• expired

NBN Starter Package: $55/Month for 12mths, 50/20 Unlimited Data, $0 Modem, $0 Setup, Free Mobile SIM with $80 Credit @ Belong


50/20 connection (advertised as 30/20 during peak hours but actually no shaping of speed so its actually just standard 50/20 speeds anytime)
unlimited data,
12mth contract,
$0 Wi-Fi modem,
$0 standard activation,
$80 mobile credit
TOTAL = $55/mth

T&Cs = https://www.belong.com.au/content/dam/belong/downloads/CIS-B…

**To see the $55 per month price, select Starter in the speed selection box, its also only available if signing up online yourself, if you call sales they will only offer you the Standard Plus plan or higher

if you dont want to lock into a 12 month contract then its still only $60/mth but then you also have to pay $60 for the wifi modem even if you dont need it and want to BYO modem.

another thing to note with the Belong billing system is that they only start billing from the 1st of the Month after you come online with them, i put order in at the end of August, with my connection starting on the 2nd of September so effectively you get whole month or there part of free too

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (331)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (33)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

      • Fttp with my own router.

        • +1

          lucky you. i still stuck with fttn. waiting for activation sms. my login page said expected 8th oct. but im using it now already

          • +1

            @CyberMurning: would say your TP-Link VR1600v from TPG is better then the Belong sagemcom f@st 4353, you have the option for VoIP functionality if you ever want to use that and at least you can change DNS settings on the TP-Link modem unlike the sagemcom.

  • Sign up on 1/10 at 10 pm.
    My login page said expected 9th Oct.
    got modem this afternoon, but automatic been activated this morning using MR's modem
    I had called ABB to cancel my plan so they don't start my next billing period from 9th Oct.

    The speed test result is better than ABB same time yesterday

  • Signed up on Wednesday, received a modem on Thursday morning but have not got activation text yet.
    How long does it usually take for service to get active?
    Will be very upset if I have to wait until Monday to get the internet.

    • It may have been activated already. I was with Telstra NBN, requested Belong NBN day before yesterday, Telstra NBN account disappeared from Telstra account this morning but i m connected to NBN. So i assume i m already with Belong.

      does anyone know how to check who is your current NBN provider?

      • Try the checker on www.nbnco.com.au
        My address shows as ‘waiting for activation’.

        I signed up on 24th, modem received on 25th, still waiting for activation SMS. I call every day, sometimes multiple times. They told me earlier today it would be another 3 more business days for my activation.

        • Yes it says connected but does not say who i connected with or who is my current provider (ie am i connected with Telstra or Belong).

        • Ha - my better half self a FB message to NBNCo this afternoon. NBNCo’s reply: “Our internal systems indicate there is currently no connection order placed for your address. I would recommend reaching out or your provider again and requesting that an order be placed for you to get online.”
          OMG these clowns telling me every day they are waiting on NBNCo to activate the service. I will keep fighting the good fight. 🖕

          • @muncan: Called Aussie this morning and they reconnected my NBN in less than an hour. No more clowning around.

      • Thanks! Though i have not received any activation msg. I plugged in the new modem and internet is back again.

  • I cancelled Superloop (ONLY because this company is $20 cheaper a month - and I am regretting it already). It's been 6 days already, still no connection (I have FTTP) and all I hear from these guys is "You have to WAIT", plus they tell me not to call anymore haha.

    So, be aware of this. If I knew it, I'd have not switched providers.

    Any advice on what to do here? Should I just cancel this and go back to my old provider? I just need internet back up and running for work and the family.

    • Hmm 6 days pretty tough…

    • Yeah thats rough to be honest i wouldn't wait it seems Belong just drop the ball on some orders and they fall through the cracks and they just tell you to keep waiting

      FTTP as you say normal tranfers can be done in hours i noticed someone earlier had same issue they rang ABB and were back within hours so if your needing internet ASAP give them or superloop a call

  • Hi Op,noob question
    I havent had NBN connected before. But my address is NBN ready(FTTC).How long roughly does it take to get connected?

    • Its a roll of the dice of how long it can take, first NBN installs will take longer then avg as they will need to book a NBN tech to install a NTD at your place for FTTC

  • +1

    signed up 24/9 for starter package on HFC. nbn appt on 2/10, successful (the tech found that the nbn team who made the place serviceable did a dodgy job, the tech spent 30mins undoing their work then another 20mins doing the rest. apparently this happens 50% of the time for HFC installs). 2/10 no modem yet or tracking info in the belong app, so called belong to escalate, modem arrives on 4/10. 5/10 now fully connected, results are reliably between 43/17 and 47/19 on 5ghz wifi in same room as router as of just now, very happy. wifi range on the router isn't great though, nearby rooms take a decent hit to this on both bands.

    • thanks for getting back with feedback. I will order now.

  • Signed up on the 26 Sept, NBN technician came on the 4 Oct. Connected the same day, great speeds during evening peak between 43-47 Mbps. Can't complain as even if the speeds slowed down to 30 Mbps download it's still cheaper and faster than my $60/month ADSL2+ TPG plan, and with the trick OP mentioned I get almost a whole month free.

    • Exactly spot on. I was with nbn12 tpg too.

  • Signed up on Sunday, NBN switched over on Monday morning at 7am. Was down for about 10mins than modem got sync and connected. Still haven't received the modem/Sim in the mail.

    47 down and 19 up, more than acceptable on fttn and the price is great.

  • I had been thinking of moving from Exetel to Superloop on the $69.95 50/20 500GB plan.
    Now I'm thinking of getting this unlimited plan for $55 per month.

    Few questions if I may….

    Do these guys charge any credit card fees, like Exetel does?
    They say its $59.99, but after fees, they cost $60.60 per month.

    Also, if I want to get out of this 12 month plan for whatever reason, how much to leave early?

    I'm on HFC and my last day is Nov 3 on Exetel.
    How long will it take to get connected to Belong?

    Thanks in advance for answers…

    • "Do these guys charge any credit card fees, like Exetel does?"
      you can choose pay by paypal, no extra charge. im not sure about cc i chose paypal

      search this thread "HFC" each pages there are few discussed already

  • Another question…

    Since I already have HFC and am on a plan with Exetel, will a technician still have to come to my house?

    • No. I'm on HFC and was automatically moved to belong. Am still using my old modem. Didn't put any usernames etc into the modem or router.

      I only realised I was already on Belong when I called AussieBB and they told me my service with them was already disconnected.

  • I am switching from Telstra to Belong. Placed my order on 1 Oct and still not active.

    • Did service disappear from your telstra online account? I moved from Telstra NBN and service was removed from my telstra account on same day.

      • Mine still there

  • Just signed up for this Belong deal after my Optus contract ended. Received the modem just waiting for activation which surely shouldn't take long with fttp?

    Also can anyone help: will the new Belong modem be better or worse than my optus device (says sagemcom f@st 3864 - I have no idea about this stuff) and if the optus model is better will it be hard to change settings to use with belong?

    • Still waiting for fttp connection here. 4 days so far.

      • Damn, hope I'm connected before the w/e. Have you tried calling to speed it up?

        • Calling or online chat doesn't help too much

    • I wonder if there's a reason they say not to plug in the modem before receiving the activation text.

      I signed up last Saturday for a FTTP connection at a house that I'm moving into this Saturday, no activation text yet, but considering I received the text with the modem tracking number 6 hours after the modem was on my doorstep, I'm thinking that maybe their texts are just slow?

      • +1

        I got sick of waiting plugged it in to a different uni-d port and it's working? Wondering if it's probably been activated these past two days…

        • +1

          Might give that a try tonight. 5 days and still no sms for fttp.

          Curious also as to why they say not to plug in the modem.

          • +1

            @funky: Yeah its def worth a try. Been working absolutely perfectly since yesterday and I still haven't got an sms and the app still says not activated yet?

  • Well it's taken about a month for Belong to take over my line from ABB (FTTC). They still haven't completed processing the order on their end so currently without internet and apparently now that the line is disconnected it will take up to 7 business days to connect, so might be without internet for a week when I was told it would be a half hour down time…
    They gave me the run around a lot during the past month and I have called them more than 7 times, I contacted NBN and it seems for the majority of the month they'd just put the request in wrong and then wouldn't look at it again until I called up which would result in them doing it wrong again and not investigating.
    So yeah it's been fun…

    • So I got sick of being lied to and having them blame NBN when I know its not an issue on their end and not having internet so I called up Aussie. Despite not having the line and despite all this stuff NBN was supposedly doing like putting a new "device" at my property cough bullshit cough. ABB was able to take over the line and have internet at my property within 20 minutes…

      • Yeah that sucks i wouldn't of waited a month i would of been looking elsewhere after a week, i wonder how they (profanity) up some orders so bad yet others go through fine, have you ever had a service with telstra at your address my guess is because they use telstra backend to match the address to what nbnco has if its different nbnco just reject it , belong then does not update the telstra backend and just resubmits it wrong again

        • Personally never been with Telstra for internet. Not sure about the previous owners though.
          The area used to be a Telstra adsl copper area though, couldn't get optus and could only get adsl off-net plans from non telstra providers.

  • lots of drama for me as well. placed my order on 1st, haven't received activation text. called yesterday, told me it will be active next week. Fine. However, they called me today saying they have trouble taking over my NBN service from Telstra . Asked me to call Telstra to disconnect or book an appointment with their technician team then someone will come on site to activate it. Worried if I disconnect first I may not have wifi for a while. Anyway, none of this makes sense to me considering it's a smooth transition for other Telstra customers. It's been lots of fun.

  • I ordered on 9 October 6:00 PM. I received the tracking SMS after the modem was delivered 11 October morning but still hasn't received the activation SMS. The systems at Belong do not sync with each other. Let see when I received the activation SMS.

      • Last night, I connected the Belong provided Modem to check but no luck. I kept the connections ON and today afternoon (15 October) the Internet started working but still haven't received the activation SMS from Belong.

        Could someone help if they know. I'm on NBN HFC and was previously with ABB. I was using Arris CM8200 Modem and Asus RT-AC68U as my router with ABB. Can I use the same combination or do I have to use Belong provided modem/router with the Arris?

        I would prefer to use Asus as my wifi-router.

        • have you tried just unplugging the belong modem/router and plugging everything back in normally how you had it setup before with ABB, your not forced to use the Belong modem/router at all

          • @FreoIsaac: Yes,you are right. The same config is working. Arris modem and Asus router.

  • Signed up on 2 October and I'm still not activated with Belong despite being on FTTP (from experience switching providers should take hours not days).

    Received an SMS today saying that they need to do 'additional work' to get my service up and running but I have no idea what 'work' is involved and why I am being asked to wait up to another 5 working days. Support couldn't help other than advise my case had been escalated.

    Not a good experience so far. If it drags on much longer I will tell them to cancel the contract at no cost and they can pay for the return postage if they want the modem and sim card back.

    • Sounds like you’ve got the same issue as me, where they blame Telstra for not forwarding the order to NBNCo. No charges from Belong to cancel if your NBN isn’t activated. They will tell you they’re sending a postage satchel to return the modem, but I haven’t received the postage satchel in a week now. Wasn’t going to rush sending it back anyway. If they call about it I’ll tell them not to worry as their case has been escalated! 🤣

    • same here

      • I decided to give the second UNI-D port on my NTD a try and it is already set up despite what Belong was advising! Will see when I get the SMS. Definitely getting 50/20 as well.

  • Not sure if it has been answered, but for the $80 mobile credit, is it possible to add it onto an existing Belong Number?
    or do i need to do some port out and port in thing to get the benefit?

  • Still not connected yet, singer up on the 2/10. Got an SMS saying up to another 5 business days. no big deal, have paid for ABB up too the 15/10 so at least they won't start billing yet

    • Signed up 1 October, my belong website says expected to activate on 8 October but I also got that another 5 days SMS last week.
      Lucky me, I was connected already since 2nd or 3rd of October even though no activation sms received yet

      • if you don't get the sms what credentials do you use to connect to the provider?

        • +1

          Belong uses IPoE to connect so you don't need to put any credentials in the modem settings as long as you have it set to IPoE with no vlan tagging it will just auto connect once you have sync. the Belong modem all comes with that set as standard so its just plug and play, only thing would need to change is wifi settings if you dont want to use the default ssid. but if your previous NBN modem supports IPoE and is not locked to the previous provider nothing stopping you just leaving that plugged in

          i dont get why people would wait for sms to say service is active before plugging in there modem, it is not going to break anything if you plug the modem in before service is active, also people with multiple UNI-D ports on the NTD not sure why you wouldn't check the other ports to see if they had sync

          had very simple change over for my FTTN i noticed modem lost sync from ABB and service was deleted in the ABB members page, 12 hours later modem had sync again, rebooted modem and bam instant connection i dont think i got sms to say service was active for another 5 days but whatever service had been working fine for me i didn't wait for silly sms to say i could plug in my modem now.

        • as above. i changed setting on my previous nbn tpg modem and woalaah it works

    • I also signed-up on 2nd Oct, service disappeared from my Telstra account next day, internet is still working, Belong delivered modem on 7th but have not bothered to connect it as my NBN with Telstra modem is still working fine without any changes. But Belong sent me SMS saying they are still working on getting my service up and running. My Belong account still says service is not connected.

  • Don’t wait for the activation sms. My fttn internet from other provider was cut off the next business day I signed up online with Belong. I had no internet for six days thinking there would be no internet before I receive the activation sms until I read here suggested by someone to just plug your modem without receiving activation sms. As soon as I plugged in the free Belong modem, internet was working fine with even better sync and Speedtest result. I am pissed off that Belong didn’t send sms when internet was activated already. I guess my internet was connected the day it was cut off from previous provider as others have only few hours of downtime.

    I had been contacting them everyday since my internet was cut off but they always told me it will take 2-7 business days for internet to be activated when in fact internet may have been activated the day it was cut off.

    • Same here but I'm using previous tpg modem. I don't even bother to call them. If they dont send activation till 2nd of November, we will be getting October and November for free.

  • +1

    Wanted to add to this thread because I actually went with Belong after reading this thread (thanks OP and other commenters).

    Just got it installed last Monday 7th of 10th.
    Ordered Sunday 29th of 9th.

    Got sent all equip within 2 working days.
    Multiple calls to touch base from Belong to keep me up to date.

    Confirm that lowest plan advertised at 30 does give 50 (since it's installed I think I've downloaded 10gigs just in speed testing!) (Fibre to the Curb).

    Needed a Telstra person to come out, was around 1 week lead time - after they came out and found the pit and wired the cables into the big black boxy thingie Internet worked after about 45 mins.

    Also try to get switched over at beginning of month, so you get Internet free for the rest of the month till your billing cycle starts from 1st.

  • just received sms " welcome to belong! your service is now active "

    • Now you can save 5c/month and switch again!

      • ah, thanks but no. not worth the hassle. i used to getting 5MBs with tpg adsl and paying $59 so this belong is already like fibre-optic for me (and cheaper)

        • TPG will try to make you pay the 30 day notice fee, here's what I said to them so that they waived it for me - good luck!

          Hi TPG Internet,

          Thank you for your email.

          I was hoping that you could please waive the 30 day notice period?
          I have been with you since #### and have been a really good customer, always paying my bills on time without any issues.

          I have read online that as a gesture of goodwill you have in the past waived the 30 day notice period.
          So I hope you can do this for me as well.

          Thank you,

  • Anyone done a fttn move from Aussie broadband to belong?
    Smooth process? How long did the switch take?

    • Not ABB, but just switched the inlaws over from Exetel FTTN.

      Signed up Friday, modem was sent yesterday and arrived today (though still using the Zyxel modem from Exetel anyway since the Belong one doesn't have VoIP). Connection was ready to go today.

      Now just need to get on to Exetel to make sure they are going to stop billing as everything still shows as active when logging in.

      (Actually, just found an email in junk from Exetel regarding the (automatic) cancellation request. Still trying to charge the extra 30 days notice period despite their email about the price rise (the initial reason for switching) saying no need to provide 30 days notice before November. Anyone else switching because of the price rise be sure to check as well.)

      • Hi mate. I am currently with Exetel and considering making the switch to Belong. I just received the email about the price rise. How'd you go in the end regarding Exetel looking to charge the extra 30 days?

        • What price rise?

        • All good, after contacting them they put an immediate cancellation on it so it wouldn't charge any more (think there was 1 day charged pro rata by the time they responded, calling rather than email might be a better option)

          • @bamzero: I signed up for Belong yesterday. Should I wait till the day that Belong goes active, to call Exetel and disconnect the same day?

            • @chugsta: If you're on FTTN the cancellation should be automatic when they receive the request from Belong to switch over.

              Should receive an email from Exetel that shows the request date and date the service will actually be cancelled (which if is 30 days later then need to contact them).

              FTTP would remain active until you cancel yourself I would imagine.

  • Got an sms today that the service is live, nice timing as my ABB turns off today (allowed two weeks lol, signed up on the 2nd).
    HFC, all speeds the same worked automatically

  • Can someone tell me what Dynamic DNS services the Belong modem has built in?

    • DtDNS, DynDNS, statDNS, noIP, changeip.com, easydns.com , zoneedit.com, updates.dnsomatic.com have not any of them though so YMMV

      • Great thanks. I use No-IP.

  • Thanks i got it working

  • After 2 weeks waiting to switch from Telstra to Belong,I cancelled my order yesterday and joined SL. Connected today.

    • nice yeah good deal too for 6 months maybe try again after the 6 months with SL see if it is any easier then, crazy how they can just drop the ball big time with some orders falling through all the time and then they just come up with BS on reasons for the delays. yet others can be down within hours.

  • Ordered on the 14th October, plugged it in today (18th) and it works very well.

    No down time and I didn't wait for the activation SMS. I agree with spedstyle, what's the point of waiting for the SMS? You've got nothing to lose, just plug it in and see if it works. If not, just unplug it and keep waiting.

    I was with Telstra HFC and the connection was getting quite sluggish lately. Did a speedtest before plugging in the Belong modem and it was at 9mbps (50/20 connection). Getting 44mpbs with the Belong.

    • just plug it in and see if it works

      When you sign up with Belong, do you get a router setup guide?

      How will I know how to set it up, since it will most likely be a different setup to Exetel?

      Does the setup require username/password, etc?

      • Read from page 1 the answer is somewhere there

  • Having a hard time connecting to 5Ghz lately, not sure what gives?
    Incidentally still haven't managed to sell the Belong modem or sim with credit either..

    • Belong wouldn't have anything to do with this….right?

      • Hoping not, was working before I believe. I've added a Chromecast audio on the 5Ghz network also and think the other devices need to be on 5Ghz for it to work as well?

        • +1

          not sure what sort of setup you had before Belong but @ChiMot who came from TPG noticed issues with slow uploading when using his old TPG modem/router he switched to the Belong modem/router and instantly got much better results, someone else pointed out that TPG modem/router is known to have some settings that limit its uploading speed.

          the Belong service would not effect your wifi signal in any way it has to be the hardware your using or someone around you maybe.

          seeing as you still have the Belong modem, give it a shot see if its better then your old modem you would be surprised it is actually decently spec'd, sure its annoying to have to set up all your devices again but you can easily go into the Belong modem/router settings and change the wifi SSID and password to your old SSID and password then all your devices would just re-connect again to same network and you can also change the IP range to match your old range if you had devices setup with fixed IP addresses if that is an issue too.

  • I signed up 2nd October, modem got dispatched the next day, got it the day after (and then they sent me a tracking notice after it arrived lol).
    Finally got internet service on Tuesday 22nd October.

    Getting a solid 40/20 with FTTP at midday. Not a 50++ downstream but it's better than the advertised 30 and a good price.

  • +1

    Wow what a bunch of incompetent clowns. Not recommended.

    Existing Telstra NBN FTTN customer, ported VOIP number to mynetfone successfully, signed with Belong 11/10, indicated connection would be completed by 18/10. Telstra disconnected 17/10. No connection completed on 18/10. Rang and advised I needed it up and running ASAP as my elderly mother depends on phone for assistance and/or emergencies (she won't use a mobile). Spent many countless hours on the phone to Belong trying to get the service up and running - initially with call centre staff in the Philippines. Got nowhere.

    Ended up getting NBN involved - they were super helpful and asked if I could obtain the ORD number from Belong to speed up the connection process. Belong gave me the ORD number for the Telstra disconnection instead, lol. They couldn't give me the new connection ORD number.

    Had to dial in to Belong privately (#31#) to avoid talking to the Philippines call centre and speak to sales staff in Australia instead to at least try and get some sense. Dialling in without the mask just sends you straight to the Philippines once you are signed up.

    Eventually Belong advised me a case manager would be in touch within 48 hours. 2 days pass, didn't hear from them at all. Rang today to find out what was going on. "We've had an error with your order and we'll have to start all over again. It will be up to another 7 business days before we can connect you". Told them I'd had enough and that I'm withdrawing the order and advise me an address where to send their modem back to.

    Rang Superloop at 2:30pm today, very helpful from the word go. Finished phone call at 3:10pm after getting everything sorted. Connected at 3:15pm.

    Thank you Superloop. FU Belong.

    • I'm in the same boat atm

      It will be a month on Tuesday since my order was processed.

      It's being rejected twice when they use their nbn activation portal.

      They've said it's their system causing problems,they've had too many orders.

      I have a case manager and they said to give them till Tuesday.
      Not sure what they'll be able to do in 2 days they couldn't do in the previous 26.

      I'll sign up with superloop if it's not connected by Tuesday.
      Hopefully they'll let me keep the $80 mobile sim

      • +1

        Unbelievable. Withdraw the order with Belong, I'm glad I did. Superloop have been brilliant so far.

    • Ditto!

  • Awesome experience.

    Move from Telstra NBN to belong as the cost of Telstra was not competitive and they could not offer me anything to make me stay after years of service…

    Within the week, a modem came and got the confirmation SMS. Attempted to plug in modem.. but it didn't work, so replugged in the Telstra one that I have been using for the past 24+ months and was thinking that it had not 'switched over' yet.

    Seems the modem is compatible with the new Belong service (?unsure how.. maybe because they both are Telstra companies)! And it switched over without any down time. I recieved the prorata bill from Telstra after porting through.

    So far so good speed wise and I don't need to tell all my relatives the new wifi password haha..

  • Sign up today. Thank you op. I'll wait for them to setup up the internet at home to cancel my existing adsl connection.

    • You don't need to cancel as the line will be taken over by NBN

      • Some need to give cancellation notice. Example, tpg

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