviews

    • if you already have other means to watch i'd stick with it… i've been told that episodes are typically very behind on the network due to the TV contracts…

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