men's face scrub

Hello fellow Ozbargainers,

Before I have a wet shave (but not every time), I like to use a scrub, to remove any dead skin near the stubble / fix any hairs that are slightly ingrown. It really helps.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a decent face scrub? Good value is important, after all this is ozbargain.

cheers !


    • I've tried that one already. It does a good job, but it is quite unforgiving on the skin. Leaves skin torn and bloody.

  • Garnier do a 3 in 1 face wash, scrub and mask. Can find it in the supermarket.

  • I use the Clinique mens one and it is probably the best but a bit dear ($40). I recently tried one form Natio from Chemist Warehouse for $10 and it is equally effective.

  • go to the beach. get a bucket of sand. mix some in a jar with bulk bought liquid soap. BAM, you're done

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