• expired

8-Way Network Ready Surge Power Board x3 Units for $99


8-Way Network Ready Surge Power Board x 3 units.
Three for the price of one.
Offer ends on 18th July.

The Dick Smith 8 Way Network Ready Surge Power Board provides surge protection for 8 mains outlets as well as a TV coaxial cable socket and a broadband connection. Includes coil/capacitor EMI filtering, 6 heavy-duty MOVs, gas discharge arrestors, protection status indicators, 10A circuit breaker plus 2,000 Joule and 60,000A maximum mains surge current rating. Includes 1.8 metre RJ-45 network and F-type coax patch cables.
Lifetime guarantee with $100,000 connected equipment warranty

This board has got decent reviews. Pops up as add-ons on some Dick Smith Deals.
This is the first time I am seeing a 3 for the price of one offer!
Online orders seem to be on backorder. Click on store stock to either reserve and pick in store or drop into a store with stock.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • I think catchoftheday are still doing the Huntkey ones for around $18. Not sure as for reviews of them. But the features listed seem pretty much the same.

    • +2

      +$7 delivery from cotd, Huntkey claims 144,000amps vs 60,000 and 3444 joules vs 2000 of Dick Smith board, but I'm always hesitant buying from catch ater a few not so great experiences with product quality as well as customer service

  • Just to explain the cost of these boards, the actual usable feature of these boards is not the surge protection as it really will not help most people. The major use is the warranty as when these boards receive a surge and damage your equipment, they will pay for the equipment.

    Anyway, this is quite a good deal for those that will use it.

  • Bugga ends today well tonight rather? Should have gone to DSE when I was in the shops would have purchased a set.

    • Free delivery online! ;)

  • Well gosh darn it! I recently bought a Belkin 8 way port for $52 from OW and now this shows up.

  • Been meaning to get one and 3 for $32 each great buy, still available online.

  • +2

    It is a fantastic bargain, but just be wary of the insurance policy. I was very close to buying this a week ago, that is, until i went to DSE and actually had a read of the insurance policy.

    It states that it covers up to $100,000, but if you read the policy carefully, it basically says everything is an exclusion.

    To name a few:
    * Issues caused by Over-voltage/Under-voltage etc are not covered..
    * Acts of God are not covered (I assume a lightning strike is an act of God!!)

    • lol

    • +1

      Found a copy of the Usermanual online at DSE NZ's website.

      Excerpt :

      The connected equipment warranty does not protect against ‘acts of God’ (other than indirect
      Lightning strikes) such as flood or earthquake, or damage resulting from war, terrorism,
      vandalism, theft, abuse, misuse, normal-use wear and tear of the connected equipment,
      equipment modification or overvoltage or undervoltage mains electricity supply (eg. blackouts
      and brownouts).

      • thats good for brisbane flood victims who have one of these as the insurance companies are trying to claim the floods relating to wivenhoe dam were man-made.

      • +1

        Lol! I thought surge protectors were meant to protect from overvoltage!

      • "The connected equipment warranty does not protect against … overvoltage or undervoltage mains electricity supply (eg. blackouts and brownouts)."

        In other words, it doesn't cover anything. Seriously, what DOES it cover if it doesn't cover this?

        • That sounds pretty useless!

          Better of saving your cash, use a cheapo power strip and pay the savings towards a decent home insurance policy.

        • Self reply: Well, over and undervolting is not the same as over and under amping. When power spikes/dips it tends to spike the amperage. While the voltage is affected, it isn't nearly to the degree the amperage is.


  • +1

    I pulled one out of a dumpster from behind a DS store about 4 years ago. works fine. maybe it was the aerial boosting function that was broken(?)

    the best thing about it is the big on/off switch as I leave nothing on standby and this ensures my 2 desktops, LCD monitors, printer, desk light are totally off when I'm not using them.

    really like that it has 8 sockets for power.

    3 for $100 maybe be Ok. but free (and working) is best.

  • ^ Lol, a real bargain hunter :P Was it sealed?

    And this looks like an alright deal.

  • I only require 1… any group buy in Syd?

    • Someone here may be willing to post you one after collecting three.

  • Huntkeys are a lot cheaper, i wouldnb't buy DSE brand for anything…

  • I only really need one, I'm in sydney. postcode 2095. If two others wanted to meet up we could go three ways! haha (no dirty joke intended)

    Shame they don't just sell them at $33 each. Would move a lot more stock at that price.

  • Did these go up in price recently? Could have sworn I bought one of these form DSE a year or so ago for under 50 bucks (think it was $40 for one)

  • Awesome, just ordered some :)

    Will be picking them up from the store as soon as they're available :D

    • Oops, double post.



    ps: sorry about the caps :0

  • hrmmm, i'm very VERYY tempted :S
    not something i need, but like everything else on ozbargain, its more an impulse WANT

    but i had a quick ebay search, there are some digitek ones for $20, with 3444joules (vs 2000j) and 144000 amps (vs 60,000)

    specs are higher (how important are specs?) but brand is unknown….


    • The specs mean virtually nothing.

      The circuit breaker on the mains plug you're connecting to will generally cut in somewhere between 10A and 30A. So these things are rated for 60,000A or 144,000A… so what? It would literally have to be a direct lightning strike on your house for that, and I don't care what the boards are rated for, that'll go through them like a hot knife through butter.

  • +2

    Just got 3 in Box Hill. Still had at least another 3 on the shelf. Ozbargain is starting to cost me, optus mytab, HP microserver etc. Hope I can repay the ops one day.

  • probably better to get the belkin UPS/surge protector that will do a much better job than this and cheaper too

    • Belkin looks higher quality on the outside but I vaguely recall Choice's test of consumer-grade surge boards not showing a great correlation between price and performance. The thing Belkin has going for it is its good track record of honouring the board replacement and connected equipment warranties. There are relatively few user reports on that for the other brands.

  • I was looking into surge boards a couple weeks ago after my 2nd Arista 8 outlet board over heated with a heater plugged into it. Although a couple years old, Choice mag gave/gives the thumbs up for one of the APC branded boards which can be had for similar $30 range, albeit with only 5 outlet and not 8.

    As for those so called liftime big $$ protection warranties, they appear nothing more than a useless sales gimmic but at least a board with some form of surge protection is better than none?

  • I remember that coles have a Crest unit going for $32 and Big W going for $29…

    ooo… now even cheaper. Time to post new OZBargain post

  • +1

    There really are no better ways to spend $100 than on surge protectors.

    • +2


    • +1

      um, alcohol.

  • 3 more left at the large store in Chadstone, VIC. Look pretty awesome too; Thanks OP!

  • What are the ANT IN/OUT (antenna?) and network ports used for?

    • Antennas often have masthead amps hooked up to the power supply, and it may be hard wired or plugged into a socket in the roof cavity where it's not easy to add a surge protector to it. So the fix for that is to have a protected antenna in/out on the surge board :)

  • Just ordered a set :)
    Said they were on backorder so I selected my closest store (Broady) for pickup.

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