We've rounded up the most loved activities in Australia and New Zealand- and we're giving you 10% off which you can get by using your Mastercard at checkout! Too easy!
$200 AUD min spend; $50 AUD max discount.
We've rounded up the most loved activities in Australia and New Zealand- and we're giving you 10% off which you can get by using your Mastercard at checkout! Too easy!
$200 AUD min spend; $50 AUD max discount.
Referrer receives $7 credit after referee's 1st completed activity. Referee gets $7 credit on signup.
Haven't found any activities in Oz that works with the code
Have you added Mastercard as payment?
How do you add Mastercard for payment before the payment page?
You add it at payment page, same as the coupon code
@Pricebeat: I get this 'Promo code is not applicable for this activity' for every activity I've chosen. Can you please link me to an activity where the code works?
Code doesn't work