Wednesday 25 December (Christmas Day) is a special public holiday timetable with free travel on both buses and light rail.
Don't need a card
Wednesday 25 December (Christmas Day) is a special public holiday timetable with free travel on both buses and light rail.
Don't need a card
But what is there to do on Christmas day?
if that is the case, nothing much to do in other 364 days either.
Fight fires
Get pissed at the nearest pub in Civic.
Go to fyshwich by some dvds to watch.
You're definitely a Fyshwick man.
having lived in Canberra for 5 years, my first thought was 'Canberra has a light rail?'
so I googled and found it's between Civic and Gungahlin and open since April 2019 - beating Sinney's shame, etc.
ah Canberra - people love it cos' you can drive across town in 20 minutes - I'd say 'yeah - to what … ?'
I spent a month there - one weekend …
Cool, my daughters have wanted to go on the tram since it started. Xmas present covered.
You're truly an inspiration to the rest of us cheapskates.
No one staying for Xmas in Canberra other than the few who postive this deal. 😆😆
Canberra is way underrated, awesome place to raise a family!
👍 Sydney got a light rail too it only takes 50m for one direction (12.8km) heck I can even cycle 12.8km in 30m and it cost our tax payers money $3 000 000 000.
Can you beat that?😅🤣😱
I can't even understand that.
Do you still need to tap on for the free travel? I don't have a bus pass
Doesn't say you need to so shouldn't, for the free month they always had a disclaimer you needed a card.
That'll be 5 bucks thanks
Ahh! Good to see the ACT Government is spending my $4,542 p/a rates wisely……
You're UVA must be so high! Nice property you're sitting on, theoretically.
Do Jews get free transport on Hanukah?
Also why not free transport for those airing their grievances during Festivus?
The logic of Festivus makes a lot more sense to me than Christmas.
The point I'm trying to make is that most people forget that Jews even exist, but especially at Christmas time. It's incredibly infuriating. I have no issue with Christmas this and Christmas that, but at least acknowledge that other people exist.