U98 134.5 11-Seven East Coburg Coburg VIC 3058
Latitude and longitude coordinates for Coburg North, Australia: Decimal lat-long coordinates are -37.72867, 144.96134.
U98 134.5 11-Seven East Coburg Coburg VIC 3058
Latitude and longitude coordinates for Coburg North, Australia: Decimal lat-long coordinates are -37.72867, 144.96134.
Same here, lol.
Looks like we all have the alerts app now.
Good price. I use spoofing even when I'm very close to the servo.
I tried using a location spoofing before and the app recognized and told me I will be banned if I continue to use it…
What is the alert app?
It's called ElevenMe. Download it from the play store. You can set it to notify you if 98 octane is below $1.40
Dont forget to pay the couple of bux, to support the developer and show your appreciation
Sad, a little bit far away for iOS user.
What’s that means?
They can't change his location like Android users can….
You can if you’re jailbroken. I’ve been doing it on iOS for ages.
Mate any chance you can guide me how to GPS spoofing on Android? Please, as I've been doing it by Knox with the PC but so many times I missed it when I was outside and couldn't make it when I got home same day.
@Dhandoftime: download and install the cracked 7-11 app from here (normally the 7-11 app detects fake GPS, but sometime has disabled it in this version):
install FAKEGPS app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lexa.fakeg…
find cheapest 7-11 fuel in Oz here:
use fakegps to mimic you being in the location of cheapest fuel
Lock in cheap fuel!
Would like some help too! DM sent if you wouldn't mind :)
No access to a choppa
Thanks! Locked and loaded!
Just grabbed a coffee from there! Didn't check fuel prices.
Locked in now :) thanks.
Just grabbed a fuel lock from there.
Didn't check the coffee prices.
Caffeined up now! ;)
Thanks! Locked and loaded! cheers OZB
Great price…
I got a notification from ElevenMe and locked the u95 in before checking the u98 (same price). That's how sleepiness affects us in the morning… 😴
can you unlock/release a previously locked price? locked 100litres of 95 last night fearing the Iran war will drive prices up today…now seeing this :(
Only way is to fill up a couple of litres to release the fuel lock.
Best way I've found is not to lock untill you are about ready to fill up.
By locking "standard prices" rather than these sort of prices you are at best going to save yourself a couple of cents/L. So I'll either lock it when I'm ready to fill up that day and be happy I'm still paying the cheapest price in Australia, or, if a special deal like this comes along of course I'll lock that in.
Or if you have a couple of 7-11 accounts (in my case, one for me and one for my wife) then you can lock in when the deal comes then have the other account free for when a better deal comes along…
I can't ever seem to get the choppa working. I've tried a bunch of different helicopters and use the modified APK and every time the app immediately defaults to where I am as soon as I press the search nearby button. RIP Bargains.
Ensure the app isn't running on background. (e.g. make sure you closed it for real), then turn on your helicopter and it should work again.
I had the same problem and found that my GPS changer app wasn't working properly (GPS Joystick). Change to 'Location Changer' app and it works now. I'm on android.
What phone are you using?
My friend had this issue with Android 10, samsung note 10.
This one is the one linked in the 7/11 thread and can confirm it works for Android 10.
@cwongtech: This is the one I use that also works on Android 10
Pixel 2 XL on Android 10
@cwongtech: I don't need to, mines working. I was just giving my 2 cents on what was working for me in case it helped anyone.
@Sambuca: Sorry dude, that comment was supposed to be for nrfy
Apologies, fellow project03 helicopter pilot!!
Anyone know how to change your location on Android?
Yes :)
I know, too.
Regretted posting this comment. Should've just googled it. :/
no ragrits
Learn for life… :)
No, not really.
If you are fast enough you can have multiple accounts and lock in on all of them on the one device.
Not sure what the time limit is but able to lock in 3 accounts in about 1 minute.
Speed up the process have funds available and use a password manager.
I think the limit is 2 locks per device in 24 hours.
I have a "friends" account up my sleeve as a 3rd lock via NOX if i get desperate
You can use App Cloner to bypass the 2 locks per device
That's actually a really good idea.
I will give it a shot! Thanks
Just fueled up, 193 at the pump previous voucher was 146.
So locked in again, will top up before it expires ;)
Great price.
Best to buy 7/11 gift card to top up account or just verify ID?
Gift card seems to be the way to go
Damn, I just realise that I have to have enough amount topped up in the app to lock the price for the full tank. Now I'm stuck with the locked price for only 15 litres.
Yeah, that's caught me out in the past too.
I just leave $100 in the account and pretend it doesn't exist
Yup. Leave money in the account and never pay for it when paying for Gas. Just use a alternative payment method after using the fuel coupon.
We have detected mock locations on this device…. how do I stop that happening on the app?
Could it hurt to say thank you for people who help you?
Thanks OP
… Locked yesterday at 146.7😭😭
I did the exact same thing… I wish there was a way to unlock without going to actually fill up.
Just filled up yesterday and then this happens, my luck! Now I've only got 7 days worth of fuel at this price.
Has anyone gone more ozbargain and bought jerry cans to stock up on fuel?
Edit: Speaking of jerry cans
I've done one better ;)
Filled my truck, followed by my wife's minivan.
$55 saving… 7-11 clerks jaw almost hit the counter!
man I just locked in for 147 this morning cause the one next to us have skyrocketed to 180 last night! :( should have procrastinated
I think what you can do is fill up 5-6 liters and use the locked price voucher. Once they scan it will allow you to lock again.
I hope that helps.
If you need to burn/clear an unwanted fuel voucher, the only way is to use it with minimum litres filled.
Pump says minimum delivery is 2L, however people did report that you can do less.
Title implies it's $134.5 (one hundred and thirty four dollars and fifty cents) per litre, should this be displayed different?
Good spot!
Why do some things show like that? Is it a common mistake
Yes it is
Good sport!
Went to 7-11 the guy won’t scan the voucher saying the system is down. Load of BS. Just used the voucher at another 7.11
You can always used the missed discount option in the app afterwards
There are instructions in the app, or alternatively, you can email them.
I know that part, but I wanted to use the existing locked price so I could lock in the new low.
Yep missed discount option allows you to upload your receipt and your current discount. They will reimburse the difference to your account - which in turn lets you lock in even more fuel or buy snacks and whatnot
So you paid full price? I haven't yet used this, but don't you fill up and then use the voucher?
It is useful for those times you forget to use the app and have a valid discount or in this member's case 7-11 guy said it won't scan the system is down.
Tell them you don't have any cash and you wanted to pay with your 7-11 app balance.
Watch as the systems start working again miraculously in a matter of seconds!
Genius. I'll do that for sure if I ever run into that problem
I will be releasing my instructions privately of how to have multiple 7/11 clones running in the same phone at any given time.
This will also get around the 2 fuel locks per 24 hours per device limitation.
Please Private Message me to obtain the instructions
Sample of cloned 7/11 apps to manage multiple 7/11 accounts, using App Cloner, PM for instructions
! You must know how to already fly one helicopter first before you can use my instructions to fly an entire fleet !
Off topic: why do some suburbs in Vic/Oz go by EAST Coburg, WEST Footscray, North Melbourne, South Kingsville.
And not the other way 'round? (Coburg EAST etc..)
Then again there's Coburg North?
Is it some historical thing or another English brainfart?
My guess it's to distinguish actual suburbs with different postcodes, maybe?
Edit: Realised my comment was off topic!
Or like Upper Pakenham rather than Pakenham… oh wait…
What about Templestowe Lower lmao
I still always say Pakenham Upper and snigger inside when people don't get it ;)
awesome- borrowed a friends car for the week that needs U98 so this was perfect timing. thanks OP!
just set the python script up… you can setup a free ec2 on amazon for a year or free for life on google cloud
if you are not worried about ssl it takes about 10 commands that way you have your own private chopper
do you have instructions? I'd be interested in doing this
EDIT: I'm currently using the python script locally. So I know the first part.
Get to the choppa.
Beat me to posting it by about 30 seconds.