• expired

NBN Starter Package: $55/Month for 12mths, 50/20 Unlimited Data, $0 Modem, $0 Setup, Free Mobile SIM with $80 Credit @ Belong


50/20 connection (advertised as 30/20 during peak hours but actually no shaping of speed so its actually just standard 50/20 speeds anytime)
unlimited data,
12mth contract,
$0 Wi-Fi modem,
$0 standard activation,
$80 mobile credit
TOTAL = $55/mth

T&Cs = https://www.belong.com.au/content/dam/belong/downloads/CIS-B…

**To see the $55 per month price, select Starter in the speed selection box, its also only available if signing up online yourself, if you call sales they will only offer you the Standard Plus plan or higher

if you dont want to lock into a 12 month contract then its still only $60/mth but then you also have to pay $60 for the wifi modem even if you dont need it and want to BYO modem.

another thing to note with the Belong billing system is that they only start billing from the 1st of the Month after you come online with them, i put order in at the end of August, with my connection starting on the 2nd of September so effectively you get whole month or there part of free too

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (331)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (33)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • Belong is getting 1.6 stars out of 5. Is it really that bad?


    • yeah those product reviews scared me a little before i moved across, if you look closer most people giving bad reviews on there are people on ADSL or people that already have a bad line and somehow expected that just moving providers would solve there issues with sync speeds. another guy wanted help changing his port forwarding settings which if you ask me is a little outside basic support help only thing to worry about that i also pointed out is sometimes Belong is not the greatest at transferring you from another NBN provider as @fozzie pointed out Belong took 35 days and still didn't transfer them or give an explanation on what the reason for the delay was. i assume it was HFC as they commented about it in the whirlpool forums too but another HFC user who signed up after @fozzie was transferred in a few hours just a roll of the dice on how easy transfer will be.

    • Luck of the draw. TPG is getting 1.7 and I have been with them for 10+ years without any significant issue/s. But they are getting less competitive now with NBN just been made available for me, I am looking for a better deal now.

    • +1

      People generally write reviews to complain. Lost of ISP's on productreview.com has low ratings or more people complaining that actually saying good things.
      I used to be on belong no issues. FTTN.
      I'm now with exetel FTTP and also no issues.

    • I had terrible experience with Belong, but I was on ADSL at the time. The poor customer service meant I wont be coming back. But if your service is good, then there's no need for customer service!

  • Telstra NBN speeds are terrible at my in laws, on 50/20 but regularly downloading in the kbps. Rearely reaches the 50mbs on speed test, I wonder if belong is any different.
    I’ve been telling my father in law Telstra is one of he worst according to the ACCC nbn speeds report, but he is locked in until November

    • -1

      what sort of NBN conenction FTTN, HFC, i throw there address into futurebroadbands SQ tool https://futurebroadband.com.au/sq/ it should give a proper expectation of NBN Speed Estimates of the line

      and then bugger the speedtest off and actually see what modem syncs at could just be a bad cable from NTD to modem or maybe telstra has him on some terrible seniors plan with only 50GB and shapes it to 256kbps after that.

      • FTTN, sometimes i find it downloads at 3mbps, but could drop to 1.5 and 800 kbps but then spike backup. I haven’t been that keen enough to investigate, he gets 500 GB per month, pays like $89 I think.

        • +1

          yeah as scrypton pointed out if they are not getting advertised speeds they are paying for you can def request to get out of contract without penalty and if refused TIO would and should be able to assist further, paying $90/mth is terrible deal with whats available out there, use that SQ tool it should give a proper expectation of NBN speed estimates for the location

          • @FreoIsaac: What are the TC2, TC4 etc that come out of the tool?

            • +1

              @justtoreply: https://www.nbnco.com.au/business/product-and-technical-info…

              TC4 is designed primarily for general internet and standard data services

              TC2 is designed to provide access to high performance data for applications and services that require consistent, predictable download and upload speed requirements – including video conferencing, network traffic over virtual private network (VPN), e-commerce and business-critical cloud services.

              just look at the TC4 results that is what matters for a residential service.

    • +1

      If they are not giving you the advertised speed, then you can request to get out of contract without penalty. If they refuse, you can contact Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) and they should be able to mediate and assist further.

  • +1

    belong don't offer VoIP
    best to go with these guys

    • I need to port my telstra number to a voip provider, should I get the nbn set up first then port my number or port my number first then get the nbn?

      • porting take around 2 weeks so best to get that out of the way first

      • +2

        Be warned, if you have ADSL2 at the moment, porting your number away will cancel your ADSL2. This is from Mynetfone's FAQ page: https://www.mynetfone.com.au/support/faq/category/4/63

        But that page has some out-of-date info, best to ring MyNetFone and ask. Number is on this page:

        If you are getting a type of NBN that doesn't use your phone line (FTTP, HFC, fixed wireless, satellite), then your existing service will usually continue working, and you can port away later. Don't forget to cancel that service (both ADSL2 and phone) after you have ported away.

    • I think MyNetFone sold their ISP business to Southern Phone?

    • aaaah bugger - that is a killer. I have my home phone running with my Telstra NBN bundle (VOIP service) at the moment and want to switch over, but want to bring my home number with me.

      I'll see what their customer service peeps say….

      • yeah if your just wanting to move your home phone line to MNF and already have it setup as a VoIP service on your tesltra NBN it shouldn't be that hard to transfer it i think telstra charge a once off $8 fee to give up the phone number to another VoIP provider

        also depending on how you have it setup already eg i assume your using a telstra NBN gateway that has VoIP settings in it already you dont need the MNF ATA device and could just signup on there BYO page

        https://www.mynetfone.com.au/whirlpool/VoIP/Whirlpool-Shop/B…, MNF customer service can be a bit daft and will push you to go on a plan that includes a preconfigured ATA device but its not needed if your gateway NBN modem has VoIP functionality already also the benifits that the WHIRLPOOLSAVER plan has is its only $5 per year for the DID with $0 monthly fee where as other plans have the DID included but cost $5/month

        would be able to just change the telstra SIP settings in the gateway device

        once that is transfered then look at having Belong take over the NBN service, Belong includes a NBN modem but its very basic no VoIP settings but nothing stoping you just leaving the telstra gateway plugged in as it would work fine on Belong NBN and just throw the black box Belong send you in a cupboard as a backup or sell it on gumtree or ebay.

        • Appreciate that advice.

          The home phone does come through the NBN - Telstra modem/router - so a standard home phone is attached (not a VOIP handset)

          I thought if I break the Telstra plan (its about 6 months left to run, but I don't care- it's hella expensive) they ask for the modem back. If not, great! I'll use it.

          I'll have to check. I don't really want my home phone on a seperate service (MNF) but not sure if belong bundle a phone service.

          Calling them now to suss things out.

          *EDIT: So yeah, no VOIP service via Belong - but since I have FTTP, I can use another port on the NBN router for a seperate VOIP service as you suggested.
          I just need to calculate just how much I will save - vs. - the hassle.

          I am really happy with Telstra - almost nil outages, speeds consistently at peak or close, fairly good online help (not perfect, but not horrible), was able to get speed boost pack and static IP thrown in just by bargaining with them - BUT - they are hella expensive. I just can't afford 2 kids mobile phones and NBN through them anymore.

          • @Hotchips: yeah Belong has no VoIP service/home phone line included but does include a mobile sim with $80 credit on it for free which depending on the mobile phone situation can give you basically 8 months free on there $10/mth mobile service that includes calls to all local and mobile No. with 1GB data

            in this day and age its really not worth keeping a home phone line its more a legacy service unless you really NEED it as the cost to keep it around is not worth it compared with whats available for mobile services

            yeah telstra will throw alot at you to try keep you paying a premium but really if you have FTTP and nil issues then really should shop around find out else is available and what it would cost to cancel contract factor that in into if its worth breaking contract over paying $90 vs $55

            • @FreoIsaac: It looks like I'd be in for around $40 per month saving which includes another mobile phone (I have not got one for my daughter yet, but it's needed), home phone with MNF (I still have my old VOIP handset so no extra expense). Breaking contract with Telstra is ok, you only have to pay the balance of the modem that they price into the plan according to their info on my acct page - which I think is pretty good - contract is up in August next year so it won't be a big hit.

              The biggest cons are the price changes going through NBN at the moment as per comments here and elsewhere - and if that will translate to plan cost adjustments (my Telstra contract might get better - or I might be able to get them to lower the overall plan as they are quite flexible - especially if you call to advise you are leaving). And the hassle and risk of cutting everything over. Maybe porting home number will go tits up. Maybe connection issues. Maybe delays. Maybe Customer Service is rubbish compared to expensive Telstra (probably) Etc.

              I think I'll wind down my existing contract a bit longer. I'll just cut over 1 mobile phone as its out of contract as that is instant savings.

              Thanks for the advice.

  • Lots of negative reviews about Belong on the internet. How does Belong compare to other NBN providers?

    • if your referring to there product review page yeah its terrible see my comment early in responce to @scrypton if you look at recent comments from actual people using it on here and whirlpool you will a much different picture its fine

  • Thanks OP - I used your referral code on sign-up :)

  • +1

    Good deal, but not going to risk locking myself into a 12 month contract if I find the service is pretty average.

    • +1

      Nothing wagered, nothing gained! as someone posted earlier

      there is the $60 month by month option but then you also have to pay $60 for the modem even if you dont use it or need it, so if you picked the month by month option think of it as paying $60 to see if lives up to standards as you wont get invoiced until the 1st of the following month if its fine then no reason not to contact support and start 12 month contract for the $5 discount and maybe try and haggle $60 credit for the modem if they dont want you to switch providers.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, just switched and my Aussie renews on Friday, and asked them to cancel before then. Wish me luck! Might be going offline for a bit…

    • Do you still keep your phone number if your offline?

      • I hope so. They say they will SMS me when it’s ready to connect.

        We’ll send you an SMS shortly telling you it’s time to plug in the equipment including your modem - please wait for your SMS, as your service may not work properly

        • So far so good, received modem in less than 24 hours. Just waiting on my SMS to confirm activation. There is a link to click in Belong’s order status page to indicate modem has been received, which I’ve clicked. Aussie were super cool about cancelling with only a coupl’a days left in my month, no need to pay next months fee. Guess I’m just waiting now on a handshake between Aussie and Belong before I get that SMS.

  • I transferred from optus to Belong without issues. Connection has been good except for the first day, then a few short drop outs, rebooting the modem helped.

    No issues watching 4k hdr on TV, I say it's much better than optus.

  • +1

    Do they fully install the service? Like bring the cable from the street and install the NBN box in the house?

    Sorry, I am a bit out of the loop with NBN and how the process works. We have been told our current adsl is being shut down soon, so now looking for alternatives.

    EDIT: Just did a quick google. But for anyone wondering the same thing: Apparently NBN co need to install the fiber to the house. Belong can book an appointment for this installation. Then once installed belong just activate the service

  • Does this include calls as well?

  • to get someone a referral do i need to click on the referral link or use their code or just click on the image of the post? referral links dont seem to be links

    • Use the code..I have successfully validated the referral.

  • Hi guys,

    Would the starter package be enough for me or is there a big different with standard plus for the extra $10?

    There's 3 of us in apartment 1 tv with 4k Netflix and 2 laptops/phones… Not a whole pile of downloading apart from Netflix..


    • +1

      They are the same product. Starter is only available online, have a read on whirlpool.

    • the starter plan and standard plus plan are exactly the same speed profile NBN50 only difference is if you call and signup over the phone they will not offer you the starter plan only the standard plus or higher, you can only signup for the starter plan if you do it yourself online. your not getting any better connection paying the extra $10 difference between the 2 plans

      you will be fine with NBN50 with 1 tv with 4k netflix and 2 laptops/phones, if its your first NBN connection i would maybe take up one of the other providers offers on a NBN100 profile i know superloop had a free month promo any any speed but would need to BYO modem, just to know the difference in speed then if after you have tried it at the higher speed and you think you would be fine at half that speed signup on the Belong starter plan online.

  • +19

    Just signed up. YOLO

    Do you think I was being too honest to the rep?


    • haha

    • lol classic, glad i posted the deal again as old deal had expired and alot of people in those comments just thought it was a 30/20 profile which does not exist.

    • thanks for letting me know - I Lol'ed so hard

    • Usages… Interesting terminology lol

  • I wonder if they even bother to buy more than the standard CVC on this?

    • https://www.afr.com/companies/telecommunications/telstra-giv…

      i know its an old article but makes some good points its basically a telstra subsidiary that allows them to offer lower prices without having to lower them on there main brand to people who think the telstra brand is worth paying a premium for and a way to get into the fight of low cost broadband options

      sure they were not great for ADSL but mobile and NBN they have really stepped it up.

      in regards to CVC its telstra wholesale so they are not going to skimp out like a vocus or optus subsidiary would. as its telstras owned sub brand they would rather have your money over the next cheapest provider.

      • +3

        That article is the same Garbage I was told when I first signed up with Belong for ADSL in 2014.

        They told me they used the Telstra network but at a lower cost, which turned out to be a lie.

        They used "telcoinabox", a budget wholesaler. The connection identified as Telstra, was routed through some of their infrastructure, but it wasn't Telstra. Bandwidth kept dropping so I left, which was a whole lot of hassle in itself. Staff were incompetent and did not understand their product.

        I'm with ABB, who understand their stuff and offer good service. I have learned it is worth paying extra if you value your internet connection.

        • -1

          as i said its on old article was more just to point out where they have come from and how they can offer discounted prices and yes they stumbled to start with using telcoinabox for ADSL service but these days yes i would still avoid them if your stuck on ADSL but on NBN its all NBN infrastructure and mutiple people have done tracerts comparing telstra proper to Belong IP's and they take exactly same routes now.

          and yeah ABB is great i was with them for 6 months at discounted rate and if you need support/want to support companys with growing networks and dont mind paying the premium cost associated with that all power to your piece of mind and willingness to support them but as a budget savy customer why pay the premium cost when i can exactly same results i had with ABB for $25/mth cheaper is my point.

          • +1

            @FreoIsaac: At $55 this is for a very specific audience. It's entry level NBN. Speeds from speedtest are not a good indicator of the quality of the underlying infrastructure that telco provides.

            Until i see a CVC chart. I'll assume they're buying the absolute minimum. Belong can't be using the full Telstra network. At $55 a month, this would be a multi million dollar loss. And that's not even talking about the mobile credit and wifi modem, which make this a total loss for the company.

            It's $45 just to connect to the NBN 50 plans wholesale before GST, CVC, POI servicing, customer service etc.

            They'd have to skimp on CVC if the nightly minimum is 30Mbps. Cause skimping on customer service doesn't effect speeds.

            • @checkingthisout: oh yeah for sure there is not a chance Belong is making a profit with this offer its why its only offered online if you signup yourself if you call them and signup over the phone the cheapest plan they offfer is $65 and then you still get the mobile sim with $80 credit and free modem if you go on 12 month contract

              but i am less worried about them going bust like a telecube or buzztelco as telstra will just wear the loss its what they do

              and i only offer speedtests as a guide i trust apeedtest about as fast as i can throw one but i have a decent line sync at 55/22 regularly get 5.5MB/s when downloading files from google drive evn during peak hours, i have tried tracert during peak and offpeak hours, downloading and streaming all different times to try work out how can there be no issues with congestion i get same results if not better then when i was on ABB

              maybe i am just lucky and on a decent serviced POI that is has enough CVC for the small amount of Belong customers on it , sure its marketed as entry level NBN but so far last 24 days its same service i was getting with ABB

              • @FreoIsaac: yea but speed might get worse over time. i had this issue with optus cable.

        • yea this is what im afraid of. which u said bandwith drop, do u mean nbn or adsl/cable before nbn? please lmk fast thanks.

          • +1

            @Gerry H: That was ADSL. Started off great. Turned really crap really fast. Their staff had zero understanding of their product.
            Cancelling was a pain too. Took many messages for them to actually properly cancel it.

          • @Gerry H: i can only offer my own experience for my POI i have no issues with bandwidth i get constant 46-50 Mbps download and 15-17 Mbps upload

            have a look at bigjay post below Belong have come a long way in just a few years more POP's, better routes


            the only issue i have seen lately is a few getting delays on initial transfer to Belong but nobody having any issues with bandwidth

            i can understand the skeptics i was 1 and if you have had bad experience like @make it so has with there ADSL 5 years ago i could see why you wouldn't want to give them another go.

            all i can say is YMMV but a month in its been fine for me getting same service i had with ABB but $25 cheaper.

            • @FreoIsaac: hows international ping? do u play games on foreign servers? i had ok ping with tpg adsl years ago, after i switched to optus cable (my adsl kept dropping after rain and technician it was problem inside the house) ping was insane.

  • +5

    Think it's time for Aussie broadband to work on their plan prices a bit,pretty steep with $79 50/20 unlimited.

    • I’d prefer AussieBB focused on fast, stable, exceptional networking experiences, with great international connections. As a lot of servers are based overseas. And leave the garbage international performance, standard internet experiences to the companies that want to race to the bottom.

      I’ll pay more for the quality network (technically only). Superloop, Telstra, AussieBB, Launtel.

      In the end. The cost is actually an NBN problem. CVC is a joke at 8Mbps.

      • +6

        I understand, but still at the end of the day when you add all other bills it adds up, few dollars here,few dollars there. $55 And $79 is almost half as much difference. Im with ABB and the service is great, but still think it should be a bit more reasonable when it comes to pricing.

        • You want premium connection. But you don’t want to pay. And it’s not AussieBB fault. It’s Telstra the coalition and NBN. Nothing more.

          I’ve tried a lot of different NBN providers. I’m so grateful that there is a choice and something premium. AussieBB would give us 1Gbps for $100AUD like NZ if wholesale prices were possible. But the monopoly wholesale provider kneecapped by greed is the problem of pricing. There is little margin in $79. There is no margin in $55.

          I’ve tried AussieBB, Vodafone, Mate, Bee something(defunct), Superloop, Belong, Telstra, TPG and Optus now. Some my own connections, some others. Some FTTP and some FTTN.

          Having the choice is great. Leave the turdnet to the budget conscious and have a premium product for business and people that appreciate it.

          I’d leave AussieBB the day they can’t afford to keep local staff and open up decent connections to international servers.

          No network is the same. There is a lot more than just “the NBN”. AussieBB isn’t for you by the sounds of it, the good thing is you have ALOT of choice. That’s fine. Go to Belong, Kogan, Vodafone or any other priced low product.

      • The ACCC reporting as of August reveals that ABB actually aren't really anything special in terms of network performance.

        • +1

          There is SO much more to a network than the very basic testing that the ACCC does on a very SMALL data set.

          • @checkingthisout: what is the ACCC report missing? the testing done by SamKnows seems to cover the important things that most people including myself would look for. While a bigger sample would better, the 1,095 NBN services tested should be enough to get an accurate picture i would think.

            • +1

              @yupyup: It doesn’t test download speeds to overseas servers or links, it doesn’t test throughput of downloading files (can this line keep its download speed for the entirety of the download), it doesn’t test DNS response times to multiple locations, it constantly pings and downloads the same servers meaning.

              Not that I am claiming this is true only that it is possible. I am sure a smart, technical ISP if they wanted to, could find out what lines were testing. Nothing is random after all.

              I’m not saying that AussieBB is amazing. I’m saying it can’t be compared to Belong, Kogan and other cheap ISP.

              Speed at Speedtest.net vs speed to google drive is very different on these ISPs.

              • @checkingthisout: interesting, i didn't know that the RSP you go with directly influenced those types of specifics in different ways beyond what would be measured in a speedtest.net type test. i wouldn't have expected that 2 different RSPs with exactly the same speedtest.net measurements for a given service would differ hugely on those points, but i wouldn't really know.

                • @yupyup: Yes absolutely, due to the coalition making the NBN a MTM with anything other than FTTP. It's very hard to get solid data. The data that is achieved in these tests is garbage. 1000 FTTP test would be great data, then it's easy to see the network outside of the NBN is efficient or not. But with FTTN, FTTC, FW, HFC in the mix. It's a garbage lottery.

    • Yes I am on the same plan and my discounted period finishes in Oct, I am paying $59 at present and I like Aussie Broadband, no issue with them at all and got my landline with my NBN, but once revert to $79/month is not very competitive, I wouldn't mind signing with them for 12 months if they can keep the discounted price for me, otherwise have to look for alternative.

      • +1

        I agree, i wouldn't mind signing a year or two contract if the price was more reasonable.

      • +3

        yep its only reason i moved off ABB at end of august was $20 discount promo was over and they would not budge even if i agreed to go on contract.

        have no idea how Belong are making a profit at $55 but its telstra owned so at least you know they wont go bust like alot of smaller ISP/RSP offering big discounts

        in regards to international links i have not noticed any difference then when i was with ABB but thats just my exp. i do like that ABB and Superloop are growing there own network and making there own links outside AU instead of just sitting on there hands and using what links are avaialable and if you can afford to pay them for that premium good

        but for me i have a good line i never had to contact ABB during the 6 months i was with them for any support issues so why pay the premium cost each month

  • @speedstyle - (advertised as 30/20 during peak hours but actually no shaping of speed so its actually just standard 50/20 speeds anytime) where does this say ?

    • +1

      people says, reviews says. just believe it mate.

    • +2

      yeah you just have to believe the people on here and whirlpool of course Belong would not post it anywhere on there website they much rather advertise low speeds and deliver high speeds

      here is another speedtest just for you i did right now https://www.speedtest.net/result/8615980201, if you want to see speedtest during peak hours there are pages of them on whirlpool

    • +1

      I am on Belong having setup NBN for the first time a few weeks ago. I have been running a speed test most nights and have 12 that were 46/17 during peak with only two around 36/12. So while there are a few nights that slow down a little, for the most part its right on the 50/20 speed you would expect.

  • Can anyone comment on tech support waiting times? Im with exetel and the average wait time is 90 mins every single time i try and call.

  • How many days did it take for you to connect exactly? I have FTTP :)

    • For FTTP, several hours. I signed up in the morning, I found out their service took over from ABB in the evening. I used the same modem.

      • how's Belong compared to ABB? I'm with ABB atm

        • +7

          It's like comparing Sony and aiwa

        • Speed-wise I'd say the same. The only difference for me is the tools that ABB provide for self-diagnostics.

          • @fyeahm: how it goes with international connections? can you run some speed tests to Singapore/Hongkong/US please? I'm not worried about speed but ping

            • +1

              @dinhdz91: Against 3 Singapore servers, I got 292, 52 and 128 ms.
              Against 3 HK server, I got 125, 342 and 188 ms.
              Against 3 US server, I got 255 (California), 298 (Illinois) and 311 (New York).

        • +10

          The best comparison is:

          Belong: Your Mums Barina, it drives, she puts the fuel in so it's cheap and it goes 0/100 in 15 seconds but won't do 100Km/h in high winds.

          AussieBB: You went on a vacation and hired an SUV, now you're paying the fuel and you hate it, how can fuel be so expensive, it shouldn't cost this. It will sit at 100Km/h in high winds no problem though.

          New Zealand Fibre: Like driving a Ferrari that you won at a raffle.

  • +1

    Will be promo ever be expire? I want to sign up but there is no option to activate it on future date. Thanks

    • Same here I want to sign up. Someone said better to do it on the 2nd of October. And don't forget, referral code!

      • What code?

        • When you try to sign up there should be a box saying if someone refer you. Then both will get credit. Hey OP please edit your post to include info about referral. It's $20, quite significant

          • @CyberMurning: How do we get the code?

            • +1

              @cnn888: Look up just above the Facebook blue logo. If you want to say thanks to the OP then use his or you can click random

            • @cnn888: in regards to the promo ever expiring bigjay on whirlpool says this deal has been active for a long time only reason i could see them removing it is if they come to there senses and realize how much it must be costing them.

              in regards to signing up yeah if you want to be true ozbargainer and try and get your whole entire first month free you would wait to signup so service goes active early October with monday the 2nd being most likely day you would want it to go active so depending on what sort of NBN connection HFC can be done in matter of hours or take 35 days and Belong still not transfer it and not even give you a proper response on what the delay is and you frustratingly look elsewhere , FTTN transfers take a little longer wont be as small as few hours and expect some downtime in between i got lucky was only down for about 12 hrs and they activated me on a Saturday being 31st of August but didn't mark the service as active until the Monday which was the 2nd of September so system never created an invoice for September. all i will say is i put order in on website on the Monday last week of August and that by saturday i was up and running i just got lucky with when my service went active

              i would be looking more closely at your previous providers cancelation policy and if they require a certain amount period before they let you cancel some have strict 30 day notice periods , ABB has one in there T&C but are actually much better to deal with if you call them as just ask can you cancel it on last day of current billing period.

              in regards to the referral links its right there at the bottom of the post not in the description anymore just right below it mod edited it out and put it where it should be big letters REFERRAL LINKS where you can either put my code or a random other customers code if they have added it there are another 584 customers codes in the link has Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off 1st payment.

  • was it just me or anyone else cannot find where "50/20" is mentioned, all I can see is 30mb download speed is mentioned.

    • Gessus another one…

    • +1

      yeah its not just you they dont make it very simple to follow there is no NBN profile provisioned to be a 30Mbps, there is either NBN12,NBN25,NBN50 and NBN100 , Belong do not offer NBN12 or NBN25 plans so that only leaves NBN50 or NBN100

      they just put 30 Mbps download on website to cover themselves if speeds do ever dip that low but in reality if you POI has the CVC and your line can reach NBN50 profile speeds there is nothing different between the starter and standard plus plans right now.

  • I have a six month lease. Can I move my address in 6 months, or are these sort of plans locked to an address with fees for moving?

    • https://www.belong.com.au/broadband/moving-internet

      from what i can tell you should be fine as long as you can still get NBN at the new address your not breaking the contract not sure if contract starts at month 1 again at new address or not best to ask them directly?

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