E-VOLT electric bike is now $299. 5+ left at Werribee Plaza. Not sure if it is store specific. Sorry didn't take photo of the price tag
Note: Kmart clearances are national.
E-VOLT electric bike is now $299. 5+ left at Werribee Plaza. Not sure if it is store specific. Sorry didn't take photo of the price tag
Note: Kmart clearances are national.
It was a Black Friday special. Not yesterday, the other black friday.
You did not miss much. junk.
Friday 13th?
What's the original price?
$499 and just called Werribee they told me someone put them all on hold. Anyone confirm any other stores that have stock?
someone put them all on hold.
What bullshit is that. So someone can call Kmart and put all of it on hold and Kmart won't be selling anything. Just call Kmart and ask them to cancel the hold.
What bullshit is that
I ended up getting one from Tarneit instead just now. Looks like a return the way it was taped up.
Edit: might return it. No gears on this thing, unlike the similar lookijg Leitner ones and only 25km range with pedal assist.
@Lucille Bluth: That's how it legally doesn't need to be registered. Can't have powered assist above 25kmph
Maybe "someone" is his manager~
@thunderlander: Had that at EB. Knew enough body language to realise they were the other person at the desk, so I stepped-up my frustration. The turd in question set-aside all stock for personal gain.
Officeworks have done it to me enough that I refuse to shop there.
@superroach: I did. And it fell on deaf ears.
To add insult to injury, their stock levels said in-stock, as it's not technically sold. It's set aside.
You will see those bikes on ebay or gumtree at $399
Kmart clearances are national, if it's clearing out at Werribee it will be the same in other states
Are they any good?
Guaranteed to free-up your social calendar
by wearing sandals or a cardigan?
are these road legal? and how long does the battery usually last?
Yes. It's a 250W pedelec, legal for road use in all states and territories.
The specs say it's a 36V, 7.5Ah battery good for 25km range. I own a 48V, 10Ah battery (i.e. ~25% more power capacity) e-bike and I've found that for my 110kg frame I can go about 30km, so for a person of normal weight (60-80kg) I would fully expect the Kmart bike to fulfil the 25km range.
270Wh vs 480Wh. Your bike has almost twice the capacity of the Kmart one.
Should also mention…my bike is a 200W throttle-controlled e-bike. I really don't pedal much, only on hills really.
The fact that this bike is a pedelec means you're forced to pedal to keep the juice flowing. I think 25km sounds about right for its range.
carbon combusters are heavily regulated, this one has either full power or no power with switches on brakes to eliminate the 2 second delay for not peddling. This crude setup in my opinion is not adding to road safety. Yep range confirmed 25 km or over one hour.
Just a general note about KMart/BigW bicycles: they're generally very poor quality and getting spare parts for them is near impossible. If you want a good bicycle then go to a regular bike shop and buy a brand name product.
This is not actually not a home brand, however no gear no deal.
I previously had experience with Repco bicycles from BigW. The bike required parts but Repco Australia just said to go back to the retailer. BigW of course doesn't have bicycle parts apart from the bare basic tube/seat/pumps.
I stand by my comment that if you want a good product go to a specialist shop. You'll pay less in the long run by not buying two bicycles (KMart bike, and then whatever replaces that). The products are cheap for a reason.
My experience(i got a bicycle out of kmart's dumpster(brand new spec, just missing the seat and seat post)) kmart does not sell seats or seat posts in their bycicle section.
@sarahlump: just wondering how many of these will see their life in a dumpster given the quality issues observed.
This. I wouldn't buy a normal bike off Kmart, less so am e-bike.
Anyone know if Kmart will do any price protection on this if it was bought just over 2 weeks ago?
Buy and return using new receipt
I had a friend buy it during black Friday.. Not sure if it's still in returnable state.
Buy and return using old receipt.
Would recommend spending a bit more and getting something that will be of higher quality
Great price for an ebike, rubbish ebike.
This is the best bike ever, but no stock anywhere.
I bought one for 499 and would really appreciate if someone can upload a Reciept for me to be able to claim price protection.
Use your own receipt??
They need the new receipt to claim price protection.
How in the hell would the old receipt help showing the price changed?
Lol. I need a Reciept of 299 dollars for the bike as a proof of price reduction. My one is for 499.
You need to buy it again to claim? Sounds off.
Are you still looking to return this? They are now down to $199. Someone got it for $299 and got the $100 refund
how did they get the $100 refund?
They went in store to the service desk who then rung customer service who authorised the refund.
@Nny: May I know which store? Or if you can turn on PM and PM me if you don't want to post it here. The one I have been to made up all the excuses to not refund.
@samehada: Hey, I followed up with customer service and took it up with head office. They have refused to do it for me, however, I will be pursuing this further. The store that issued the refund was Kmart Smithfield in Cairns on 2/1/2020 at 12:22pm
Got one of these on Black Friday - it's fine for my short and relatively flat commute to work.
Wouldn't use it for anything more demanding than that. Good pickup at that price.
I also purchased one on Black Friday. Does your bike’s electric motor only kick in after about 2 or so full pedal revolutions? When I ride off from stop lights, it’s under my own power. The electric motor doesn’t seem to help out until I’m well and truly moving. Then, due to only one gear, I can’t pedal faster than about 10km/h….
Yeah it's pedal assist so you've got to start before the motor kicks in. You can use the throttle on the right side handlebar to go without the pedalling but it's not set at a very high speed so it's not worth it.
I have ridden my mate’s electric bike (~$1500), and it would kick in within about a quarter of a revolution of the pedal crank.
I found the throttle controller on the Kmart bike absolutely useless, so gutless and slow.
I guess you get what you pay for.
@CoreJava: Have you bought / used the bike? Mine’s throttle only powers it until about 5km/h. Unless I’m doing something wrong. I have not found any switches or changeable settings?
@Marty131: I have got one of this
This can turn off the pedal assist and use the throttle. As long as the bike is rolling, the throttle will work. There are a lot of settings in the control, the manual will teach you how to set them.
@Marty131: From memory, for a 250W pedal assist ebike, the throttle can only be used as a walk assist (I think 6km/h). I believe bikes/scooters that can have full throttle assist have a max of 200W and a lower max speed (lower than an ebike's 25 km/h max).
@sheepdog: In WA 200w bikes can have throttle control and no max speed limit, so actually much better than the 250W pedelec bikes if you are planning to pedal hard.
@Marty131: I also didn't find any setting to use the throttle for anything more than 5km/hr. It would be nice to be able to use the throttle only sometimes and also go a bit faster.
Aldi have E-Bikes on sale today at $999 - two versions available, they looked quite good.
Here’s a review for Aldi ebike. Looks good.https://www.bikeradar.com/reviews/bikes/electric-bikes/cell-ultimo-aldi-electric-bike-review/
Link needs spaces…
I bought one today. Be warned, the box is huge. Was a pain to get home. Handle bars are a bit uncomfortable but definitely has much better gearing than the foldable ebike that was sold earlier in the year. I look forward to trying it for my commute during the week.
I got one for my Mum. It seems really good.
Someone report the firebug to the authorities…
Location : Sydney (is it a coincidence that fires are over there)
Good enough if it's all flat aroung you, but no gears, no power = rubbish.
Whoever ordered these at Kmart should be shot. In my opinion ust one more piece of rubbish from China that we " savvy consumers" continue to buy.
Then we wonder what went wrong in 50 years when we're all buried in all this crap.
you don't have to buy it. It's cooler to have principles than be a sheep. :D
Who cares, according to NASA and The Pentagon the Earth may not be capable of sustaining human life in as few as 50 years. That's their fastest estimate of the time frame with the slowest being 200 years. There is no scenario where the Earth sustains human life after 200 years at this point.
Worrying about low quality bicycles isn't going to do anything and there'll be no one here to care in 200 years.
Who cares
Evidentally, a lot of people.
The attitude of "I won't be around long enough for it to concern me" is what will continue to destroy this planet.
Apparently the ice caps should have been gone years ago as well.
Hey do you have a source for this? I'd be interested to read the science.
The price on ebike is horrendous over priced, bike like this is not worth over 200 bucks.
People complaining about no gears, but could someone get a gearset from a different bike and add it on?
Not easily because you'd need a jockey wheel thingy on the rear wheel to take the chain slack as you change up and down. Because the motor's in the rear wheel any changes here are likely to be annoyingly difficult. Maybe impossible if the frame doesn't have the required attachment points.
It would be extremely simple to change the front chainring size higher or lower depending on your personal preference. With the motor you might find one gear is enough, you might just wish it be somewhat higher or lower, higher probably.
Pretty disappointed, the motor power is very weak, I don't feel any power at all. And the EV power assist mode is only 6km/h. Rubbish bike.
I'd rather get this one than this rubbish bike
Did you expect different from a $300 bike? I bought an ebike last year, did some research and figured you couldn't get anything of reasonable quality for under $3k. I spent $4k and it was worth it. I commute 30kms/day so it paid for itself in saved fuel/tolls/parking/increased health.
I don't think I could justify a pedal-assisted bicycle (assuming that's what it is to justify increased health) for $4k when I can get a brand new scooter for less.
I assume someone that pays $4k for a bicycle to get to a place of work probably doesn't mind paying $1.50 extra on a work day for fuel. What I like most about the e-bike is the absence of passive costs when placed in storage (rego/insurance, despite being cheaper than cars) and a reduced risk of fines (I haven't had a fine yet but I'm not invulnerable to mistakes).
I love the idea of free parking but I don't know where to keep a bike safe in general. I'm more worried about someone stealing an e-bike than a scooter, and I imagine the police would care very little as well.
Pedelecs still require effort if you want to hammer it. It just means that instead of pumping your legs and going 25km/h you can pump it and go 40m/h. Plus you can go uphills as easily as on flats. It simply makes pedalling a whole more enjoyable.
Username checks out
God this thing got hit with the ugly stick on the way out!
Will this bike electrocute me whilst riding.
Is the quality ok
Yes there 2 metal probes in the seat. If don’t pedal hard enough it will shock you
I bought one for 499 on day 2 after sitting on the fence wanting something light, folding and cheap.
Good points: 23kg and even folds pedals quick to store. 20" wheels is the absolute minimum if you live away from perfect roads. Light seems useful and even got single led on back and an ugly horn. Saddle is plausible, but one gets mudguards and a carrier minus strap. Yes it does have a range of 25km. Comes with 3 ignition keys that also lock the battery. Plausible brakes working out of box and tools for assembly supplied. Cool black colour. 100kg limit I would say not recommended over 85kg.
Bad points: Turn handle is just a switch for say 15% power, useless if you are over 50kg. No gears means one can take off on flat but not really uphill. Takes a long 2.5s for the motor to kick in with no speed control. As long as you pedal, no matter how slow it will accelerate to full speed and if you have stopped for 2 s it will stop to apply power. Saddle has to be removed to pull out battery, its non standard tube is something that needs to be locked when left or it will be hard to replace. Charger gets rather hot and the 3 led's on handle bar are a crude indication of range left.
Probably ok for 299, shall I return and re buy or how does the price guarantee work?
Let me know how you go. I also bought for $499 and disappointed.
Are you still looking to return this? They are now down to $199. Someone got it for $299 and got the $100 refund
After doing further search, I found some of this info.
This bike has no speedometer so I doubt that it will cut off speed of 25km/h. So the simple way is they just limit the output of the motor to 6km/h.
The DC Motor Controller box is DL19037, ZP999-VLA0901-27. I have no idea about how this controller PCB works. I have checked on youtube and pretty sure 250W motor is much more powerful if you can just hardwire it.
Not sure if there is anyway I can just change this lousy controller with another one that will unlock the full power of this motor. Anyone has built the ebike before can give me some hints?
Flicked mine on side and surprise the turn handle has a small proportional range. Endless cables, each brake has also a switch to cut power as soon as one touches them.
Hall effect sensor requires a magnet to pass within a certain timing, very hard to fake. This is to switch full power. Opened up the controller and it is unusually complex with square micro controller. Stupid really as once it fails the bricked bike is worthless. Remember the motor is 3 phase that means the controller uses 6 transistors, 2 for each phase and the whole lot gets feedback by internal hall effect sensors, think seen 5 wires, guess gnd, b+ and each sensor.
Shocking corrosion resistance: Controller has large opening on front for the endless cables with little to no waterproofing. Never rode in the rain but bike was one night outside in light rain and there are rust spots everywhere even the controller case has corrosion and lots of vermin made themselves a home within one week.
Would a reputable dealer stock such a bike to offer a local warranty and after sales service? Don't think so.
Anybody here interested if the turn handle could be modified to reach full power?
I'm interested but it is way out of my understanding to modify this thing. How about changing the controller?
Do you know if the throttle power can be increased? i wonder if there is a speed limiter that be disconnected from the controller?
Been dissecting mine. Amazing no software contract explicitly prohibiting reverse engineering. A green wire carries .5 to about 2.5V during throttle action. Given the large numbers of controllers sold on ebay some wires say self study!
Next my oscilloscope will go onto the green wire.
@payless69: It is possible to reflash these to remove the limits, but it's not worth the effort when a new KT controller is less than $20.
Power is easy - decrease the resistance of the current sensing resistor. Google "shunt mod".
Speed, not so easy. Replace the controller.
Speedometer? Nah, downhill it is only terminal velocity to limit you. On the flat it is your fat and tyre pressure. Use horn to clear path else pray.
Would be tempted to get one of these to shorten my commute, but given I need to wear a helmet I can't be bothered. Too much to cart to/on a train.
Kmart has now reduced the price to $199. I just bought it less than 2 weeks ago… I will bring back to return and buy back.
Clearly, the product is an absolute dud if they are selling them for that price.
Even with being such a low-quality bike, that would have to be below cost or close to it - just the manufacturing cost of a battery would be approaching that.
Sounds like someone working for K-Mart stuffed up badly.
today's test one hour covering 20km then 1h break no charge. Then tried to flatten battery driving with light on. Surprise one hour later it is still going just taking off a bit slower. Looks like the el cheapo maker staffed up and packed a 10Ah battery. Small consolidation for a very cheap toy.
Kmart customer service authorised a $100 refund at the Smithfield store, however, have refused to do the same for me. The customer service manager even had the audacity to claim the refund was directed by a new employee who didn’t know what they were doing!! The bikes are now down to $199 FYI
Wow did not know kmart did electric bikes!