New M4 Tunnel - Speeding Fine

Hello everyone,

This will be a fun one.

So today I just received a speeding infringement from the new M4 tunnel. Throughout the tunnel there are various speeding cameras. The speed in the tunnel is 80 km/hr.

I was doing an UBER trip and dropped a customer off on the day of this infringement. I took the Croydon exit and the speed suddenly dropped to 40 km/hr - this was at the entry of the exit ramp. I was supposedly doing 72 km/hr in this zone. Below are the images from the camera.…

From memory I did slow my speed down until the exit for which the speed went back up to 60 km/hr.

The fine for this was pretty hefty at $481 and 4 demerit points given that the speed was over 20 km/hr…

Is there anything which could be done in terms of leniency or any aspects of the fine/this tunnel section questioned? I have not written in yet to Revenue NSW. This is my first ever speeding fine and I regularly travel through this M4 tunnel!

Thanks guys :)


  • +11

    By the looks of it, you were doing 72km/h in a 40km/h zone. Unsure what your argument against this could be.

  • +4

    Those 40km/hr signs are lit up so you can see them from a fair distance away, don't know how you think it was a sudden drop to 40km/hr.

    • +3

      The red ring is flashing too (compare images 2 & 3)

  • +1

    I've never been through the tunnel so what distance do you have clear line of sight to those speed limit signs? Tunnel looks fairly straight so I imagine they're visible from a good distance so it'd be hard to argue you didn't have time to slow before the limit changed.

    • +3

      Agreed. There looks to be a maintenance vehicle on the left hand lane hence the reduction in speed limit with a clear overhead sign on a straight. I would say yes, OP had sufficient warning to slow down so unlikely to get out of this.

  • +7

    Go to court and tell them you were not driving you were travelling. You have the right as a free human to travel freely and do not recognise the jurisdiction of the state's penalty against you.

    • +3

      Make sure to spell your name in ALL CAPS and use lots of semicolons.

      Also post the result back for lulz.

    • +8

      Any attempt to stop you travelling in your road boat is an act of piracy.

  • Not only were you speeding you cannot seem to drive in the middle of the lane.

    • Haha I just entered the ramp.

  • +5

    Just let them know it was uber - you have imunity.

  • +2

    Not sure what your argument will be. You should have been aware of the speed limits, even more so due to the construction vehicle not too far ahead.

    You were travelling 72km/h in a 40km/h zone. Rules are pretty simple. It looks like you had ample time to slow down, with no one behind you either.

    • +2

      Yep. I'm questioning why I didn't slow down. Usually I keep to the speed limits.

      I guess they gave me a slight break by reducing the infringement to over 20 km/hr over rather than 30 km/hr over (which I think would've increased the fine to $920, 5 points/3 month suspension).

  • +3

    Yeah, you're going to have a hard time arguing this one. About as "open and shut" as it gets, I would have thought.

    I guess they gave me a slight break by reducing the infringement to over 20 km/hr over rather than 30 km/hr over

    I believe they build tolerances into the system and from memory basically every speed is reduced by 3 km/h (or some other number others may know) so even though you were detected at 72, they basically treat it as 69.

    • Interesting - and this would apply to all speed cameras?

      • +3

        I believe it applies to all speeding offences, whether camera or "in person".

  • You are done!
    Take it to court and they may increase the penalty for wasting the court's time.

    • +1

      Nah don't think its worth it taking to court. Thought about it further and just seems like I made a mistake and need to cop it this time!

    • That's the thing though I don't remember speeding past other cars when I was doing nearly double their speed! And I'm sure I eventually slowed down once realising the speed limit!

      I'd imagine a lot of people getting caught up in this section. But what can be done :( Just need to be more careful next time.

  • +1

    "Is there anything which could be done in terms of leniency"

    No, this was used up in:

    • Different matter. The judge accepted my explanation with that one rather than just giving me a break for the sake of it. This is my first speeding infringement.

      Will write into revenue but doubt they'd do anything. The speed did jump from 80 to 40 on a highway section. Not currently thinking about contesting in court.

  • +1

    Sorry OP, I doubt there's much chance. I guess it doesn't hurt to write a letter but don't have your high hopes up.

  • +2

    IIRC they can change the speed limit by up to an including 40km/h without additional warning signs. Pay up. Don’t do it again.

  • Pretty clear the sign says 40, it's entirely up to you not to follow it.

    Luckily they've slapped you with an over 20, not 30 otherwise you would've joined Club DQ for 3 months.

  • Where the hell are you in that 4th photo? I cant work out why that was even included.


    NVM. You're way up in front. I'm guessing this is a photo to show what speed sign you drove past and to show that you were not being harangued by a truck up your quoit.

    • Yep there was 1 more sign before the one i was probably pinged at.

      • Not to mention that the speed listed in all 4 photos is 72km/h meaning you aren’t slowing down.

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