Just saw this deal on the Amazon landing page on Shopback. Great deal for shopping on BF!
- What purchases are eligible?
Any items available to purchase on Amazon.com.au or the Amazon mobile app except:
(a) Digital purchases including Ebooks, apps;
(b) Subscription purchases including Prime, Prime Video, Audible, Music Unlimited, Kindle Unlimited;
(c) Purchases made at Amazon.com (USA) or any other non-Australian Amazon site, mobile app marketplace or location (Amazon Global Store purchases are eligible);
(d) Subscribe & Save purchases; and
(e) Amazon gift cards.
Click here to create a Zip account.
Below from Zip rep -
Hello everyone,
Mac from Zip here. We're really sorry that some of you are having problems with linking your accounts, but we have a workaround for you!
If you are having issues with linking your account, please log in to your Zip account here https://zip.co/customer/account-selector
After logging in, open a new tab and go back to Amazon.com.au to link your account https://www.amazon.com.au/cpe/managepaymentmethods?ref_=ya_d…
If you continue to have problems please email Zip on [email protected] with the subject line "Amazon linking issue" so that our team can prioritise your request.
Happy shopping!
From the way i read the example, from the website (https://zip.co/how-zip-works) you only get charged if you don't pay in full by the end of the next month. So using your situation as an example, you purchased on 29/11, on the 1st you will get a statement which will then need to be paid in full by 31/12 otherwise you will get charged the $6.
That's the way i interpreted it