• expired

Unlimited Broadband for Metered Plans @ Superloop

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Just logged into my members portal due to someone posting about this on Whirlpool. Looks like usage limits on broadband have been removed.

Due to the rapidly evolving situation we are all facing due to COVID-19, Superloop has lifted quota metering for all customers. During this time, plan changes are unavailable.

As Companies and Businesses ask their employees to work from home, and schools and universities consider closing their doors to have students study from home, we expect to see a massive increase in the household data usage.
As such from 12 pm today (Monday 16th) Superloop has suspended all data caps on all of our metered plans. We are essentially making all of our plans unlimited (fixed wireless and NBN); this will remain in effect until April 30th when we will re-assess.

We have increased our contact centre capacity and every day we see new traffic records on the network as more people choose to work from home.
Temporarily disabling data limits (shaping) is Superloop Home Broadbands way of doing something small that can make the next few weeks easier for households.

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closed Comments

    • +1


    • +10

      You're still getting what you're paying for aren't you?

    • +5

      Except people on limited plans have done the math and are happy to work with a limit. I don't expect I'll use excessively more data now because the limit has been removed. Just like people who have been happy to pay for unlimited were happy to pay. Nothing's changed and Superloop (or anyone else in business) would be crazy to remove the limit and allow their user base to downgrade. What use is it having a top notch RSP if they fall over because their cashflow reduces to a point where they can't make it economically viable?

    • +2

      In a certain way I agree, depending how long this decision lasts obviously. Paying a higher amount for the same access as someone else does feel a little off putting, but on the other hand it's a totally unprecedented situation going on right now so it's good to see them making this decision that some people may benefit from. End of the day I'm happy with the price I've been paying for 100/40 unlimited, considering it is now the same price for 100/20 unlimited.

      • @MBix Until April 30

        • So prices going up for 100/40?

    • -1

      I'd say they do something small for the customers paying for unlimited, just to make it a bit fairer.

    • +5

      No! Superloop customers like me who are already paying for unlimited is getting exactly what was advertised and what we are paying for.

  • If only NBN could actually connect me…

  • +1

    So much lag on my superloop connection with gaming, around 8pm-11pm, Subiaco POI :(

    • Do you play BF5? What ping do you get?

      • Csgo, getting like 300ms (with a lot of variation) to the Official Sydney servers.

        • ah ok. I get approx 56ms on BF5. Just wondered how this compared with other people. In your case mines very good

          • @jackwoz: Is it just CSGO? I'm not on the same POI to be fair (Bassendean) but I get around 65-85 on most games I've found.

          • +1

            @jackwoz: I get 60-70 on bf5 with bigpond. Wangara exchange I think. 55 is good.

    • +8

      I just upgraded that POI (MB)

      • Cool!

      • I've been getting lots of lag as well in NSW Strathfield area!

        • +1

          No joke join there discord and post traces to the server, if they can fix it they do pretty fast.

          • @liveish: Sorry where is their discord link?

              • @liveish: They should advertise that on their website if that is the best way to contact them.

                • +3

                  @bargainpersona: guys i run that discord server and its not official support, its more a community with the staff being there voluntarily. So any help you receive from the staff is of their own free will. However we do have quite a few people that are both SL customers and customers from other RSP's who are very techie and for the most part are happy to help if they can.

                  • @DalekZ: I understand that but we have examples here of SuperLoop employees directing customers to the Discord in order to get support.

                    One has to wonder what is wrong at Superloop if the staff are recommending unofficial support channels over the official support channels.

                    I pity the regular customers that aren't made aware of this special service that seems to keep the vocal online population from complaining loudly about otherwise poor support.

                    • @bargainpersona: I get your point, most issues seem to be modem/router related and the staff seem to enjoy the more relaxed environment on discord so its a win-win. and even if the staff arnt able to help others who have a berth of knowledge will :)

                      • @DalekZ: Yeah, I have lurked there and WP quite a bit (the likes of Furyan and User 838973/Max do more harm than good :P).

                        I have had an interest in SL and I got a vibe of dishonesty from them regarding their support objectives (and from this their business goals but that is just me speculating so I won't go into it here now). We keep hearing from them about the support improvements but they don't seem to eventuate and I suspect they aren't really trying. Meanwhile, they are still aggressively seeking more customers.

                  • @DalekZ: Nice to see that @warsome managed to read and upvote this much later but never managed to say why they are directing people to unofficial channels over the official ones.

                    In an unrelated note, it is funny how he has gone from a being a sockpuppet, to referring to (SL employee) Michael Blake in the third person and later referring to himself as Michael Blake before adopting an air of mystery (unless there are multiple people operating the account).

                • @bargainpersona: double reply by accident

    • On same POI, lastnight was dreadful. If you check CVC graph it was maxed out :( Good now though!

  • +11

    4th in queue at the moment for tech support, 2:46:09 on hold. Started at 28th in queue.

    • +1

      And yes I used the call back service but I expect I'll get to an operator before I get a call back

      • +1

        I'm not even a customer yet. Scheduled connection for Saturday, didn't haoorn have not heard a thing from them. Called today waited 3.5 hours. Couldn't help me need to wait until tomorrow.

        • +1

          Honestly don't bother with them I've lodged a support ticket 3 weeks ago with no reply

    • +3

      Our phone provider had some issues today:
      many VoIp providers did as the underlying system was down.
      https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum/107 << more info

    • +6

      Superloop terrible support and dropouts were always a thing. Seems nothing has changed.

      • Support is crap via phone, good via discord… never had a drop out but I am on FTTP

        • +2

          Discord is unoffical and cannot provide genuine support.

          Their support via email is also reportedly close to nonexistent.

    • +2

      I found their customer support to be absolutely unacceptable. Recently had to call them for tech support - waited 1hr30mins for a queue 8 to first.

      • +1

        The two times I've called support I found it acceptable. I used callback the second time and was called back within the hour.
        Both occasions weren't any issue with SuperLoop themselves - the first was to confirm the address when I placed my order, the second was to log the lack of access due to a week-long upstream NBN power outage. For me, SuperLoop has been fast and trouble-free.

  • Looks like the usage section is gone for my superloop account

  • +1

    My superloop internet has been insanely bad since last month. Got 1000 ping for csgo matchmaking :(

    • +3

      jump on discord and let me know what POI.
      If its HFC we cant help and we try not to let POI's max out (you can check the graphs)

      • +1

        Why not ask them to use one of the offical support channels instead?

        • +2

          ++++ this……….this thread says to me I stay with ABB

      • Would I be better off asking you again on discord in order to get a response?

  • +2

    Stay away from this mob. Logged a ticket about disconnections about three weeks ago, still no response.

  • +2

    This is a great gesture! I'm on Superloop 500Gb and now increasing my work from home time considerable so it's perfect for me as already get close to my limits.

  • -6

    I really don’t get the point of this for SL apart from getting some good PR, but also pissing off current unlimited customers.

    If people need more data cause they’ll be working from home or the kids are home from school, then pay for it. They’ve now just annoyed current customers who are already paying for unlimited and have now created 2 different price points for what is essentially the same product.

    • +1

      You were happy with the deal you were getting before this happened, doesn't really change anything. Just pretend you didn't see it.

    • +7

      It’s only for a month, if you need a few dollars that bad link me your go fund me.

      • -4

        Ah great way to completely miss the point. Best off giving your pity money to the people expecting a free handout with this instead of taking a bit of personal responsibility and spending the extra few dollars to upgrade their plan if they’re needing it, you know, what everyone else who currently has the need already does.

        • +3

          Yeah screw them for having a tight budget, also screw super for taking a money hit and helping out….. we need less company’s helping out when times are hard.

          I know a few people who are in the limited plan and every dollar helps, why be cold heart (profanity) when in times of need, people and company’s can help.

          • -1


            Yeah screw them for having a tight budget, also screw super for taking a money hit and helping out….. we need less company’s helping out when times are hard.

            Oh yes, because someone who is willing to spend an extra $5 on their internet (and make a sacrifice on another part of their life to pay for that) clearly must be rolling in the cash so stuff them, just give it to others who choose to pay less for their internet.

            How’s about, and I know this will be a crazy idea to someone like you, if they’re actually wanting to do something to help and benefit all their customers, how’s about reduce the unlimited price by $5 a month for people on unlimited and upgrade the other people to unlimited at the same price point?
            Or for people on the 100/20 (where there’s $10 difference between the plans) - lower the price by $5 for unlimited and making it only $5 extra for people to upgrade from 500GB to unlimited if they need it. Win win for all customers.

            • +5

              @Nousernamehere: I think you are missing the point, they are not trying to lower the cost, but give all there customers for a very very very short term full access to the internet so they don’t have to worry about the data they are using for work.

              Most would be told too bad your working from home.

              So to recap- don’t be heartless, it’s not to save people money but help out some people in need, most that go limited plans don’t do it via choice, it’s cost, and when everything is a bit crazy ATM and food and other items are hard to get, they might find they have to pay extra for other things.

              What super is doing is what Australia is all about, helping out people who need it when times are tough.

              • -3


                I think you are missing the point, they are not trying to lower the cost, but give all there customers for a very very very short term full access to the internet so they don’t have to worry about the data they are using for work.

                I’m not missing the point at all, you just clearly don’t have one based on what you’re trying to argue. They’re not ‘trying to lower the cost’ yet that’s exactly what they’re doing if people are needing more quota than they currently have? If people aren’t having to go to work, then they’re not having to pay for fuel, not having to pay for parking, not having to pay for public transport. In one day they would save more than it costs for the quota bump for the entire month.

                So to recap- don’t be heartless, it’s not to save people money but help out some people in need, most that go limited plans don’t do it via choice, it’s cost, and when everything is a bit crazy ATM and food and other items are hard to get, they might find they have to pay extra for other things.

                I’m not being heartless at all, you’re exactly the same as others on here believing that if someone spends the extra $5 a month already on their internet then they’re living the high life yet people who have a quota must be struggling with basic bills. All I’m suggesting is, if they really did want to help out a majority of their customer base then there are other, more beneficial ways of doing so, but this is just a basic PR stunt and you’ve fallen for it hook line and sinker. But I say something about it, and therefore I must be against people who are struggling.

                What super is doing is what Australia is all about, helping out people who need it when times are tough.

                Once again you’re assuming that it’s only people who have a quota who must be struggling, therefore are the only ones who need help. All I’m asking is not to be so narrow with your thinking and realise there are plenty of people who are struggling right now but they’d weigh paying $5 a month more for their internet as they may not get a takeaway coffee every day, whilst the person with a quota may be getting a coffee every day but according to your narrow thinking they’re the person struggling.

    • +3

      I can't imagine being so selfish that you can't be happy with what you have unless you have it better than someone else.

      • +1

        Imagine being so naive in thinking that a PR stunt is an actual deal on the incorrect assumption that someone on unlimited = rich while someone with a quota = poor and struggling.

        Case in point, a mate of mine and his partner earn about 3 times what I do, yet are on a 500GB plan because overall he doesn’t usually go over where I’m spending the extra $5 a month so I don’t have to worry about managing my quota. He will go and buy $300 whiskey on a whim just to add to his collection, but according to people on here he clearly must be the struggling one.

  • +1

    I got a better idea.

    Skip this mob who run on 0 support and constantly congested pipes (seems I am not alone by looking at the comments in this thread) and move to Launtel.

    Bonus. It’s $10-12 cheaper a month for 50Mbps and unlimited.

    7 day free trial and $25 credit on sign up (2–3 weeks free). You can change speeds up and down in minutes/hours and pause the connection at any time without being billed per month.


    • Super works out cheaper for me and have a pop in Darwin,
      Do they have a looking glass to test pings?

      • Use codes provided in that link and referral for earlyadopter discount.

        In the dashboard they have real time graphs of many things.


        • Yeah they look like CVC graphs, was talking about a looking glass to ping servers.

          Super still cheaper for me for the first 6 months

          • @liveish: It’s POI and region specific. Darwin, ACT and Tas is more. But I wouldn’t trade a few dollars for hours on the phone, dropouts and poor pings with superloop any day.

            • @checkingthisout: I am FTTP so never had any drop outs.

              Super has had the best pings for me out of any ISP I have used

              • @liveish: Considering you would be exiting Sydney or Perth I don’t think there would be a huge difference. Between top tier providers.

                And I can’t imagine the pings being significantly better than Telstra, Aussie or TPG, who all have their own routing networks too.

                I just did the math at a random FTTP street in NT and it’s $68.4 a month or $2.28 a day unlimited with Launtel.

                Same plan with superloop was $78.95

                So superloop is $10 more for 2 hour wait times and looking at the comments in the thread and online. Poorly rated network. Including my own experience.

                • @checkingthisout: I paying 59 bucks ish and they have a POP in Darwin.

                  SL has better pings to SG and USA.. inside Oz they are all the same +-5MS

    • +2

      Look I wouldn't post about "constantly congested pipes" on one of the highest performing NBN providers. Not trying to fanboy or anything for them but recommending Launtel who is at the mercy of Vocus for the majority of their customers (read Dodo)…
      Superloop owns a lot of the network and provides a very high quality service however I do agree that they need to sort their support team out because they constantly talk about hiring more people to the team yet the wait times are hardly ever satisfactory IMO.

      • +1

        I’ll let the reviews do the talking: (first 6 are negative) https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/superloop

        3 stars 2 weeks ago it was nearly 1-2 stars


        4.9 stars. Might as well be 5.

        • yeah they did have a time of growth and problems, like Telstra, Aussie BB, and many Vocus resellers.

          Welcome to the NBN.

          did you get the letter saying what happen and why, with super ?

          • @liveish: Did those problems end? There are people in here now complaining about issues that seem to plague more than a small few. This is not an NBN issue. It’s a superloop network issue.

            I had two connections trial superloop. Never had dropouts on any network but superloop. It was the worst of any provider. Including buzz telco which was Vocus and incredibly cheap.

            • @checkingthisout: They have ended, most people bitching on discord are FTTN people and waiting on NBN

              • @liveish: Ok. The problems have ended. Just read below. You can’t fake angry reviews and comments.

                Superloop is not “premium”

                • @checkingthisout: I don't think anyone is premium on NBN, the price I pay is not a “premium”

                  When my 6 months is up, I will check what else is up here.

                  the only thing premium with SL is their pings to outside oz, which is important to me at this stage

                  Fault below, hard to work out what is wrong as they don't list what or when.

                  BTW I have said above that SL support is shit and I only recommend them to makes who have a basic understanding and on FTTP.

                  Are you able to speed test some Servers in other countries for me? ( so I can check out how they work)

                  https://www.speedtest.net/ ( you can change server)


                  Buffalo, NY

                  Frontier Networks Inc
                  Vancouver, BC


                  Also what POP does your mob have? ( one in each state ??)

                  • @liveish: Although I agree that no NBN connection is premium due to CVC. There are premium providers that manage the poor underlying infrastructure much better than others. And superloop has proven over many months that it’s support and dropout issues have not be fixed. This. It’s not premium or cheap. https://www.vocus.com.au/our-network

                    Yes Vocus has a far more extensive network than Superloop. Both nationally and internationally.

                    • @checkingthisout: I was asking about POP and then asked if you can test some ping and speeds, before SL i was with a vocus reseller and the pings/speeds overseas was killing me.

                      are you able to do some tests tonight?

                      I asked their online help

                      Hello What POP do you have in OZ ?
                      Chat started
                      Sean Hartigan joined the chat
                      Sean Hartigan
                      Hi Matt, we have PoP in Sydney, Melbourne & Hobart
                      OK so Darwin users would have to go to SYD/MELB then back to Darwin for a server?

                      Also to get to Perth I would have to go DARWIN/ SYD or MELB then Perth /SG?

                      Sean Hartigan

                      I like to pay a little bit less and have a lower ping to Perth/SA/SG and Darwin… when they add more POP I give them a look.

                      • @liveish: What servers are you taking hosted content from within Darwin? Major exchanges are in Melbourne/Sydney. You must go to Sydney or Perth to get most of your server responses out international and cache content in Sydney/Melbourne/Perth/Brisbane etc.

                        You keep talking about pings but if the connection has dropped out. Then pings are worth sh*t.

                        • @checkingthisout: I host a few servers, so does a mate, They are with Super or Node(iinet) as they both have a pop in Darwin.

                          Yes but with super i can get to SG via DARWIN/SA/WA/SG

                          With your mob as this stage its DARWIN/SYD/WA/SG ( add about 40MS) ( some of the reseller also went out via SYD and added a shit load more Ping)

                          Trust me I just came from a Vocus reseller, if you live in MELB or SYD it ok ( still not as good as SL for ping times to about 80% of Asian/EU and USA servers :)

                          But for the average mum and dad internet user, it's worth paying a little extra and going with your mob if there not on FTTP. ( If Super fix there supports, then there no reason not to stay with super.)

                          • @liveish: “Yes but with super i can get to SG via DARWIN/SA/WA/SG”

                            You meant superloop go to SA before transiting to WA then to Singapore. But then the latency difference SA Vs SYD is minimal anyway, if Superloop has a backhaul between Darwin <-> SYD, which i doubt it does. If it uses optus backhaul then it could just go via Port Hedland for WA exit.

                            Superloop don’t sell servers. But again 👍

                            There is nothing I can find on their website about their NT network it is all major city based. Any links to NT would not be their own infrastructure anyway.

                            The ping tests you do to NT are really of no difference, the ping tests to USA/SYD are much more important.

                            • @checkingthisout: What of course they go to SA ? Its the major link out of NT (it's a HOP).

                              No, I host servers and so do my mates… Not Super. ( so for me to connect to my mates server with Supers is DARWIN to Darwin, via your mob is Darwin, SYD then back to Darwin)

                              The ping tests you do to NT are really of no difference, the ping tests to USA/SYD are much more important. ( correct that is where Vocus has failed me in the past ( more to Eu and ASIA than the USA), even your mob support chat said pings will be higher till the get an SA POP)

                              "There is nothing I can find on their website about their NT network it is all major city-based. Any links to NT would not be their own infrastructure anyway."'Yeah, I believe so, lucky it starts in SA.

                              DARWIN TO SG

                              Tracing the route to ( from Darwin POP) https://lg.superloop.com/lg/

                              1 bundle-ether1-181.bdr01-ipt-274hindl-adl.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64012 Exp 0] 111 msec 110 msec 110 msec
                              2 fortygige0-0-1-2-114.bdr01-ipt-1william-per.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64065 Exp 0] 110 msec 110 msec 110 msec
                              3 fortygige0-0-1-3.bdr01-ipt-4millros-per.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64012 Exp 0] 111 msec 110 msec 110 msec
                              4 WelcomeToIndigoWest.bdr01-ipt-15pionee-sin.sg.superloop.com ( 110 msec 110 msec 110 msec

                              SYD to SG

                              Type escape sequence to abort.
                              Tracing the route to

                              1 WelcomeToIndigoCentral.bdr01-ipt-1william-per.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64065 Exp 0] 93 msec 93 msec 93 msec
                              2 WelcomeToIndigoCentral.bdr01-ipt-4millros-per.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64012 Exp 0] 93 msec 93 msec 93 msec
                              3 WelcomeToIndigoWest.bdr01-ipt-15pionee-sin.sg.superloop.com ( 92 msec 93 msec 92 msec

                              Darwin to SYD

                              Tracing the route to

                              1 bundle-ether1-182.bdr01-ipt-454stpau-bne.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64003 Exp 0] 60 msec 59 msec 58 msec
                              2 fortygige0-0-1-3.bdr01-ipt-20wharfs-bne.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64004 Exp 0] 59 msec 59 msec 59 msec
                              3 hundredgige0-0-1-2-102.bdr01-ipt-47bourke-syd.au.superloop.com ( 58 msec 58 msec 59 msec

                              Darwin to SA

                              Tracing the route to ( Telstra IP) could not find shit in SA :P

                              1 GigabitEthernet0-0-0-15.smi-edge701.darwin.telstra.net ( 3 msec 1 msec 2 msec
                              2 tengigabitethernet0-3-0-1.smi-core1.darwin.telstra.net ( 4 msec 1 msec 2 msec
                              3 Tengigabitethernet0-1-0-1.cas-core1.darwin.telstra.net ( 3 msec 3 msec 4 msec
                              4 bundle-ether3.fli-core1.adelaide.telstra.net ( 38 msec 38 msec 39 msec
                              5 bundle-ether1.fli-edge902.adelaide.telstra.net ( 37 msec 38 msec 38 msec
                              6 bundle-ether101.sb04.adelaide.asp.telstra.net ( 38 msec 38 msec 37 msec

                              SA to SYD

                              Tue Mar 17 01:29:08.189 UTC

                              Type escape sequence to abort.
                              Tracing the route to

                              1 fortygige0-0-1-2-107.bdr01-ipt-262frank-adl.au.superloop.com ( [MPLS: Label 64001 Exp 0] 20 msec 19 msec 19 msec
                              2 hundredgige0-0-1-2-108.bdr01-ipt-4edenpar-syd.au.superloop.com ( 19 msec *

                              so around 40MS more with your mob :)

                              Also FYI your mob I have recommended to my mum, but anyone who wants fast pings I wont.. that could change once they roll out all there POPs and Vocus gets better at giving headroom

                              • @liveish: It is much easier to just use gcping.com

                                My results over wifi, on FTTN 50, with a standard ping of 30ms (thus is copper), 1750km from Sydney.


                                All these numbers are extremely acceptable for copper lines. It would be 25ms+ less if on FTTP.

                                LoL server is returning —- ping statistics —-
                                10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
                                round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 28.972/32.252/34.133/1.788 ms

                                Anyone can game on that response time.

                                Outside of just pings:

                                I can change speeds in minutes at any time. From 25Mbps to 100Mbps in minutes if i choose, as can anyone else.
                                Pay by day not by the month.
                                Pause, cancel and change plan without calling anyone.
                                Receive response times from staff within 30 minutes for serious issues.
                                Get guided support for setup and assistance on faults. (Including directly from the owner)
                                Have a stable line with no drop outs.

                                And they do all this without owning their infrastructure, something that Super loop doesn't offer, and the dropout rate is high, support quality low, just wondering how it's a premium NBN network. Cause of pings?

                                This is just one provider, AussieBB being the other that is recommended as premium and is a premium product by a premium provider, you cannot match Super with Aussie. Aussie offers a mobile app, a desktop app, with superior billing and support facilities, their own special network with very decent infrastructure, a 24x7 support team, with decent response times, online chat in seconds, 250Mbps plans with 1000Mbps plans incoming so on so forth. Even Launtel offers 1000Mbps plans. So far to my knowledge super loop maxes out at 100Mbps.

                                At this point it sounds like you're just fan-boying for Superloop because of pings, can you give me anything other than a POP? Which Telstra, Optus, TPG, iiNet and many more could match. Disregarding the fact the pricing is still more than Launtel with Superloop. Disregarding the network quality for so many complaints, disregarding the drop out issues all because you host a server in Darwin. Got absolutely nothing to do with the wider network and quality of the companies support does it. We should just get some elderly to login to discord and get chatting away with support now should we?

                                The only positive i see for Superloop is Bevan https://www.crn.com.au/news/bevan-slattery-leads-charge-urgi…

                                • @checkingthisout: Where are you located, all your pings are way higher than me and I have to travel halfway through OZ then go back again? ( i guess Perth or TAS with your ping to syd, But cant be Perth with a big over 100 To SG)

                                  Outside of just pings:

                                  I can change speeds in minutes at any time. From 25Mbps to 100Mbps in minutes if i choose, as can anyone else. ( Does not affect me)
                                  Pay by day not by the month. ( Does not affect me)
                                  Pause, cancel and change plan without calling anyone. ( Does not affect me)
                                  Receive response times from staff within 30 minutes for serious issues. ( that is good, but i have never needed it with the FTTP yet )
                                  Get guided support for setup and assistance on faults. (Including directly from the owner) (Super have given me that via Discord, I dont care if its the owner… SME is always better, sounds like your mob when they grow will have the same problems as Super and Aussie had/have if the owner is giving support)
                                  Have a stable line with no dropouts. ( same)

                                  Again i am not saying your mob is bad, i am saying for me and my location and if you game ( FPS more than LOL)Super is better and would be better for most places if you dont have a POP in your state and playing overseas.

                                  Your mob seems perfect for mum and dads, or people who travel a lot. ( or who game with servers in AUS and they have a POP in the same place or on the same path)

                                  • @liveish: Post your GC results and results to LoL server if you're going to proclaim the pings are higher.

                                    I already explained i am on FTTN and you are on FTTP. As if the two are even closely relatable. The pings i posted are very good for FTTN and good enough for gaming and server response times.

                                    My 'mob' as you constantly keep saying now it just sounds like a joke now, has a 250Mbps & 1000Mbps plan and superloop doesn't. But yeah sure, it's for 'mums and dads'.

                                    • @checkingthisout: No problems, i be on my PC in about 2 hours. Link to 250/1000MB plans? Super is doing trials only and not in Darwin :( I am on 50/20 anyway hahah

                                      What state you from?

                                      BTW you must of be pissed of hard to hate a company this much :P

                                      • @liveish: Far north QLD - Rural

                                        "If you're in TAS, then yes you can get a 1000/400 for the day - $8.17 or $245 a month

                                        We can't do it elsewhere because we don't have enough CVC. This will all be fixed in May."

                                        From the owner, or see the sign up page for address that get it, FTTP only. These aren't trials, it's real product for sale. 250Mbps is wider.


                                        • @checkingthisout: O yep, I don't think it will matter what ISP you use if they have a POP in SYD, Most game servers are in SYD and most traffic goes out via SYD. ( or Perth, which you pass through SYD anyway)

                                          For me in Darwin Local POP and Even SA POP matter as it saves times. ( main servers I play on are SYD/SG/USA and somewhere in the EU)

                                          So for you, it seems like a winner, For me Super is heaps better.

                                          The one good thing about the NBN is most RSP doesn't have contracts :)

                                          West/Mid Aus Super will have better pings if needing to go to asia, but that will change when they add more POP ( which their chat said they are doing it soon)

                                          • @liveish: Just post the ping results and be done with it. No gaming servers are hosted in WA. All servers are in SYD. Your response times will be same as WA.

                                            I have 132ms pings to SGP and i am further from it than you, i am also on wifi and i am also on copper. Which means, super is not 'heaps better' in any way. Not even a little bit, with or without a pop. I doubt there is even any major difference.

  • Just signed up for a 500G plan yesterday for a new NBN connection - tech scheduled for Thursday. Wonder if I get unlimited instead.

    I didn’t get unlimited as it’s a secondary/backup/redundant link for our Uniti Wireless broadband - figured it was a good time to reduce risk of downtime when the family will all seemingly (inevitably?) be home for some self-isolating time.

    Also seemed a good time to test-drive this lot …

  • Looks like limits on broadband have been removed for the 500gb customers.

    Where does it say 500GB? The notice seems to suggest all metered plans get unlimited ..
    "As such from 12 pm today (Monday 16th) Superloop has suspended all data caps on all of our metered plans. We are essentially making all of our plans unlimited (fixed wireless and NBN)"

    So I'd imagine their fixed wireless 200GB plan would also be covered.

    • That's my bad I thought they only offered 500gb/unlimited forgot about their wireless customers.

  • +2

    I wouldn't recommend them. Whenever I try to contact them, I need to take at least an hour out of my work schedule to allow them answer the phone, and it won't result in much as I won't even have time to go through any troubleshooting/changes. I had to purchase a data block two days ago to ensure that I wouldn't go over go over my data, however, I wouldn't of had to if they actually had the time to answer my call and allowed me to switch to unlimited if they actually attempted to answer my call last month before the month had begun. I couldn't do it on the website, since I didn't have the right login details and it took me a whole month to contact them again to make time out of my way to have an hour off to call them about resetting my details. Will likely cancel soon, going to try to find a different provider.

  • +2

    After a month with Superloop I can't be happier, reaching ping7 / 88Mbs on FTTN at peak time. (on the router 94.38 Mbps/34.77 Mbps) post 3023

  • No wonder tonight Youtube buffered a little. Never had buffering before.

  • Just checked my account now and indeed the 500GB limit no more

    Due to the rapidly evolving situation we are all facing due to COVID-19, Superloop has lifted quota metering for all customers. During this time, plan changes are unavailable

  • +1

    My experiences with Superloop have been great. Speeds as advertised, good ping.

    Haven't had to talk to anyone beyond the initial signup, but that was a smooth experience. Any outages have been announced promptly and have been minimal.

    Very happy overall, would recommend based on my experience.

  • Hey Warsome, I am in Kardinya WA and my connection is very bad, can you check the POI?


  • Makes up for all their dropouts 2 months ago!

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