Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
I'd like to support independent journalism that isn't controlled by Emperor Murdoch. Which publication do you recommend?
I'm looking at the Guardian at the moment but I'm open to suggestions.
Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
I'd like to support independent journalism that isn't controlled by Emperor Murdoch. Which publication do you recommend?
I'm looking at the Guardian at the moment but I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks, I'll check these out.
For Australia-centric news consider:
1. Michael West -
2. Crikey -
3. Macrobusiness -
For evidence based news, from experts in their areas, I read a lot of The Conversation. Non profit.
Owned by News Corp (Murdoch) unfortunately.
and not really news
Corbett Report
Media Monarchy
I'd actually love a publication without attachment to an agenda, to be honest. The issue with Murdoch controlled media is the agenda is set for the benefit of Murdoch so you won't hear about things like corporate meddling in the NBN, for example. And you'll get front pages like this: or this:… or this: or this: or this: or this:… or this:… or this:… or this:… or this:
Is it too much to ask for a centrist publication that doesn't have a master?
Is it too much to ask for a centrist publication that doesn't have a master?
Yes, everyone has a stance. Whether it's for power, posterity or money. BBC used to be shining example of impartiality but there have been some questionable issues recently. Even Reddit's mindhive is controlled.
Jimmy Savile once told me that the impartiality has always been a bit of a lie.
So why are you asking, you have all these sources already?
He's not really asking, he's posted to bestow his knowledge to the rest of us to what are the centrist news sites.
We can clearly see which "news" YOU want…
That's definitely not the case – I'm even happy to subscribe to two sources so I can get a balanced view on news. All I've said is I'm not at all happy to suppprt Murdoch, why does that upset you?
Left wing ABC
God, you're embarrassing yourself.
@moggott: Mate. Chekc their coverage during the elections, see how they go against Labor and how they coddle the Coalition. You're kidding yourself.
You know FOX news in the states right? If you're oblivious to what's happening there then everyone may as well be talking to a brick wall.
I like to think im impartial to politics but I'm embarrassed by what mainstream papers are publishing.
I have a theory on the whole left-wing vs. right-wing debate and I am going to get downvoted to hell.
Anyone considered that maybe certain things appear to be 'left-wing' because they are the most logical and reasonable?
Maybe there is no centre because there is no 'left-wing' or 'right-wing'?
I mean; Skynews, channel 9, FoxNews, etc. all lie and spin stories and are considered right-wing?
Yeah sure, and left-wing platforms never spin stories or tell lies. Nah…
America is actually lucky to have mainstream networks from both sides of politics. I swear, in Australia it's all just an echo chamber of the delusional left-wing trash that comes from American college campuses. Story on the gender pay gap…let's not bring in an economist or HR expert to give us a discussion, let's just get 3 hardline feminists to come in and scream in tandem about how evil the patriarchy is. Perfect!
@SlavOz: weird that you think Liberal party advertising served as news is left wing trash, but I'm sure everyone will continue reading the whole paragraph
@[Deactivated]: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Wouldn't Liberal advertising be considered 'right wing'?
Well said JoJoker
Murdoch press is right-wing propaganda trash.
Guardian - far left?
I don't read it, but every time I see one of those media-bias charts, the Guardian is on the left side in the neutral zone - maybe slightly further than that on some charts. Never seen it far left.
Alright, so far I have:
Nine Entertainment
Scott Trust Limited
Just a thought, just because a site is biased doesn’t make them not worthy reading, sometimes in order to make a good case against a argument is to know an opposing arguement so well that you know where and why it’s wrong.
I think it’s fkne to read known biased news organisations, knowing full well they’re paid for by someone with an agenda and therefore could be influenced.
Democracy now is definitely not unbiased
In other words, biased.
Have you tried Independent Australia? It's the only publication I'm aware of with true independence as opposed to the above
That list reads like a left wing extremists wet dream.
anything left of the herld sun is leftwing extremism? got it
I work in areas where I need to read multiple publications daily to get a sense of the overall policy agenda (i do read some blogs too, but if you're engagimg with the national conversation you have to be on top of major media).
I have previously paid for subscriptions to:
- Fairfax (SMH, Canberra Times, AFR)
- News (The Australian, Daily Telegraph)
- Schwartz (The Daily, The Weekly)
- Crikey
- The Guardian
- Financial Times
Also some free sources
- ABC News
- The Squiz
- Google News (AMP Links to most sources)
- The Conversation
- various other specialty sites
And I can tell you I have only consistently kept up my subscription for Crikey. It's the best value for keeping up with the Zeitgeist of Australia and has been the most reliable for referenced material.
This is a great comment, thanks mate
No probs. It's a relentless task trying to keep a rounded view of the news.
Keep in mind that Crikey has a lot of critical analysis, so you'll have to keep up with a mainstream source as well.
If you're into deeper public policy analysis I recommend the Australian Policy Observatory. There is also The Mandarin, but that's only for the wonkiest of policy wonks.
I stopped reading news because it would either make me feel really sad or angry, but…
The Conversation publishes academics so people who are experts in their field.
and the Monthly occasionally publishes unique pieces
Sixth Tone is China based and cover stories from a more intimate perspective and cover things that western outlets don't
Crikey is local and covers stories that the bigger papers gloss over
The Intercept does good investigative reporting though Glenn Greenwald is criticised by some leftists
I've occasionally read the independent
I would also recommend Twitter, as you end up following a whole lot of people who post articles that you are interested in…
As for the Guardian, sometimes they do amazing pieces and sometimes they do weird rightwing old person yells at clouds pieces and present it as a leftist viewpoint.
Betoota Advocate
Just in case you think its only boomers negging you. Not a boomer. Negged you.
Boomer isn't an age it's a mindset. You my friend, are a boomer.
@ds311: Or… It's jumping to conclusions and dismissing someone's opinion. I really dislike the phrase for this very reason. It's like the phrase kids would use "I know you are but what am I?" It's an empty response with no actual value or retort with logic.
Seriously, what's the point in having a disagreement and discussing it if all you have to say back is "Ok Boomer". As if anyone would reply with "Gee that actually makes sense, I'm convinced my ways were wrong"
Have lost count of the number of times I've started with the Betoota article and worked backwards from there
Independent and news source are oxymoron
Chaser & Betoota Advocate
Also The Shovel.
There is no such thing as mainstream independent news. Look further than the everyday choices.
can't believe no one has mentioned this yet:
I only read it for the news articles about wanting world peace
Your question was addressed a couple of weeks ago in an article entitled Where can Australians find trustworthy news and opinion?
For international news, most of the material from the first three sites mentioned by Diji1 is reliable. I emphasis "most" because many news outlets and commentators have lost their objectivity with their dislike of Trump. In those cases, pay close attention that they also criticise the corrupt elements of the Democractic Party to the same extent. There's also some good stuff from the likes of RT (slight Russian and Chinese bias), The Young Turks (democratic party bias), The Intercept (maybe just Glenn Greenwald), Mint Press, The Real News Network, and maybe The Hill. You can ignore the false comment from DiLs above as there are many independent journalists who have their own youtube channels and/or contribute to various decent networks.
Some journalists are more trustworthy than others and they don't always get it right. The important thing is that they appear to have integrity and don't simply repeat news from other sources and especially not from government agencies. Journalists are supposed to hold the powerful to account, be adversarial, and have some courage.
My advice is to use two simple checks to see if a news source is trustworthy:
1. They are critical of the US regime-change operations like those in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Iran, Bolivia, etc. (e.g. people like Aaron Matte, Glen Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Robert Fisk)
2. They defend Wikileaks, Julian Assange and whistle-blowers (e.g. people like John Pilger, George Galloway, Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky)
On the lighter side, for some commentary on US issues presented with humour, you can check out Redacted Tonight (Lee Camp), The Jimmy Dore Show, and Secular Talk (Kyle Kulinski) on Youtube. Graham Elwood can be pretty entertaining as well. There's so much bad news out there that it can be depressing, so adding some humour to tragedy can help keep one's spirits up.
You jest…..
by diji1, OB's local greens subversive, so how can that be 'centralist'
Good response, not sure why you were downvoted. I've got you back to neutral.
Wikileaks is not exactly politically neutral. There is evidence that they may have helped the Trump presidential campaign where a former Trump aide is alleged to have coordinated or disclosed the timings of the leaks about the Hillary Clinton email server issue. There are also links between Trump's son and Wikileaks.
I'm all for whistle blowers, just not ones that further a political agenda - one way or another.
Come on fella regime change and you didn't mention Anya Parampil, Abby Martin or Eva Bartlett? Also Paul and Sharmini have been ousted from TRNN so not really TRNN anymore (unless they've been reinstated recently??).
Love Jimmy Dore, Tim Black I'd add to that list.
Anyway I'm 4 days late and a dollar short as usual..
I know :D. I read it about in the The DailyWire which had as it title The Bongino Report: The Newest Conservative News Aggregator It actually just went live a couple days ago.
The Economist. If you prefer a daily digest, Economist Espresso is only $5 a month.
Economist really good I find it better to understand events at the end of the week instead of "breaking news", I think they mostly lean towards globalization and pro-business view.
They were founded about 150 years ago on the principle of liberalism. I wouldn't call them necessarily pro-business – they take strong social stands as well. They're more about ensuring sustainable growth that benefits as many as possible.
Check your local library, some includes free digital copy of the Economist. I got one through my library.
I find Flipboard great, can customize the publication type or topics that are of interest … if other international news is the go, my other source is the BBC News app/site.
I have also found Flipboard more than capable for offering an array of in depth and 'politically variable' content from a range of sources… on another thing isn't this whole left /right or anti intellectual reality debate is a bit of waste in a post ideological news environment? Why is everyone so caught up statements like abc or guardian are blah while brietbart is blah blah..keep your left and right hand off it and you wont be a (profanity).
lol - I downvoted you immediately, then realised it must be tongue-in-cheek…
I subscribe to SMH via my Google account.
Although I do occasionally disagree with some of the editorial stances taken with respect to some issues and the creeping sensationalism/clickbait, I think it's probably the best commercial newspaper site out there.
The Guardian is OK, but it really doesn't have much local coverage in comparison to SMH.
I certainly would not consider subscribing to any Newscorp site.
The Guardian have been investing in Australian investigative journalist teams. I reckon the next year or two will see them come more into their own.
Icij. Global journalism in depth. Ie Panama papers. Chinese camps.
Guardian for touching on national news. Michael West for in depth Australian journalism. Youtube juice media for hard hitting pieces targeted at young audience.
+1 for Juice Media. Freakin' hilarious.
Your aversion to anything Murdoch is well-placed, even going right back to Big Daddy Keith and his manipulation of politicians during World War I.
Really your best bet is to:
It's always good to question what you hear, and from whom you hear it…
Very good point. I guess my question should really be "which investigative journalist publication should I support with a subscription?"
Why taint a great response with a petty remark against those who are more right-leaning? SMH
Everyone and everything that disagrees with you seems to be "left wing"
Typical lefty comment, AndrewCh!!1!
White House Daily - a broadsheet of unbiased news from around the world, covering topics such as discrediting FAKE news by other media, US foreign policy (i.e. the Middle East, the Ukraine, Iran and Greenland), US domestic policy (i.e. the Democrat Party), trade (i.e. China), the FBI, the climate change hoax, the threat of immigration to Western civilization, social events (i.e. Putin)… as you can see, it covers everything of interest to the intelligent reader wanting to keep up to date with world affairs.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Can you please provide a link to
White House Daily?
Google search turns up lots of results but I cannot tell which one you are referring to.…
Sheez, you’re right, it’s not there. Strange, it was yesterday. I’ve been downloading it every day since 20 Jan 2017. Maybe POTUS pulled it down until this impeachment nonsense is behind him.
BTW, impeachment or no impeachment, all the major US online betting agencies have Trump odds-on to win the 2020 election. They figure that over the past three years the sky hasn’t fallen in and the US economy is bouncing along nicely, so why would middle America vote differently?
Are you SURE you're not into unbiased news?
It seems some of our OzB comrades have yet to get a grasp on satire. I thought it would have been as plain as day. It seems not.
A teaching moment for you:
If you want to use satire in answering a serious question (from OP) , remember context is important.
Had you attached your original comment in reply to another flippant comment here , I would have guessed you were using satire.
But since you actually provided your original answer in direct reply to the OP's serious request , I had no inkling you were using satire.
Remember , context is everything when it comes to satire , and humour, for that matter.
@Lurker: I would have thought the chosen group of news topics alone would have been sufficient, let alone the Greenland and Putin references. A White House broadsheet? Come on. People read with different sensitivities. BTW, context is everything for everything.
@Ozpit: Sorry,
Your chosen group of news topics could have been interpreted one way or another , for people who read them with an open mind.
"covering topics such as discrediting FAKE news by other media, US foreign policy (i.e. the Middle East, the Ukraine, Iran and Greenland), US domestic policy (i.e. the Democrat Party), trade (i.e. China), the FBI, the climate change hoax, the threat of immigration to Western civilization, social events (i.e. Putin"
The 1st half of your list sounded like serious suggestions . The later half veered off into the dubious.
I gave your list the benefits of the doubt. Taking your list seriously.
Which turned out to be misplaced faith.
I was not the only person here who failed to detect your attempt at satire.
Make it clearer next time.
the climate change hoax
So we know to completely disregard their opinion. Boomers gotta boomer
Doomers gotta doomer.
The Squiz, a free weekday news snapshot, with no bull. There’s only ever 1 ad in the daily email.…
Why don't people just subscribe to both left and right news outlet, if you read the same issue from both sides then and only then can you truly understand why it is that way.
Very good point. Do you know of any decent right wing publications without links to Murdoch?
No, sorry I only usually read financial news from AFR and Bloomberg
AFR counts.
Democracy Now.
The Gray Zone.
Subverse News have the right idea if not execution.