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Youfoodz $20 off When Spending $69 or More

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Get $20 off when spending $69 or more at Youfoodz


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$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    yup another youfoodz deal, another neg for racism.

  • +11

    Comes with a side of free racism

    • +3

      yet you upvote?

      • A deal is a deal

      • +4

        Well the user name fits.

  • +19

    Stop complaining about racism. There is a whole company of people employed by youfoodz and the food is not bad for what it is.

    This is a bargain website not a political one.

    OP posted a bargain.

    • +9

      Hopefully we are back to the value of the deal . Ordered 8 meals including : specials 6 for $49 . The trick is to order one large $12.95 and another meal $9.95 to get it to $69 or higher ( 2 X $9.95 doesn't cut it and nice play by them )

      Looking at the pic's my mouth is watering and I can't wait for tomorrow . Has to beat the frozen meals in the freezer :)
      Turkey Roast & Potato Bake
      Large Honey Rosemary Pork with Greens
      Summer Coconut Curry & Brown Rice
      Satay Chicken & Veg
      Honey Rosemary Pork with Greens
      YF Fried Chicken & Gravy
      Nonna's Spaghetti Bolognese
      Thai Chicken Noodles
      Discount: BDAY-7
      Includes $4.72 GST

      • +2

        If you like the meals in the special then yeah its a great bonus. But for me this wins

        Coconut Protein Ball
        Slow-cooked Lamb Shanks
        YF Pad Thai
        YF Fried Chicken & Gravy
        Southern Spiced Chicken Wrap
        Honey Mustard Chicken
        Slow-Cooked BBQ Beef & Mash
        Sweet & Sour Pork with Rice

        I know its only 7 meals and not a single large meal but for $71.64 pre discount its still alright considering I got to pick my own favs.

    • -8

      Major issues with retailer is valid reason for neg.
      Ceo ridiculing and mocking others is not a political issue.
      I suppose nothing bad should have been said about Hitler as he employed an entire army..

      • +4

        If it was an employee speaking their mind then maybe, but this was the CEO. Even though it may be a good deal, I'd rather not support a company which ridicules my race.

        • everyone ridicules Asians, these people were just stupid enough to make it public

    • +1

      Yup the whole company will sink for this acid culture.

  • +3

    Here come all the sheeple with their pitchforks again!
    Also dammit, I missed out on this, ordered last night.

    • +4

      Seems even ozbargain isn’t immune to the woke liberal cancel culture. Personally I like youfoodz and until their product or service doesn’t suit me I’ll keep using them

      • +5

        Couldn't have said it better!

    • +8

      Some of the people commenting are probably from Singapore - does that make them 'sheeple'? I think Singaporeans and any decent human being has the right to be pissed off at the racially motivated statements of the owner…especially when he's bloody visiting the country!!

      • +4


        This isn't OzWhinge, this isn't OzSocialAgenda. This is OzBargain.

      • -3

        Not sure about Singapore but I bet some don’t get youfoodz anyway and just want to have a whinge and push some faux outrage online

  • +4

    So glad i was the last one to post a youfoodz deal before the Ozbargainer Ethical Neg Policy came into effect for Youfoodz.

    I wonder if there's consistency in the policy with an ethical review conducted for every ozbargain deal? Doesn't seem like it, an Uber Eats deal is the most popular right now despite its negative impact to Australian businesses being an “incredibly exploitative” app. I suppose it isn't racism though so it's okay.

  • +5

    Positive comment from me - to the outrage industry / pitchfork brigade, please move on to being outraged over something else.

    • +11

      ok boomer

  • -2

    Why bother posting deals from unethical companies?

    Sure we all want to save money, but at what cost?

    • How do you know every other company that gets posted here is ethical? Where's your consistency in principles?

      • +8

        When the owner thinks it's funny to post a video making fun of everyday people of another culture, I don't think that gets ethical points from me.

        • +2

          That has higher ethical importance over a company that issues unfair contracts to its staff and is incredibly exploitative of australian businesses? (Uber Eats - currently highest top rated deal).

        • They said a heart felt apology on the last thread for the misunderstanding.

          Maybe we all agree why with that lol $$$$$$$$

      • +6

        I never said the other companies posted on here are ethical.
        What I do know is that youfoodz is not.

        What sort of environment are we promoting if we support unethical businesses and continue to let their business be promoted on ozbargain?

        Youfoodz is just one example of a bad actor.

        • I think the difference is it's the CEO that was doing it.

    • +4

      You've commented positively on an Amazon post. A company which is notorious for slave like conditions and poor treatment of workers.

      You've commented positively on a 7/11 post. A company which is also notorious for screwing over their franchisees (usually immigrants).

      Do you always virtue signal or only when it suits you?

      • I hear you.

        We can't change the world but we can change Australia.

        I don't know the full deets into those other allegations, I've only seen the video of youfoodz.

      • +2

        Exactly, if we boycotted every company that has even thought about anything racist, sexist, i assure you there would be none left.

        7/11, amazon all fit the bill as mentioned

        Half the restauarants owned by celeberity chefs have been caught out

        There is always going to be some ceo/employee/ambassador make a racist/sexist/digusting comment whether they are drunk/sober/in their home/i their office.

        Most things are manufactured in china, with slave labour, in particular to note apple, nike, microsoft,

        This site is for bargains, not a bargain site for perfectly moral companys with perfec moral people.

        For those going on about the racist comments, i dont see you guys boycotting apple or nike or 7-11

    • +1
      • +1

        Nothing found for youfoodz in search
        Looks like we're in the clear lads.
        Can't wait to order some Alt Right Food!

    • I'm all for not support this company. But you're statement from "unethical companies". You realise that major companies Eg Apple take advantage of slave Labor in Asian markets. Yet they're amongst the top posted here with no backlash.

      • Let's focus on Australian countries first where we have a real chance at making a difference

        • How many Australian countries are there exactly?

  • +2

    Posting from an extinction rally, eating a vegan hotdog on my phone made in a Chinese sweatshop.

  • +8

    What a shit show. Keep your political shit on Facebook so we call all ignore you.

    • -1

      What a privilege to be able to ignore racism

      • -2

        The real privilege is to be able to ignore social reformers who think their random baiting post on a forum is going to actually achieve something. Give you self a pat on the back, your work here is done.

  • +5

    Can’t chew on discounted food while they laugh at my people

  • +4

    Wish they didn't cap the negs per day. We are here for bargains and this is exactly what it is

  • +4

    Mods are allowing negative votes that should be revoked according to the rules as the votes have (Nothing to do with the deal) as per there own guidelines. I'm here for deals not political crap.

  • +10

    Overpriced, disgusting food by bogan owners

  • +7

    This company is UNAUSTRALIAN therefore should be banned from OZBARGAIN.

    • -1

      Piss right off mate.

      • -2

        No thanks. I'll be right in my home land AUSTRALIA. Land of acceptance. People with superiority complex need to piss right off. Have a nice night you rudey poo.

        • -1

          Land of acceptance

          Except when it comes to refugees, immigrants, Aboriginals, Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and basically anyone that isn't a white Australian.

          Get off your high horse. This country has gone to shit and your blind patriotism is a joke.

          Also if we're banning non-Australian stores we should probably ban eBay (American), Amazon (American), AliExpress (Chinese), Dell (American), HP (American), Costco (American), Uber (American), Apple (American), Google (American), McDonalds (American), Microsoft (American), Sony (Japanese) and basically 98% of the deals on this entire site.

          • @Tacooo: Dude, you completely misinterpreted what I said. I classed them (Youfoodz) as unaustralian because of their racist attitude and remarks. Racism is a form of oppression. Oppression is unjust. IT'S UNAUSTRALIAN TO BE RACIST. Can I be anymore clear?

            I'm the son of Asian immigrants mate. We're all brothers and sisters in humanity. Beneath that black, white or yellow skin is the same colour blood. Not sure how you got it so twisted. Wishing you and whoever reads this a pleasant weekend.

  • +6

    A neg vote from me. Wouldn't contribute to helping a racist richer.

  • Can you freeze these meals then defrost the day before when you want to have it?


  • I feel sick after eating this due to added MSG

  • Told by a rep that ice packs after drainage might not be recyclable as stated on website, told me to call my local council

    • +1

      Knowing around 10% of recyclable items are recycled.

      Chuck it in the normal bin.

      I know it’s very difficult situation to evaluate !

  • +3

    I'm not supporting this company any longer over the racism. I won't neg the deal because that seems out of scope for a bargain website.

  • +2

    Since when was making fun of people racist? Hypocrites calling them bogans

    • +4

      "Bogan" is not a race. Making fun of people is fine. Making fun of a race because of traditionally hurtful stereotypical reasons is not funny. Shall we all go blackface tomorrow for a laugh?

  • +3

    Yeah nah. Don't care what kind of discount is on offer, not supporting a bunch of racists.

  • +1

    Anyone got suggestions about similar products from a different company?

    • Muscle chef, macros,chefgood

  • +8

    I can take a joke but if you watch the video of the owners/founders it reeks of racial and cultural superiority.

    The ironic part is they mocked people in Singapore, a first world nation that ranks highly in a lot of metrics like standard of living, education, finance and technology. It’s cleaner and safer than Australia even and they have way faster internet speeds.

    If you’ve been to Singapore you’d know that it’s a world class international city where everyone speaks English. In a lot of parts it looks like any major western/Australian city and you could forget for a bit you’re in Asia.

    So it definitely looks like they were mocking those people because of their race and what they looked like.

    Like everyone else not gonna support a company with racist or xenophobic ideology.

  • -2

    Anyway tks neg crew this company was only drawn to my attention because of you guys .

    I had my first meal Turkey Roast & Potato Bake and was it was delicious :)

    Having access to multiple names I have no problem using codes to get it down to around $6.50 and will continue ordering . The $10 is a bit steep though .

    Again TY :)

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