Destination: Singapore
Airline: Emirates/Qantas
Valid Departure Dates: 1 February to 31 March 2020 (plenty of availability)
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out
Price Estimator:
- Flights on similar trips to Singapore usually cost between $550-$700. These flights represent savings of at least $120.
- These international flights are nonstop.
- Baggage allowance of 30kg.
Frequent Flyer:
Qantas Frequent Flyer (Oneworld).
These cheap airfares are booked in “Discount Economy” class and for a round-trip from Sydney to Singapore earns 2000 points.
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i've wanted to go for a while now. But every tour that goes there you only spend a day or two before moving on.
Is there a lot to do in that city? How long would it take to see everything worth seeing?