• expired

NBN Starter Package: $55/Month for 12mths, 50/20 Unlimited Data, $0 Modem, $0 Setup, Free Mobile SIM with $80 Credit @ Belong


50/20 connection (advertised as 30/20 during peak hours but actually no shaping of speed so its actually just standard 50/20 speeds anytime)
unlimited data,
12mth contract,
$0 Wi-Fi modem,
$0 standard activation,
$80 mobile credit
TOTAL = $55/mth

T&Cs = https://www.belong.com.au/content/dam/belong/downloads/CIS-B…

**To see the $55 per month price, select Starter in the speed selection box, its also only available if signing up online yourself, if you call sales they will only offer you the Standard Plus plan or higher

if you dont want to lock into a 12 month contract then its still only $60/mth but then you also have to pay $60 for the wifi modem even if you dont need it and want to BYO modem.

another thing to note with the Belong billing system is that they only start billing from the 1st of the Month after you come online with them, i put order in at the end of August, with my connection starting on the 2nd of September so effectively you get whole month or there part of free too

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (331)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (33)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

        • Yes right, they need 30 days notice which op should have done it now or lose 1 month worth of cancellation fee.

  • Will it be same price after 12 months?

    • Only God knows…

    • it will be cheaper so you better wait.

      • Nah i meant after taking the contract lol

        • i just came from the future where the terminators have taken over the NBN and now its all 10 Gbps both up and down….oh the horror and get this the price is the same.

          but for real nobody knows what price will be after 12 months unless they are time traveling wizards all we know is it will revert to whatever price they have set when 12 month contract is over. there might be an option to re-contract for another $5/mth discount or something similar, or the price might change completely making Belong not worth it and then you just change NBN providers.

          hell Belong might change the price mid 12 month contract once they realize they are making bupkis but then that voids contract so you can change providers with no early termination fees at least.

  • Can anyone recommend a cheap Voip plan to attach to this NBN?

  • TPG 30 day notice s*cks…
    How long does it take for Belong to connect to NBN? So i can estimate the time i need to cancel my TPG n advance.

    Is Belong offer better than SuyperLoop?
    - one thing i cna see is that Belong provides FREE modem and this last for 12 months. Superloop only provide 6 months promo and No modem.

    • When everything run smoothly, belong should connect within 10 business day.
      But don't worry, if at 28,29th days of your tpg notice period you are not belong yet, just ring them to extend another week. Something like that. Call them to confirm this is still possible.

      Belong vs superloop is like Holden vs BMW. Enough said

  • Thanks OP!
    Got connected within 36 hours. Just requested the cc agent over chat to expedite my order as I wanted to move to this from TPG before christmas. They surpassed my expectation and got the connection up and running the very next day (including the router-modem delivery). Speedtest shows upwards of 40 mbps download in the starter package (supposed to be 30mbps). Let's see how it fares in the long run.
    BTW, used a referral code from this thread so hoping I'd get $20 off the first bill.

    • TPG has 30 days notice disconnection. How did you move out of TPG seemlessly ?
      did you cancel your TPG 30 days before you switch to a new provider ?

      • +1

        You give tpg 30 days notice today then 3 weeks from today (or 3 weeks plus 2 days, up to you) you sign in online with belong. If 2 days before your TPG deadline is due you are still not connected, call tpg ask them to extend your service by 3 days for example. And repeat.

      • I gave them the 30 days notice and on the same day asked Belong for the connection. Belong does not charge you for the fraction of the month. They only start charging from the beginning of next month. I had to pay TPG for the fraction of next billing cycle but with the $20 discount with the code I used for setting up Belong I was happy to do it.

  • What are the pings like? Tragic gamer asking.

    • +1

      Depends on the tech used. I get 5-6ms to Speedtest servers on FTTC (not a gamer though)…

      • Sounds good. I'm on HTC tho.

  • Does the mobile credit need to be activated by a specific date?

    • Yes, though they gave two dates.

      From one received with a sign up in September, the email they sent said to use by end of December, but the card itself had an expiry of mid 2020 printed on it.

  • Just a small PSA for those wondering, I just signed up now and you're given the option to select a date to start the service.

    So if you're moving into a new home then you can pick a date around when you're planning to move

  • +1

    I just moved over from exetel FTTN. Pretty speedy turnaround if you ask me online registration was completed at 4pm on 02/01 the internet changed over sometime between 11pm that night and 7am today 3/01 I am now up and running with belong with first month free and $20 referral. I got on chat and asked them not to send the modem since I dont need it, but the order status still says waiting modem delivery and activation the 9/01 so we will see what happens if they send it or not.

    • I will use my own router as well , how do you set it up ?? DHCP automatically ??

      • +1

        Yes - IPoE/DHCP, and no VLAN tagging…

        (My Belong modem's up the top of my wardrobe as an emergency spare if my main router goes bang…)

      • +1

        Exactly it uses Automatic IP once you have sync no username/passwords required. I use an ASUS DSL-68U and just re ran the quick internet setup wizard and selected Belong as the provider and deleted the old details then power cycled.

  • does the referral credit also work for mobile signups?
    so getting a referral credit for the $80 mobile credit sign up?

    • Yes

      • But the referral are different between NBN and mobile. If you sign up for mobile make sure use referral from people who are having belong mobile. Source; belong Facebook chat help

        • I signed up a mobile using the $80 credit and used the referral of the NBN (without mobile) user I got it from.

          I can confirm the mobile referee got the $20 credit, though not sure if the NBN referrer did at this stage.

  • Any $25 Sims for $10 right now

  • +2

    I just signed up and getting very solid 30-40 down and 20 up which is similar to what I was getting before on Mate 100 but at 35 bucks less.

  • I have applied the Belong NBN service on 02/02/2020, fingers crossed. My current TPG service require a 30days notice. I have given them the notice.

    • Where you able to specify the date to swicth over to Belong so that it starts at the end of TPG 30 days notice?

      • no you cant.
        what i did:
        around 8-10th of the May (month is just example). send email to tpg telling them this is your 30 days notice.
        then on the 1st of June, register with belong. unless you live in rural area, i believe belong will and able to activate and send the modem within 8 working days.

        if you like to gamble a bit you can shorten the notice ie tell TPG on the 5th of May

      • No you cannot. I've got the email from Belong, technician will be coming on 11th Feb for installation. I got an email from TPG, My TPG adsl disconnects at the end of the month.

        • The installer came on 12/02/2020, but the bad news is that, our house is not connected to the NBN cables just yet. The back units have the cable works done, but not ours. Belong have now told me that, NBN co. have to fix this and they expect this on or before 27/March …. I am not sure if this will get fixed soon…

  • When signing up with Belong are you able to choose your connection date?

    • No. (They struggle to activate you at all, let alone activate you on a particular day!)

    • I had to wait a couple of weeks from when I first signed up for the service and then they offered me a date for the technician to come and complete the connection. At that point, they gave me the choice to delay and choose another date. So you do have some control over when the connection occurs but it may not happen in a hurry.

    • I wrote a comment up above.

      You get the option of choosing a date during sign-up.

  • Just ordered Belong for my new place. They seemed to have added in a start date section now, after payment though… Once you complete payment it asks if you have moved in yet, if not it asks for the date you will be there. They won't send the modem or schedule NBN Co for the install before then. Don't know if your 'contract payments' start before that though.

    • you wont be billed until the 1st of the following month after you come online, so if you come online sometime during February your first bill wont be until March, if it takes them longer or your scheduled it not to start after March 1st then your first invoice wont be until April. (effectively giving you the entire month of March free)

      been fine for me on the $55 starter 50Mbps plan since September, with the 10 referrals and not having first invoice billed until October, i did not have any money taken from my payment details until start of this month, have not had speed drop below what i sync at but 2 people on whirlpool have mentioned they had speed capped at 30Mbps for abit.

      only issue which is not Belong related is that i had huge fire break out in our metering/power box so we have had to find temporary airbnb to stay for this week and next while repairs are being done. so first month i actually start paying for it and i basically can't use it for 2 weeks.

      • Yeah I just wansn't sure if you ordered in Feb but set a start date of March which one they will take your 1st month free as.

        Dam 10 referrals already? I hope I can get some, just put mine in today after signup and using another Ozb random.

  • Careful. Shaping has started kicking in now.

    • probably true.
      Fttn, Sydney west. Just now got 33 download usually 47. Will check again later.

      • HFC here. Just now got 35 and usually 47 as well.

    • Still working fine on my FTTC connection.

      Mind you, little usage actually gets reported on my connection because I don't use the Belong router, or Belong DNS servers (only 4GB 9 days into February)…

      • I don't think they track usage using the Belong router or their DNS servers. DNS is for domain resolution only and knows nothing about how much you download.

        • I don't know about you but my usage meter always shows very low figures well below the actual figure…

          Anyway, still 47/18 which is the main thing…

          • @MELso: How long have you been with Belong?

            • @mun4: Three months…

              • @MELso: I'm afraid it'll be just a matter of time.

                • @mun4: Aaaaand I'm shaped. Speed is still perfectly adequate though. Won't upgrade to Standard Plus until NBNCo overprovisions their Layer 2 (because currently, the additional 11mbps makes little practical difference)…

    • 43/19 HFC in Sydey Inner West now versus 46/19 last night.

      • I started getting shaped about 3 days ago.

        • I'm back to normal speed ie 47 download, starter plan so probably not shaped but just slowing down due to weather on last weekend

          • +1

            @CyberMurning: I'm now shaped too sadly…

            As mentioned above, my speed is still perfectly adequate though. Won't upgrade to Standard Plus until NBNCo overprovisions their Layer 2 (because currently, the additional 11mbps makes little practical difference)…

            It's still the best sub-$70 plan going around…

            • @MELso: what speed are you getting now that it's shaped? and how far into your contract are you now?

              Thanks for the info, will go a long way to helping inform me of which provider to sign up with.

              • @Echung: Last test: 6ms ping, 36.9 down, 18.4 up here on FTTC…

                Three bills paid. This means I'm $105 down compared to the month to month option ($20 per month ETC x 9 months to go, less $60 for the modem, less $5 per month contract discount)…

                Still, it's managing with 4K streaming just fine; far better in this day and age to have good streaming capability than fast speeds (would prefer both but am not prepared to pay the extra $20 a month)…

            • @MELso: still good
              PING ms
              DOWNLOAD Mbps
              UPLOAD Mbps

              fttn sydney south west

  • I signed up last week and got the activation text next day. I have left my telstra modem plugged in and the network name has remained as Telstra. speedtest.net also says telstra. Should it be changing to Belong by now?

    • +1

      i dont think so, it will stay as telstra

  • +1

    Regarding the recent shaping on the starter plan - I've definitely experienced some consistent shaping over the last 3 days. I was getting 48mb off peak and around 45 during peak.

    Since 3 days ago, I get 35mb off peak and 31 during peak. The off peak (I.e. 5:30am today) is particularly annoying.

    • Yeah - it'd be good if the shaper only kicked in if Telstra was at capacity on CVC…

    • yep the shaping has finally happened to me too now, i'm not bothered by it really i don't notice any difference unless i speedtest it, and 35Mbps for $55 is still decent value over most other ISP's offerings. only 6 months left on my contract then will prob move to superloop 6 month discount then back to Belong and take them up on the free $80 sim and modem again.

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