bradstud92 » user profile

Member Since 04/06/2019
Last Seen 26 min 33 sec
Badges 2
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

Archies sell slides too. I use them for inside the home. Great support.
20/07/2024 - 00:35
Please don't support this company, they are against human rights and international law.
08/07/2024 - 10:23
Just got 2, it's marked OOS but if you click the link and proceed to check out it works. Thanks OP.
08/06/2024 - 02:08
My kid's sick otherwise I would've been there! Thanks for sharing .
21/05/2024 - 19:05
Wth Israel independence day Don't enter this genocidal competition
12/05/2024 - 22:51
06/05/2024 - 00:12
Dude you let your dog poop on your house floor?
04/05/2024 - 13:49
Thanks OP, picked up a mower and trimmer with 4 batteries, 2 chargers and 5 year warranty for $350 (after 30% off) delivered. Surely they…
01/04/2024 - 00:14
Take your paranoia elsewhere, this is a Wendy's
22/02/2024 - 19:37
Woops. Looked it up this morning and literally saw that. Not sure why I wrote Wesfarmers lol. Thx for pointing out.
19/02/2024 - 11:37
19/02/2024 - 08:47
Stackable with student 20% discount?
14/02/2024 - 13:22
I bought the same from their website to "support an Aussie business" - bad decision. They said no to warranty despite being less than 2…
13/02/2024 - 02:00
Every sip of Starbucks ~~blood~~ coffee assists in slaughtering an innocent child every 15 minutes.
08/02/2024 - 06:46
Picked up a $200 Woolies GC Thx OP
24/08/2023 - 07:27
Finish Powerball Quantum Ultimate Pro Tabs Baking Soda is number 1 per the website, at $36 for 32 tablets. The one in this post is Finish…
17/08/2023 - 15:29
And [better performing](
13/08/2023 - 23:36
Scored with Amex at 9:37am, thanks OP.
09/08/2023 - 09:40
29/07/2023 - 01:26
Not yet. Hoping to have a chat in person/over the phone prior to taking it any further.
25/07/2023 - 14:19
You consider OzB as everywhere? Haven't left it on a public page except for OzB. You need to support the people supporting you, Zyron. If I…
25/07/2023 - 14:17
So when purchasing the product, the Australian consumer can expect to throw away the product after 12-15 months? I believe that's a major…
25/07/2023 - 13:30
Unfortunately not, bought directly via their website to "support an Aussie business".
22/07/2023 - 11:23