This was posted 5 years 1 month 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Unleaded 98+ $1.329/L @ 7-Eleven Fairfield


Good price. Time to go for a drive/fly/teleport to fill up.

Address: 7-Eleven Alphington, 785 Heidelberg Rd & Cnr, Yarralea St, Alphington VIC 3078

Coordinates: -37.780136,145.030473

Credit to projectzerothree and its founder.

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closed Comments

  • +1


    will put you close enough

    • +22

      Tried -37.78,145.023 and have now crashed my car into a pole. I won’t trust cooni ever again.

      • Did you use the same datum as the coordinates were intended?

    • Do you put these co-ordinates in Master's APK?

      • +1

        Master131's and Freighter's APKs both disable the "I'm flying" detection code.

        You put these co-ordinates where you want your helicopter to be, not inside Master131's/Freighter's APK.

  • +1

    7-Eleven Alphington, 785 Heidelberg Rd & Cnr, Yarralea St, Alphington VIC 3078


    • +1

      Added to OP. Thanks

  • Crap, I have 139.7 locked from a 4 days ago. This could have saved an additional beer on full tank :)

    • +11

      136.7 vs 139.7 is 3c my man.

      If you have a 65L tank, you'll be saving $1.95

      How big is your tank to gain enough savings for a beer!?
      Or, where are you getting your cheap beer from?

      • Mine's 40l.
        Good point it's only <$2.

      • +18

        It's 70l. Dan Murphy's clearance trolley, got a few Stella's yesterday for $1.50/ea, my man :)

        This is OZB. If you can squeeze out $2-3 of ANY deal, you're winning at life.

        • +3

          At 132.9 that's almost $5 difference with 70l.

          • +2

            @Sage: That's 3 beers :( Thanks for ruining my day.

            • +2

              @Hri100: To minimize your loss, fill up 2L at 139.7 then lock again at 136.7 (if it is still available).

        • +1

          If you head down to this 7-Eleven you can even pop into Dan's next door!

    • +1

      Hand in your OzB badge and please sit in the timeout corner

    • Just fill a few litres then relock.

  • Looks like they’ve run out or U91 as Melbourne’s price bottoms out. Nice.

  • Thanks. Just took my jet from brissy to Melbourne.

  • Haven't used the last one yet.

  • +3

    I'm here for the "how do I lock in if I'm not in the area questions"……..

    • +12

      Get to the 7/11 chopper!!

    • +2

      OzBargainer's chopper departing now.

    • Chopper? I've been flying my UFO for a while…

  • +1

    "Teleport" ;-)

  • Do I need to top up my balance on my card in the app or once its locked in I can just pay at the counter at the store and show the price?

    • You don't need to use your balance. I have $100 on my card and always pay via other means.

      • But I need to put money on there to begin with? First time using the app and fuel lock. Handy for extra saving $$$

        • +1

          I wrote a comment down below but yes, you need money there first.

          Just pop into 7-Eleven and buy a $100 gift card to load it on. Then you can start locking :)

      • btw it expires - :) read t&c

        • You scared me, just went over the T&C and don't see any mention of your loaded funds expiring. I've got $100 on there and would hate for it to expire since I always pay by cash/debit card.

        • +4

          No it doesn't, only gift cards that have not been redeemed against an account will expire.

          Once in an account, it doesn't expire.

          I asked 7-Eleven Australia on FB to clarify

    • You can only lock in the amount you have on your card but can pay via other means.

    • +1

      Yeah just pay at the counter like normal. Show them the voucher code from the main screen when you pay and then just use cash/card.

      Like ilostnemo mentioned, I also have a $100 gift card loaded just to lock in prices and then pay using cash or card.

    • Can't lock in without adding the money to the app.
      So you can top up on the app then use that credit, or top up on the app then pay by other means. Effectively paying twice.

      • Awesome. I should have jumped onto this so much sooner. So easy to save $$.

        Thanks guys I'll go down this arvo. I guess you kind of just guess how many litres you'll use when topping up then.

        • Yeah have to guess.
          What I normally do is wait until the fuel is low then fuel up the whole tank. That way you know how much to use and get the most out of the discount.
          Otherwise you can do a partial fuel up while waiting for a sub 1.40 deal.
          You can work out how much from the fuel gauge if you know the full capacity.

          11-Seven shows the lowest price at all times so there's no reason not to lock in if you can location spoof.
          Petrol Spy shows current prices in your area for comparison sake.
          The app will say how much you saved as well, and you get a free coffee each month for locking in.

  • +1

    Chopper gunner on approach.

    • +1

      OMA + Danger Close + Sleight of Hand

  • +1

    Shows 1.32 for me.. locked in

    • +1

      Yeah, I just locked in 132.9 as well.

    • Same here, Locked in for 132.9. cheers, OP.

  • +1

    Showing 1.329 for me

  • Yep it's locking in at 1.32

  • It's now 132.9 at the same location, awesome!

  • It's 132.9 now :)

    Thanks op, appreciate it 👍

    • Thanks, updated OP.

  • -8

    PM me if anyone needs a voucher for $139.7 - 45 Litres

    • +7

      Why would they when this is almost 7c cheaper?

  • 132.9 right now :)

  • +3

    Strange, I just had a quick nap, and in my dream I was in Fairfield and Locked in the price, and when I woke up it worked.

    From now on, I'm just gonna take a quick nap :D

    • Dream of cheaper prices too whilst you're at it d:

  • -1

    This morning I saw my local BP have petrol at 129.7 (Hoppers Crossing Station) Victoria

    • +2

      98 though?

    • It would have been 91, not 98.

      If its is 98, take a photo to prove it.

    • +1

      According to petrolspy, that's 91 price. 98 is at 1.47.

  • Just flew my Jet from Perth to get this, cheers OP

  • Thanks Locked with 132.9

  • Close to lowest price cycle so will lock in. Thanks OP.

  • +2

    Btw, Anyone get notification from ElevenMe?

    Just wanna check if it still works

    • +2

      Only just got the notification then (1:23:45 PM)
      Funnily enough I got the one where it dropped to 136 and tried to lock that in…it hadn't even updated on the Python script! Lol

      • I have notification turned on only for Diesel, but still get notified for 98.

    • +1

      Yep. Got the notification for both 136 and 132. iOS. Version 1.

    • yep, for both 136 and 132… guess i'm living with 136

    • Yep for both on Android

    • Working well on iOS 12. Thanks for fixing the crash issue

      • Ahh good news. I’ve updayed from v1 and it’s working for me too on iOS 12.1.1.

    • I set U91 notifs to 125, but keeps notifying 91 above 125. Then I turned it off, but still getting notifs. Is it a bug?

    • +9

      Dude…..tooo soon.

      • -3

        Just don't in general. Shouldn't even be a too soon after that.

        • Ok boomer

    • I found it funny.

  • Thanks Op. Had to rush from work to lock it. Still

  • Awesome timing. I have 15km left in my tank

    • Talk about running it bone dry..

  • Daily reminder that scientifically speaking this will not increase your mileage.

    If your engine is not designed for this, you're just paying 10c extra for a bit of throttle response. You guys make fun of people paying extra for "premium" HDMI cables, this is exactly the same.

    • Premium hdmi cables do diddly squat but this helps me flex my fully sik rexxy to the brahs waiting at the lights.

    • +1

      I guess when you look at it that way but it's cheaper than my local 91. In your example if the 'premium' hdmi cable is cheaper than your 'bottom of barrel no name' brand hdmi lead. I'd go with the brand name every time.

    • You're paying 18c more on average for the additives and less sulphur content for 98 RON fuel. Greta and the environment will thank you for this. Not that anybody cares about that, and the government won't be doing anything to make our fuels minimum 50ppm or phase out 91RON with 150ppm. No, this is not the same as premium HDMI cables, especially when the cost is actually justified because of the extra refining process, not to mention that some cars actually need them.

      Anyway, my turbo Euro needs 98 RON so I'll happily pay the premium so my engine doesn't kill itself.

      • -1

        I'm sure there's more "refining process" for premium cables too mate.

  • +4

    Time to grab the portal gun… * * burp * *

  • Location changing doesn't work for me, I get a warning from 7/11 and won't let me search

  • -3

    Anyone using a mac/iPhone know how to fly a helicopter? My helicopter doesn’t work anymore - it crashed!

    • +3

      Use BlueStacks inbuilt GPS spoof

      • Thanks a ton, this helicopter is way better! Wish I had it before Nox.

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