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Free "Do Not Knock" Stickers


I was talking to a work colleague of mine, whose elderly mother-in-law has had problem with salespeople talking their way into her house. My colleague was worried that she would be pressured into signing contracts for things she didn't understand, as unfortunately there's plenty of dodgy "salespeople" who'll target the elderly and others.

Also in our old house, we always had people trying to sell us phone contracts, switch gas/electricity/phone providers etc, usually at 7pm when we're sitting down for dinner or about to go out.

Victorian Legal Aid are giving away these "do no knock" stickers to try and reduce the incidence of these annoyances. I've stuck one on our front door (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-EHtrgF5jGX4/Tg6MKrEjdQI/A…)

Please don't abuse the service, like asking for 50 free stickers just because they're free (I imagine they won't send you any if you try that). If someone should ignore the sign and knock anyway, get all their details and apparently they can get fined if you report it (don't know who to report it to).

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Victorian Government
Victorian Government

closed Comments

  • This only for VIC addresses?

    • You can select other states in the drop down box.
      So I'm assuming you can get it in other states

  • Interesting - I recently received an offer of a "do not knock" sticker with my Origin electricity bill, along with a pledge they've abandoned door to door marketing ("we've heard you" blah blah blah).

    Wonder what's prompted this. Has regulation been threatened or something?

    • Interesting - I recently received an offer of a "do not knock" sticker with my Origin electricity bill, along with a pledge they've abandoned door to door marketing

      I saw this at my grandma's house as well!

      • +2

        they are offering free stickers to prevent their customers churning to a new provider offering cheaper rates (funnily enough, by selling door to door like they first did).

        it's just a way to prevent existing customers from leaving, under the guise of "we heard you".

        • which provider has cheaper rates?

          if i can get cheaper electricity rates, it will have been the best and most useful thing i've actually got from ozbargain.

        • +1

          Exactly. Origin Energey aren't going to send a door-knocking-salesperson to your front door if you're already a customer. They're just worried you turn to a different provider.

    • +5

      New legislation came into place in VIC last year:


      Makes it 'tougher' for door to door sales. There's also calls for national restrictions or a ban. On top of that energy companies have agreed to 'self regulate' this issue.

      This "we heard you" approach by companies is just a way of reacting to this and an attempt to make it look like they actually care about customers when in reality they are the ones who created the issue in the first places and got a wrist slap for it. Much like banks dropping certain fees just before government regulations banned them anyway!

    • +2

      Origin in Victoria has the highest electricity rates out of any retailer, particularly in Powercor and Citipower DBs. There's nothing their doorknockers can sell because they are more expensive than almost everyone else. No wonder they want to keep their customers from churning away.

    • +1

      I got the "do not knock" sticker included with my electricity bill. Maybe they're only sending them to certain people?

      Queenslanders can the get the sticker for free from Origin's website at https://www.originenergy.com.au/sticker

    • +2

      This came in to place for qld at the beginning of this year. Possibly part of national changes:


  • +6

    I'm just very rude to them, works great and it's fun!

    • +3

      except that they know where you live…

    • I can remember when we had an optus seller come around to our old place…

      We said 'We will HAPPILY sign up…as soon as you put a optus cable to our door!' The f**king thing stopped LITERALLY a house up the street…

  • I've got one and they work a treat!

    • +12

      I'm incredibly nice to them… I just make sure I'm wasting their time and talking about anything and everything except what they're trying to sell. They end up getting the shits and leaving anyway. I think it's more satisfying to make them pissed off with you than to just let them walk away writing you off as another typical grumpy prospect.

  • +8

    Didn't want to make a seperate post for this as I wouldn't have researched it had it not been for original post in the first place, but here is a link to a QLD Government website offering very similar "NO Door-to-Door Traders" stickers.


    Shipping is free but you do have to register an account, a very quick process. As with original post, please try not to abuse it. The QLD Government will go broke otherwise! XD

    PS: There are other free items available for order on the website as well, including anti-smoking posters and other stuff (eg search "poster" or "sticker").

    • [edit:duplicate]

    • +2

      cheers mate.. just ordered one.. too easy

      • Fair enough :) Just putting it out there.

        • +2

          Thanks mate, I just ordered the QLD one too. Not sure which one I'll use but will give the spare to friends/family so it's all good.

  • on the matter of intruding businesses:

    I'm hoping one day residential junk mail becomes something you gotta opt-in to with a sticker 'Junkmail accepted'.. any other letterbox must not get it (politicians will make their important spam exempt of course). I know I'm eccentric, probably alone on this.

    I get frustrated because where I live most rubbish on the streets is junkmail.

    Gives me an urge to get a bunch of 'No Junkmail' stickers and do a run around the neighbourhood's letterboxes.

    Hell, for those that peel the sticker off maybe have another under it with 'check out Ozbargain if you really want good deals ffs.. comeon! get online mofo!!!'

    • +8

      I think I'm one of the weird ones that actually likes to flick through the catalogues but we never get any :(

      • i'm with you.

        coupons too. the next block always gets coupons and catalogues, but i miss out because i'm just at the start of a cul-de-sac.

    • I had a 'No Junk Mail Please' sign on my mailbox but I got junk mail anyway.
      Maybe it needs to be more official? E.g. have 'Authorised by some very important people' underneath it.

    • I actually enjoy flicking through catalogues but I hate going all the other stuff. Wonder what I can do about that…

    • +2

      i like catalogues but hate the crap from real estate and "sweepstakes"

  • What do the stickers look like? I think I need one that's as big as the whole door :P "GO AWAY!"

  • +3

    This would be good for shift workers and families with babies also.

  • Qld even have free 'Girls can do anything stickers'

    • +4

      "Qld even have free Girls" is what happens when you only read it halfway. Is there a "Men can do anything" counterpart for equality's sake? I guess not.

      • Sadly not :(
        Girls do better in school, more girls get into uni, yet still things such as that are being produced. It makes me worry about the future.

        • And yet girls are significantly underrepresented in Computer Science -for example, in 2010 only about 20% of bachelor degrees for computer science in the US were awarded to women. This is a worldwide trend.

        • +2

          Agreed, I don't know why you got a misandrist neg out of that, it's true!

          My (mature female) colleagues & I often discuss this & the ongoing societal emasculation of males leading to erosion of their rights!

        • +3

          Girls are under-represented in computer science because they CHOOSE to do other courses.

      • I'll stand up for women's rights when they stand up for the rights of people with disabilities…

        Ironically that usually makes them leave me alone…

    • haha yeah I have that sticker in my school diary, smells of vinegar ;)

      • I thought it would of smelled of fish…

  • What is the charge per hour?

  • +2

    excellent idea ! just ordered a couple, as i am sick of the ones that just need need to look at my bills to see if i am paying to much ! i usually just tell them to go away i don't show my personal bills to anyone .

  • Does it work with mormons?

    • +4

      You spelt moron wrong

      • I believe either is acceptable! ;)

  • +3

    What does the sticker say? Can I just print a PDF and paste it on our front door.

    Actually I would like to have a doorbell that on the first press, advises sales-persons and door-to-door religious fanatics to just go away.

    On the second press it would play a sample of Howard from The Big Bang's mother yelling, "There's someone at the door!"

    On the third press, it would play some irritating music, like Gaga's Judas.

    • LOL! Good idea this one :)

      • What's the betting next week the chinese come out with a customisable ringtone doorbell?

    • +1

      I couldn't help but just try this, I've got a microcontroller and RF tx/rx and hooked it up to my PC. It now does a regular bell the first press and plays Poker Face when you press it a second time.

      Fairly certain I'll be getting rid of that as soon as I can be bothered.

      • Wow, you are so 1986 .. Ferris Bueller, and all…

        • I definitely don't get the reference at all. I wasn't even born then :P

        • +3

          So what? I wasn't born in 1941 but I know who bombed Pearl Harbor?

        • @MrZ, no spoilers…we don't want anyone to know it was Michael Bay! ;)

  • I resent having to put an ugly, unwelcoming sticker on my front door in order to prevent serial pests. I think I'll continue to deal with them as I always have - telling them that I don't buy things door to door and shutting the door again.

  • +5

    Cool story bro

  • Salesman knocking at door = barking dog = baby awake = spin kick to the head of salesman. I'm getting a neon sign for my sticker.

  • +2

    Do not knock but ring the doorbell…

  • -2

    Of course the problem with these stickers is most of the door knockers that come to my place, namely Optus and Austar reps, don't actually speak any English and can't read the sticker anyway…

  • +1

    this is for front doors? I thought it would be for bedroom doors…

  • +2

    Got one with my last electricity bill. Stuck it on at our front door, and the next day had 2 guys from the local church ringing the doorbell and trying to preach me about Jesus. Not exactly salespeople, but I can't help but think that they should've respected my request to not be bothered.

    • +2

      Just put up a sticker saying "Welcome to Hell!" and they'll keep away ;-)

    • Sorry you had that experience. I am a JW and I would respect a sign that said "Do Not Knock" just as we were advised not to put our Memorial of Jesus death invitation in mailboxes that have "No Junk Mail". It makes it very hard when the message is so important :( (ps. I don't know if it was JWs at your door - mormons doorknock too)

  • +1

    I'm actually going to install a cheap video camera so I can monitor the front door. Then I can simply ignore the unwantables.

    • thats all I do. dont like who's there, dont answer…. just like caller id on the phone.

  • +6

    Get a "Dangerous Dog" sign from your council. They are huge yellow and black signs. Saw one on my walk yesterday. Don't get the dog-just the sign ;)

    • Now that's got WIN written all over it! :)

    • are these free from council?

  • A good idea but you can also do this yourself with a "No Trespassing" sign. Anyone that ignores the sign and enters your property is breaking the law.

    • …and then what, politely ask them to wait while the police decide to come over? or maybe ask for their identification for the purposes of legal action?

      only way this would work is if they drove onto your property and you got the rego details (and proof like a picture) when trespassing. otherwise a sign on its own wont do much bud.

      • …and then what, politely ask them to wait while the police decide to come over?

        Oddly enough, that's my understanding of how a citizen's arrest still works! Just how 'polite' you need to be depends on the situation of course, lest you become the victim of your own success! You probably couldn't choke out the Origin guys for instance; maybe Telstra staff though; but anything more than asking nicely might just get you real poor, real quick! :p

        I think the cops would take a dim view of it for a mere hawker as it would seem somewhat frivolous; but if you pressed the issue the act is still the act: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ilpa190126… …and by rights they have a duty to, well…act! ;)

        • It is legal to walk up to someone's front door, even if there is a "No Trespassing" sign. However it is only respectful to the householder to abide by their wishes.

        • Yeah, I'm not sure how persistent they'd have to be before you could invoke the act; I've never seen it tested in this manner. As stated, most reasonable people would deem it frivolous! ;)

          However, I've seen guys held & hauled off for walking onto properly signposted 'inclosed lands' even through open gates, so those 'No Trespass' signs aren't all for show IME! Again, I'm not sure if cold canvassing door to door is a valid reason to breach boundaries if there's signage? I'm no bush lawyer, but if anyone knows for sure I'd like to hear from them! :)

        • +1

          From that wandering goats may be destroyed - Interestingly specific!

        • ROFLMAO, well spotted daydream! 1901 clearly must've been a time when wandering herds of malevolent goats roamed the countryside! Well, at least before they were declared feral animals anyway! :)

        • Actually, It is illegal to enter a property with a "No Trespassing" sign. Unless you are a cop and have good reason to suspect a crime is being comitted.

  • +2

    I got the ULTIMATE revenge on a telemarketer from a telco once! (Same thing almost…)

    They kept on saying 'We can save you money on your phone bill'

    My response? 'No…you can't!'

    Her…'Yes we can!'

    Me…'No, you can't'

    She kept up and gave me her spiel, I gave mine back. What did she say? 'Holy hell, all that for $55 a month? What company, I'm signing up tomorrow'.

    Yeah…she rang me from a telco, I ended up reverse selling her and the entire office my telcos plan! Suckers…

    • +1

      What was your telcos plan? ;-)

      • +2

        $55 a month, included line rental, unlimited local calls, unlimited calls into the server, unlimited dial-up, $3 for two hours STD's and I think 40c a minute to mobile phones with no connection fee…was back in early 2000 so was a pretty good deal!

        • +1

          That's still pretty competitive with some plans today! Where was OzBargain back then when we needed it ;-)

  • Most. Off-topic. Ever.

  • +1

    I received mine today in the post! Very fast. Came in a huge envelope considering it contained 1 A4 order receipt and a small sticker that could have easily fit in a standard envelope. Thanks for the post — my last "do not knock" sign that I got from my local state politician has faded under the sun.

  • Thanks for the post

  • got mine thanks

  • +1

    still waiting for mine, hope it comes soon!

  • .

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