U98 134.5 11-Seven East Coburg Coburg VIC 3058
Latitude and longitude coordinates for Coburg North, Australia: Decimal lat-long coordinates are -37.72867, 144.96134.
U98 134.5 11-Seven East Coburg Coburg VIC 3058
Latitude and longitude coordinates for Coburg North, Australia: Decimal lat-long coordinates are -37.72867, 144.96134.
setup your vm i use centos8
setup a elastic ip
open port 5000
ssh into the vm
use yum to install git tmux
git clone the repo
pip3 isntall the requirements
run tmux
run python3 app.py
if it crashes or reboots
run tmux or screen
run python app.py
ps you have to use tmux before you run python or the script will close when you close the ssh
Do I have to be physically close to to this store to lock in the price, how do I use the coordinates?
Check previous threads, or even above comments.
Basically there may be ways to spoof the GPS coordinates so you can always get the best price in the country. Better to keep this hush as it's likely against their Terms of Use.
Yes. The app find the closest 5 stores to your location and shows you the cheapest price.
Do you have a helicopter? We all have one that we can hop on and fly to the station then lock the fuel.
No doubt I'll get negged out the ying-yang for this, but there's really no need for these separate posts when all the information / tools are there to basically let people know when these good prices come up and we already have a main 7/11 fuel app thread for this. All that this does is bring massive attention to it and I won't be surprised if 7/11 stop letting it slide and crack down on it at some stage soon as a result.
yes Ozbargain should stop allowing these posts
The upvotes speak for themselves.
Also new people are discovering these offers every time. If we kept it hidden a lot of people would miss out.
How did you find about this price today? Did your script tell you with ample time or did you find it on the front page?
Ozbargain aren’t doing anything wrong, people are posting cheap fuel deals and those in the area can take advantage.
But I agree, I don’t want to lose this benefit altogether. If anything the discussion about how to get around the proximity rules should be kept off the front page.
Do these posts need the comment function? All we need to know is if it’s expired or not. All other discussion should be saved for the forums.
It's funny how Coburg has both U95 and U98 at the same price of 134.5c/L.
Easily a no brainier for anyone filling up localling if they checked the price at. The pump
They tend to match the price when the cheaper one runs out. So there's probably no U95 left there.
Can anyone out there please help me with spoofing step by step.
Newbie and know nothing about it
No. and you will continue knowing nothing about it. mwahaha
Yeah but I thought we all are on the same boat of OzBargain so we all save together as a group.
Or else I would go get myself a bargain and not care about people like you.
Didn't expect much from you anyway
Don’t be sad
Anyone know why I can't lock in a second time with a second account?
Same issue here. What error you getting?
gone up ..193.9c now
LOL. Just went past early this morning and filled up. Great price. Better than Costco.
Sh** I am at work and already locked in. How to cancel the last locked price without get out of work :(
message me in 6 days if I don't use lol
Dang I missed it
Missed it too :(
Damn missed, was going to lock in Riverstone last night as its bottom of cycle but thought I'd wait till great deal come up :(
This price was so good I locked it twice
Two 7/11 accounts.
Or locking price in, then filling tank then locking price in again.
Yeah had a nearly empty tank and was about to lock some 95 when I saw this pop up on project zero three. so i locked it, filled up, then locked it again :D
Damn I drove by there this morning and thought that was just a low cycle price. Didn't realize the petrol stations were price jacking over Iran already!
There's one rule. You don't talk about Fight Club. Yet here we are, clowns gloating and talking about how to do certain things. It's because of you that this will get knocked on the head.
7/11 petrol is not good. Watered down.
please provide evidence of this.
I have been using 7/11 fuel for years and haven't had any issues with their E10, ULP91, ULP95, ULP98, LPG and Diesel.
I don't think they sell any other type of fuel.
I'm currently running the python script locally on my Windows File Server.
I'd love to learn how to run python as a cloud service but I'm only new to python and cloud environments.
Can you recommend a tutorial for running a python script in the google cloud environment? I've searched but most of them already assume a minimum level of experience with google cloud.