50% OFF Yellow Hello Cups – Limited time ONLY.
Made in New Zealand
AUD $32.56 for 2 menstrual cup (was $64)
50% OFF Yellow Hello Cups – Limited time ONLY.
Made in New Zealand
AUD $32.56 for 2 menstrual cup (was $64)
Wowsers! Certain popularly received menstrual jokes are now 🚨🚨🚨INAPPROPRIATE🚨🚨🚨 on OzBargain!!
We have to be ❄inclusive❄ now. If one person is 😱offended™😱 and reports a joke, that's one too many!! We need the readership of a certain demographic — to heck with everyone who comes here for the jokes!!
At least jokes about bald, white, overweight, impotent, males will always be acceptable 🤣
It's a storm in a menstrual cup.
We all have the feminists to thank for the double standards…
Boomer detected.
Just go with the flow mate
Just don’t put them all in one basket… lucky this product comes with two!
Grab a cup from the cupboard?
I’m tipping the red cup is a big seller
I'm sure its safe for your dishwasher to use ;)
Oh boy
Woolies has the Diva Cup at $35 this week. I'd assume they'd be pretty similar
Red spot special?
Here's a chart for comparing different cups, they can be quite different in terms of length and firmness
Hello cup is now $32 +shipping for 2 cups
Yeah it's worth it to do your homework
It's only the Yellow colour, which is on sale.
The woolies has 1 and 2,but seems like it's not available online.
Diva cup 1 and 2 indicate the size, the hello cup use XS, S/M & L for sizes, the 2 cups bundle included two cups in different sizes for $32 + shipping
Now you've altered my targeted advertising profile…. ^_^
Woolies the fresh food people.
Our L is best for those over 35 who feel it’s a bit more roomy up there (possibly thanks to pushing out a small human or two). It’s worth noting that we find physically fit people are often best suited to the S/M regardless of age.
Reminds me of TV show Life in Pieces where after giving birth the doctor described that it would be like shaking hands with a toddler (no grip).
You want the Brown Cup.
Not all people with vaginas are female.
Buttplugs come in an amazing array of colours and shapes.
Was waiting for a Seinfeld reference
comment of the year!
Wasn't nearly as vulgar as this.
This thread is so bloody good, period.
I use one when running ultra marathons. Maybe they don't work the way you think they work. Even if you are a scientist?
What scientific basis do you have for this suggestion?
Perhaps he meant orifice worker…
Unless you are a vagina and cervix scientist I don't think you have a clue at all.
Your confidence and ignorance was so astounding I couldn't help but check out your previous posts and I was thoroughly unsurprised to find a comment like this:
For the record I've used them for lifting, swimming and surfing and it's been fine. I'm sure being a rocket scientist you'd know more about mentrual cups than women who actually use them though?
Well I'm glad to see that the worst you could dig up on me, was an 8 year old post where I call a 3 in 1 face scrub "a bit girly"! Lol. I hope you didn't spend too long looking for that.
Whilst I'm not a woman (so clearly I'm totally unqualified to be talking about this) - these cups do leak from time to time. Two girls in my office tried them for a while, but it was at the gym that they weren't happy with them.
you can just identify as one, and you are. simple as that.
Two girls in my office tried them for a while, but it was at the gym that they weren't happy with them.
Do your colleagues routinely share their feminine hygiene experiences with you?
@Scrooge McDuck: Lol! Not usually. But somebody else started talking about "moon cups" and a whole conversation started. It was quite educational, maybe a bit too much detail was shared, to be honest!!!
The joys of office life…
You talk to women at work about their menstrual cups? What in the actual hell?
@Breno785au: ?! Maybe I wasn't clear enough (but I think you're just being facetious) - I didn't go into work one day and decide to ask about this topic. Instead it somehow got brought up in conversation and a couple of women openly talked about it.
You seem shocked by this? Lol
@clandestino: Lol I understand, perhaps in turn you can share your experience on different brands of condoms?
Claims to be a scientist. Proceeds to mansplain how product will not work based on anecdotal evidence from co-workers.
Perhaps it would have been less controversial if you left "science" out of it and was up-front with the basis of your claims from the start.
@damfrog: If "mansplaining" means, giving a more balanced view on how good these menstrual cups actually are, then yes, that's what I'm doing. These things aren't a magic "catch all" device. From what I was told by my female colleagues, they're great when they work but they are not fun when they don't.
Regardless, that wasn't the "basis of my claims", contrary to your womansplaining.
Wow going through his comments back to 2011? I thought I didn't have a life
Savage lol
@montorola: Ha ha. I was prepared for a "Cersei walk of atonement" when I first saw her mention a previous comment.
But then I clicked on it…? Meh. I was left feeling a little disappointed.
Ehhh it was in a post he made so right on his profile. However, as a scientist it suggested potential levels of macho posturing!
@nahi11: For daring to point out that these "moon cups" aren't as perfect as some people would have you believe? I think I'll stay.
Why do i suddenly see a spike in comments and likes
And all the popular comments that have been removed..
Imagine the silence that would follow the opening of that present
Waiting for that moment someone goes "its a Christmas tree ornament" lol
$10 limit unfortunately
came for the comments now I'm seeing red
Ordered. Cheers
This is unbelievable
Chemist warehouse also has a two pack cup https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/91473/Intimate-Care-… for $29.99 plus shipping that I've been looking at
What is this
Can someone do a video tutorial on how to use this?
thanks… will save money in the long run not buying cup-a-soups for the office!
AU$ 32 for 2 x cups, Made in NZ
AU$ 3.50 for 2 x cups, Made in CN
- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32946672189.html
There are standards on what is safe to put in your vagina. Most of the costly menstrual cups are made of medical grade silicone approved by the FDA. In Australia you should find it listed on the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
Came here for the comments…PMSL
Aunt Flo is coming to visit soon, I think she'll like it.
hang on this has nothing to do with the Melbourne cup
u don’t say!
Bloody hell people need to grow up with these comments.
I agree.. women menstruate.. it's not really that big a deal is it?
58 votes so far.
yeah people are really ovary acting
Agreed. Makes it harder having to scroll through the comments looking for something useful on whether people have tried this brand..
100% agree, most people here are behaving like children.
Why are menstrual cups so expensive? They shouldn't be more than a few dollars.
Huh? Is this what I think it is?