Another sitewide deal from eBay UK.
10% off
Min Spend: £50
Max Discount £75
3 Redemptions
All PayPal gift cards - change to
Categories excluded from code: Cars, Property, Coin
Another sitewide deal from eBay UK.
10% off
Min Spend: £50
Max Discount £75
3 Redemptions
All PayPal gift cards - change to
Categories excluded from code: Cars, Property, Coin
Wallet? Pft. I put my bank account into overdraft last time!
Pain is better than regret later
But my new CC I was approved for last week isn't here yet. How else shall I meet the min spend!
Ha me too!!
Mine has arrived, happy to help
Wheres the australian ebay 10% off store wides!
I dont think I can buy anymore giftcards it hasnt been 10 days yet.
do you know if anyone got banned or refunded for this giftcards bought using these code deals meant for other courtries ?
No idea.
I got all mine
I have not got the wrong codes fixed yet from last sale
I got my account suspended, though I was never able to pay for the cards.
"Your eBay account was suspended because recent account activity has raised serious security concerns. We've taken this precaution to protect our members while we make sure that the activity doesn't cause harm — however unintentionally — to the eBay Community.
You won't be able to use eBay in any way. This includes using another existing account or registering a new account."
Dam hasn't been 10 days since my last purchase of GCs
Same here, and I'm not going to push my luck making more accounts and risk them all being suspended, or risk Paypal issues..
EBay rn - 'Shit! They're learning…'
Anyone have any suggestions for alternatives?
New accounts. Or buy officeworks eftpos cards at 100 or 200 denomination?
not active yet?
ahh ok thanks whats the max discount?
A$136.79, it's in the title
So pleased to hear this deal.
No more Target on Ebay.
No more First choice liquor on Ebay
Can't seem to add any paypal gift cards to my cart. Anyone else?
edit: it's the 5 gift cards max issue
Still have not got my 4 digit card fixed from last sale, no response from seller,
Are you sure? I received a follow-up email without prompting with the gift cards re-issues with a proper number.
Perhaps check your junk email?
Will try
Just an update for my 4 digit order problem, it was placed on 23th, and Andy from PayPal has already sent the right code on 24th.
My emails are setup at Yandex and forwarded everything to gmail. But for some reason, that 3 emails from Andy are not forwarded (not marked as spam) , which only Yandex knows. :)
But it seems PayPal digital card seller is really busy, no one responded to my question/support request asking to resend it.
such a waste of time, failed to get these oversea eBay deals every time :(
I feel your pain :(
no idea if this helps but possibly worth a try. If you go to settings and create a paypal account through eBay, it allows you to link your paypal account with your ebay and this allows you to add paypal as an option at checkout. I can add paypal as an option at checkout but haven't gone further…
edit: doesn't work, RIP
I have wasted hours. Couldn't make it work.
It started at 7pm
Zzz I bet Paypal isn't going to work for me again.. :(
"10% off should also apply for Officeworks, Bunnings and Fantastic Furniture."
There are Bunnings gift cards? Can't find it…
OP is saying that the 10% off should apply to those 3 eBay stores themselves, not gift cards for those stores.
This might be a stupid question but Does anyone know if a Myer gift card will work with target?
As far as I'm aware Coles Myer gift card yes, Myer gift card no. But last time I bought some was probably a couple of years ago.
If Myer purely, no. If Coles-Myer, yes.
It's been a while since I last bought GC through deals such as this.
Do I still need to create a new ebay UK account?
nah. likely any old international account will 'move to the UK' just fine
Bring It On
Damn jumped the gun looks like this code isn't ready yet haha..
I have never bought gift cards from other countries ebay site before. I want to buy an item from computer alliance that has a 20% off promo. Do I buy $500 worth of ebay vouchers or paypal in order to be able to use the promo code? Also do I need an Ebay UK account and UK paypal account?
So can I use this on the eBay AU site?
Also its coming up "Looks like this code isn't ready yet. Please try again later."
same same
How many gift cards can you add to an order if you are also using a discount code? The T&Cs just say "8 gift cards per order, unless a coupon code is being used, then less"
The seller paypal egift card only allows you to buy 5 gift cards max in any 10 days.
So you can only do 5 gift cards from PayPal gift cards seller.
No such limits on other sellers like office works, for the eftpos cards
"Looks like this code isn't ready yet. Please try again later"
Keep trying
Worked for me, try a different browser.
May be firefox :-)
Starts at 7pm I think
Hanging out for to finally get a 10% code so I can stack it with my discounted gift cards, purchased earlier this week.
Starts 10am Friday 27th - UK Time = 7pm Aus time
Tried to do a dummy order using PayPal, same error as last time "we can't process your order"
Can these be purchased with a credit card?
I've heard it doesn't work for credit cards. Only PayPal works.
Definitely No direct credit card payment. Only PayPal.
need to increase credit card limit
So I guess to semi max out the discount try to purchase AU$1365 worth of gift cards which will apply a 10% discount of AU$136.50 which is ~GBP£74.80
aww shiet, here we go again
Couple of quick questions for those who’ve purchased before: Will these be billed in AUD so we avoid currency conversion fees? And how quickly are the digital codes delivered? I’m hoping to use these codes pay for a computer from JB Hi-Fi, but their sale expires close-of-business Saturday…
No currency conversion fees, billed in AUD.
It's a lottery as to when you get them- I've had them take anywhere from 30 minutes to 6-8 hours, depending on how many have ordered at the time you place your order in. You should be right for COB Saturday though if you order straightaway!
Mine came for jb in about 15mins
Can I use eBay gift cards to buy these gift cards?
How the heck for those that placed orders last week, get PayPal to process the orders?
I cannot
77 people clicked + in excitement, without even checking if the deal will actually work.
I have faith, these UK deals on GC's have always worked for me in the past…
PAYPAL never works for me, can't choose paypal checkout
Here we go AGAIN.
i'm so broke
so how does it work? do you have to pay in GBP?
With the PayPal gift cards does that allow you to use them at all e-commerce websites that accept PayPal? Just wondering the options to use them?
All PayPal gift cards( - change to
Click on the link and it'll answer you question by what OP means by "paypal gift cards".
IMPORTANT NOTE: Paypal is permanently banning accounts. This warning should be stuck in the OP.
See "PayPal Permanently Limited Account after The UK Gift Cards a cautionary tale"
A major consequence is that it is difficult to purchase anything on Ebay without Paypal…
Multiple PayPal accs with the same CC linked.
2, one personal and one buisness. Not violating User agrement.
I've got two paypal accounts as well, with same CCs linked on both and haven't had any issues yet(cross my fingers), even after paying for $$$$ of giftcards in the last deal, and previous others. Mainly because I started a paypal account in the UK when I was living there, then when I came back to Australia, and wanted to pay for some stuff using paypal, there were some problems with using a UK paypal account so when I spoke to paypal about transferring it across to Australia, they said it couldn't be done and to just open another Paypal account instead, this time based in Australia. So thats what I've done, on their advice.
I'm assuming because one is a paypal UK account and the other is a Paypal Aus account, its probably less likely they might ping me.
you got greedy? how many $500 lots of giftcards did you buy?
Cautionary tale on not being grubby?
@payton: We're on ozbargain, is there such a thing as being grubby when it comes to bargains, especially when no ones getting hurt? So much stock as well, so people can't even Broden them, so no ones missing out on the deal.
Regardless, most times these deals come around, I normally buy 2-3k worth of giftcards as I find them useful to stack on top of other deals. This recent 18% one, I bought about 4k worth. I'm probably escaping the attention of paypal's fraud team so far because I'm using uk eBay accounts, and paying with a PayPal uk account so a bit different to most people here who might have gotten some extra attention. Fingers crossed, it continues with no problems.
@unswrepping: Yes I have several Australian cards linked to my Paypal UK. Can't link an australian bank account to my Paypal UK account though.
The problem is ebay uses paypal as the payment processor, rather than the lack of a paypal account.
So if a paypal account when permanently limited contains your credit/debit card details. Even when you checkout on ebay with the 'credit/debit card' option it will be blocked.
This'll be a problem until 2020 when ebay will switch to Adyen for payment processing (yes you can just get the same card reissued so the numbers change to circumvent this)
The fact that you can't use a CC to buy these cards on gives me the impression than the 10% off the face value is coming from both ebay and paypals cash pile. Which i think is why the appeals get auto declined :/. Fun fact with the ~$1300 i saved buy using my 18.5% of cards and the 15% off 2 items code, i'm going to keep at buy paypal stock when it crashes after the refund policy gets enacted (curious to see if, since i'll be a minority holder they'll unban me)
I think the Paypal gift store only allows 5 cards per X number of days right? I'm not sure enough time has elapsed since the POUNDSOFF deal
5 per 10 days…
Ah yea… Many of us bought 5-7 days ago. Oh well
still got approx $1800 worth of gift cards from provious deals.
Sell some and buy more. That will help some fellow ozbargainers who cannot get this deals.
I usually struggle and try over a number of hours, but this time 0 issues.
Yep first time this has ever worked for me. Bonza!
Dumb question:
Can I use eBay gift card to buy stuff on Coles eBay?
My wallet….Is in pain