Seasoned Salt » user profile

Member Since | 11/11/2019 |
Last Seen | 14/10/2021 |
Badges | 1 |
Location | Brisbane |
Recent Activities

Seasoned Salt commented on Need Help, PC Blackscreen When Boot
Had a similar issue a few months ago. Turns out the heatsink on the CPU wasn't spread properly, and this was causing a failure on the…

Seasoned Salt commented on Brisbane Drivers Can't Merge?
*I was tempted to crash into this taxi not giving way at a merge when I was clearly ahead of them. I needed my car later in the day so…

Seasoned Salt was awarded a badge.

You clearly are not electrically inclined, let the electricians do the job.

Seasoned Salt commented on Ford Mustang - Poor ANCAP Safety Ratings
Depends if it is $73,000 or if you can get it a bit cheaper.

Big no no. There is always a risk, and all for the purpose of saving $100. Better be safe than sorry when it comes to electricity,…

What is the task that is required to be done? Is the Taiwan embassy still operational during this time?

Please try it, would be good to see you on national TV after the butter chicken guy.

Looks like it's just a quota requirement for that recruiter. Not providing feedback or at least letting you know of the outcome is…

If you are getting a new PC, would recommend Aftershock. Must better customer service and products than Techfast.

Do you really want the awkward job of having to explain to someone's family that you let someone in when they had a higher temperature and…

Haha yeah go ahead and appeal, you have a great chance of overturning it. It's not as if the instructions for a stop sign are unclear or…

Seasoned Salt commented on Civil Engineer Award (Minimum Work Hours)
What do you actually do as a civil engineer in your company? Is it drafting, calculations or contract preparation? Surely there would be…

Seasoned Salt commented on Best instant noodles ever
Hot & spicy noodles by Trident found in Woolworths.…

Seasoned Salt commented on Red Light Camera Traffic Fine NSW
Some people should really not be on the roads. This is a clear example.

First of all, when was the flight booked? This will go a long way in determining whether your case is solid or not.

There's a new brand called Corona Sims. Might check that out, they have good coverage in every country. But seriously, are you sure that's…

Ridiculous suggestions. Stop trying to do electrical work when you're not authorised or licensed to do so.

Haha, this speaks of someone who has never actually traveled much. Singapore is one of the most vibrant places you can visit.

How so? It's clear that the TV/Controller is too close to the bedroom. Perfectly logical statement, regardless of your needless snarky…

Seasoned Salt commented on Is There a Silent PS4 Controller?
Move the PS4 to a different room where there is a TV. Pretty simple.

Seasoned Salt commented on Is it ok to do nothing some days?
Why care about what other people think? Do what you feel like doing.

Put in the hard work now and be willing to take on additional responsibilities, and management will recognise the efforts. Continue…

And your experience? I highly doubt that employers only look for "Australian based" experience, particularly as international experience is…

Seasoned Salt commented on Interview for Entry Level Role
What have you come up with so far? People are more likely to help you if they see that you have put in *some* effort. Alternatively, these…

Seasoned Salt commented on How Do I Increase My Income ! Help Needed
Where did you obtain your MBA from? There is a huge difference in getting it from a school nobody has heard of, or if it's a…

House price is $650,000 20% is $130,000 Just wait and save up. If you can save up $55,000 in 1 year, just keep doing that till you are…

Seasoned Salt replied to
Bidet Mate on QLD Fines for for Mobile Phone Usage While Driving Is Going up to $1000

A bit of research would have gone a long way. According to the QLD Gov website; *To keep yourself and other road users safe your full…

Seasoned Salt commented on Looking for 75 Inch 4K TV under $1200
Cannot wait for the post in 6 months when the TV isn't what they thought it would be like, and whether they are within consumer rights to…

Seasoned Salt commented on Should I be paid for being asked to report 10 minutes earlier than rostered time?
Would you like to have a job? If so, continue to be prepared and come slightly earlier, so you can start right on time at your agreed upon…